38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Hi lovelies! I just wanted you to know you're on my mind and in my prayers. I stalk every day.

I won't update here, if you're curious visit with me on our graduate page.
I second Wishe's statement: Keep on
Stimming, Oing, growing and plumping!
Ellie, bet you are glad to be back in the saddle soon!

Chipie, wow that is fast! Hopefully this will be your cycle and you can skip IVF all together.

Wish, have a great time in Sac town. It is hot here! No worries about not getting a chance to meet up. I know how hard it is when you are traveling for work to get away.

Star, not sure about IVF and intercourse, but for IUI he said bd every 2-3 days starting cd 10. Best sprem results with a couple day break.

Hi sugar!

So...what do I see when I POAS this afternoon a positive opk! :saywhat: Went in for a US and follie grew 3 mm and still a little small (just over 15) and lining great. Doc asked if the opk was very positive and I really think it was (I suck at reading lines) and the digi agreed. She gave me to option of trigger and IUI or just timed intercourse. I think she thinks it is a long shot, but I chose an IUI for a couple reasons. #1 I have a good feeling about this #2 even if it fails it will still go towards my 2nd and one more before insurance will kick in for IVF and #3 DH is traveling Thurs and Fri so TI is not optimal. So win win as far as I am concerned. DH and I did do the deed this morning because we (ok I wanted it and was way too in the mood :winkwink: ). He even stopped and asked if we should hold off but I said I really think we are out this month. Oops! Hope the sample tomorrow is still strong. Last time with the dual IUI his post wash was still really respectable. I am a little nervous I may be jumping the gun, but this may just be the little miracle success story that won't stop!
MDC - great news! The follie has had a growth spurt! Loving the positivity too, yes to a little miracle story. I'm sure your DH will produce the goods :).

DF doesn't think IVF will fit in with his work next month anyway so it's a Dubai baby or no IVF until May as April is my hen do. Not great timing for IVF but wasn't expecting to be in this position when I booked it.

How is everyone else?
Great news Mdc! So iui today? Sending positive vibes your way!
Thanks lovely ladies. Yes....IUI went on without a hitch this afternoon :wohoo: DH levels' we're not exactly superman level (don't tell him I said that. Ha!) but post wash the doc said anything over 10M is great and larger amounts have not necessarily shown better results so we are totally good there. I just hope my little follie that could did or is popping as we speak. I really think I O sooner than most after a positive opk, but man my temps are all on the higher side this month so who knows how post O temps will look like. They told me to take progesterone tomorrow night, but I might wait a couple days of high temps before I start. Progesterone was never a problem before, last LP was short. I would not think just a couple of days will hurt. Might have to do some research on that though.

Any one that has triggered been super tired 24 hours after? I do not remember feeling this tired last month, but I took a nap this afternoon and I never nap. Maybe it is the clouds and a boring work day instead. Or an early preggo sign...of course I am completely joking but a girl can wish. :rofl:
Glad it went well MDC!! That means we're both in the 2ww. Go us! Hoping and praying!!!
Great news Mdc. Fingers firmly crossed for you xxx

Afm, cd8 and have emailed consultant again to ask about a cd12 scan. It will cost another £150 and I know everyone thinks I'm crazy to spend that unnecessarily but the peace of mind makes it totally worth the money for me. Plus, it stops me going mad knowing I have that to aim for. Does that make any sense to any of you? A whole unmonitored cycle is just too much of an expanse of time to deal with right now. I need to feel like someone else is keeping an eye on the progress...
Hi girls,

Chipie- I hope you get your Dubai bfp this cycle so you don’t have to think about ivf in April or May. I am glad you made progress with the ivf appointments though. At least you know where you would like to have it done if you have too. BUT am hoping for Dubai bfp.

Ellie- Did you mention something about a possible IUI? I do hope that you also get your bfp this cycle. May the 2nd Clomid cycle be charm. I hear you on CD 12 scan. You are not crazy and it will make your mind settle knowing what you are working with. I will support you and say go for the scan Ellie. It feels good to be monitored when you are on fertility meds. Enjoy your week off work.

Mdc- FX crossed for this IUI. Stick baby stick. I have never had a trigger before but will soon have one and I will let you know the outcome.

Wish- Hope you are doing well.

Hey Sugar and Dandi!

Krasa and Pothole- Thinking about you ladies.

Afm, thankfully my follies are now steadily behaving. The biggest is at 15 and the smallest is still at a 6. Lining is at 8.1. I have another US scheduled for Friday and I will know when I can trigger. Other than that, Its been busy at work and I cant complain.
Thanks Star. I've got about a week to wait until I find out if this month is my month. Otherwise df and I have decided not to wait to do IVF so we'll start straight away. Here's to injecting myself in a few weeks :-/.
Good follie sizes for you though!!

