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38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

That is precisely what I'm expecting mine to say. They seem to get manflu-like about ivf treatments... We bravely snort, inject, pop pills and have operations, all whilst messing up our hormones. They have to jack off in a pot and it's the worst possible thing! My DH would never, ever cope with remembering all the meds. Ugh, men.

Anyway, I really hope the retrieval goes well. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear how many fertilise. Good luck! xxx
Phew I'm back :) man to fix our boiler ! So where was I ...

Hello everyone hope your all well . The weather here is amazing for Ireland so enjoying the sunshine while it lasts . I did my first solo grocery shop today with 2year old and 11 week old . I was terrified and had a plan I'd leave if it all kicked off ! Thankfully it didn't , I'm very proud of myself !!! Anyway enough about me ....

Ellie how are you in general with needles ? Hopefully not too bad as IVF seems to include a lot of them !!!

Mdc exciting step tommrrow, so far tis going really well :) can't wait to see how many eggie s you get and how many little mdc embies are made :) when will you know how many have fertilised ? Maybe a stupid question but does oh have to take anything meds wise to improve sperm quality ect ??? They really do get away lightly !!!! Good luck tommrow ill be thinking of you as always xx
Wish glad you got the mammo out of the way , did you get the results there and then ? Or do you have to wait for a call ? Then its onto the next step for you :) when does the POAS start ??
Dani the weeks are flying by for you now ..... Not long left till labour watch on our other channel ;) lol...
Star wow almost second tri already !!! Hope our feeling good :)
Bet you are all waiting for news re sugar !!!!! Me too

Welcome Stepha :) these ladies sure can talk !!!!
I'm sure I'm forgetting lots ... I'm going back to read. ;) lol
Welcome Stepha! You came to the right thread.

Mdc- Yay for a successful trigger! We are rooting for those follies now.

Wish- Glad the mammo went well. Next step is the IUI?

Left- busy mama! We do understand.

Dandi- hows blood sugar checks going on? How about the weight? Hoping for the best.

I have a question. Is it ok to continue updating here once in a while. I know l have been updating here and not much on the other thread. I will maybe go and update on the other thread more. I just dont want to make anybody uncomfortable with my updates. Its just that l feel so comfortable on this thread for we all know each other journey and ups and downs. l am used to charting with you ladies.
Men! They are just clueless. It's a wonder the female species haven't killed them off in the past few millenniums, lol. Bless them, for they know not how foolish they can be.

Wish, will you be able to start Letrozole this next cycle then in a couple of weeks?

How are things going Star? Are you feeling sick or have you started to get past that?

Welcome Stepha! Best of luck. I hope your plan falls into place seemlessly, but if it doesn't, you're in good hands here. Between the lot of us, I think we've just about seen it all. Lots of experience, knowledge, and wisdom floating around this thread, which can be very comforting when you're going through it.

Blood sugar check are going fine. Still the same, after meal glucose is great, but fasting remains a bit high. I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so I hope I find out if he's thinking insulin or if the overall picture is good enough to avoid that. I'm also going to ask him about work stress affecting my glucose levels because my after numbers are pretty much perfect and that's the time of day that I'm most relaxed. The next morning I wake up tense about everything waiting for me at the office and I eat breakfast and lunch there as well. I've read that stress can really elevate your numbers and I'm hoping that I can make it through this terrible time at work without my numbers getting any higher. After adding in more snacks and carbs per the nutritionist's suggestion, I've gained a few lbs back and as of this morning I'm at a decent total weight gain so far of about 10-13 lbs (I can't remember exactly where I started out).

