38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Sorry booger. Make sure the cookie is extra large and triple chocolate!

Hope your appointment goes well x
sorry Tui.. :flower:
Booger, I hope it goes well, you must have been all stressed out during the trip! Let us know when you come back!
Nothing to report here...It's my weekend, but it's raining... so I don't know what to do !
Hi ladies!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekends. Mine are always so exhausting - but I guess that's a good thing as means we are busy doing fun summertime things. Summer is fading quickly!

Well, Friday was the big day - our RE appointment. I had read some reviews online that the doctor we were seeing wasn't very personable but we didn't find that to be the case at all. He explained everything to us in pretty good detail and seems to be very well up on things. He had actually just come back from an national RE/IVF conference and was telling us about a few things he learned while there. That made me feel really good about our choice - knowing that he is keeping up on the latest and greatest technologies.

Anyway, we talked about the results from the tests I have already had done. The lab here didn't send the actual films from my HSG, just the Dr's report so he isn't convinced that my right tube is blocked. He is requesting the films so he can see for himself. He said that lots of times the tubes spasm during the procedure and that will keep the dye from going into the tube. He also told us that if we didn't want to jump straight to IVF we could try medicated cycles, IUIs etc. He wanted us to know that was an option. DH and I talked about it briefly but decided to just move ahead - we've already been at this a year with no luck and since we'd ideally love to have at least 2 children, we don't want to waste anymore time. I appreciated that he let us know that we could do the other options if we wanted to though. He did reiterate that doing those options don't necessarily increase our odds all that much though - especially at my age (makes me sound old!)

He did a pelvic ultrasound and things looked a lot better this time than when my OB/GYN did it. I had 8-9 follies on each side, which was pretty exciting. She only saw 5-6 last time. He tried to measure my cervix with a catheter but it didn't work so I will have to do a mock embryo transfer so he can practice with my difficult cervix. He ordered some more blood tests cause he wants them run in his lab. I have to go to my lab here on CD3 and then they give me the vial of blood which I then have to freeze and ship back to them on dry ice - yikes! So much pressure. Poor DH had to do another SA. Oh well, I still don't feel too sorry for him. He also was in the room when they were doing the pelvic exam with the fun little dildo camera - I thought he was going to pass out with embarrassment. I feel it's good for him to see what we ladies have to go through though.

We then met with the nurse coordinator who went through the whole process with us. She was also great. I know this is getting long so I'll sum up what our plan is - we are moving into IVF and I should start stimming in mid-September with a retrieval towards the end of the month. We talked at length with the doctor about doing a single embryo transfer (SET) since I really don't want twins. Based on the fact that we would prefer to do the SET, we are doing preimplantation genetic screening/diagnois (PGD). Doing the PGD will tell us which embryos are normal (have the correct number of chromosomes) and those are the ones that have the best chance of actually implanting. He said his clinic has close to a 70% success rate with women in my age category with embryos that have been through PGD. It's definitely more expensive but will hopefully give us a little more peace of mind.

Since we'll be doing the PGD, I won't have a fresh transfer. They take a biopsy from the trophectoderm (the part of the embryo that becomes the placenta) on any expanded blastocysts on Day 5, freeze them and then wait for the test results to come back. We'll be looking at a transfer in December. We could do November but if the transfer is successful, then the due date would be August and that is busiest time for wildfires out here (and since DH is a wildland firefighter, it's not ideal).

December seems so far away but it's actually nice to have a detailed plan in place. I feel for the first time in a year, I have a little breathing room. The doctor also feels that based on yesterday's exam, we can hopefully get lots of eggs. Lots of eggs gives us a better chance at a higher number of embryos, obviously and that hopefully gives us a better chance at more to freeze.

Sorry for the book!!! I'm just excited, I guess.
Booger, that is NICE ! I'm happy you feel better about it all, and it must be so nice to have answers, to feel like someone is in charge, is taking care of it all.
December is far away, but you can look forward to it and I'm sure it will come fast after all... it's 4 months !
Positive vibes are good ! keep going ;)

Not much to report here, I'll O next week I guess. taking new vitamins, working, and enjoying summer too.
Wow booger, what a fascinating process. Really excited for you, and good on you for just jumping in there! They make us sound geriatric for wanting children at our age don't they, lol. Can't wait for your bfp announcement in December then xx
Hi ladies!

Yes, Tui, nothing like waiting to try to have children for everyone to make you fee old. It's another "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Have them too young and you're irresponsible, wait until you're ready and "why do you want to do that now or you're too old". Sigh. It's pretty annoying.

