4 Awesome Chic's, TTC #1, 30+, cycle #3, Join our Journey!!!

Nice to see you back Mal!

So I am pretty bummed because I was told yesterday by some friends that I have luteral phase defect? And If I am Oing this late the pregancy will not be viable because my uterin wall lining will start to shed before implantation will ever occur? That makes sense because I always have AF every 30 days no matter what, its never been shorter or longer ever. So what does this mean for me? It is CD 23 for me today, AF is in 8 days and I am still having O cramping today? Does this mean I will never achieve a viable pregnancy without assistance? Hubby always said, if we cant do it alone, were not going through all that stuff? This sucks! I just spent 12 days DTD damn it!

This is exactly what I think is going on with me! My luteal phase is averaging 11 days but some months it's only 9 days :(. I think the average luteal phase is 14 days. Supposedly 10-16 days is normal but anything less than 12 days makes it difficult for implantation to occur. I just found this thread on here last week about using B complex vitamins to lengthen LP:

I'm going to try B complex next month. I actually had a progesterone test this month at 7 dpo to check whether I have enough to support a pregnancy. Depending on the result I might be heading to a fertility dr. asap :(

Hi Em :nope:I am going to start vitamin B6, day 1 of AF. Ya this really stinks.

Yeah it really stinks :(. I think B complex is recommended over just B6 because you don't want to throw off the B vitamin balance.

Oh really? Ok so when i am looking for it, is it just called "B complex"?

Yeah, B complex has all of the B vitamins in it, not just B6. It's really important not to take too much B6 because it can cause nerve toxicity.
Sloan are you charting? Cramping isn't a super reliable way to pinpoint o, I am always really crampy for several days after I o.

Hi Luna,

no I am not charting because I honestly didnt think I would run into problems or this would take so long? Were only on our 3rd cycle TTC but I guess I should start charting? I dont even know how? will the charting work even if i seem to be ovulating but my body is not releasing the egg for 4-5 days? I thought charting just says when the egg is in the tube not when it bursts out?
I would definitely recommend charting. I didn't start until cycle 7 and really wish I started sooner. Charting your temp is the only way to 100% know that you ovulated. You will see a temp rise about 24 hours after ovulation but the general rule is you know you're in your tww after 3 higher temps. It takes a few cycles to get to know your patterns but you can generally see an ovulation pattern the first month. What I really like about it is that I can know for sure once I've ovulated and can just relax for the rest of my cycle. Before I started I was always wondering "did I really o?"

If you click on my chart it will take you to fertility friend where you can get a free account, you can go through their charting course but it basically comes down to getting a basal thermometer (one that reads to two decimal places, mine was about $15 in the same place you find the preg tests) and taking your temp every morning at around the same time after at least 3 hours of sleep.

You can also record cm, opk results, ovulation cramping on your chart too which is helpful if you want to go back and compare cycles and of course if it turns out you do have a short lp it is a easy way to be able to show your doctor so you can get help sooner.

If you haven't read it yet I would also definitely recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility which also goes over charting.

Whew that was kind of a novel I wrote there! :)
Yellow Im an emergency room doc. Love the job that I do and also compulsive studier. no phds here but two or three degrees. ha ha ha.

Very cool :) I understand about being a compulsive studier! I swear, I've thrown myself into ttc literature as much as I did my dissertation! Haha!

It's great to have someone with a medical background hanging out here! Very helpful :) My background in child dev/psych can come into play once we all give birth :)

So what does everyone else do/ interested in?
Yup, I play World of Warcraft. It is really the only game I play. (besides games on my iPhone, do those count? haha) I get too much rage at getting my butt kicked in things like Halo and such, so I don't really play any of the gaming systems. My ex boyfriend and his brother in law would always get a kick out of beating me and would rub it in... so those games lost their fun.

Ew so mean! I see why you quit playing :) my hubby is a sweetheart when it comes to playing games. He buys games specifically knowing that they are girl friendly. For the non-friendly to girl games (read: shoot 'em up games), he gives me a heads up when he wants to play that I should probably schedule a girls mani/pedi day.
Sloan are you charting? Cramping isn't a super reliable way to pinpoint o, I am always really crampy for several days after I o.