Ellie did you get your scan booked in?

MDC - any less tired? When is your test date?

Wish we miss you are you back yet?

Hi to everyone else and hope you all have good weekends. We've got friends staying - 3 couples. 2 of the girls are pregnant, just my s@dding luck. I love them both dearly but I also hate them a little at the moment :-(
hi girls!

wow!! lots going on here!!

mdc - :wohoo: for a successful IUI!!! way to go, little follies! I hope that exhaustion was a sign of things to come. ;) Sac-town was great - we had below-zero temps here last weekend and snow/freezing rain overnight Monday, so I was psyched to get out to some warm weather. 3 of us got in around noon on Tues and didn't have to meet with the client until Wed, so we just went out to lunch and then worked in the Courtyard of our hotel in the sun and basked.

chipie - WOW!! your 5 follies amaze me with your low AMH!! Awesome job, little ones! :thumbup: I hope you don't have to move on to IVF either - a Du-baby? Dubai-by? would be awesome!! Oh and try not to off your friends ;) I tooooootally get what you're feeling right now. But congrats on getting so much good news and hopefully being able to start right away, if needed!

star - I was always told not to have intercourse while stimming. I think it's b/c as the follicles grow, if you have a lot of them, it could be uncomfortable? I'm not entirely sure why. So my poor DH has gone months sometimes... yikes.

ellie - you're not crazy! do what you need to do to feel you have some control over this, or to keep your mind at ease. It's tough to wait in the FIRST two weeks too! So are you doing IUI or anything or just a clomid-assisted natural cycle? I'm sorry if you've already said...

sugar - thank you for your support, you lurker, you! ;)

Hullo and big hugs to everyone! dandi, pothole, left, krasa...

afm - home from CA (yep, Cali) at about 1:30 this morning. I'm actually not fairing too badly right now. Yay coffee! The trip was great but the rides were long. But I might be able to go back in a couple of weeks for more meetings.
I was able to get my phone consult with the doc yesterday, which was FANTASTIC! So we don't have to wait a cycle to start again. We're going to do a patch protocol this time, which is really just a normal protocol (back to the menopur and Gonal-F and antagonist Ganerelix or Cetrocide) but instead of suppressing with BCP for 10 days after I get AF, I start an estrodiol patch 7 days after I O this cycle (would normally be 10 but I have such a short LP...). Then after I get AF, I go in for a Day 2 scan to make sure I'm sufficiently suppressed and then start stims after that. I guess using the patch for suppression is a 'lighter' suppression so maybe my ovaries won't be so tired. :sleep:
It was funny - I never hear her laugh (she pretty much always has either bad news or a plan for me) and I'm kinda someone who wants people to be happy and laughing. At Christmas, I sent the office some chocolate-covered strawberries and little cheesecakes. She asked me about it yesterday - 'did you send us chocolate covered cherries or something like that for Christmas? Thank you so much, they were delicious!' and I go 'yeah, well...you guys have kinda become a big part of my life so I wanted to say thank you. JUST THINK OF WHAT YOU'LL GET IF YOU GET ME PREGNANT!!' And she died laughing and then I think felt guilty and was like 'we're trying, Michelle! we're trying!!' :rofl: was nice to see her be human for a second instead of all clinical. :)

So, I'm back to being Positive Polly - what else can you do? :shrug:
Star, sounds like steady growth is working for you. So excited to hear how many follies you have today.

Chipie, I get how you feel and hopefully your house guests play nice. Tired today, but a 6am conference call will do that to you. :haha:

Wish, glad you enjoyed CA! Very exciting about your new protocol and even better you do not have to miss a beat!

So just hanging out and hopefully tomorrow I get my cross hairs. Then I feel good about starting prog. I just want to make sure it looks like I O'd. If for some reason I did not, I would rather know early than waiting the tww without a hope of it working.
Yey Wish good to have you back! I laughed at your Dubai- by comments :). You've got a knack of making people chuckle it seems!!
I've no idea what you meant with your IVF plans ha. I'm such a newbie. Maybe I'll learn from experience soon. In the meantime, the plan sounds like a sure fire winner and here's to us all riding on your positive wave for the weekend!!

Oh and I promise I'll try to be nice to my pregnant friends :-/ ;-)
TGIF but too bad i have to work.

Wish- Glad that you had your phone consultation and we are heading somewhere. You cranked me up with what you told your RE. Wonder what you will get them when get your take home baby. Am curious too:) I am praying that this protocol works.

Mdc- Here hoping for crosshairs!

Chipie- c'mon Dubai baby. We are all rooting for you.

Hello to the rest of the ladies.