Lola - Yes, it does feel good to know where we are headed versus trying every month and then seeing no results. I know that there is no guarantee with IVF either - that certainly makes it scary since it's so expensive. DH and I agree though that this is the right thing to do for us at this point and time. How are you doing? Any signs of O in the near future?

How is everyone else doing out there?????
Tired and sick, lol. Got to drag my butt out of bed to go to work. Hopefully I'll be better for the weekend.
Afternoon Folks, sorry havent been on here for a while. Hoping that some of you have had some positive news! We are still trying but I have lost interest a bit.. Dont get me wrong I still want a baby but I'm over trying and being disappointed.

Have just been given a new role at work which starts in October. I feel a little guilty that I may leave if i get pregnant. Silly I know, just like pleasing everyone.

Doctor has made referral to fertility clinic but we haven't heard anything yet.

Am hoping the new job will help things as I will no longer have to do nightshifts just day and lates, which means I will be home more at nights!!

Well better get ready for work, fingers crossed for everyone!!
Bit hard to bd when you work nights so glad you have a more 'normal' job. And I know exactly how you feel about the ttc thing. I'm actually thinking about forgetting the whole business. So over it.
yeah i know what you mean about forgetting about it, I kind of feel that way but the hubby doesnt.. We will keep trying for the next year and then re think.
hey girls,

Hattie I understand and feel the same way. I stopped taking my BBT a while ago, and I'm having a drink without feeling guilty.. I stiiff TTC and all, I just don't want it to be all my life.
My DH was working nights til May, and that's also the reason we missed some good chances to bd.. I hope it will better for you in October.

Tui, I hope you feel better soon :flower:

Booger, I'm O'ing like now, egcm and all, and 4 days off, so yay!

And yep feeling old too haha, I didn't tell anyone we're ttc and last time I met my best friend's father, he asked me if 'my husband didn't want kids', LOL like 'she's old and still no baby, so it must be because her husband doesn't want kids'.... wtf !
yay I got to time it well this month, I'm happy! now lets cross fingers...
I saw a couple last night, they are TTC too and she got pregnant very fast, but did a MC at 3 months.. That scares me..
Hi ladies!

Lola - Glad your timing was good this month. That's always a positive thing! How far into the TWW are you? I hate it when people just assume things like your father's friend did. Old school way of thinking. And then those kinds of attitudes make me feel even worse about delaying the process as long as we did. Ugh. :flower:

Hattie - Good to hear from you. The TTC process is overwhelming, especially after going at it for awhile. It's funny to think about the progression of things -going from just having sex all the time, to trying to figure out when you ovulate, to optimally timed intercourse - it's no wonder that it starts to feel more like a chore. Congrats on the new role at work! That's exciting! Good luck with your fertility doctor appointment. I was anxious for mine but felt good walking out of there with more information and a plan. Any forward progression is a great thing.

Tui - How are you doing? I see you are in the TWW as well. I hope you are feeling better by now and that the new job is still going well!

How are things going for everyone else??

Not a lot going on here. One week into the birth control pills and I'm already an emotional, bloated mess. Ugh. Glad that I don't have to take these for very long. :growlmad:
Hi ladies,

Today makes day 16 since AF and no smiley face so I can get the ok to do the baby dance. That is very weird for me. This past July or August I never got 2 lines to tell me that I am ovulating. During that time I was using first response so maybe it didn't catch it but now I am using clear blue.

I am worried. Could this be a sign of early menopause?
hi !
I'm 6dpo, not much to say ! we went to the beach and had a nice few days.. now back to work !
Wccp, I don't think it's menopause, if you don't have other symptoms than a neg opk.. do you see any bbt change during the cycle? maybe you O late with a short LP?
Booger, I hope you feel better soon :flower:
Hi ladies, just stopping in quickly to say hi and yes I'm still around. Just been really busy entertaining DD and trying to keep my sister sane - my mother is being just a tad bit in her face!!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Oh and onto the next cycle. Already on CD4. I was expecting it so I'm fine with AF arriving
I'm hoping to read back and catch up over the weekend
Hi girls, hope you are all well.

Not much going on with me. 6 dpo so just waiting waiting waiting.........
Hi tui just came accross this thread as I'm back on the ttc journey after having LO in February . I started ttc at 40 and fell pg within 5 months . Sadly like you I had a mmc @12 weeks . We tried again and I fell pg 5th month again . This time we were blessed and after an uneventful nine months Sean arrived . He is now 6 months and I'm almost 42 !! So no time to waste for a sibling so I'm hoping back in :)

Goodluck to you all :) age is only a number !!!!

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