38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Wish, good luck with the OPKs. I switched to the cheapie ones because my doc recommended it, but of course I use the digitals as a back up bc I suck at judging lines. :haha: Yeah for a trip, what Sunday do you land? Btw, I hate Sun business travel. I am only about an hour away sans traffic, so if it works out I am here it is totally doable!

My iui was on the 17, and so far based on temps ff pushed it out. I did just change the settings and it does look a tad triphasic. Still in high doubt because of the light bleed on Sat. TMI...It started off spotting brown, but after a tampon's volume I do believe it was closer to a light pink/brown bleed then the progesterone stopped it. Although I am only on 200 of prometrium so not sure if that is enough to delay AF that much. Guess we will find out on Wed. Just found out DH is traveling next Thurs - Wed and now, and shocking I know :rofl:, I am anxious about starting inj and O'ing really early when he is gone. It is bloody hard to find a usual iui/inj calendar on line. Either way a BFP this month (yeah right) or iui/inj I need the b*^ch...sorry I mean witch...to stay away until at least next Wed. My new slogan 'Hell no we don't want no stinkin Flo'.
MDC, im loving how Wish is getting all positive for you and you're like- yeah right! Imagine if she is right. How exciting would that be!! Keep believing!!
I know what that trying to plan procedures round df/dh is like. Why can't they just be available, we have to be. Although a trip away sounds like it's unavoidable.

I'm in bed with the most unbearable pains so I think I'm out this month. Will keep you posted. Obviously I'm like half a day late so I'll have to delay ivf for two weeks until df is available. He's gone off on another trip today on his stag do to the French Alps skiing so I'm all on my own all weekend with 75 wedding invites to write out groan. I was kind of ready just to get on with sticking needles in myself to be honest but now I'll have two weeks of limbo to endure knowing its his fault we are waiting. How frustrating
Definitely out. Jeez if I can't get pregnant this month with everything in my favour then I definitely can't do it naturally. Oh well, onwards and upwards, drugs it is
Sorry Chipie. It's such a horrible feeling when she turns up and it's hard being on your own. Is there someone you can spend the weekend with?

Krasa, still thinking of you and hoping you are ok. Please don't feel you can't post whatever you want to say. We are here for you.

Mdc, fingers crossed that the bleed meant nothing bad. Your temps do look rather good.

Wish, I hope you surge soon.

Afm, DH and I are going to Cardiff tomorrow, to see the 6 Nations rugby Wales v France match. I've never been to a rugby match, but DH is such a Wales rugby fan so I got him these tickets for his birthday last December. We've finally sorted out parking and we're staying with his sister afterwards. She lives on a barge and we will stay in their camper can. It should be quite fun... I just hope it's not too cold this weekend as I'm trying to look after myself and little fertilised eggy might be trying to implant in a few days. I hate being cold and I seem to feel it so much more than everyone else. I especially enjoy putting my cold feet on DH's back in bed because he's like a hot water bottle!
mdc - der, that's what I meant. I was looking below at your cd, not the day of the month above. And yeah, I suck at seeing lines too so I just went with the digi. $7 cheaper for the digi with just the circle and the smiley instead of the flashing smiley in between.
I'll be in Sac at 11:20-ish on 3/6. I'm virtually free for the rest of the day - one coworker will be with me but he'd prob be psyched to have a nap. And the rest aren't coming in until that evening, so we'll meet for dinner.

chipie - ughhhhhh, i'm sorry!! it's so annoying, really. Drugs are good - here, try this Menopur...:devil:

ellie - what a fun weekend planned! I've never watched rugby either, but I think I'd like it. Worth a weekend to check it out, anyway! have a great time!

I have to work some this weekend, i think. We don't have much for other plans, which is ok by me. It's going to be warm again so I'm happy about that. I went out for a run today b/c it was 60 degrees outside! It felt really good, even though I had to walk a few times (stupid hills). I think I might be surging soon b/c there was a lot of cm after this run. WOO!
Chipie, ugh about the witch! My DH had to do the addressing of the wedding invites my penmanship sucks. Even my mom commented that I must not have addressed them because they looked too good. :haha: Since DH is gone doing his stag thing I think a glass or two of vino are in order this weekend. Although you have been so good in 2016, your call :winkwink:

Ellie, rugby sounds fun. I watched the final match of the World Cup and it was fascinating! Say nice and toasty...maybe some feet warmers in your socks at night.