Hi Luna,

no I am not charting because I honestly didnt think I would run into problems or this would take so long? Were only on our 3rd cycle TTC but I guess I should start charting? I dont even know how? will the charting work even if i seem to be ovulating but my body is not releasing the egg for 4-5 days? I thought charting just says when the egg is in the tube not when it bursts out?
I would definitely recommend charting. I didn't start until cycle 7 and really wish I started sooner. Charting your temp is the only way to 100% know that you ovulated. You will see a temp rise about 24 hours after ovulation but the general rule is you know you're in your tww after 3 higher temps. It takes a few cycles to get to know your patterns but you can generally see an ovulation pattern the first month. What I really like about it is that I can know for sure once I've ovulated and can just relax for the rest of my cycle. Before I started I was always wondering "did I really o?"

If you click on my chart it will take you to fertility friend where you can get a free account, you can go through their charting course but it basically comes down to getting a basal thermometer (one that reads to two decimal places, mine was about $15 in the same place you find the preg tests) and taking your temp every morning at around the same time after at least 3 hours of sleep.

You can also record cm, opk results, ovulation cramping on your chart too which is helpful if you want to go back and compare cycles and of course if it turns out you do have a short lp it is a easy way to be able to show your doctor so you can get help sooner.

If you haven't read it yet I would also definitely recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility which also goes over charting.

Whew that was kind of a novel I wrote there! :)

Sorry to be off topic, but is that your puppy, Luna (in your signature)?? Omg so cute!!! Is he really only 2 months old? Such a cute baby!!
That's drago <3 but he's 8 years and 2 months old...he's actually quite the grumpy old man :haha:
That's drago <3 but he's 8 years and 2 months old...he's actually quite the grumpy old man :haha:

He's cute!!! On my phone, signatures are hard to read. Do you ever worry about puppies and babies? We have two dogs and sometimes I do think about how they will react to a new baby.
Oh drago will be super jealous, he was originally the only "child" and still gets jealous if either of the cats gets too much attention :haha:
Nice to see you back Mal!

So I am pretty bummed because I was told yesterday by some friends that I have luteral phase defect? And If I am Oing this late the pregancy will not be viable because my uterin wall lining will start to shed before implantation will ever occur? That makes sense because I always have AF every 30 days no matter what, its never been shorter or longer ever. So what does this mean for me? It is CD 23 for me today, AF is in 8 days and I am still having O cramping today? Does this mean I will never achieve a viable pregnancy without assistance? Hubby always said, if we cant do it alone, were not going through all that stuff? This sucks! I just spent 12 days DTD damn it!

Sloan, I extended the luteal phase from 12-13 to 15 days. For the fist 2 months I was taking 250 mg B6 vitammin and after that continued with B Complex i.e. B-100 Complex. You can take through the whole cycle, no need for stopping. B-complex are water soluble so what the body will use as much as it needs and the rest you'll just pee out. Don't be surprised by the color of your pee, it'll be bright yellow like a neon :)
Hiya all,

just went out for indian with dh. full ++

Lucky you all have animals. very jealous. would love a fur baby. not allowed one in an apartment.

How is everyone travelling. it looks like a few of us are getting on the charting band wagon!

Im all up the spout this month but after taking away my fever it looks better!!! Am almost finished my assignments. this is a long three day weekend so woo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Sleep sleep!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats everyone else doing for the weekend?
WELCOME BACK MALA!!! :happydance:

Ladies... Pregnitude components are all part of the B complex family. Pregnitude has myo-inositol in it but already broke down so the body can use it faster. It works to help balance out those hormones. If you do have a luteal phase problem, it is more than likely progesterone related.


I should also note that it is only available to the United States. In Europe it is available as Inofolic. Same thing, different name.

Most of the studies on Pregnitude talk about PCOS women, but there are studies out there that have been done on non-PCOS women with controlled insulin levels that have been very promising as well. Since it helps to get your hormones 'in check' it should help both estrogen and progesterone levels.

It also helps to 'set your body up' for clomid or femara... or even IVF if you go that far. Better follicle, better egg... and since the follicle is what releases the progesterone, I think that is where the better progesterone levels come from! (But don't quote me)
Sloan- I agree with Luna about charting! It's a good way to help you know when you have ovulated. It can also hint at a luteal phase defect. There is no way your friends can know if you have a luteal phase defect at this point. For all you know, you may have ovulated already! Sometimes what we think is ovulation pain is really just gas. By charting temps (BBT) you can physically see when your temps spike and if they stay elevated you can pretty much guess you ovulated. If you do have secondary fertility, it may or may not catch that as well.

