38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Just popping in to send you ladies some love. I'm stalking daily and following along. It looks like this thread is setting up for a lot of progress in the next couple of months! I'm getting excited!
hi girls!

ellie - how'd the scan go?

star - ahh - good luck at retrieval TOMORROW, then! I'm glad your family was so supportive - it really helps. I'm very excited that we might transfer together!

chipie - great levels, that's awesome! so much relief when you know your body is back to normal.
What symptoms are you seeing? not to push the symptom spotting...I'm terrible. I am going to try to be really laid back this time around too, but it's so hard. There's so much build-up to it!

mdc - how are things going in your corner? what dpiui are you now?

dandi - thank you for checking in!! Let's see who your well wishes stick to! :)

It's funny you said that about transferring one. My doc asked (forgive me if I'm repeating) if we wanted to transfer 3 this next time. First response was 'well, we have to make 3 first..'. Second response, internally 'yikes, what if they all take??'; 3rd response, internally 'well, only one has taken so far so chances of all 3 taking are slim to none...so why not?', and 4th response to doc 'sure, let me check with DH'. So I guess we're transferring 3 this time, should we be lucky enough to get 3.
Ellie, how did the scan go?

Chipie, wow what a difference! I did not think the levels could change that much. Did they give you any insight?

Star, so excited for your ER!

Wish, too funny I am sure your DH's sperm loves your eggs :winkwink:

Hi Dandi!

Wish, oh 3!!!! You got this (and that one...and the other one)!!!

Afm, not sure WTF is going on. I spotted quite a bit this weekend, and had even what I would call a light flow on Sat. Queue...major melt down on Sat before going to my niece's first birthday party. Thankfully it did stop, but I think it was the progesterone. I am guessing I did not ovulate so my body was just resetting. I have a call in to the doc because I am wanting to do a inj cycle next month which of course requires a prior auth for the med, so hoping prog will keep it at bay for a couple days so I can get ready. I will have to likely take next month off bc of travel, so I really hope I can squeeze this month in. I did find a wonderful series called 'Call the Midwife' in Netflix. It is a little sadomachist of me to watch bc of all the little babies, but I am officially hooked.
Love love love "Call the Midwife"! When you're done with that, start watching "One Born Every Minute". I think staying in baby mode mindset is good luck!
Ah sorry MDC. That's rubbish. Hope the doc gets back to you so you can do a cycle before you have to go away.

And Wish, I'm not even going to tell you what my symptoms are they are so stupid. Apart from I am exhausted! But we did have a busy weekend. And I even drank 2 glasses of champagne- that takes my booze tally for 2016 to 4 drinks. Need to have a word with myself ;)

Not seen call the midwife, could not watch that at the mo. Got invited to the baby shower of one of my preggo friends from the weekend. Already thinking up excuses not to go!
Wish and Star - fingers crossed lovelies!
Mdc, seriously...??? Your body is being a b***h again. Not fair. I love Call the Midwife and the latest series is on BBC1 on Sundays at the moment. It's great!!!
Chipie, that's awesome about your FSH.

Afm, my body is also being really mean.
My day had the potential to be so great. I had a positive opk and tons of ewcm.
The scan showed a lining of 12.7 and 2 left side follies of 18 and 26.
Unfortunately, this was all irrelevant because he'd already found a polyp. He's said we're not totally out this month, but my chances are reduced. If it doesn't work, I'm to take the third lot of clomid when af starts and have another scan next month. If it's still there, I have to decide whether to go on NHS waiting list or pay a crazy sum to get it out privately.
I'm already planning a private hysteroscopy next month. Bye bye savings.

