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38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Aayla, welcome! How are you feeling?

Wish, I think the 15 could be ripe also and at least another day or two to grow means it could be 17-19. Lining is still responible and I agree an extra estrogen (or two) is no problem so pop away!

Ellie, I agree with wish I was pretty uncomfortable with 15 and it was kind of hard to walk, so I cannot imagine 31. Hopefully Thursday will be trigger day!!! So close!

So my lining is still crapola only a 4. So we are upping the estrogen by adding it PV (down below that is :rofl: ). I am going to add in some extra things like nettle tea, yoga, a couple supplements that there was a small positive case study on, and hope for the best. Scan will be in a week. You can do it lining. Grow grow, grow!!!
I've managed work just about. I was thinking of taking tomorrow off, but there is something going on at school and they kind of need all hands on deck. I also feel that the time I don't take now is extra time I will feel ok about taking after ET. We have some non teaching "enrichment" days in early July (I'm doing a cinema trip and card making) and I might be able to swing it that I'm off until those, meaning really minimal stress.

How is everyone? I'm sorry your lining is being a d**k. It's such a pain how unpredictable our bodies are. I really hope my follies have finally done some growing by tomorrow. Talking of which, I'd better inject.
your lining has GOT to grow in a week!! especially with all of the extra love and care you're giving it! it will, it will, it will! pretend this says 'grow': :test:

I think I gave all the updates on FB but I'm not sure - triggering tonight. E2 was at 201, which is good - they look for it to be 150-200 per follicle, so I guess that means we have the one in the lead. Maybe the other will catch up but I'm not betting on it and I won't know anyway.
Lining is a 6.4 but it's multi-layered which is also what they look for, so we'll go with it! Triggering at 9pm and we'll go in for the IUI for 9am on Friday. DH's part is first, obvi, and then mine at 10am. WOO!
So if temps are high, that's a good sign? I had a faint BFP followed by a negative, but no period...
Hi. New to the forum, hope it's OK to reply to this thread without having read through all of the hundreds of replies (I did skim). Just learning all the TTC lingo so please correct if needed. Also, apologies as I can be a bit wordy.

I just turned 38 a few weeks ago (DH is 41) and we are TTC baby#1.

We met 2 years ago, got engaged on our 1 year dating anniversary, and got married in July (coming up on our 1st anniversary shortly). We have been quite busy getting settled into our newlywed lives including the house we bought upon returning from our honeymoon. Thus we only just started TTC these last few months.

AF has been weird this year- I'm thinking I probably need an adjustment in thryoid medication (awaiting bloodwork for that). Last year my average was 33 days with a range of about a week in either direction.

My cycles this year:
Jan 19 - 26 day cycle (AF was Christmas eve)
March 11- 52 day cycle
April 23- 43 day cycle opk+ on cd25
currently on cd61 opk+ on cd18 AND opk+ on cd55

Not sure if this is TMI but I had 4 days of extremely light brownish spotting starting on cd24 which got me hopeful that it could be implantation bleeding but I have done 1-2 pregnancy tests each week since then and all bfn. I took a pregnancy test and an ovulation test on cd55 because CM had been building up and started to look EWCM with the results opk+ but bfn. Repeated yesterday (cd60) bc CM has been getting less EWCM as it typical after O for me. Had a dime size brownish white discharge on cd58 and a tiny strand of translucent pinkish red discharge on cd59.

So I'm confused about what's going on this cycle-
the TWW with a possibility of being pregnant?
an extremely long cycle where I tried to ovulate but didn't?
a regular cycle with the brown spotting having been an extremely light period?
a stress and/or hypothyroid induced delayed cycle?
the beginning of perimenopause?

Just waiting it out to see if either AF or a BFP will happen by the first week of July. If not I'm definitely going to see my doctor but have no idea what could say to make an appointment?

What do you ladies think?

Good luck and baby dust to all.
Ok..I am back. Sorry for taking 3 days. I just went back to April 1 and read all the posts. This ended up become a novel I couldn't put down. lol instead of watching tv I would go into my room on my phone and read this thread. I'm so glad I did as I got to experience the highs and the lows. I was laughing, I was crying and I was anxious to get to the next page to see what happened next. Coming to the end is like bitter sweet. I wish there was more and I'm sad I have caught up but at the same time I am now going to be lucky enough to experience it all live!

Wish: Is DH happier about the letrozole? I wanted to turn back time and write last week that I can give you first hand knowledge it works. I got my bfp on cycle #3 with letrozole. It ended in mc but I still got pregnant. It has made me ovulate every month after that, that I was on it. We did take a break a couple of times. and it's the first drug I reccommend ladies talk to their doc about.

Elli: I'm crossing everything for your follies to grow grow grow!!

Mdc: That sucks about your lining but hopefully it will thicken right up for you.

Bookworm: welcome. in my opinion it sounds like an anovulatory cycle. Thyroid can definitely mess with it. have you been checked for PCOS? That definitely makes the cycle screwy and extra long.