Well, Follies are still behaving. Biggest is at 20, smallest at 10. Lining at 10.1. Trigger set for Sunday night and retrieval Tuesday morning. I am glad i dont have to work Sunday through Wednesday. Can you imagine trying to do the trigger while at work? To make it worse am on my feet most of the time at work so i dont know how i would have done that.

Enjoy your weekend ladies.
Star, fingers crossed for Tuesday.

I saw this today and made me laugh, so I had to share. Happy Friday!


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HAHAHA that is perfect!!

good luck with the retrieval on Sunday, Star!! you'll be PUPO before you know it! Did you say that you are waiting to transfer? Are you transferring 1 or 2? or more? My doc said the other day that she's now recommending that we transfer 3. DH is going to die when I tell him this. My response to her was 'well, we have to actually MAKE 3 to transfer 3...'

Hello to everyone else! I hope you're having a great weekend. It's beautiful here - almost 50 (that sounds weird). Hopefully more of this snow will melt, not that we have a lot. I can't really complain.
I hope the trigger goes ok tomorrow Star.

I'm all booked in for a scan on Monday. I'm voluntarily paying £150 ($216) of my own money for a scan on top of the £600 ($864) I've already forked out but it's worth it if this results in a bfp and a baby. I feel like parting with money means I have more chance of it working somehow. Like I'm proving how much this means to me. I don't spend much normally and I've saved a bit for a maternity leave that keeps being delayed so this is as good a use as any. DH hasn't paid anything at all and that hurts a bit, but he still thinks we've just been unlucky and it will happen. I can't force him to contribute but I hope he doesn't go and buy any more guitars in the near future or I will get very cross!
Since it's the consultant himself doing the scan, I'm going to use the chance to have a bit of a freebie second consultation and make some decisions about future cycles if this one falls. I think a PCT (post coital test to see how my fertile cm and DH's sperm interact - have any of you had that done?) and then iui next.

Anyway, fingers crossed for those of you waiting for procedures, medications and tests.
good luck with your scan tomorrow, ellie - I hope it gives you some great answers that you're looking for!
I haven't heard of PCT - that's interesting! We use ICSI to fertilize our eggs so regardless of if his sperm hate my eggs, they are stuck together!
Morning ladies. How is everyone?

Ellie, good luck with your scan today, hope everything looks great. Let us know!

MDC did you get crosshairs? How are you doing in general?

Wish, I hope you had a good weekend. Weather sounds nice!

Star, how did trigger go? Retrieval tmw and good follie sizes!!! Good luck!!

Hi to the rest.

Afm, I've started symptom spotting which I hate. I annoy myself. I just wanna go with the flow whatever that will be. What is meant to be will be. AF due end of this week. Some positives to share though:
1. I didn't kill my pregnant friends this weekend, and
2. I got a really good FSH result last cycle, just got the letter through from the NHS. It was 8.3. This has come down loads from 14. I know you're only as good as your worst result but still loving that I'm in the normal range atm (very unusual for me!)
Still preparing to start IVF next week, going to docs today to talk about meds and then viral infections screening tomorrow for me and df. Fun times!
Goodmorning ladies,

Hehehehe that is hilarious Mdc. And that is so true.

Wish- We may transfer together. I do not transfer until end of March. We are transferring only one. We are participating in a PGS study conducted through our clinic and so we dont have to pay for PGS. One of the condition for the study is to transfer only one which is ok with us because of my recent myomectomy the RE recommends to only have one baby in there for now not to comprise my uterus further. We also dont want to do any selective reduction if we implant more than one. Maybe if there is a next time we will make a different decision. I am praying and hoping this works out.

Chipie- Stay away AF! Glad you have some appt. planned just in case AF doesn't listen to us. I am glad you didnt harm your pregnant friends:). My trigger shot was done by my DH. I cant believe he is so into this process now and previously he didn't approve it. Am glad we are in the same page when it comes to ivf.

Ellie- I remember i did that test a long time ago. That was my first test when i first went to my OB about ttc. They called it Sims Huhner test at my clinic. The test was normal and so my Ob did not offer iui. I am sorry your DH is not helping you with all the cost of all these tests and procedures. Have you spoken to him about it? Maybe he doesnt know he has to help financially too. You know our men are sometimes slow in understanding things. All the best with your scan and test. Keep us updated.

Afm, trigger shot completed yesterday. Now waiting for ER tomorrow. I did a lot of sleeping and relaxing this weekend. I worked Friday night but slept most of the day Saturday then went to a local comedy club which only hosts local upcoming comedians with DH in the evening. It was a good stress reliever to keep my mind away from ivf. We watched a couple of old movies at home on Sunday and finally called my mother sister and one of my close brothers and told them about us doing Ivf. I had not mentioned to any family until this weekend. They very were supportive.

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