I'm dying for an update on Sugar! I really hope that everything went ok and that Sugar and Sugar Baby are well.
I, personally, will be happy to read your updates on here Star. You had quite a journey to get to where you are and we are all quite a close bunch.
star - you can post wherever you feel most comfortable but we're all going to stalk you wherever you go, so it doesn't matter if it's here or there! :friends: I love reading about all of the updates from you, dandi, sugar, etc. It's so cool learning and hearing all that you're going through. Don't feel bad at all!

left - yeah, you are a busy mom for sure!! Congrats on the successful grocery trip! That would stress me out too! That is a very interesting bit of insight, though - everyone always looks at the mom with the 2 kids as a possible impediment into THEIR shopping experience. Just think of that mom who really didn't want to drag the 2 kids out to the store but HAD to! I have a new outlook.

dandi - so glad your sugars are playing nicely most of the time. i bet stress does have an impact - I think I've seen those ads about stress = glucose increase = belly fat or something, right? I'm sure there's some science to it but the first part of that equation looks right on. Worth asking!

ellie - not long now!! when do you start your injections?

mdc - cannot WAIT for your ER updates today!

afm - yeah, if au natural didn't work this month (we did BD last night too and I was still having ewcm yesterday, which is unheard of this late in the cycle), then yep, I should be able to start the Letrozole IUI next month. I just have to get the doctor office fax machines to talk and have them send everything the RE office needs. I won't have the official mammo results until maybe next week but the tech said that the gland tissue all looked normal and even. I took a glimpse and it was pretty cool! little, but cool :rofl:
I'm also attending an adoption Webinar at noon today. Hopefully it's interesting. Man, the adoption process is DAUNTING from what I've learned so far.
Wow, Wish... You've got some great next steps set up! I'm all fingers crossed for you :)

Mdc, I'm hoping you can update soon, but I know the GA will take a while to wear off, so we will be patient!

I have my baseline scan a week tomorrow and due to start injecting that evening! Unfortunately, DH is gigging that night and at a festival the next one. I'm so scared of doing this alone that I'm packing my ice bag and taking it all to my brother's house for the weekend! My sister in law is a vet nurse so good with needles and she's also great at calming me down, so I chose her! She's more than happy to help. I like to think of her having a part to play in the journey to a baby and I reckon she'll be a godmother too, so it's perfect!

The more I've been looking into my DH's sperm antibodies, the more likely it seems that this has stopped fertilisation all this time. With my copious eggs and the lining issues being dealt with, I'm suddenly a bit nervous about them putting back 2 blasts, which is the plan! Then again, I reckon we'd cope with twins. DH has decided this will be the spur he needs to make the band a bigger success. At the moment, they play for small money, but the plan is to start writing their own stuff and see where it takes them. I'm all for this idea... I like the idea of working part time.

Anyway, needles and I have little acquaintance, so I don't know how I'll be. I've had blood taken a lot over the years and I've donated it a lot too. I've always been fine with that. I've just never used a needle. I reckon my sister in law will be a great help the first 2 times, then I'll be fine on my own.
that's really cool, ellie! I'm glad DH is on board with thinking about the future and now pushing himself!

the needles are a piece of cake, I promise! It's shaky going in, b/c you're actually sticking yourself and that's beyond comprehension, but once it's in, you'll be like 'that was no big deal!' That's super sweet about your SIL, though - I love that idea of her playing a part in her future god child's conception! :)
I agree. The anticipation of the needle is way worse than the actual needle. I remember when I first had to inject myself I just closed my eyes and stabbed blindly, lol. After the first one it's nothing, you'll do great!
Hello ladies,

Ellie- lucky you to have somebody to assist with your injections. You are getting close to stimming. Thats exciting. I personally did not like needles on me but just like everybody's says, you will be fine.

Dandi- stress do elevate blood sugar levels. I have seen that with patients who are about to have a procedure or going for a major test. Hopefully your morning #s will act up. But at least you have good #s the rest of the day. By the way, how do you add a ticker?

Wish- thats great the mammo turned up good. I also pray for that surprise bfp. Yay on the BD!

Mdc- waiting for update......

Left- yay for a successful grocery trip. Am sure you will be doing more grocery trips now.

Well, l saw my Ob office today. I already miss my RE girls and RE. I had been seeing them almost every week or biweekly for the last 5 months. Just did some paperwork, billing info and some labs. Next appointment next week for physical and talking with my ob. Yes, l am almost into 2nd trimester. I still cannot believe it sometimes. 12w 5days today. My appetite is gone. I have to force myself to eat. I do not like meat at all. But l try to eat boiled eggs, beans and lentils just to have my proteins in. I eat a lot of fruits. We will see if this trend will change.

