38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Wish, that sounds really awesome, I hope they do transfer 3! How exciting :)

Mdc, that's so frustrating. I think they forget they are dealing with people who have already been through so much at this point. I hope it gets sorted.

Star, how do you feel? I'm really excited for you!

Chipie, how are the injections/meds going?

Krasa and Pothole, I don't know if you are reading but I'm thinking of you both and hope you are ok.

So my proper temp rise today makes me think I ovulated yesterday, though my chart disagrees. It will probably adjust in a few days and I can defo change it if I take the +opk out.
We've given it a good go and are trying to feel hopeful, despite the news I got last week. If this one doesn't work, I'm doing one more after 2 weeks of tetracycline then going to IVF. Mr Akande suggested 3 more months, but I'm getting to the point where I can't cope any more and my parents have said they will lend us the money for private IVF with him, so that's what we'll do. If that fails, we may be up to the point of an NHS funded cycle.

By the way, I've not had a rectal either and that bit made me think maybe this was the norm in the U.S.!!!
ellie - I think your chart looks on point! and you look like you timed everything just right too - I even read the other day where people are trying to time their BD'ing to get the gender they want (come on...) and they said if you want a girl, BD a few days before O b/c the female sperm are slower so by the time you ovulate, they would be right there!

thanks everyone...anxiously awaiting my phone call...
For the record...no rectal here either. I'm curious to know what it has to do with fertility.

I used to be obsessed with all of the ways that they say that you can plan your baby's gender. That was when I was young and dumb. Then I actually started trying and realized I'd take a male, female, hermaphrodite, monkey...anything would do just so long as I could get and stay pregnant! Oh the bliss of ignorance for those people who have it so easy!
Ellie, I agree with Wish you have this covered this month. Fingers crossed!

Wish's office hurry up and call!

I swear this financial lady is out to get me. She emailed and said they denied IVF, and I called to insurance to ask why and...drum roll please...they did not even submit and auth and just called to find out the criteria. Duh...I already sent it to you. I was beyond words and the nice insurance lady I talked to actually said they just need documentation and said that she would personally call the office. I lividly called the insurance person and she had the gall to say 'fine, I will just have them submit the auth'. I wanted to say REALLY, so sorry to inconvenience you by asking you to do something you said you did a couple days ago. I was trying to be really nice on the phone and tried to make light of all the hoops insurance puts people through because she is the only person that can make this happen, but I really wanted to be :devil: :brat: This all is ludicrous, and if I wasn't so close, didn't love my doc so much, and they have the best success rates in the area I would look at moving away from this clinic!
Seriously! They are being really difficult and annoying. You poor thing! I'd have had several major meltdowns by now dealing with that level of stupidity and dishonesty. I really hope you can still get it sorted out. :hugs:

Oh, in other news, after a long break because I cancelled after my operation then she was all booked up, I've finally got an acupuncture appointment tomorrow! This will be followed by hair trim and root dye (in the same building, different person!) ... My greys are getting crazy now :(.
I really hope you get a quick answer now, mdc!!! sounds like the right fire has been lit under said witch's heiny!

office called - one more night of stims and will more than likely trigger tomorrow night. I'm ordering one antagonist right now but if we have to stim tomorrow night, she said that I don't really 'need' the gonal - if I don't have it, I don't have it (when they are already this big, I guess it doesn't matter as much at the end). So that's GREAT news. She said they didn't have any samples left so I tried that route too. Oh well. So now I have to go down to the MA office at 8:45 for another scan/bloods tomorrow and retrieval will most likely be on Monday. So day off for me! And I guess I have to attend Easter now! ;)

oh ellie - acupuncture and some self-spoiling sound like just what the doctor ordered!! enjoy your day tomorrow!!
OMG what a frustrating day yesterday. Our power went off at 4pm and it didn't come back on until 11.30!! I was dying to check up on how Wish was doing but I couldn't because we had no internet at all. We had to drive down into Dover to pick up a curry take away (no cooker obvs) and I'm frantically reading all your messages whilst stood in the curry house getting really excited for Wish and really p***ed off for MDC (what a cow that woman was!) but no time to respond arghhhhhh.

So I'm on catch up now.

Star, hope you're doing ok and having a relaxing time. I am sending positive preggo vibes your way.

Wish, A-mazing follies yey! What great little growth spurts. Keep giving them some love and attention. FX for them all to fertilise etc etc. So exciting! Good luck for your scan today, I'm looking forward to hearing some details about what the trigger is like pls.

MDC wow you deserve a huge amount of good fortune after all this cr@p you've been through. It must be getting to you now, I would be tearing my hair out. Surely it gets sorted now?!

Dandi- I giggled out loud in the curry house at your comment about taking anything, even a monkey. I totally hear you.

