38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

aw, ellie. I'm so, so sorry. :hugs:
This is all just nonsense. I hope AF comes quickly for you too and then you get a new month of hope started, starting with Clomid tomorrow. This is sooooo frustratiiiiiiiiiiing.

dandi - thank you - wrote it down! I'll order that one next. Or maybe now.

chipie - I don't think I had insomnia. it didn't really impact me at all, I don't think.

OH, and I thought of maybe picking up the organic apple cider vinegar again. It's supposed to be really good for you - I was doing it this time last year. A teaspoon mixed with 8oz of warm/room temp water in the morning, and then I would also put a cap-full on my salad. It balances your pH, can clear skin, and a bunch of other good things. I'll pick some of that up soon too. Bragg's is supposed to be the brand and to get it with 'the mother', which is the floaty stuff inside.
Ellie, I am so sorry :hugs: everyone is right you will get your sticky BFP soon, but I agree waiting sucks a$$.

Welcome Nikki!

Wish, your plan sounds awesome! I love Braggs apple cider vinegar. I use it all the time. I might be weird but I love the taste of vinegar. I tend to use it is soups (cauliflower or Thai butternut squash). I add it just at the end and it is awesome. Oh yeah, one glass a weekend... women please :winkwink:

Thanks everyone. I am finally home sweet home and waiting in the docs office. Never a good sign when you do not see her car in her parking spot. Hoping that we do not have to wait too long. I am dying to be on my couch with my iPad just chilling.
On Monday one of my darling students passed away. She was17 years old and just such a joy. She was blind, non verbal, in a wheelchair, and tube fed; and you didn't see any of that when she smiled. Oh that girl could light up a room. She smiled with her whole body, and she'd stick her tongue out and laugh so hard her chair shook. Can 2016 be done, please? David Bowie, Alan Rickman, the miscarriage, and now this..I'm just over it. We really need some insanely good news on this board. Or if you UK folks could lend us the Monarchy till November so we can avoid these asinine political ads for the next 9 months, that would certainly make this particular expat happier.
In ttc news, my hsg is now negative. I have a fibroid or polyp in my uterus that showed up in the miscarriage scan. Once AF shows up, I'll have a sonohystogram to determine which it is, and if we take it out, and if so by what means. And that's about it. Love you all. I promise, I'm getting better and I'm so grateful for your encouragement. It's just been a really sad week.
I am so sorry about your student, Pothole. I'm glad she was so loved and valued.

I agree about the good news needed. This next cycle had better give us all bfps!
Oh Pothole that's really sad. It puts things into perspective a little bit. Whilst we're all desperately trying to make our perfect families, there are a lot of people out there who are a lot worse off than ourselves who are so far away from being able to make their own family but still take pleasures in the life they have. I think I'm just going to be grateful today for my health and the health of df.

Plus I'm sure we'll all get bfp's next cycle!!! :)
pothole - :hugs: wow. Yes. You get a do-over for 2016. You should just start signing today as 1/1/16 and just explain to people you give checks to or whatever that you had a really shitty start to the year and you needed to do it. Or say that you follow the Chinese New Year and that started 2/8 - so only (ugh, ONLY) one terrible thing has happened so far this year.
I'm so sorry for your lost student. She sounds like a ray of sunshine. I am not religious but I can hope that she is in a better place, free of the troubling body that she carried around this earth. It sounds like she did what she was supposed to do here - simply bring joy to those around her. I'm glad you had a chance to know her.

mdc - right? one glass!! :rofl: totally kidding, chipie - mad props to you for being able to do that!
how did the doc go yesterday?

chipie - how's the temping going and such on vaca? are you supposed to O while you're there and make a vacation baby?

ellie - how are you doing? you ok?

star - how's the first day of stims go?

afm - hoping to get in on a cancellation appt next week and still not have to push my cycle out. We'll see. I somehow lost 2lbs overnight - I think the estrace weight is coming off. GOOD RIDDANCE! If I'm not going to get preg, at least I can be thin, dammit!
Booked a cottage up at Bar Harbor, ME for a week in the summer with some friends this year. First summer vacation I'll have had in YEARS. I can't wait. So, again - lots of things to be thankful for and look forward to.

hello to anyone I missed! :wave:
I don't know where my willpower not to drink comes from Wish, as I used to be a bit of a party girl. That's probably what got me into this mess in the first place though- unmarried and childless at 39! In that respect I've kind of fallen out with alcohol, it used to be my friend and now I'm kinda cross with it if you know what I mean

My temps have been erratic. 36.12 at their lowest and 36.58 at their highest. Is that normal for pre-o? I'm not peaking yet on my o monitor but will probably do tmw and then o on Sunday when we come home. Deffo making that vacation baby! :)

Hope you get your cancellation appointment, that would be a stroke of luck and it's about time we got some luck on here right?
Oh pothole, I am so sorry for your student. I can see even through you description what a beautiful, happy child she was. I like Wish's idea you get a restart to 2016.