Got my results..... Very low risk for any of the trisomys and we are having a girl!
Congratulations with your excellent results and yay for a little girl! :pink:
Hi, everybody! I'm new to BabyandBump. I'm 38 and TTC for the first time with a known sperm donor. In the TWW after the first round! :)
Star, that is so amazing! I do believe we are on a girls are out weighing the boys 3:1 (Kiley, sugar and you team girl with Dandi team boy). Who knows maybe the next couple will be boys...here is looking at you wish and Ellie! Also post anywhere you want I love hearing updates and will stalk you (not like real life stalking that is :haha: )wherever.

Ellie, I promise the needles are not bad at all. So nice of your sil to be there to help if you need her to.

Wish, hoping you got some good action in this month!

Welcome grapequeen and best of luck in your tww. How many days are you into your wait?

Hi to everyone else!

They were able to get 9 eggies so although it was lower than I was hoping I know it is still a very respectable number. Now we are just hoping for a spectacular fert and growth report over the next couple of days. Ahhhh....the suspense may be the death of me. Please send all the good fertility vibes/prayers that you can my way. Also thank you all for being such great friends during this whole process. Xoxo
Mdc, you are on for a boy too, then! I have everything crossed that they fertilise and grow, grow, grow... 9 little baby Mdcs! :)

Welcome, grapequeen. It's a great thread, fingers crossed for your 2ww :)
Mdc- Thats a good #. C'mon follies.... We need a good Fert report.

Welcome grapequeen. You joined a good group of ladies. All the best with ttc.
I typed a whole long post out last night on my phone and then the page reloaded and I lost everything. Hate it when that happens!

Star, congrats on the good results and finding out that you're having a baby girl!!! That's such an awesome feeling to find out the gender and a sigh of relief to know that things are looking good. I remember that I had to search instructions on how to do a ticker, lol, but I think if you click on someone else's ticker that you want it will take you to the site and you enter your info and it will give you a code to enter in your B&B signature line.

I can't wait to hear some updates on Mdc's dream team! I hope you get some good news soon. I have a great feeling about this for you and your support!

Wish- do you know if they are going to do gonal f in combo with your letrozole next cycle (if you need it that it, I'm still holding out hope for a miracle baby this cycle!).

Welcome grapequeen and good luck!

Afm, drumroll please...... no insulin! Woohoo! Doc was satisfied with my numbers even though fasting is a tad high, he said it wasn't that far out of range and I can just start experimenting a bit to see what may improve it or what makes it worse, just to play around and learn what works specifically for me, so I like that plan. Three more weeks of testing 4 times a day and if things stay as they are, I will then only have to test about 3 times per week to make sure there are no big changes. Yay! We also scheduled my c section, so unless baby decides to come on his own sooner, I have an end in sight of July 20th! Couldn't have made it this far without all of you.
My dad's birthday is July 20th and he's an especially awesome person! Great news about the insulin. I hope it all stays good.

Mdc, any fert news yet?

Afm, one week until baseline! I can't wait, although I'm a bit nervous about another polyp popping up. Really hope it's all clear.
ahhhhh so much of the good things happening right now! I love it!!

star - congrats and big hugs on the baby girl! I'm so glad your test results are clean too!! :pink: :girl:

dandi - :wohoo: for no insulin!! And I can't even believe you're scheduled for 7/20 - that seems so close!! Baby Nash will be here so soon!

ellie - one week from today! AHH!! You can do this, dear!!

grape - welcome! This is such an exciting time, I wish you all the luck too. yes, where are you in your TWW. These girls are A-MAZ-ING, you've popped on to the right thread.

mdc - need a fert report!! They better have done a good job overnight. Did you do ICSI? I can't remember, but I didn't think so.

afm - all test results are over to the RE so we should be able to get this party going in about a week (if needed, but most likely). Also, OPK testing yesterday and today showed a big fat O so I guess I O'ed earlier this week, which is GREAT for the BD timing. So I guess I'll start on Crinone tomorrow.

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