Wish, next Sunday is wide open so it totally works for me. :wohoo: I will PM you. Boo for having to work this weekend.
Ah thanks guys. It helps to know you're thinking of me. I don't know anyone nearby Ellie apart from the future in-laws, probs won't hang out with them. Will call a few friends over the weekend tho. Good idea MDC, I'll probably have a large gin tmw and a big bar of chocolate. Then get stuck into wedding prep as there was a time when I was really excited about getting married until all this ttc cr@p took over my head.

Enjoy rugby Ellie. I've been to Cardiff to watch Wales. The atmosphere in the stadium was amazing. It was crazy when they ran on the pitch, all noise and fireworks. It was really fun and I'm not even really into rugby
Mdc and Wish, I'm really jealous that you are meeting up, I wish I could come along too but it's a bit far...!!! I hope you do manage to meet :)
Hi guys .. Sorry I've been a bit of a quiet cheerleader have been really busy finishing up work but now its done !!
Chipe sorry she didn't stay away .. But remember every cycle even the ones she arrives on is one closer to the one where she won't :hugs: make it a HUGE GIN and chocolate

Mdc and wish your meeting up IRL ??? I'm so so jealous . Have a beer or wine for me . You guys need to come on holidays to Ireland so I can meet up too .... Its only a little trip for you well acustom travellers ;)

Ellie the rugby sounds like fun :) the trick re the cold is not to let the cold get in on you . Stay warm from the beginning . Light layers and lots of them is better then one heavy coat .

Big hello to everyone else , ill catch up with personals later . I have to run and go vote oh is waiting !!! Our general election is on today :) xxxxxx
Chipie, I think your plan sounds perfect. Gin and chocolate can get one through most anything. ;)

Krasa- thinking of you. :hugs:

Ellie, a rugby game sounds like so much fun! I normally don't like crowds, they make me feel claustrophobic and nervous, but sometimes they add to the excitement... like at ball games! Have fun and stay warm!

Wish and Mdc, I think we're all jealous. You guys will have to take a selfie to share with us or something. I hope you can pull it off so you can meet up!

Yay Left for finishing up work! 95 more work days for me... not that I'm counting or anything.
Hello Ladies,

I am sorry i have been MIA for the last 2 -3 days.

I received a call that 9 eggs fertilized. Next call is next week Monday. I will do my transfer March towards the end of March.

I have been cramping and to make it worse i went back to work a day after my retrieval. I went back to work Wednesday and Thursday night. Just stopped by here to give update you briefly before i go to sleep. Basically the last 2 day have been sleeping and work. Its been hard taking a dump(excuse my language). My lower abdomen has been sore and tender. Feel like my ovaries are about to explode. Am still bloated from Tuesday retrieval.
Happy Friday/Saturday to everyone.

Chipie, glad I could be a bad influence on you :haha: Enjoy your Gin and chocolate.

Left, IRL is on my bucket list so I do see a BnB reunion is the future :winkwink:

Dandi, WHAT?!?! 95 days to go...that is just bananas.

Star, first congratulations on 9 follies fertilizing. Quite a brood you are getting ready for :winkwink: Sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable and I hope you get a couple days off just to relax and take care of yourself.

Krasa, I think your ER is today, so good luck!

Hi to everyone else Wish, Pothole, Ellie, Fi, and anyone else I missed.

Tick tock, no witch (dpo 9....so duh I would hope not) and just trying to chill. The progesterone is really making me bloated and tired, but I will take it if it keeps the witch at bay. I did get a call the RN called in my meds to my specialty pharmacy. She did not say what it would be, however I am guessing Follistim or Menopur (or also called the :devil: juice I have heard). I am starting to have dreams about giving my self the first inj, so I am guessing those nightmares will continue until at least the first one. Maybe a 1/2 of wine will be required prior to the first one. Burning I am fine with it is the damn poking that gets me, but I will just need my big girl panties on because once I get knocked up I will have to keep on sticking on :haha:

I am headed to wine country tomorrow for my SIL's bday (just a couple sips for me) and then the Oscars on Sunday (I love making apps to nosh on and we always bet on the winners to make it interesting), so I am ready for the weekend.
Hey Star! Congrats on the 9 eggs being fertilised. Great number. Sorry you're not feeling great yet. I want you to rest and take it easy but it sounds like you've got to work! Take it easy anyway.

