38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Ace you rock !!!! Already a fighter :) !! I hate damm time differences !!! Have to wait for news ;)
Great news Wish! I'm really excited for you to be PUPO.
I'm in the waiting room, waiting for us. I had a load of ewcm today, so DH had better watch out when I get home! I'll update once scan is done.
how'd your scan go, ellie? updates!
star - updates on you too!

well, I'm PUPO once again! little Ace thawed perfectly, maintained his grade of AB, which is second only to AA, I believe. And the doc said 'you can't get much better than that!'.
If he/she chooses to stick around, s/he'll implant in the next 3 days. I'm going to kick up my wooly-socked feet, eat soup and decaf coffee/tea and enjoy. Hopefully my boobs will hurt by this weekend.
Beta is 2/5 - day 16, man! that's LONG!
PUPO!!!!! :wohoo: 2/5 does feel like forever, but it will be here before you know. Crossing everything possible for you and Ace!
Eeek PUPO :) come on ACE we are all rooting for you , you can do this !!!! Take it easy wish xx

Ellie any news ? Star ?
Wish, that is so exciting! Come on bump buddies!!!

So... I had a really great response to Clomid...
Lining is 8.8, left ovary polycystic :( but........ right ovary is the mother lode: 2 dominant follicles of 17.1 and 19.5! She says I'm about to ovulate... My opks disagree, but I think it's a faulty batch. You'll have to excuse me now, DH and I have something important to do!!!
Wish- PUPO! So excited! Take it easy now and dont make any plans for October other than being around the hospital:). Thanks for the quote. Am sure i will be fine with the injections.

Ellie- CLOMID..... You rock:) Ellie are now excused to go take care of some important business:)

Dandi- i ll close my eyes with my first injection too. Thanks for the tip.

My sono was abit uncomfortable because there were 2 medical students in the room and one just kept on asking questions and questions making the procedure to be longer. They did ask me if i would agree to have the students in the room and i said yes coz i was once a student too.

Well, i have some good news and not so good news......i dont want to say bad news, because there is a way out.
Anyway, good news:
1) Good Uterine cavity
2) No cyst as from now
3) No polyp as from now
4) few small follicles noted. That means i may respond well to meds as per the RE

On the not so good news:
1) I have a retroverted uterus- as per RE it can bring minor complications with ttc but he is not so worried. Guess thats makes me NOT so worried either.
2) DAMN fibroids! DAMN fibroids! I just had a myomectomy in September to remove some of those suckers but they are so full of it. There is one that has grown back to be 3x3 cm outside the uterine cavity and there are like 10-15 small ones just hanging out outside my uterus.
RE stated that he will have to do a hysteroscopy before ET just to be sure we are not up against any adversaries. I have been through so many tests and procedures during this ttc journey that an extra procedure is nothing. So we will do a FET instead to accomodate hysteroscopy. My FET will be sometimes in March.

On a side note, do bcp make you emotional? Gosh i have just been so emotional and crying over small things. I was talking to my sister in law today and started crying that she is so lucky to have my brother as her husband and am lucky to have her as my sister in law. I cried at the docs office before the procedure. Last night i cried when Broncos worn the foot ball game. I also cried when my husband didn't take the rubbish out. Rarely do i cry but gosh this is too much! Am an emotional wreck now.

Sorry for the book. Have a good night my good ladies.
Damn fibroids! They are the devil. I feel your pain. I had an all clear right before starting fertility meds and had a new one pop up before I could even get to my iui because of said meds. Now we have to just watch and mAke sure it doesn't crowd out the baby. Good luck with the hysteroscopy! I hope you don't have any new ones pop up when you get pregnant. Everything sounds good and on track. March is just around the corner!
Wow! Busy day around here!

Wish, yippee PUPO! Ace is quite the overachiever, and the 5th will be here before you know it!

Ellie, that is an awesome lining. Slightly jealous over here :winkwink: and great follicles! I agree bow chicky bow wow time!

Star, lots of great news but damn those fibroids! SERIOUSLY...can't they give you a break. The one on the outside is not a big deal right? I cannot remember but I thought those were pretty inconsequential. Hysterscopy was nothing like a quick restful nap and super quick recovery, so you got that. March will be here before you know it and glad it is not throwing your timing off too much. As for bcp, yea can make you anytime I feel like I add in a new hormone based product queue the feeling like I could cry at the drop of a hat. We will be lovenox buddies! Do they think you also have a clotting disorder or just being super proactive?

