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38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Cross posting this everywhere:

4th monitoring scan today. I burst into tears before I even got to dildocam...

Lining 13.3mm
Left ovary: 11.2, 15.2, 17.6, 10.9, 11.2
Right ovary: 13.1, 17.7, 14.9, 18.9, 11.2, 12.5, 9.1

Trigger tonight at 21.15!!!
Collection: Tuesday at 7.45am

I'm doing one more big dose gonal-f today and then the trigger, so some of the smaller ones will catch up, but unlikely to get 12 mature eggs. I'm hoping for 9 or 10.

I'm so excited and scared and I'm going to go into work tomorrow, where I'll be useless!
How exciting!! It is finally here. Are you doing the transfer fresh or are you freezing and waiting for specific time in your cycle?
good morning, girls!

aayla - keep those test results coming! I hope to see something soon! how are you feeling?

book - that's great that it's not a thyroid issue, but dang - cd62?! that's insane! Did they say anything else?

ellie - so happy that your follicles were on the verge of being ready. I hope you get a good amount of eggs tomorrow morning! I like that you juiced them up one last time!

mdc - you have a big day tomorrow too! your lining better be nice and plump for your upcoming transfer!

dandi - how was your shower this weekend? any pics?

izzy - any updates?

busy weekend here, but it was so fun! IUI done Friday morning - that was a trip. They couldn't get the catheter in!! There were 2 nurses, one newer and watching, trying to get the dang thing past the 2nd hole (I guess there are 2 in the cervix) but my cervix had decided to curve up to the left this cycle. I guess it can change every cycle. So they had to call in an NP to get it done. Thankfully, she got it done on the first try. DH's sperm #s were completely fine, so...we're on 3dpo now!

Headed to VT for Friday night - had fun walking around Burlington and at the concert that night. Then went for a hike on Saturday with some friends - it was challenging! I want to do another one!

so my test date is 7/8. Someone asked if I was going to test out the trigger - nah. I'm going to try, as I always do, to keep calm and not read into things. Especially since this was an IUI - I'm not PUPO so it's a little less nerve-wracking. Quite honestly, I'm going to assume it didn't work and then be pleasantly surprised if it did.
So much going on here, I love it!

I like your approach this cycle Wish. It's hard to temper expectations, but I think it will may the news that much sweeter if this IUI works. Crossing everything for you and counting down until test day!

Things sound really good Ellie! I'm anxious for you tomorrow and hoping that you get a good number of eggs. Just remember that all you need is one good one and anything more is icing on top. I have a really great feeling about this for you!

Mdc- is transfer tomorrow?? So excited for you to be pupo!

And Hi to all the new ladies. I'm following along with your updates and wishing you all the best!

Wish- I didn't get any pictures at my shower. That reminds me that I need to ask everyone else to share theirs with me. It was a nice small family shower. Very low key and relaxing, exactly what I needed at this point!
Wish: I give you kudos to not test out the trigger. But then I could see how that could be even more stressful because you are getting those lines and we never really want to see them lighten.

Dandi: glad you had a great shower and hope you got lots of baby gifts!

AFM: I'm feeling pretty good. All the symptoms are still here. Ebbing and flowing. I'm on a schedule for my nausea :haha: I wake up feeling really good and then about 12 or 1pm is when it starts to go downhill. I'm super tired and sometimes dizzy and my stomach rolls. This lasts until about 7 or 8pm. No food aversions thankfully but my appetite isn't as large and I'm able to stop eating much sooner. As someone with an overeating disorder it can be hard for me to stop when I am full. But now it's very uncomfortable for me to push the limits.

So one major sign (other than nausea) has popped up for me and that is constipation. it's not difficult, per say, for me to go but it's far less frequent. My diet isn't always the greatest and even when it is I tend to go multiple times a day and it's almost always urgent. the last 2 days it's been once, maybe twice a day.

Oh and I'm having baby dreams. I dreamed that an ex co-worker got pregnant and I was too but no body believed my tests but they believed hers. So weird.

So here is the test porn. 1 frer and 1 wondfo. I don't really see anything but then I think I'm only around 6 miu and tomorrow I should be at 8. so I still have a few days. Af is due July 1/2.


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Aayla, I can't see anything but fingers crossed for you. It's early days.

Wish, that's great news!
Mdc, I'm excited for your transfer... Imagine if all 3 of us get duffed within a week, how awesome would that be? Cousins across the world :)

Afm, work was a good distraction today. I've been allowed 3 days off, so I can chill out and get my body well after the EC tomorrow.
I just POAS for a laugh. I didn't quite believe I really had hcg in my system (despite my ridiculously sore nipples!!) so I thought I'd use a cheapie. Got a very faint line, but it's there:

Anyway, more when I know the numbers...
Aayla, still so early and the symptoms seem positive. GL!

Wish, so happy you are in your tww! Cannot wait to hear you say your tatas are sore and you are dizzy!

Ellie, best of luck tomorrow!