I had a major meltdown, toys thrown out the pram, screaming at DH, accusing him of all sorts of things, hitting out at my body with anger and frustration at its uselessness (I know, crazy). It was not pretty. Then I decided to grow up and apologised to DH and ate the food he prepared for me and now I'm going to have some sex I really don't want just in case there is a slim chance this polyp is minor and irrelevant...
omg, ellie - your body is so primed for this! how big is the polyp and where is it?? why is it such an issue? I had one too but it wasn't a big deal and literally took 30 secs for them to yank it off. I guess there are probably tons of different kinds but...ugh...i'm reaching for you! I'm glad you were able to get it out of your system. This whole thing just SUCKS!

mdc - same for you! Though....your chart does look pretty awesome. When would you have O'ed if you did? It could have been implantation, just a heavier one with maybe leftover stuff from last AF. Please keep us posted if you call the doc, on what they say. What kind of progesterone are you doing? Just a story - my aunt, who is only 6 yrs older than me, told me that she had a full on period when she got preg (after an IUI) with my cousin. She actually got hammered too, she was so upset. Lo and behold a few weeks later, she wasn't feeling well so she went to the doc and she was like 7 weeks preg. And my cousin is fine, she's a super kid. So think happy thoughts!!

chipie - you're allowed to have 4 drinks in 2 months ;) I had 4 drinks this weekend and was proud of myself. And I only had the last one, just the one on Sunday, so it didn't go bad (the worst part about drinking wine). I did have a glass with my meal tonight at the hotel (traveling again) but I'm not even finishing it. I have tea now.

right??? 3???? hey-zeus, watch us end up with triplets!
I am ready to get this show on the road, that's for sure. I had bloods done today to test for my LH surge (b/c most people get it on cd14, but noooo, not me!) but I am not expecting it until Thurs or so. Anywayyyyy....nothing else exciting here.
Hoping for good things for everyone - nothingness polyps, and a heavier than expected implantation bleed!
So much to catch up on, so only sending general love and we'll wishes right now. AF showed up this morning and I'm okay. In a really weird way, I needed it to happen this week. This is the week we would have announced. And I certainly wouldn't have thought that having my period would make it easier, but it does. I'm moving again. I felt so stalled out in the wait. I am starting bc on Thursday in anticipation of FET, but I have a sonohystogram on Monday to check the status of the polyp/fibroid. So FET is a tentative go, based on those results. That's all for now. Fingers crossed for everyone!
Popping in briefly as well. Have been afraid to update, I don't want to bring grief and fear into the positive environment here.

I lost my mom early last month. It was completely unexpected so I am still trying to get my head around that happening on the heels of that horrible IVF cycle.

I did go into another stim cycle last week, but I feel like I am sleepwalking thru it. That may be a good thing. Keeps the hopes from getting up i guess. I retrieve Friday and so far things look more homogenous than last cycle, lots of follies again, but closer in size to each other and I guess that is good but the proof would be in the euploid pudding. we shall see.

Love to all of you retrieving, on bc, waiting to see the doc, tww-ing, getting ready to O ing and anyone else fitting none of the above descriptions.
Hi Girls,

I will do personals later. I am still drugged up.

Retrieval went well. Everyone was so nice. I went in for 11:30 and was out in the recovery area by 11:50. We retrieved 16 eggs. I will be waiting for the call tomorrow on how many fertilized. Am taking a break from shoots for a while now. I am still loopy from the anesthesia. Am also blotted and having some minor cramps.
Am so sorry about your Mother Krasa. Many thoughts of comfort and peace to you.
Krasa sending my sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mum . I'm so glad you came by , don't ever ever feel you need to stay away . This is a place that you can share good and more importantly when you feel bad and need support I'm sure the others agree . Please take good care of yourself xxxxx
oh krasa...:cry: I'm so very sorry for what you've had to go through. I can't fathom losing my mom, I can't even put myself in your shoes. Tight squeezy e-hug for you - how awful to have those back-to-back tragedies. i'm so happy to see at least your nose is above water. Stay with us. :hugs:
star - 16 is wonderful!!! congrats!!! please keep us posted on the fert report and such.

pothole - so happy you've found a sense of closure with AF coming on. Guess she is good for some things! My fingers are crossed for an easy sono so you can schedule the upcoming FET - how many do you have to transfer/will you transfer?
Krasa I'm so sorry for your loss. Take it day by day. I don't blame you for being in a fog. My thoughts are with you. Best wishes on the TTC front too.
Krasa, so much love my sweet. It's a terribly hard thing to go though and know that we are here for you every step of the way. xxx
Pothole, good to hear that things are moving on for you. I hope you've had all your bad luck for this century and your sono- thingy goes well and you can go ahead with your FET.