I got my BBT thermometer for $7 at Walmart. It looks like a normal thermometer, except it is pink. It was with all of the other thermometers. I also agree about checking out Fertility Friend, (I have it in my signature if you click on that chart) they offer a charting course (via email) that can help you learn all you need to know about charting. They usually give you a free month of their VIP service as well, but if you don't continue with it you can still use the basic functions which are all you really need.

You just have to commit to a time everyday when you wake up and take your temperature and record it. You have to record it before you move around too much or get out of bed... basically you have the thermometer on your nightstand, your alarm goes off, you temp. I do mine at 5:30 am every day. On the weekends I just rollover and go back to sleep. If you breath out of your mouth a lot while sleeping, they recommend vaginal temps. I have never done those, but they say they can be more accurate.

It could help to ease your mind... and after a couple months it will tell you how long your luteal phase is. OPKs don't work for everybody and sometimes they show positive after ovulation... they are a great place to start, but BBT charting can help ease your mind.
Sloan- I agree with Luna about charting! It's a good way to help you know when you have ovulated. It can also hint at a luteal phase defect. There is no way your friends can know if you have a luteal phase defect at this point. For all you know, you may have ovulated already! Sometimes what we think is ovulation pain is really just gas. By charting temps (BBT) you can physically see when your temps spike and if they stay elevated you can pretty much guess you ovulated. If you do have secondary fertility, it may or may not catch that as well.

I got my BBT thermometer for $7 at Walmart. It looks like a normal thermometer, except it is pink. It was with all of the other thermometers. I also agree about checking out Fertility Friend, (I have it in my signature if you click on that chart) they offer a charting course (via email) that can help you learn all you need to know about charting. They usually give you a free month of their VIP service as well, but if you don't continue with it you can still use the basic functions which are all you really need.

You just have to commit to a time everyday when you wake up and take your temperature and record it. You have to record it before you move around too much or get out of bed... basically you have the thermometer on your nightstand, your alarm goes off, you temp. I do mine at 5:30 am every day. On the weekends I just rollover and go back to sleep. If you breath out of your mouth a lot while sleeping, they recommend vaginal temps. I have never done those, but they say they can be more accurate.

It could help to ease your mind... and after a couple months it will tell you how long your luteal phase is. OPKs don't work for everybody and sometimes they show positive after ovulation... they are a great place to start, but BBT charting can help ease your mind.

Thanks for all of this info, Elphabaa. I'm trying to decide whether to start charting next cycle so this helps a lot!
Yellow Im an emergency room doc. Love the job that I do and also compulsive studier. no phds here but two or three degrees. ha ha ha.

Very cool :) I understand about being a compulsive studier! I swear, I've thrown myself into ttc literature as much as I did my dissertation! Haha!

It's great to have someone with a medical background hanging out here! Very helpful :) My background in child dev/psych can come into play once we all give birth :)

So what does everyone else do/ interested in?

I am in a law enforcement type job.
That's drago <3 but he's 8 years and 2 months old...he's actually quite the grumpy old man :haha:

He's cute!!! On my phone, signatures are hard to read. Do you ever worry about puppies and babies? We have two dogs and sometimes I do think about how they will react to a new baby.

yes all the time! we have a greyhound rescue and I know its awful but I wonder if I will like my dog more than my baby!
Nice to see you back Mal!

So I am pretty bummed because I was told yesterday by some friends that I have luteral phase defect? And If I am Oing this late the pregancy will not be viable because my uterin wall lining will start to shed before implantation will ever occur? That makes sense because I always have AF every 30 days no matter what, its never been shorter or longer ever. So what does this mean for me? It is CD 23 for me today, AF is in 8 days and I am still having O cramping today? Does this mean I will never achieve a viable pregnancy without assistance? Hubby always said, if we cant do it alone, were not going through all that stuff? This sucks! I just spent 12 days DTD damn it!

Sloan, I extended the luteal phase from 12-13 to 15 days. For the fist 2 months I was taking 250 mg B6 vitammin and after that continued with B Complex i.e. B-100 Complex. You can take through the whole cycle, no need for stopping. B-complex are water soluble so what the body will use as much as it needs and the rest you'll just pee out. Don't be surprised by the color of your pee, it'll be bright yellow like a neon :)

Thanks Mal, i will start this on CD 1 next month for sure. So I hate to beat a dead horse but, is it really possible to have O cramps for 3 days? I have had AF type cramping for 24 hours a day for 3 days now? I am on CD 24 today, is there any possible way I really did O and I am having pre-implantation crammping? I know its a shot in the dark but.....?
Hiya all,

just went out for indian with dh. full ++

Lucky you all have animals. very jealous. would love a fur baby. not allowed one in an apartment.