Chipie, hope your holiday is still going great! My temps are always rocky, so you are not alone there.

Krasa, I was just thinking about you today and hope you are doing well!

Star, how are the injections going?

Ellie, how are you doing and are you doing clomid again? Are you going to call the doc to see if there are other options?

Wish, I totally forgot to reply I think you are in Sac town the day of my potential IUI. When do you get in again? Yeah for summer vacation! Hope you get an early consult.

Hi Fi and Nikki!

Hi to everyone else!

This is going to be a book so...sorry not sorry :haha:

So the doc was about 20 min late, and that is par for the course for her. She just spends what time she needs with patients so it does not bug me too much because she does give me the same attention. First thing she says is all I have been thinking about is your uterus. Ummm...that would sound creepy coming from anyone else :rofl: So she really wants my lining up (thus doing estrogen this cycle). If this cycle does not work she is going to do FSH injections next month or we can do IVF. Very exciting either way. So this month, since ff said I O'd the same day as my positive opk she is going to have a same day IUI. Not their usual, but she says better to be earlier rather than later. I also asked because I read on Dr. Google that the sperm can die much faster or 'swim out' the tubes and she said no worries for us. #1 they see spun down sperm live for a long time even though some references say they die very quick #2 swim out worry- there are plenty of uterine nooks and crannies (now my uterus sounds like an English muffin :rofl: ) no worries there. DH has great levels so I am sure that helps. Also, adding progesterone suppositories bc AF showed dpo 12/13 last time which is early for me. For IVF we get 10k lifetime from our insurance so we want to make sure insurance will cover it (or at least the first part) so that will help us decide FSH IUI or IVF next time if we need to (yeah Feb is going to work). With work travel I think maybe FSH/IUI is the way to go in March. Then I had one final question, my bff is turning 40 and we are all renting a house in Cabo in March so I asked about the Zika virus. I have not heard much talk about it on this board so I am going to do a PSA.

*****Zika virus****This is a virus spread by mosquitos and it was initially reported in Africa and SE Asia, but has been spreading much closer to he US and now travel notices for pregnant women or those ttc to include the Caribbean and Mexico. It is associated with microcephaly and poor pregnancy outcomes. There are even a couple cases the virus can be sexually transmitted, so DH's also need to be aware. Symptoms of infection only happen 20% of the time and it is not known how long the virus remains in the system, but for those with symptoms (fever, rash, joint pain, etc) usually happen 2-7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. There is a lot more information for those interested in www.cdc.gov. Now this is not new, but there is so much unknown for the virus. My doc said best to skip my trip to Mexico, and said (albeit this is probably very conservative IMO) that she suggest me to stop TTC for 12 WEEKS if I went. I do believe she is very conservative, but I do understand her hesitancy. I do not do this to scare anyone (obviously healthy babies are born all the time in infected areas), but just want to make sure everyone is aware so they can do their own research or ask their doctor.

With that novel, I will close with this. This thread will get on a big fat hot streak very soon! Darn it we deserve it :winkwink:
Hi girls,

Wish- Did you schedule your phone consultation already? If all is good, when can you start your cycle? If all goes well, my FET is going to end of March or thereabout. We may still be ivf buddies. Maybe? Yay to continue living your life. Summer vacation sounds like a good idea. You will still be early in your pregnancy so I think you can travel.

Mdc- I see you have a good plan in place. I hope that this Feb works for you. But am also glad there is a something in place to fall on to. About the Zika virus, I know a lot has been going on about it but just like you said, I know people also deliver healthy babies in infected area. Is not that I am not concerned about the Zika virus but maybe because I am in health and I have seen a lot of health scares that come and go. The Zika virus scare will come and pass just like other health scares. I think sometimes the media exaggerates these things. But it doesn’t mean we have to be careless and not pay attention to any new health scare. It's always good to be informed. Thanks for that piece of information on Zika Mdc.

Chipie- You are so determined with the temping. I am sure when you are back home the temping will be easier. Good luck making that vacation baby.

Ellie- I am sorry about this last cycle. Yes, this next cycle will bring you your bfp!

Pothole- I am sorry about your student. She will always be remembered. I am also sorry about the fibroid or polyp. Know that there is always a way to take care of those things.

Krasa,- Hope all is well.

Fi- Enjoy your vacation.

Nikki- Welcome to the group. All the best this cycle. AF stay away!

