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38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Wish, I hate it when DH says stuff like that. I mean the least they could do is be a bit supportative. I hope you get to say I big 'I told you so' when this works!

Ellie, best of luck with the exam! Enjoy the drama production and let us know what this production is about!

So we have drum roll....a genetically perfect hatching blast! I am so excited!!! The other was aneupliod, but the other higher grade was perfect. I think DH was hoping for more than one but I will take the one. I asked the doc what she thinks (ummm...like I could not guess), but yeah egg quality is the culprit. I stimmed textbook, so if we have to do another one the only change would be adding growth hormone as some studies have shown some success. She did say they could try another lab, but they feel they have a top notch lab and other labs agree with them. Hopefully we will not have to go there and finally get our take home little one. I haven't looked at the full report because the one she sent had the gender. So crazy I could just find out now! I fell like I do not want to know at least not yet, but it is so hard because it is just sitting in my inbox. Ha!
I am BEYOND excited for your perfect little hatchling! I can't wait for it to be back with mama!

I think I'll just tell DH that he doesn't get to name it if he's wrong. :)
So very pleased for you Mdc!

The school play was great, typical school production - could only hear about half and the talent varied a lot! It was comedy through the years, a series of short sketches. DH dressed up like a rock star and all my students looked impressed to see me with him.
Good news on this thread today!

Mdc- Yay! That is such wonderful news! I am overjoyed. Now l cant wait for you to be PUPO!

Wish- l am glad you started the femara already. Am sorry for the headaches though. You are on your way to your iui:)
ellie - I'm sure it was super cool to see that your teacher is married to a rock star!! haha

thankfully, it doesn't seem like the Letrozole was the headache cause, thank goodness. I'm fine now. :)

Everyone have some fun plans for the weekend?
tomorrow, I'm going to head to boot camp in the morning for only my 2nd workout of the week (stupid work gets in the way). Then, I'm going to a friend's daughter's bday party for a little bit, then we're having some friends over at night to play some card/board games. Sunday should be a relaxing day, probably filled with 'relaxing' things like cleaning the house! :) I think it's supposed to be really nice so some reading on the deck will be mandatory.
Ellie, I agree with wish. If I knew my teacher was married to a rock star that gives you certainly some street cred!

Wish, glad the headaches went away! I love that you are claiming to name the lo! We have had some first time iui luck on this thread so I think you should continue the streak!

Hi to everyone else!

We are probably going to lay low since I am complete worn out from my trip this week. We have a HUGE Warriors basketball game on Sunday so probably will hang out and grill all day!
Sounds like nice weekend plans. It's Fathers' Day on Sunday in the UK, so we will go to my parents' and cook my dad a Thai curry (his request!)

For those not on the messenger convo, I had a good first follie scan today. Stim day 8, over 20 measurable follies, with about 3 on each side measuring 8-9mm, about 10 more on each at about 6mm. Lining looking good and the nurse was pleased I've not over-responded, as apparently I'm high risk for OHSS. Not changing my meds. Next scan on Monday, prob trigger next week some time! Exciting stuff :) I nearly had an embarrassing moment when dildocam was in, see my journal for the tmi...
Ellie- thats great. Grow follies grow! Looking forward to your next scan.

Glad the headache went away Wish. Work Femara, work! We all do want that IUI to work. Seems like you will have a busy weekend. Enjoy:)

Mdc- we are also excited about the warriors game on Sunday. We are big Warriors fun though we live close to Ohio....

Nothing going on this weekend on our side. I work on Saturday and watching the game on Sunday.

Have a wonderful weekend ladies.
ellie - that is so funny! modesty? what modesty? we have none anymore. I remember one time, she had the cam up in me and I asked what 'that' dark area was and I swear she said it was poo. :shock: I just dropped the subject. Oh the things they can see up in there!
My last lady on my day 3 scan was talking about my large intestine moving around. So she took her measurements of my uterus and ovaries and then stopped to show me. There it was, just undulating and squishing around! So weird and cool!

everyone enjoy your weekend and Father's Days! Mine is too far away to see him but I'll Facetime, probably! :)
Go Warriors!
Star, did not know you were a Warriors fan. How did that happen :winkwink: Hopefully we show up tomorrow.

Ellie, great follies! As for your journal post I had a ton of EWCM....I mean a ton! Still do in fact because of the estrogen I am taking. It is a great sign though!

Wish, how many more days of letrozole? Then do you just wait for a positive opk? And poo shot :rofl:

Off to acu! Happy weekend!
Hi all. Late joiner here. I turned 38 this May. We have been TTC #1 full time since May 2015. had one bfp but mc in September. I am 3dpo on a cycle I didn't think i would ovulate on. Already symptom spotting like crazy.

