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38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Wow star you must be pumped!

Step 5 complete and we have lucky number 16 follies now (still probably 5 or so won't hit maturity), but going well. I do have one greedy follie that grew almost 6mm so it is 18 now. I had a little talk with him and said he needs to share with his brothers and sisters. Yeah officially cray cray over here :rofl: Also lining is 8! I have not seen it that high. All that estrogen is plumping everything nicely. Next appt tomorrow. :wohoo:
So much good news on this thread the past few days! I feel like everything is lining up and falling into place for so many of you!!!
Mdc, that's really fab! When do they think you will trigger? I'm so pleased it's all growing and plumping well xxx
Ellie, hard to tell on triggering.

I went to the doc yesterday and had a different tech who was meticulous about measuring and got some lower measurements. Kind of bummed at first but in hindsight it makes them all clump together better. Now my biggest in 17.6. Lining now measuring 6.1. Damn! Oh well, I just need to focus on growing the eggies now and we will get to the lining later. Back in to the office here in an hour so fingers crossed we are still moving along. So much for a relaxing holiday weekend, but it is for a good cause.
Good luck, Mdc. Can't wait to hear!

DH got a call on our way home from spa today... He had an extended SA done and it showed he has sperm antibodies. Our chances of conceiving naturally with that and my NKC were virtually nil. We will have ICSI now. I'm so furious with the NHS for only doing a basic test last year and not spotting that. Basically, I went through clomid, weight gain, a polyp removal and months of shit because they didn't test properly. We should also be entitled to ICSI on the NHS but it's too late to go through the referral again now. If this private cycle fails, I'm going to be very stern about getting another one funded! Not that it will. I'm also hurt that DH has been blaming me for the past however long and it was him too. There is no fault in this really, but he was all pathetic last week about having to do the SA, he even said "we know it's not me, so what's the point in this test?"... Well, there you go.

The spa was amazing. We had 4 hours of steam rooms, jacuzzi, sauna, meditation rooms, brunch (delicious) and just chill out time. It was the best thing after 2 gigs in a row and very late nights.
dang mdc, i was hoping to come back to you having retrieval today!! not long now - hang in there! 16 is AWESOME!! perhaps this is giving them all more time to mature too!! WOOO!

ellie - that spa day sounds won-der-ful! that's also very interesting about the extended SA. Like we don't put enough pressure and guilt on ourselves....you poor thing. Glad you're sharing the load now, though. ICSI, here you come!!

nothing going on here - lots of ewcm for the first time in a long time. Today is cd15, so I'm going to suggest to DH that we BD the next 3 days. :) oh, and so AF is due in about 2 weeks.
Ellie, so glad they found out about DH , but ugh...all the iui and a slim chance is infuriating. Glad icsi can help overcome. Maybe DH will play nicer now. The spa sounded awesome!

Wish, bd away girl...you got this! Hoping for a big surprise BFP! I miss bding...wahhh!

So there was some good growth today and max is 19.5,three 18, a couple 16, and some so close to 15. Since my E2 is 2500 the are going to let me stim one more day to see if we get a little extra growth. So appt tomorrow and likely trigger tomorrow night. Lining up a but so that is good too! :wohoo:
Good luck Wish with the mammo!

Mdc- things are working well. Glad the follies are cooperating with you. Happy trigger!

Ellie- that spa sounded soooo good. I need to do something like that in future. Am sorry about the SA report. Thank goodness for ICSI.

Nothing new here, waiting for my verify results.

Hope you all have a good day.
Come on Mdc lining and follies! Grow, grow, grow! Have fun with trigger. I can't wait for that, I'll finally be able to stop the nasal spray!

So, I'm just snorting my drugs and waiting to get on with injecting. My baseline scan is in 10 days. I'm so excited to start stimming!
I am off work with half term this week and so I stayed in bed until 11 today because DH went off to work. Bliss. I'm calling in on my parents later and tomorrow I have a massage booked, birthday present from my parents.

I reposted the most amazing article today, from the male perspective of infertility and miscarriage. It made me weep tears and roar with laughter.
Here's the link: https://www.littlethings.com/dan-leah-pregnancy-journey

Have a great Tuesday, lovely girls :) xxx
ellie - i saw someone else post that the other day on FB and I wasn't brave enough to share it. I didn't want people now asking what we were going through, i guess. But at the very same time, i want people to know what they are REALLY asking when they ask if we're having kids. Not that that happens too much anymore, and not like I wasn't guilty of the same question before I knew all of this could happen. Thank you for posting that.

and btw, I totally cracked up when you said you were snorting your drugs! :rofl:

mdc - can't wait for your appt today!!! You should be triggering tonight and hopefully retrieval on Thurs - YAYYYYY!!! Your follicles all sound wonderful, big and strong!

dandi - how are you feeling these days?

star - week 12, eh?
Ellie, wow snorting and then moving on to injecting, sounds like you are moving up in the world. :haha: You will be there before you know it! I saw the FB thing also, and got kind of teared up reading. Thanks for sharing.