Afm, I started my injections on Wednesday night before going to work. It was not that bad as I thought. I did the first day of injections on my own because DH was out of town for work. He did the second day for me. He was scared but he still wanted to do it. The Menopur stings abit but Gonal F can barely be felt.
Star- the end of March sounds so close now! I'm getting excited for you as the countdown begins!

Pothole- I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet student. You've certainly had a rough year and it's about time that a turn around is in store for you. Keep on keeping on and know that it has to get better soon because you've already had your fair share of heartache for the year.

Mdc- My DH works at the CDC, so all I hear about every night is about Zika and the risk to pregnant women. I certainly hope that a lot of it is an over abundance of caution, but from what I've heard I would take your doc's warning very seriously.I hope the FSH IUI works, but so glad you are ready to think about moving into ivf if the need gets to that point. Progesterone suppositories... (ugh!), good luck!

Wish- So did you have your phone conversation and still have to go in for an appt next week? I hope they can get things lined up for this cycle. Any idea yet if they'll try something new or keep on with the protocol as it is? Bar Harbor in summer sounds lovely! It will be such a relaxing get away and ease all of the pregnancy symptoms you're going to be having this summer. ;)

Chipie- I hope your relaxing holiday is leading up to the O of all O's and a vacation baby! Relax, soak up the sun, and grow those follies!

Ellie- I hope you're doing ok and that you were able to get right back onto Clomid for this cycle. I do still wonder if you O'd late. As I said, it looks to me like it could have been cd 17, which makes sense with what I've heard about Clomid throwing O back for some people. Maybe throw in some "after" sessions this month just in case there's a late egg to catch! Thinking about you and hoping that this cycle is yours!

Hi to everyone I missed! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
hi all! checking back in before I sneak away for the weekend...hopefully! :)

chipie - yeah, don't worry about the pre-O temps (and I'd hesitate to suggest no temping after you confirm you O until around the time you're expecting AF - it'll just drive you batty! but do you what you need to do, of course). Temping is really just to confirm when you O'ed and then you can continue afterwards to confirm a triphasic chart potentially, an implantation dip if you have one, I know someone who actually had an implantation spike!

mdc - yasssss! going to be in Sac-town next Tues-Thurs, BUT - my SVP and another colleague are both flying in with me on the same flight. So I won't be able to sneak away. :( I assume we'll be having dinner one night with the client and one night all together, so that leaves out the nights too. Re: your appt and English Muffin (totally lol'ed at this) - sounds like a really great plan in place. That completely sucks about Cabo, though. What do you think you're going to do? I'd like to think this is a passing thing too. Does anyone say that wearing lots of bug spray and/or Skin So Soft would help just keep the mosquitoes away? like, all I've heard is 'just don't go there' as the precaution.

star - I'm hoping we can still be IVF buddies! yeah, I found that menopur stung more while I could 'taste' Gonal-F. Weird!

So I did get a call about a cancellation I could take next week but it's while I'm on a plane. Dammit! But I'm still at the top of her cancellation list, so hopefully something will work out. And if i do get one, it'll be a phone consultation most likely. But as of now, my appt is still scheduled for 2/29. Bummer.
Went to kickboxing today and almost passed out. But I recovered and made it through but I was definitely a little piqued from it! That's stopping me from going to boot camp tomorrow morning b/c it's going to be a tough one - tons of burpees. Nope!

alrighty, enough yammering by me. Have a great weekend ladies! :hugs:
Thanks Wish. It's pretty complicated this temping thing isn't it!

Have a great weekend all
Ugh...lining is good but on cd 17 eggs still at 12 and 10 (pretty much the same as cd 15). Ugh....I knew taking estrogen this cycle was going to muck things up. Guess I will keep testing OPKs, but probably going to cancel this cycle. So frustrated I almost want to stop all meds, because I feel like it is screwing with everything. Although maybe lining was always an issue. Doc recommended iui with inj or we could do IVF. I know it is a big jump to IVF, but these eggs are not getting any younger. If insurance will pay I am likely just going to make the jump.
Hello ladies,

Mdc- am sorry that not what you expected today. Its kinda still early. Tomorrow may bring better news. The lining is good though. Do you have to make decision on the iui with injection this cycle if doesnt get cancelled? Know that you have plan A and B just in case.