Hope everyone else has good weekends
MDC think we posted at the same time. What do they call Menopur? The devil juice?? Oh noooo that's what I'm starting on - 300 which I think is quite high due to low amh. I'll be injecting too in a few weeks, not having nightmares just yet but eek I guess they will come. Ffs not feeling very poz today
I am not an expert by any means, but I think it stings a bit more than the other FSH agents. I am likely over exaggerating the devil part because I am such a phobic of injections, so I would not worry.
Oh haha I thought you meant it made us act like devils. Ok so it's going to sting. I think I can handle that, I'm not tooooo bad with needles (famous last words) :)
hi girls!

be jelly - mdc and I are totally meeting up!! ;) I wish you all were closer - how much fun would we have?? I'm totally down with meeting up in IRL too - it's probably just as close for me as CA is!

menopur is stingy - the needle is actually so tiny you can barely feel it but when you push in the meds, you feel a slight sting. Just do it as quickly as you can bear and get it out of there. Pinch the skin first too so it helps with any needle pain and some of the sting. You ladies will be fine! :bodyb:

star - great # of eggs fertilizing!! That's awesome!! You'll have plenty to freeze, I hope. I'm sorry that you're still backed up - that was the biggest thing for me too. Drink lots of gatorade and throw in some prune juice. You'll be good in a couple days.

chipie - ohhhh no! Please don't let this TTC crap get the best of your wedding planning! You only have (hopefully) one time at that! As you can see, TTC'ing can be an ongoing adventure. That's a lot to have on your plate at the same time.

krasa - good luck with your ER!!

hello to everyone else!

no surge again this morning but I actually figured out last night that it wouldn't be good timing for me to surge any earlier than tomorrow anyway. Based on that, I'll need a day 2 suppression check and that could be my last day in CA, so I'll have to ask if a day 3 will be ok to have. So I'm stuck between being concerned that I'll have a cd20+ surge (is it the damn CoQ10?!?!?) and being ok with it b/c of timing. Or maybe an anovulatory cycle, and then what?? jeez...
Ouchy Wish, thanks for the description though. Better to be prepared. Can't a bit of ice on there first help at all? I've resolved myself in my head that I'm aloud one more evening of wallowing in self pity (gin + chocolate) then I get up tomorrow and get on with it, put some loud music on and get on with these wedding invites.

Could be loads of things that delayed your surge presumably Wish. Maybe your body is doing exactly what you want it to for once in terms of timing!
Chipie- my stims were 12 days long.

Mdc and Chipie- i was also so anxious for the shots, especially Menopur. I used the ice, squeeze, quick shot method! It wasn't that bad at the end. Good luck ladies.

Wish- Did you find out if day 3 suppression is ok? Are you using the same protocol. Am sorry if you had mentioned this earlier.

Ellie- I am sorry for the polyp. Hope it doesn't hinder you this cycle. Have fun at the rugby game.

Krasa- all the best with ER today.

Mdc and Wish- Enjoy each other company when you meet. Am also jealous.

Afm, am feeling much better this afternoon. I actually enjoyed my lunch when i woke up.

Have a good weekend everybody.
I haven't asked yet - I'll wait until I get my surge smiley-face and then ask :)

not the same protocol as last time (sheesh - keep up!! :haha: totally kidding) - doing a 'patch' protocol this time around. So about a week after I ovulate, I start to apply an estrodiol patch every other day for a few days. This is in lieu of BCP for the suppression part of things and I guess we don't even wait for AF. From what the RE said, this might help to not suppress my ovaries so much - maybe we'll have a better response. This particular protocol is supposed to be good for those of us with DOR.
The day after I start the patch, I actually have 3 daily shots of antagonist - cetrotide or ganirelix.
AF will start probably on the 3rd day of those or 10dpo like usual.
cd2, I am supposed to go in for my suppression check, and THEN I'm going to start with the same protocol I was on for cycles 1 and 2 - 150 menopur and 450 gonal-F.
According to this schedule I have next to me, which is making me laugh and laugh, I'm supposed to be done with that by Day 5!! :rofl:
At least that's when monitoring starts. I assume I'll have to stim for double that.
But then another round of antagonists, trigger and retrieval.

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