I will go back and get to know your stories soon.
Welcome Aayla. Fingers crossed for this cycle. Sorry about your mc, I lost mine the day before yours after my only ever bfp and I still find that hard to deal with.

You've joined a great group of girls, I can't imagine doing this without them!
Happy Monday, ladies!

ellie - scan today, right? GOOD LUCK!! I wish you tons of plump follies!

mdc - I'm sorry about your Warriors. Since I had no skin in the game, I'm a bit happy for Cleveland. A 52-yr losing streak gone! good for them. I have friends and coworkers who live there and one said recently 'I'm not even sure our city would know what to do if we won! We almost thrive on losing!' haha

sugar - did you do something fun for DH's first Father's Day yesterday?

aayla - welcome! I'm sorry about your mc - you're in good company here. We've all had at least one loss. FX'ed this is your cycle!

hello to all other lovelies! :wave:

I had my scan this morning - I have 2 follies on the right measuring at 18 and 13.6! The left has a few but they weren't measurable. So I guess we'll be triggering soon!
Had another scan this morning - my lining was actually only at 4.something yesterday and it's up to 6 today. The lead follie is at 22 and the other is 14. It could definitely grow to catch up and hopefully release an egg. I hope so!! So we'll probably trigger tonight with the IUI on Thurs. I'll get my official call this afternoon, though.

On another note, my BIL who knocked up his Filipino fiance in one try (not that I'm bitter or that DH is skeptical that it's his b/c the timing was too perfect or anything...) was IM'ing me over facebook today and he said he wants to ask DH and I to be the godparents, though he means legal guardians. I was touched. He said he'd be honored. <3
I'm so glad they are moving here eventually. I want them here for when she has the baby. I'm going to try not to steal him! oh yeah, it's a boy. I only have nieces!! This will be my first little boy in the family! So yes, I'm super excited, and only bitter about the ease of impregnation. :wacko:
That sounds great Wish! 6 is good enough to get the job done, but it will surely thicken a bit more by Thursday.

What an honor to be such a special part of your new nephew's life! That will be so awesome if they're going to be close by. DH and I are trying to think of legal guardian options and we are still making no progress.
Great news Wish. I can't believe how quickly yours have grown!

Oh girls, today has been hell. I'm panicking about my slo-gro follies and that kept me waking up all night. Trying to teach with a football sized stomach (that the kids could see and kept looking at) and feeling like a crazy woman about to swear or start crying all day... was not fun at all. I'm seriously thinking about taking tomorrow off. I'm a mess and in so much pain. I just hope it means they all decided to start growing today.

Also, did you get gassy whilst stimming? And I mean really gassy. In my job, you have to hold it in, which did not help my stomach pains.

I got my new gonal-f delivery today, a new 900iu for the next 6 days' injections. That had better be it. I really can't cope with much more of this.

Sorry for the whinge, but today has been so tough. The kids were being ultra vile and I could barely stand this afternoon, so they took massive advantage. It's a tough school and you need to be on form to get through to these kids.
oh ellie - maybe yeah, take tomorrow off. It certainly sounds like they are growing! I don't recall if stimming made me more gassy. Since I work from home, it's tough to tell :rofl:
I really don't know how you're getting on teaching all day with 31+ of those suckers growing in you. 6-7 made me uncomfortable!
900 gonal for 6 days?! oh the dream! one 900 pen would only last me 2 days!
oh ellie - maybe yeah, take tomorrow off. It certainly sounds like they are growing! I don't recall if stimming made me more gassy. Since I work from home, it's tough to tell :rofl:
I really don't know how you're getting on teaching all day with 31+ of those suckers growing in you. 6-7 made me uncomfortable!
900 gonal for 6 days?! oh the dream! one 900 pen would only last me 2 days!

And that's on my increased dose... I was on 75iu every other day, but 150iu every day now. Was funny getting it delivered to school. I had to put it in the staffroom fridge!

I'm going to see how I feel when I wake up before deciding about the day. I've got easier classes tomorrow, so I will be ok. I had a sleep when I got home and then some food, so I feel less psychotic now. My tummy is very sore though. I'm hopeful that my follies will be great on Thursday. I've booked an acupuncture appointment tomorrow and she says she can work on follicle growth.
good plan - enjoy your acu!

my report of the day (so far): follies = 23 and 15 so probably only going to get the one, which is expected on a regular old natural cycle; lining is only at 6.4 but it's something. I'll see today if I'm ovulating on my own, per my LH levels from my bloodwork. Or we'll trigger. So I still don't yet know when the IUI will be - tomorrow or Friday! I also just took 2 more Estrace, hoping it will help a little bit. No harm in taking it, so why not.

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