Wish, good luck with the boobie squeezie appointment! Hopefully you got some good BDing in and are counting down to testing.

Hi to everyone else!

Drum roll....trigger tonight!!! :wohoo: E2 is looking good with the a nice increase from yesterday and I have a couple 21 follies so we are ready to rock and roll. I have to get P4 and LH drawn tomorrow as I am doing a lupron trigger and they want to make sure it kicks things off. Also, my lining is over SEVEN! Not perfect for most people but I will take it. It is not a huge deal this cycle, but good to know with enough estrogen that I can get to an acceptable level. So far things are going well, and next step is to get those nice big fat, best in class quality eggies during retrieval on Thursday. Hoping it all continues to go smooth.
Go, Mdc! That's fab news. I hope your trigger goes smoothly :)

I've just found out that DH won't be at home the first 2 days I'm stimming. I'm bricking it about injecting alone. I'm even considering going to his gig to do it there... He said it would be totally rock 'n' roll to start shooting up in the loos. Oh dear...

Wish, I hope the mammo goes ok and fxed for this miracle month xx
Yay for trigger Mdc! Those numbers sound great. So excited for you!
I'll be 36 in a few weeks and we're also hoping to get pregnant with #1 soon. I met my hubby when I was 32, married at 34 and now we're finally in a place where we feel ready. He has a daughter from a previous marriage but I have a few lady bit health issues :winkwink: so we're trying to get those in order through naturopathics and Traditional Chinese Medicine before we TTC. I'm hoping that, if all goes according to my ideal world plan, I'll be pregnant in October or November in order to have a summer 2017 baby. As a teacher, this means I could finish the next school year and not have to leave the kids in the middle of the year!

Really happy to be here!
Hi Stepha. You're a teacher too!? I had a similar ideal world plan. Mine was to have a baby in the first bit of the school year, get the best possible option with maternity leave etc. 18 months of trying later, I'll just take a baby, whenever it's born, I don't mind any more.

I really hope your journey is smoother than mine. Welcome to our little group of lovely support. We're quite chatty, but jump in when you can. Are you in the UK? US? Somewhere else?
Mdc, what was the trigger like? I bet it's great to be able to stop the stimming injections now. When does the PIO start?
wahooooooo mdc!!! about 25 hrs from now, I think, you'll be in retrieval! Are they going to knock you out or will you be awake? take the knock out if you can. As one girl said who was just waking up, it's better than a spa day! :rofl: I was dying, she was so out of it and funny.
Are you taking the day off of work? be nice to yourself, take it easy.

stepha - welcome! I echo ellie - I hope your plan goes accordingly. Not many of us on this thread have had things work out the way we envisioned but there is always hope. And yes, we are definitely chatty so jump on in!

ellie - holy cow, that's funny! ROCK 'n' ROLL!!!!
Oh, and my mammo was a piece of cake. A little awkward but the woman doing it was awesome and kept me calm talking about my kitties and such. I said, at the end, that that was nothing and women make it out to be such a big deal and she said that was the truth and it was a shame b/c a lot of women don't get their first one until they are like 65 and already have breast cancer. So ladies - get your mammos!! It's worth 10 mins of awkwardness!!:holly::holly::holly:
Hi everyone :) sorry I've been MIA again !! I have been reading :) wish glad the mammo is over and done for you ..it was a wait but came fast in the end Damm just a is sit down someone at the door ...... Ill be back !!!!
Stepha, welcome! It is a crazy journey, but this is a great group of gals. I would not have survived without them. Good luck with TCM. I started acupuncture over 3 months ago and I LOVE it!

Ellie, trigger was easy. The needles did not go in as easy as the others, but so satisfying to hopefully be the last one for at least a while. Pio will start close to the transfer, so hopefully in 3 weeksish.

Wish, yes totally knocked out. Learned my lesson from the D&C. So glad your mammo was not bad at all and I love the bouncing tatas. :haha:

Left, I can only imagine how crazy your life is right now. No worries we know you are always stalking :winkwink:

Hi to everyone else!

Last blood draw today, hopefully, to check prog and LH. I guess the Lupron trigger is not as strong (but decreases the risk of ohss), so hoping for a good news call today. And DH is kind of being a knob. He gets so worked about about the sample. I do see how there is a lot of pressure (kind of got to make sure it happens), but seriously. He had the nerve to tell hormonal me...'I have to do a lot tomorrow and you just have to go under'. WOW! Bad move buddy. I have just been injecting myself 2-4 times a day for the past 11 days, getting probed every other or every day, and getting multiple blood samples. Yeah, I am just chilling here enjoying the life. He did say he was sorry, but man he is cranky pants and damage done. Men I swear!

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