AFM: i am 6dpo and I am nearly positive I am pregnant. or my body is super cruel. symptoms are as follows: flushed skin, hot flashes, nausea (today it really kicked in), cramps, fullness in abdomen area, loads of creamy cm, fatigue, dizziness, tingly boobs, fullness in boobs, metallic taste, thirsty, peeing like crazy (although this could be because I am thirsty and drinking more and I have a small bladder but today it seemed a bit excessive).

I knew at 3dpo the last time because of a lot of these symptoms. While some symptoms have cropped up in other cycles it's been nothing like this.

i have already started testing. I'm willing to post some test porn if people are up for it. :rofl: I also have a thread in the testing area as well. I am testing every day until bfp or af.
Welcome Bookworm and Izziflowers. It's a great group of girls here, keep posting and you'll soon be hooked!

Izziflowers, a positive is a positive and yes, high temps are good. Leave it 2 days then test again and let us know how you get on.

Bookworm, I agree with Aayla that it doesn't sound like you ovulated. As to what to say to doctor, just let them know you've been trying for a year and you'd like tests. I wonder if you might have PCOS with those cycle lengths, so make sure you get an ultrasound and day 21 progesterone blood tests.

Aayla, well done catching up. I remember doing that when I joined and it took ages, but we've been especially chatty recently! I read a bit of your journal and I can sense your yearning for this to be the cycle. It sounded so much like me last year. I really hope this is it for you.

Afm, I've been awake since 3am, it's now 4.30 and I've given up trying to sleep so am on the sofa with Pip. I wish I could take today off work now but I'm going to try to go in. My scan is not until 2.15pm, so I want to do something to help time pass! I'm so anxious it will show even more small eggs and no growth in the big ones. Ideal scenario would be that the top 10 will have grown over 12 and the rest stayed small. Ugh, this is tough.
My fingers are crossed for you Ellie. It's 9pm June 22 where I am so when I wake up you will be in your scan. This forum is like my morning paper because of the time difference. lol

I was so afraid this cycle didn't work. I even announced on FB that it didn't work and that we would be moving on to IVF, which is our next step if Letrozole doesn't work for us again, because my O date shifted yet again by a day. and now not only did it work but it very well could be our next bfp. It's so surreal and the days are inching along. I am supposed to go for my progesterone test tomorrow. I'm terrified it will be a low number.

and I'm wondering if I was right in buying the wondfos. I'm getting so much conflicting info. Some say it's sensitive and picked up low hcg and other's say it's like a dollar store test and won't pick up until after af is late. I was wanting to save money by not having to buy any frer until I got a line on the wondfo.
morning girls!

aayla - knowing how much we chat on this thread, kudos to you for going back to read through! definitely, lots has happened throughout the past year and a half or so. I love these girls to death, I couldn't do it without them. Re: your question of letrozole - I don't know that DH cares too much. I love it since I'm not longer sticking myself with needles to basically get one fertilized egg. 5 pills and an earlier O - sign me up. Hopefully it works well for me - Dandi took it and I have a friend who got preg twice on it (one ended in mc, one ended in her 2nd daughter). I'm hopeful! Good luck to you - I hope this is it for you. I don't know how your body is already sending you signals if nothing has implanted but I can no longer count that out. My boobs were killing me from O day 2 cycles ago and it ended up being a chemical. So I WAS preg.

bookworm - welcome! Left was having thyroid issues before her BFP. I know the thyroid, even being off by a little, can throw the cycle into a whirlwind. I'd definitely have that checked, as well as Ellie's suggestions. Might be good for you to get the whole panel done anyway, which you'd have to do before IVF. Narrows down what the issue could be. Good luck!! When we want AF to show, she never does.

izzi - I agree with Ellie - a positive is a positive but I'd wait a couple of days. Good luck!

ellie - GOOD LUCK TODAY!!! those fellies better have grown!

I've had 3 days of data and updates and now I'm not going to have anything for 2 weeks! AHH! :rofl:
Ellie, IVF is no joke so take the time you need. Hard to know what is better...time now or later but you will make the right decision for yourself.

Wish, that is one awesome follie and the trilaminar lining is perfection!!! You have such a good shot this month and so excited for Friday...well that and test day in a couple weeks! Are you going to test out the trigger and test early or wait?

Izziflowers, BTW, love the name. I agree a BFP is a BFP. In the beginning so many things like drinking more water can dilute HCG and cause it not to register. I agree with Ellie I would test in two days. Good luck!

Bookworm, it is so hard to say, but either a possible BFP with late O you did not catch or anov. I like your idea of waiting for a week then calling the doctor. I would just keep it simple your period is late when you make the front desk appt, then give the doc all the details. Maybe if it is anov they could give you some progesterone for 7-10 days to kick off your period. Have you temped before? I held off for a while because I thought it would be a pain, but it truly did help me know when I ovulated. Best of luck!

Aayla, wow that is some impressive reading. Ohhh...I love some test porn even though I suck at reading lines unless they hit me in the face. Feel free to post and those symptoms sound so impressive! What day do you usually get a BFP? I did a quick look up for the package inserts a while ago I can look it up again. Basically frer (the one that tells you 5 days early) and the most sensitive and wondfo and the rest require a bit higher HCG. The hard part is that certain batches are more sensitive so some people use wondfo and see a line at the same time of earlier that frer. IVF is a scary jump but you know when you are ready.