Ugh so crazy busy this week, but it is making things fly by. I am headed to CT tomorrow, back Thursday night and then it is practically the weekend! So DH is leaving on Sunday for a work trip I may have said I wouldn't test...but who am I kidding I probably will. I kind of feel like I want the place to myself so I can 'jump off the cliff' when I give myself my first injection. Not many symptoms but definitely a heavy feeling uterus. Not sure if I had that last time I got my BFP, but it was certainly noticeable yesterday. Maybe it was because I am bloated because I haven't been able to get to the gym. I will say it is the former reason. :rofl:
Hi Everyone
Firstly, I’m really sorry to read your story Pothole, it brought a tear to my eye. I hope that you’re doing ok and the pain eases over time.
And the rest of you, good luck with whatever you’re up to. I recognise most of your names from early last year but Ellie, you are new to me so hi and good luck with catching those eggs.
Wish – I don’t know what PUPO is but it sounds GOOD!!
Afm – well this was my last post on the forum on 11 May 2015 after my BFP:
I'm currently in bed! I had the most scary day of my life yesterday after I posted on here. I started with mild to moderate cramps which got worse throughout the day along with spotting which was also worse than I'd had previously. I was convinced it was all over for me. Called our emergency out of hours doctors service (111) here in the UK twice but there was nothing they could do for me so just told me to sit and wait it out and if it got worse to go to A&E. Anyway, managed to go off to sleep and today it seems a bit better. STILL spotting! But no pain really. This is going to be a looooong 12 weeks....
4 days after I posted this, it was diagnosed as an ectopic pregnancy and I was in surgery having my right tube removed. So now I’m one tube down, still trying with an even lower chance of getting pregnant naturally. I’ve not felt able to log on to here since then as I couldn’t face it. But I’m back now and trying to return to the positive place I was once in. Plus, I felt like I owed you an explanation for my disappearance.
To top off my misery, today I was told I’m not eligible for IVF on the NHS because my AMH is too low. So I either pay £5k to get it done privately or just cross my fingers. I’m 39 now too 
Rant over – sorry girls.
On a positive note though, I see some of you are pregnant since I was last here though – Dandi, Left. HUGE congrats to you!!!
Chipie I remember you :) welcome back . Sounds like you have had a very rough ride on this journey :( I'm so sorry for the loss of your LO . I am glad to see you have found the strenght to come back and join the journey again .

On a positive note I personally know 3 people who have had ectopic pg with tubes removed who are now mums , 2 naturally one through Ivf . Our bodies are amazing things so there is every reason to be hopeful :)

Bummer about Ivf not being covered in Ireland its NEVER covered on national health .
Welcome back can't wait to cheer you on to your BFP :)
Thanks, kind words Left.
And you're right most people have to pay for IVF don't they. So I shouldn't be upset about that. Just my AMH levels are so low and the NHS doc didn't exactly paste a happy picture for me.
Super buzzed to hear about your friends who got preggers with one tube tho, and two naturally as well. Yey
is it 2/5 yet? heehee :)

star - yay for some good news and manageable 'bad' news! I hope those fibroids don't end up getting in the way of everything. Patience aside, I think I'd prefer to do FETs. Are you going to have PGD/PGS testing done on the embryos?

mdc - ohhhh so close with CT!! where in CT? loving the 'heavy uterus' and your temps. I can't wait for tomorrow's temps!!

chipie - I remember you as well. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I echo Left, though - I don't know if you remember Jessiecat but she got preggo with only one functioning tube. But I hear you on the age and the low AMH. I think that's terrible that you don't qualify for IVF b/c of that. If ever anyone needed help, it's us low-AMH'ers!! Good luck to you and welcome back!

nothing going on here, just whiling away the day, trying to eat well, drink well, drink warm stuff, stay warm, relax and not get all stressed out about my client emailing me 34728394 times a day with questions or with things that are broken! I'M FINE, I SWEAR IT, WHATAREYOULOOKINGAT?? :grr:

on a sidenote - anyone watch Making a Murderer on Netflix? Left, do you get that where you are or is there a Netflix UK or something? We are only on episode 5 of 10 but I just read a People article about it as well. Crazy stuff. And if you haven't watched The Jinx, do yourself a favor and find it and watch. Goooooood stuff.
Cheers Wish. And yes I do remember Jessiecat! But I didn't know that she only had one tube. Bring it on then!

Lots of my friends are going on about Making a Murder. Maybe I should check it out
Hahaha Wish its soon going to be 2/5. Hang in there. I have never watched that show before. I will put that on my " to watch list". Yes, I am doing PGS. I would prefer a FET and that is what are doing. I am ok with the wait.

Mdc- Mmmh that symptom sound promising. I am so excited for Wish and you. I know we going to be celebrating very soon. Am sorry for the crazy week of traveling but a girl gotta work huh. Yes, we will be doing Lovenox buddies.

Dandi- I do hate those damn fibroids too. I heard that when you are pregnant they stop growing. I don't know if that is true or not. I hope yours stop growing too.

Chipie- Welcome back. I am sorry for what you had to go through. I have also heard of people getting pregnant with one tube. It will happen to you too.

Hi to Everyone else.

Nothing going on with me today or the next couple of days. Just hanging out with my bcp and work.
That's on UK Netflix too. Cool, another series to watch!!!
DH and I are stuck into The Tudors at the moment: Henry VIII is currently on his 3rd wife!!!

Well, my right ovary feels like it's about to burst. There is so much pressure now. I now have 2 around 20mm in the one ovary, so not surprising that it's a bit sore. I'll be quite glad to ovulate. Judging by the opk I got earlier, it should go tomorrow.

Hi Chipie. I'm so sorry for what you went through. It's really tough when the NHS can't help us. I've started down the private route this month after being told I was too old to qualify for NHS assisted conception (I'm 38 now, but they want me to try for another 2 years - total of 3). I then thought about what the NHS was set up for: making sick people well. I'm ok with doing this privately now, but it hurts that different Trusts have different policies.
I had an early loss in the summer and it devastated me. I don't think I'll ever totally get over that. Have you decided if you are going to pay or cross your fingers?

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