I went for my first US and bloodwork after starting stims today in the morning after work. They havent called me with results of my blood work. They call after 5p the days i work night so they dont wake me up. I have 6 follicles measuring between 6-8mm from the left ovary and 7 follicles measuring between 7-13mm from the right ovary. My lining is 4.2. I do have a lining issue too but am still on meds and continuous monitoring of US and bloodwork. After the call today i will know if i continue with the same dose or some adjustments have to be made. Hoping for the
mdc - ugh, that sucks, I'm sorry. I'm glad your lining is up but I hear ya on the meds stuff. It's all about finding the right dosage and combo so everything plumps and grows at the same time! Dramatic things can happen over a couple of days, though. But does your temp spike mean that you O'ed? I hear you too on not wanting to waste more time on IUI. IVF may be the key.

star - great follie count! lining at 4.2 I think is expected on the first scan, so sounds like you're up to par! Usually my follies aren't even measurable in the first scan so that's great that you had so many that were. You're well on your way!

chipie - how are your temps doing? O yet?

how's everyone else doing? I'm so tired - we went down into Boston last night for a concert and had a GREAT time. Just didn't get home until around 1am and I had to work today. So I'm dragging butt a little right now! Leaving for CA bright and early in the am as well - I'll try to check in while I'm gone but if I can't, have a great week! Good luck to all of you stimming and O'ing and growing and plumping! :)
Thanks Wish. Have a safe trip. By the way did you get a phone consultation appt or you are keeping your 2/29 appt. I have a question, to Wish or to anybody who did stimming. Did you get any instructions on intercourse?
Forgot to mention, I got a call in regards to my bloodwork. I have some minor med adjustment. My Menopur will be increased to 150 and Gonal F will remain at 225. I will start Cetrotide tomorrow. Will keep you updated.
Star, wow isn't it all so complicated. As Wish says though, it sounds like you're doing well so far. I'll take her word for it, I'm clueless!

Wish- have a good trip. Hope it's not too tiring. Let us know when you're app is.

MDC- sorry you're eggs aren't growing. What size should they be? Shame you might have to cancel, can you do anything so this cycle isn't a waste? Again, I'm still so clueless about all this.

Ellie, hope you're good.

Afm, well I'm full of the good news for once on this thread! Got back from Dubai Sunday and had a pretty busy day yesterday sorting out the house as we've got builders and decorators in at the mo so everything is chaos. We slept in our brand new bed for the first time last night though and it's a super King size- it's amazing.

Anyway, yesterday I got my first set of crosshairs!!!! Woop! Was so nervous I wasn't going to ovulate, the monitor missed my surge but then Saturday my temp literally SHOT up and has stayed up. Never been so excited to see red lines!!

Not only that though, I went to my first fertility clinic app yesterday (I've booked in 3 apps at different clinics) and with my AMH being so low and my FSH high, he was recommending only natural IVF or possibly mild IVF. Anyway, they said they'd do a scan there and then to decide which they thought wound be appropriate for me and the scan revealed 5 follicles on my left side!!! It probably doesn't sound a lot but even the doc was surprised with my AMH levels. Apparently my right ovary is very small and only had 1 follicle but my left is doing a pretty good job on its own! Plus he confirmed I'd ovulated from my left and as luck would have it, it's my left side which still has an intact Fallopian tube!!
All of this good news and I was literally skipping out of the room. He said we could go for full IVF as there's no reason why my left ovary won't respond to the meds.
I'm so pleased, I know it's only a small thing but this is literally the first time I've had good news since I started this process! Have another app today so will see how that goes and then make a decision on how to proceed.
Chipie, that is such great news! It's such a relief when something goes right and the streets are finally aligned in your favour. Maybe this is the month, no ivf needed. Maybe your holiday and the left ovary ovulating will combine to make a baby! :dust:

Star, I'm amazed they haven't given you instructions about that... I can't help, but hopefully the others can. Hope the new med combo does the trick. The follie count and lining sound great.

Wish, CA is California, right? Have a great time! 29th is less than 2 weeks away now.

Mdc, that's so unfair. I wish they could just sort out the meds for you so it all comes together. Let us know what happens.

Pothole, I've been thinking of you lots and hope you are ok.

Afm, cd6 and will take the 5th and last Clomid this evening then I've just got to wait for ovulation. I'm on half term break and sleeping loads which is nice. I've not been temping and am trying not to think about it as much this month, give my head a break from it. I'm sure that won't work after I ovulate, but this week has been easier.
I emailed the consultant but not heard back. I asked about having a scan on CD12 like last time and possibly bringing iui forward to next cycle, if necessary.
Thanks for the baby dust Ellie. Glad you're having a nice half term week. Me too actually as everyone at my work is off looking after their kids which means I've had no emails at all!
Yeah it would be amazing to get a Dubai baby. Trying to think positively.

In the meantime I could start IVF in two weeks! I went to the Lister Clinic today. It's the biggest IVF clinic in the UK apparently and the consultant was like, yeah well why wait, you wanna be getting on with this before you're 40. We'll just start you next cycle on the Antagonist Protocol, starting with 300 of Menopur. I've come out with my head spinning a little bit to be fair. I never imagined this would move so fast. I said I wondered whether this was too much to cope with and a wedding and she said there's never a good time and she recommends we just get on with it...! Gulp. I'm scared.

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