Krasa, sorry to hear about your Mum. Life can be very cruel. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Star- 16 eggs! Nice work! My consultant said I'd be lucky to get three. Hope you're feeling more with it now and good luck for the next stage.

Afm, af is due tomorrow and I would normally expect some spotting today but nothing. No pregnancy symptoms either though. I feel rough and I've got a sore throat so I'm feeling really sorry for myself. My temps dropped twice in 2 days and then I left my thermometer at home and I'm now away working in London so I can't even temp anymore!

Come on Dubai baby!

If af is late (and I'm not preggo) I won't be able to start ivf for two weeks because df isn't available when I'm likely to be doing ER. So I'll have to go on bcps. She'll be late this month for sure, she never does what you want her to do the witch ;)

Those who've gone through IVF, how long did you stim for? Has anyone stimmed for as long as 2 weeks or more?
Krasa, omg that is so awful to hear. You (and DH) have been through so much and I agree you do not have to feel that you need to stay away from posting unless you need a break. We are here for you through the bad time just as much as the good times (which by they way you deserve). Sounds like ER is on the right track and good luck!

Chipie, I hope AF stays away! When I got my BFP my temps dropped so I would not worry about them and glad the thermometer is at home. So weird that you can totally schedule your IVF cycle around when your/DH's availability. Good thing we have modern science!

Ellie, ugh sorry about the polyp. I am hoping it does not interfere. I know it seems crazy that one little lonely polyp could interfere with a whole uterus to implant on. I think sometimes docs see anything as a really big obstacle to implantation. Sorry about DH not being on board with the financial stuff. They sometimes just don't get it.

Wish, I am on prometrium 200 at night so not a terribly high dose, but for me must be enough to keep the witch at bay. Likely why my temps look good. Do you get LH levels today also? I am a late O'er also, docs should just listen to us.

Pothole, so glad you are healing mentally and physically. Good luck with the sono. Not the most pleasant thing, but not bad either. How may embies will you implant this time?

Star, 16 embies that is great and cannot wait to hear how many fertilized.

So just hanging out waiting. So my RN did finally call back and start the process of getting my inj prior authed so I can get them ordered. She just left a message so I did not get to talk to her about the spotting, so right now just keeping up with the prometrium and when I talk to her next see if I should just go off it now or keep taking it. I guess what is another week. We have our tax appt today so show us the money. Actually I usually aim for very little back (govt not getting interest on my $$$ :haha: ), but DH always tries to get a lot so combined last year it was somewhere in the middle.
star - fertilization report??

chipie - c'mon Dubai-by!! I so hope this worked out for you!! and yes, I've stimmed for 14 days before. For some reason, I am thinking even 16 at one point? I can't remember for sure. That seems too lengthy to me. But definitely 14. All depends on how you respond and when your doc wants to call it a cancellation.

mdc - so your IUI was on the 19th, right? your chart actually looks like it's starting to be triphasic...and your spotting/bleed was right before your last spike. Innnnnteresting..... And yeah, bloods on Monday - wasn't surging. NO KIDDING!

So since I had to go on another trip Mon night-last night, I just started using OPKs. Forgot how damn expensive those things are! So no surge yet - guess it will be tomorrow. Hopefully anyway. I hope this CoQ10 isn't keeping things at bay like I originally thought last Sept! That would just be weird. So yeah, still nothing going on here.

Another trip scheduled to go back to Sacramento, mdc! :plane: This time, i'll arrive on a Sunday - with a coworker - but maybe we could meet up somewhere? How far are you from there again? if it's a couple of hours or more, that would stink and prob not be worth it. Let me know!

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