So I am just hanging out till next Tuesday's scan and popping pills everywhere (literally :rofl: ). So estrogen 5 times a day (trying to keep them spread out for maximum impact with minimum blood level drop), L arginine 6 times a day, and vit E twice. Add in yoga, nettle/red raspberry leaf tea, extra protein, and an additional acu appointment...man if this does not work there at least I am doing everything I can. Well guess I could attach DH and get some ummmm...blood pumping down there :rofl: I am feeling the effect of estrogen in the weight department despite high protein and the no vino :cry: stent I am on. Oh well, at least I know it is working.

Wow, that was a book. Speaking of Ayala's comment...maybe we should publish a bold from this thread. :haha: It could fund some more ART cycles for us all.

Let get some BFP dust on this thread :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
My last bfp I didn't get until 13dpo but I also ovulated on cd17 and had an 18 Day LP on the previous cycle. Now I ovulated on cd 20 but my cd hasn't changed. It is still 34/35 days. So I am thinking I should see a positive sooner than before.

Here is today's test. 7dpo. Fmu.


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Hello Ladies,

Welcome all the new ladies. I am sorry for the loss you experienced before. Glad you could join this thread. It has been there for me through thick and thin. You are in good hands here.

Wish- those are good size follies. You will soon be on your way to getting that IUI done. I am excited for you.

Ellie- hope you got a good report from your scan today. Ivf is draining and l hope the rest of the process goes smooth for you.

Mdc- you remind me of me when l was popping the pills and injecting myself. Anything for the baby! Grow lining, grow lining!

Aayla- l am not good at reading wondfos. Maybe one of the ladies here can read the test. I sure do hope thats the begining of a line. Fx.

Work has been so busy but glad today l got a chance to come along and cheer.

Thinking of you all. Hoping for bfps!
Lining 11mm (I know, I'm really lucky with that!)
Still very slow growth on follies, with 1x15mm, 7x10-13mm and a load of 6mm. Dose upped to 225iu and next scan on Sunday morning.
I'm totally exhausted, just voted in referendum then came home and went to bed and slept for 3 hours. DH has made me get up for some food but I'm looking forward to going back to bed already!
I'm going to try to do work tomorrow, as my lessons end at break and I'll be allowed home then... I think I'll maybe not go in next week, as I'm starting to hurt so much now.
Ellie: great lining. Hope the new dosage works to get those follies growing! That sucks you aren't feeling well with all this. Shouldn't be too much longer.

AFM: I am sitting here crying because I am so happy I have extreme nausea. Normally I drink a cup of coffee at work but I had no desire for that so I found some tea (maple apple cider..it smells delicious!) and I'm trying to do my work and I have music and every time I sing the nausea kicks in even more and it sucks and I feel like crap but I'm so damn happy at the same time.
Thanks for the welcome messages and thoughts.

Read through the thread a bit more.

It seems I have much to learn about IVF if that ends up being down the road for us.

Update- cd62 today
>---Bloodwork came out within normal range so I remain on the same dose of thyroid medication (75mg Tirosint). Not sure exactly what my endo considers "normal range", but I have Labcorp sending me those results so I can see them. I guess that eliminate thyroid as an issue?
>---1x glob of brownish yellow spotting today, but no other indications of AF or anything else.

Izzie: hoping for a clearer positive for you.

Aayla: Hoping for a nice clear BFP for you soon. I haven't been checked for PCOS unless they do that at a regular OBGYN visit? I can ask my doctor about if AF finally comes so I can make an appointment - need to go for my annual anyway.

Elliecain: Hoping for great follie growth for you. When I find an RE to see I'll be sure to ask for ultrasound and 21 day progesterone blood test. Is that test based on a regular cycle bc mine has never been regular?

Wish: How was the IUI? Asking for the whole panel definitely seems a good idea for me when I find an RE.

MDC: You definitely seem to have your bases covered with everything you're trying :) I'll ask about progesterone if AF doesn't come and I definitely like the idea of keeping it simple with the nurses. I tried temping once but I need to get a better thermometer. I can not tell when it is done so I found it not useful for me esp. when I'm not fully awake yet.
Got my 7dpo progesterone results. 55.2!!! :dance: I love when it confirms ovulation. Even though I knew, it is nice to have it confirmed.
8dpo. I don't see anything. I've been getting so many conflicting reports on the wondfos. Now I have a lady who says she barely got lines when her hcg was over 100. Maybe it was a bad batch (which does seem to happen with these tests). I'm going to get some frer today or tomorrow. but I won't be using them right away. Max I can afford is 4 so I will have to start them on Sunday or monday and use them every second day. So I may wait to get them until tomorrow so I won't be tempted to use them earlier. lol


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Today's test. 9dpo, fmu, frer ( old style ).


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Sounds like your symptoms are still promising and you have loads of time left. GL!
Thanks. I know it's early. Squinters are the worst. lol I get so obsessive. Ideally I want to take tomorrow off but I'm not sure if I can. :haha:

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