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38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Someone from IVfland explain the difference for me between ICSI and PGS. I try to keep up with everything I've learned from you all, but I think I keep getting those confused.
ICSI - when they select a sperm from the sample and inject it directly into the egg, to help fertilization along (they still may not mix well and not fertlize). This is typically used when there is an issue with the sperm and the likelihood of the sperm finding their way to the egg naturally in the petri dish is low. Stands for intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

PGS - post-fertilization and 5-day blast stage embryo testing, for chromosomal issues that the embryo may have (so testing for abnormal embies). Stands for Pre-implantation Genetic Screening.
Got it! Thanks for the cliff's notes version!
hello. I too am starting on the later side. I am 25 and my husband 28. Have really started our trying this month, but dabbled since January. I will be testing by Friday if AF doesnt come. best of luck and wish you the best at these crazy times
Left, that is seriously a dust storm...get it 'dust' storm. Yes, I crack myself up sometimes :rofl: Thank you!

Dandi, so glad you do not have to do insulin :wohoo: keep up the good work and hopefully your fingers will only have to get stuck a couple times a week. Your poor little fingers! July 20th...no way that is so close!

Ellie, the baseline worried me also, but try not to fret (says one of the biggest worriworts here :haha: ) you will do great. So far it has helped me taking one step at a time.

Wish, yes we did icsi. DH had poor morphology last time we did a full SA, but that was before he stopped smoking. They hopefully have improved, but we are set on throwing the kitchen sink at this chance. When will you test?

Hi, johnpet best of luck!

Hi to everyone else!

We got the results and of the 9 eggs, 9 were mature, and 7 fertilized. We are off to a good start. Now we wait to Sunday morning to see how many are growing day 3. It is going to be a long couple of days, but just got to continue being positive. Hoping with all of them mature that there is some great quality in the embies. Note to the little embies...grow little ones grow...xoxo.
mdc - when is your next report? I'm so excited for your numbers, that's awesome! also pretty excited you did ICSI. I friggin wish we did....still a little upset at that.

I don't know - guess I'll test next weekend if AF hasn't arrived. If I O'ed on Tuesday, then I think AF will be here around Thurs/Fri of next week. My folks are coming into town on Tues, though, and staying for a week. Hmmm...test when they are here or not? If my boobs aren't hurting, I most likely won't test.

johnpet - welcome and good luck!
Hi johnpet. 25 and 28 is seriously not the later side! Good luck.

Mdc, awesome news. I'm secretly quite pleased we are doing ICSI, as I've heard it can up the fert %. We were not expecting to need to do it, though, as DH's count etc were great.

I'm getting so bored of the waiting! I just want to crack on now. Hopefully 3 weeks until retrieval!
Wish, Sunday is the next report. I agree if you thought they were always doing icsi and then they didn't I would be :devil:
Good morning girls,

Dandi- yay for no Insulin. Thanks for the instructions on ticker.

Mdc- That was a good first fert report. Any news from yesterday?

Wish- wow in a few days you will start your iui cycle. BUT am hoping for a miracle BFP from this cycle.

Ellie- you too.... Starting up stims in a few days?

Hope you all had a good weekend like l did. Mine was laid back. Just lunch with friends and being a local tourist in my town visiting our local art gallery and museum. The weather was so beautiful.

Thinking about you all.
good morning!

how is everyone?

ellie - this is the week!!

so I completely kept forgetting to start the Crinone. I'm assuming it's too late now, since they usually start it 2dpo and if I O'ed last Tues, I'm now 7dpo. So I'm just going to go with the flow. But I did cut up come pineapple core, so it's something!
My folks come in tomorrow, I'm pretty excited!
Wish, yum pineapple core and I hope AF stays away on its own. Never know!

Star sounds like a lovely weekend!

Hello to everyone else.