Afm, just stimming away here. Sticking needles into already bruised patches on my stomach isn't fun. And neither is injecting by candle light which I had to do last night. Apart from one twinge the day before yesterday, I don't feel anything. Gawd please be doing something ovaries!!

Oh and I think we've all said the same thing - we've had no rectals here. Maybe there was just a touch of what I call story spice in that bit of the article. :)
Hi Ladies,

Happy Saturday!

I am sorry I wasn't here yesterday to update.

I am really a wimp when it comes to anti- anxiety meds. That low dose of valium I had on my ET day still had some effects on me yesterday. I slept most of the day. Went to eat out with DH and came home and slept again. Now am up and moving. I have heard enough sleep.

Mdc- Gosh those people are really making me mad too! They better have an answer soon. Praying that AF continues to keep away until this is sorted out. Wonder why some people dont want to do do their jobs! Beats me! I loved that article:) No rectal here too:).

Wish- Yay for Monday! Those are good size follies. Cant wait for those 3 little ones to settle back with their mama. So excited! You will be my twin PUPO here shortly.

Ellie- Temp look good. Fx crossed this is the circle mama! Enjoy your hair appt and accu today. What color is your original hair and whats the dye color?

Chipie - I hate power outage. I can see you are still stimming away. I believe your scan is coming up? I am hoping for a good # of follies. Its getting closer. I am glad your appt. went well with the other clinic too.

Hi Dandi, Sugar:)

Afm, 2dp5dt here. In terms of symptoms, we’re still in the early days and as we all know, progesterone mimics pregnancy symptoms. So I don’t put much stock in them at this point. My beta is April 5. I do not think i will test before. Or maybe i will. DH wants us to test before. He did my PIO yesterday. He was shaking but he insisted so i let him do it. On a side note my friend/co worker who uses the same clinic and was 2 wks ahead of me did her beta yesterday and she is pregnant. That gave me hope.

DH and i are going to a local comedy joint then to visit one of DH friends whose wife just had a baby. Nothing much to do here when it is so cold like this. Hope you all young ladies have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks Star. My natural hair colour is dark brown and the dye is also dark brown but it's to cover the greys. I had some already but this past year they have increased so much. It's ridiculous.
I had a massive meltdown when I was trying to find something to wear this morning. I've gained 10 pounds on the clomid and I'm really gross now :(
I ended up late for acupuncture and then cried for first 10 minutes. She treated my mental state rather than fertility and I do feel calmer now. Sitting in hairdresser with dye on after crying on hairdresser a bit too.

One of the other stylists has a big bump and keeps talking to her client about the plans for birth. Ugh.
Hi Ellie,
I am sorry you had a rough start of the day. Hope the day ended up well. Keep your head high. All will be well. I also have a few greys in the middle and not the end:)

Take care.
Aw Ellie, it sounds like you're having a rough time. Is there someone who you can talk to? My clinic offers free counselling sessions and I'm definitely going to use them. This is such a big thing to go through for all of us. I also have quite a lot of grey hair now and I feel loads better when I get it highlighted. Hopefully your pampering session helped!! Hope you're able to have a relaxing Easter and not think about ttc too much xx
<3 to all you girls, I'll update more later. Home from Easter with my fam and am pooped. Triggered last night and retrieval in the morning!! I had a 23, 19, 17, and the 10 bulked up to a 13. She didn't even measure the last one. So we're good to go!! I hope all 6 make it to the party tomorrow!
I'll update then - hugs to you all!
Hi darling ladies. I think I'm back. Maybe. I don't know. Every time I come back I think I'm ready to fully engage again, but then I just...dont. I don't know why. I started my FET protocol this week. Today was my last b/c pill, but I've been bleeding since last Saturday. I'll call tomorrow to see what to do. They told me last Monday that bleeding was fine as long as we weren't trying to build my lining up. But now we are. I'm doing shots in my stomach and still bleeding. Tomorrow I'm starting a new exercise regimen with a friend. Time to focus on more than just fertility. It's Spring Break, so to get to the gym at 6 am is going to be a real test of will. But I think it will make walking up on school days easier. I think of you all constantly. If any of you have a cliff notes version of what I've missed, I'd appreciate it. ;)
Star, those are great follies! Fingers crossed they all make it.

Pothole, so lovely to hear from you and I'll be hoping you can move on with the protocol.

DH and I almost drove through a rainbow arch today and it gave me some hope, so I thought I'd share it with you... Felt like a sign to me! We were in his van, please excuse the ladder!

Ellie that's beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Yes definitely a sign of hope for us all!!