Star, so happy your shower went well and I hope you got some goodies!

I am just going in for a lining check tomorrow and then hoping we get the go ahead for a transfer this weekend. For some reason despite all the pill popping not sure if I feel anything has changed. My EWCM also is there but less so feeling a little out. I guess when I did have copious amounts my lining was small so just trying to hold on to the fact that a change is good. Ugh...why cannot we feel the lining grow like we feel o. Guess there is not much else I can do so it is what it is. Getting another acu in today and she added is Mayan fertility massage...ahhh heaven. It is like a massage just on your tummy.

Getting ready for a stint of BFP on this thread!!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
All done. They got 7 eggs, 6 of which are going to have ICSI done. It's not a huge number, but is good enough and I'm hopeful for at least 4 top quality embies.
Nothing now until Thursday. They don't call to say how many fertilised until day 2, when they can give me an idea of progression too.
I'm sore, but it's manageable. I've just got home, so time to chill out starts here.
Ellie: how exciting!! Oh the waiting game. It seems that TTC is just an endless cycle of waiting.

tested on a wondfo this morning. of course BFN. I almost dipped my frer but I quickly dumped everything out lol. I'm going to get a blood test done. I just can't stand this ambiguity of is there a line, isn't there a line. I should be about 8 miu based on a calculator I have and when the nausea started.
Ellie thats a good #! I am happy for you. Praying for the a great fertilization report!
so I had a bunch of wondfos left over and I decided to just randomly take one. I think this is smu or third but pee was pretty dark and not that diluted.

first pic is unaltered, second pic has an effect called Turquoise.


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Aayla, I can't see anything, sorry. Fingers crossed for you.

Star, I'm after some advice please. I started 20mg prednisolone today for the NKC. I think you had to take it too and was wondering if you had any side effects. I've read about weight gain and moon face and constant hunger. As I've mentioned before, I used to have anorexia and I'm now at the high end of healthy weight so I'm terrified of suddenly gaining a load of weight. On the bright side, I'm hoping it clears up my allergic eczema! Did you have any noticeable side effects?
Bfn. :cry: af due in 2-3 days. If not here by Sunday night I will go for a blood test on Monday. I have the form for it. Just tired of trying to see a line.
Dandi, sorry I meant your shower :winkwink:

Ellie, I know I said this elsewhere, but great numbers!

Ayala, sorry about the bfn, but hope you have a nice surprise on your blood test! Still time!

Wish, are you hanging in there?

Hi to everyone else.

Crap lining still for me and I really think the exogenous estrogen stalled out my lining. I also have a 14mm follie so I am guessing a cancelled cycle is in my future. On top of that the doc did not call like she was supposed to so we could discuss. Which is beyond frustrating! If she was not so accommodating to hearing my pharmaceutical theories and giving me a chance to do outside of the box things (eg allowing Lovenox) then I would truly consider changing. I know this is not her fault (a lot of this is just educated guesses), but I just feel if we would have done a US earlier we would have seen the lining did not budge at all and find an alternative. I do not like being a pushy patient, but I need to intervene. This is my frozen embies future at stake here people!
Awe..mdc..sorry to hear about your lining and folly. I do hope it isn't a cancelled cycle. But I can see why it might be. This is all so frustrating.

I did my blood test today. It is Canada Day on Friday and my brother's 25th bday so I want to know for sure. If I am not I am getting some tequilla and drinking margaritas :rofl:

I may have implanted later than I thought. I figure any hcg in my system will count as positve to me as all my negative tests over the years have said <1.
aayla - when do you get the call? I hope it's a surprise for you!

ellie - I can't wait to hear the fert report tomorrow. Are you doing PGS? I didn't think so, right? I understand your concerns about weight gain - it's so good that you're aware of your triggers. I hope you don't have any side effects (except the good ones! but I bet they'd be called 'side benefits' then!)

mdc - I'm so frustrated for you!! BE that advocate for you and your babies!

hello to all!

not much going on here - been a busy week at work so far, that's why I've been quiet. I'm only 5dpo so not trying to read into anything. The only thing going on with me is my lower abdomen feels VERY full and when i was doing the 'cobra' pose in yoga last night, it was super tight down there. I could chalk it up to never stretching like that, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. No sore boobs or dizziness yet. Though I did have a QUICK feeling in the shower this morning like I could have vomited, but who's to say that's anything. I'd assume morning sickness is different than that.
I can find out my results online but it won't be for about another 6 hours. This is going to be the longest day ever.
Ooo Wish, vommy feeling is a good possible symptom.

Aayla, fingers crossed.

Correct, no PGS here so transfer (if they fertilised!) could be any day from tomorrow until Monday. I'm hoping for Sunday (day 5)... I'm trying to be zen about tomorrow's call. I researched all the possible gradings and what is ideal, so I'll be asking a ton of questions! Please please please be fertilised my little ones. I'd obviously like all 6 but I'll take whatever we get!

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