I forgot to post here the day 3 results. We still have all 7 growing with great quality! I was kind of shocked, and I think my doc was too. I was expecting some to drop off, but a super nice surprise. I keep telling DH this is unusual and next time there should be a drop off (not that I think he believes me :haha: ). They will call tomorrow and of course I am in a client meeting I am leading. I am probably going to have to give DH my phone and be dying the whole meeting. Ahhhh!
Mdc that's amazing news :) the magnificent 7 is right !!!! Wow must have been all that fairy dust ;)
I love you lot. When I come on here, it feels so safe and good.

Mdc, your Magnificent 7 are awesome. I hope I get some overachievers too!

Star, a laid back weekend will do you the world of good. How are you feeling? Any bump starting yet?

Wish, I reckon you subconsciously avoided the crinone after your previous descriptions of it. I've already warned DH that I've got 12 weeks of cyclogest and the resulting um, product, might put him off any monkey business!

I'm getting closer to my baseline scan now... 4 days and counting! It's likely I'll be starting stims on Friday too.
I had fun snorting my drugs at school again. I'm glad I've set up alarms, though, or I'd defo forget the 11am one. The app I use, Medisafe, also lets my DH know if I forget to take them! It's a great app (which stores the dosages etc) and I also have phone alarms because they are louder and harder to miss!
Thanks ladies. And...cd1 today!!!! The doc said it would be early and in looking it is not unusual to have it 5 days after the lupron trigger. Guess my bodies is really ready to get this show on the road.
mdc - woah, what?? already?? that was QUICK! omg, it's so close! so you'll get the testing done at day 5, then they'll freeze the buggers for only a couple of weeks and then transfer back? how many are you going to transfer back? EEEEE!!! :wohoo:

ellie - you may be right - it's nice to not have to worry about that, esp when BD'ing comes around ;) Also, I'm just envisioning you walking around your classroom doing a lesson, your phone goes off and you casually snort something and continue on! hahaha

yes, star! any bump yet?
Wish- lol the description of Ellie snorting while teaching is so funny.....seems like l can see her doing that.

Ellie- counting the days with you!

Mdc! Wow! 7 is a great #! That is so wonderful.

Afm, no bump yet. Infact that makes me worried abit. I can still wear my usual clothes. I am looking forward to a bump:) l know that sounds crazy, but l dont care showing after having gone through this journey.
No, don't worry Star. My sister in law didn't get anything until about 15 weeks with her first. Everyone's different. I know I'll just bloat for ages, as I do every month anyway. You'll get all bumpy soon enough :)

Hehe, snorting whilst teaching, lol! I actually do one at home at 7am, one at the start of break (11.05am) then nothing until end of school (3pm). 7pm and 11pm are at home again. Injection will be between 6-10pm, so no worries there.
Ellie, I love medication reminders which reminds me I should set mine up for my

Wish, hopefully they will pull the test cells tomorrow and then I think it is 7-10 days to get results. If all good, and my lining cooperates, we will transfer toward the end of the month. Yikes! As for the number to transfer we initially said two, but if they are pgs normal...kind of wondering if we should just do one at a time. Need to talk to my doc about that one. Not scared of twins, but wonder if adding two makes implantation problems for one or the other.

Star, the bump will come! I hear you though you are already ready to sport it :thumbup:
Star dont worry about no bump yet with Sean I remember going for my 20 week scan. Everyone else seemed to have a bump expept me .. Didn't really start to get one till around 24-26 weeks . Its like that with your first as aparently tight tummy mucsle ;)

Ellie 4 days wahoooo ... I'm also counting with you ;) and I've kept lots of that special fairy dust by just for you ;) well there is a special batch for all of ye ...... Shhhh its a secret recipe ;)

Mdc .... Very very exciting times ahead in the next few weeks .... Eeeeek can't wait !!! Soon you will be PUPO with super embies :) how many go back in to nest ?? And when ?

Wish :) firstly poas to look forward to and then an exciting time for iui :) better start cooking up that wish fairy dust . Missed the deadline this time round ... Not for the iui if needed ;)

Dani hope your still kicking the butt of diabetes ;) the days a zooming by now for you !!!!

The weather here is lovely :) no rain for a change :)

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