How is everyone travelling. it looks like a few of us are getting on the charting band wagon!

Im all up the spout this month but after taking away my fever it looks better!!! Am almost finished my assignments. this is a long three day weekend so woo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Sleep sleep!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats everyone else doing for the weekend?

Well we are painting the dining room on saturday, dinner with friends tonight, thats about it. DH told me last night this process is stressing him out and he want to just try NTNP...... I dont blame him but, IDK.

what are your plans for the weekend?
Sloan- I agree with Luna about charting! It's a good way to help you know when you have ovulated. It can also hint at a luteal phase defect. There is no way your friends can know if you have a luteal phase defect at this point. For all you know, you may have ovulated already! Sometimes what we think is ovulation pain is really just gas. By charting temps (BBT) you can physically see when your temps spike and if they stay elevated you can pretty much guess you ovulated. If you do have secondary fertility, it may or may not catch that as well.

I got my BBT thermometer for $7 at Walmart. It looks like a normal thermometer, except it is pink. It was with all of the other thermometers. I also agree about checking out Fertility Friend, (I have it in my signature if you click on that chart) they offer a charting course (via email) that can help you learn all you need to know about charting. They usually give you a free month of their VIP service as well, but if you don't continue with it you can still use the basic functions which are all you really need.

You just have to commit to a time everyday when you wake up and take your temperature and record it. You have to record it before you move around too much or get out of bed... basically you have the thermometer on your nightstand, your alarm goes off, you temp. I do mine at 5:30 am every day. On the weekends I just rollover and go back to sleep. If you breath out of your mouth a lot while sleeping, they recommend vaginal temps. I have never done those, but they say they can be more accurate.

It could help to ease your mind... and after a couple months it will tell you how long your luteal phase is. OPKs don't work for everybody and sometimes they show positive after ovulation... they are a great place to start, but BBT charting can help ease your mind.

Thanks El, I will do that next month for sure! Can i just write my temps down in a notebook? DH said October will be our last month TTC and after that he wants to go to NTNP, he said he doesnt liked being told when to DTD anymore! He also said all his friends on facebook are always saying how miserable their lives are because their kids hold them back from everything, so he is back on the fence about having a kid at all now......
Slaonepet sorry about DB my DB just told me today he does not want to hear about my go days anymore either he was cool but now he keeps saying it's not a science project. lmao!! :shrug:

I know but good to have an idea. So i said I will flow. But he better take the hint when i do.

Well AF got me yesterday afternoon, after cramping all night the night before last and on and off yesterday morning. C.D 2 and it sucks. But I did not cry this month just moving onto the next cycle. It can be frustrating but all I can do is keep on trying.
Nice to see you back Mal!

So I am pretty bummed because I was told yesterday by some friends that I have luteral phase defect? And If I am Oing this late the pregancy will not be viable because my uterin wall lining will start to shed before implantation will ever occur? That makes sense because I always have AF every 30 days no matter what, its never been shorter or longer ever. So what does this mean for me? It is CD 23 for me today, AF is in 8 days and I am still having O cramping today? Does this mean I will never achieve a viable pregnancy without assistance? Hubby always said, if we cant do it alone, were not going through all that stuff? This sucks! I just spent 12 days DTD damn it!

Sloan, I extended the luteal phase from 12-13 to 15 days. For the fist 2 months I was taking 250 mg B6 vitammin and after that continued with B Complex i.e. B-100 Complex. You can take through the whole cycle, no need for stopping. B-complex are water soluble so what the body will use as much as it needs and the rest you'll just pee out. Don't be surprised by the color of your pee, it'll be bright yellow like a neon :)

Thanks Mal, i will start this on CD 1 next month for sure. So I hate to beat a dead horse but, is it really possible to have O cramps for 3 days? I have had AF type cramping for 24 hours a day for 3 days now? I am on CD 24 today, is there any possible way I really did O and I am having pre-implantation crammping? I know its a shot in the dark but.....?

Sloan, you have a question of a million dollars. You might be ovulating, might be not, maybe implantation cramps, maube not, hopefully is not any medical problem (!), who knows- woman's body is SOOOO weird!!!

Don't think too much. Get a basal body thermometer and try for couple of months pee sticks so you could pinpoint the ovulation. Also good idea is to check the cervix height as well.

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