Hi Pothole! Nice to hear from you and take your time of course. Well I hope your bleeding stops or they say not to worry about it. I'm a big believer in doing some exercise and concentrating on something other than this. How was the 6am start?
The abridged version is- Star is PUPO for getting on nearly a week, Wish is doing egg retrieval today, I'm one week into stims (more about that later), MDC is arguing with the stupid admin woman at her clinic trying to get IVF approved on her insurance and Ellie has elevated plasma cells for which she has to take anti-bs starting next cycle and 15% NK cells, however she's going to get her miracle bfp this month despite all that. Oh and Krasa has signed off - we miss her dearly :-(.
Hope that helped!

Afm in more detail, not amazing news. First scan today showed only 3 follicles, all under 10mm. I think having 6 follicles on my last scan (pre-IVF) set my expectations a bit too high. I really wanted to cry in the clinic but I held it together. They've upped my dose to 375iu and I don't go back until Friday. I've pulled myself together now and I'm trying to remain positive. My ovaries might just be talking a bit of time to wake up having been suppressed for quite a while. There's no reason why they won't look more promising in a few days. WAKE UP OVARIES.
Anxiously awaiting an update from Wish!!!

Ellie- I believe in signs and I think that was a perfect example. Good things are coming for you, you just wait and see!

Pothole- I'm so glad you're moving forward, even if you're not ready to fully engage again yet. From the "sound" of your text, you seem like you've done loads of healing in your quiet time and I'm so happy for that. I hope that the bleeding doesn't get in the way of the protocol and that you're all clear to continue. Looking forward to seeing more updates from you! :hugs:
Hope you all had a good Easter.

Pothole- good to hear from you. I completely understand about you being not sure being back or not. About that bleeding, if the doc&#8217;s office thinks the bleeding is ok, I won&#8217;t be worried. Yay to a start of a new exercise regimen. That is too early for me to wake up. As you can tell I am not a morning person. That is why I work nights. Take your time and know that we will always be here for you. I am praying for a successful FET. What protocol is your FET?

Chipie- That was sweet short summary of what&#8217;s going on with all of us. I am sorry about the follicles. But it is still early. I am sure there are some that will pop up after the increase of the dose. Sending positive vibes your way! YES WAKE UP OVARIES! When is your next scan?

Wish- Hoping for the best today. Those are good size follicles. Looking forward to your update today.

Ellie- That rainbow is so beautiful. Gives me hope. Thanks for sharing.

Afm, I am still hanging on to Faith and Hope that this will work. Today is 4dp5dt. No out of ordinary symptoms yet. I will keep you updated.
Chipie, that was a great summary, made me feel nice to read it. I read it out to DH and he liked it too :) I'm sorry the follies are being slow but there is still time for them to catch up, isn't there?

Star, I'm keeping everything crossed for you.

Everyone else, pop in and update please. I miss you all... Wish, any news?

Afm, the clocks going forward confused my bbt yesterday and then we didn't go to sleep until 4am last night (I have been doing late night jigsaws on my iPad and then we were chatting about my parents for hours, long story) so bbt looked insane today! I've got 4 days back at school now, so the routine will reset my temps. I might discard both the past 2. I'm determined to hope for my miracle still. Too early for symptom spotting yet, so just trying to chill out as much as possible.

I hope everyone's ok.
Hi all - in bed enjoying my relaxing day.

Pothole - so good to have you back, you've been missed. As Dandi said, is does sound like you've done some healing. How's the Dude?

Chipie - I know exactly how you feel but hang in there! More follies can come! I'm glad they increased you. When is your next scan? On my phone, sorry if you posted that already!

Star - I hope you start feeling something soon! So excited for you!!

Ellie- that's quite a late night! Sounds really fun though. Love the rainbow - so beautiful.

Afm - retrieved 5 eggs today. Lots of thoughts and jokes from the nurse this weekend about Easter and Cadbury eggs. Anyway - will get a call tomorrow with the fertilization report and I'll have a 2/3/5 day transfer, depending on how many and how they're developing.

MDC - anymore word on the approval? I hope AF is still staying away?
Chipie, sorry the follicles are not quite where you want them to be, but with the dose adjustment I am sure they will plump up nicely.

Pothole, I was just thinking about you. Glad you are back even if it is just partially. Excited to hear your fet protocol.

Star, excited to start symptoms spotting. When is your beta? Are you going to test early?

Ellie, I love the rainbow and it seems like a definite sign.

Wish, that is amazing and I am so excited for you! Rest up and get your uterus ready for 3 day 5 visitors :

Hi, Dandi and everyone else.

No word on IVF yet, but I am traveling today so hopefully when I land I will get a good message. AF showed up on Sat morning dpo 14 so not too bad and I took my first BCP today. So weird to be back on that crap, but I will do what I need as long as it gets me where I want to be...big fat nauseous and preggo. I am starting to feel some optimism and it is a nice feeling. Back on the PMA train, meditation, and yoga. Ready to get this baby show on the road for myself and all of us!

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