4 Awesome Chic's, TTC #1, 30+, cycle #3, Join our Journey!!!

Thanks! I'm about five weeks now and excited, but really nervous all the time. I was so focused on ttc, I didn't even think about what comes next. It just feels like so many things can go wrong from here, it's really scary :(
Well I know it is easy to say but try to relax as much as possible and enjoy the process. I would like to think I will not freak out in the first Tri but I probably will :haha:. Lots of positive energy going your way for you and your sticky bean :flower:
Thanks for the encouragement :) I know we will all get to the end of the road with a healthy baby, it's just hard not knowing how long the road will be for any of us. My mom had an ectopic pregnancy and three miscarriages before me, and a 7-month stillbirth between me and my sister so I think that's made pregnancy a very scary thing for me.
JP congrats!!! I probably already knew this but forgot....did you say you had any symptoms or no?

Elpha the phentermine worked for me! I got down to a size 4 in two months and kept it off for 4 years!!! I never ever ever!!!!!! took a whole pill!! always break it in half girl! The only thing with those pills is they made me really grouchy so I couldnt keep taking them :(

I am on CD 19 today and i think I am ovulating right on track! We DTD at all the right times and will continue through CD 21 so fingers crossed. I noticed a huge difference this month because we werent trying. I didnt temp, use OPK or anything else. cutting all that stress out brought my ovulation date back to where it should be. So from now on, no OPK or anything else, just sex every other day from CD 14-21. Thats only 4 times, no biggy.
The phentermine is working awesome to make me not hungry, but it is still elevating my blood pressure. Not as bad as a whole pill though. It is also making me bloated and constipated and it is not the time of my cycle to be bloated or constipated. Also, it is messing with the electrolytes in my body which in turn is making my OvaCue not work right since it bases off electrolytes. It has confirmed ovulation twice which I haven't even ovulated. Tomorrow is CD25 which is the day I ovulated the past 2 months, but I don't see a fade in on the OPKs so I am skeptical. Then to add salt to the wound, the constipation and bloating has made me gain 3lbs when I have been very good with my diet. *sigh* I love the appetite suppression of the phentermine, but not at the risk of setting me way back on regulating my cycle. Or if these side effects keep me from losing weight.

I am considering going to see an acupuncturist for weight loss. I went with my Mom to her appointment 2 weeks ago. She is using it to quit smoking. It as actually reasonably priced here and I could use health savings account. It may be a better option than the phentermine at this point. My hubby's cousin is doing great with phentermine, but even though she ways much more than I do... she doesn't have a blood pressure concern like me.

Plus I am starting to feel outside pressure to get pregnant. My Mom is a nurse at my general practitioner's office and most of the doctors and nurses watched me grow up. When I was in there for my appointment 2 weeks ago, they all kept saying they were praying for me to get pregnant. (very religious community) then, just a few moments ago my husband's Dad told me all of his sisters were praying for us to get pregnant. (catholic family with lots of kids) ugh.... So apparently my father-in-law and mother have been talking so everybody knows we are trying. :-( That makes me feel like they are all watching us. I liked it better when only a select few people knew. Now we are going to constantly be asked about it.
Oy... typing last response on my phone lead to some spelling errors! Sorry about that! lol
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart

Congratulations! I just made it to 6 weeks and am a tiny bit less nervous now :hugs:
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart

Yaaayyy Lotus!!!! Congrats so happy for you! how many cycles did it take and what did you do different this month? also tell us about they symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for your congratulations. Just taking it a day at a time through my first Trimester.

Well this is my second cycle of Accupunture with herbes it really relaxed me. I have a session tomorrow. I did not opk this month the first time since March. I would drink less water at that time so I would not dilute my pee this month I am sure I drunk more water around O.
Much more relaxed cycle. Bd 3 days before the day before and the day of ov. Used primary Signs and temp.
This was month 10 and I am still can't really believe it. Only real symtoms right now is frequent peeing lol. I have had mild cramps and sore breast off and on.

Lots of babydust for all you ladies.
Hey Ladies, been MIA again. I am just not diligent about posting. I did have a blood draw today, and I did ovulate! So it is exciting to know the drugs are working. Plus I think hubs and I managed to BD at the right time. We shall see. Hope all is well with the rest of you.
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart

Congratulations LW! That's wonderful news. Best of luck to you! We also got a BFP this month. :) I've been trying to lay low and really hoping that it's a sticky bean! I think that I'm currently a little over 5 weeks. My first doctors appt. isn't until the week of Thanksgiving, so I won't find out for sure until then. Initially we were incredibly excited. We are still incredibly excited, but also have hit the "oh shit, what did we do?" stage. Nothing really to upset about and everything will work itself out, but like "oh shit, how do I tell my boss?", "oh shit, we really better start saving money now" and "oh shit, what if we have to move and start new jobs at the same time as the baby is due?"
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart

Congratulations LW! That's wonderful news. Best of luck to you! We also got a BFP this month. :) I've been trying to lay low and really hoping that it's a sticky bean! I think that I'm currently a little over 5 weeks. My first doctors appt. isn't until the week of Thanksgiving, so I won't find out for sure until then. Initially we were incredibly excited. We are still incredibly excited, but also have hit the "oh shit, what did we do?" stage. Nothing really to upset about and everything will work itself out, but like "oh shit, how do I tell my boss?", "oh shit, we really better start saving money now" and "oh shit, what if we have to move and start new jobs at the same time as the baby is due?"

HAhahaha Yellow!!! I am the same way! excited but then the oh shit hits! please tell us your symptoms and what you did differently this time? I am on CD 24, so 5 DPO and no symptoms, waiting to test but feeling out.
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart

Congratulations LW! That's wonderful news. Best of luck to you! We also got a BFP this month. :) I've been trying to lay low and really hoping that it's a sticky bean! I think that I'm currently a little over 5 weeks. My first doctors appt. isn't until the week of Thanksgiving, so I won't find out for sure until then. Initially we were incredibly excited. We are still incredibly excited, but also have hit the "oh shit, what did we do?" stage. Nothing really to upset about and everything will work itself out, but like "oh shit, how do I tell my boss?", "oh shit, we really better start saving money now" and "oh shit, what if we have to move and start new jobs at the same time as the baby is due?"

HAhahaha Yellow!!! I am the same way! excited but then the oh shit hits! please tell us your symptoms and what you did differently this time? I am on CD 24, so 5 DPO and no symptoms, waiting to test but feeling out.

One thing that I did differently this month was cut back on alcohol. DH and I were going to so many social events that it felt like we were always drinking. This past month, I decided that I was going to severely limit alcohol just to feel healthier. The other thing that was different was that we BD'd twice on O day. We didn't intend to do that (wouldn't want to risk reducing "quantity") and the second time was a "just for fun" thing. Who knows if if was that time that worked though.

I felt completely out this month. I had so many pseudo symptoms during previous months and had next to no symptoms prior to my BFP this month. Looking back, I did have some symptoms, but I wrote them off. I had weird, stabbing, and short cramping about 3 dpo that I thought meant that my body had unsuccessfully O'ed and was trying to O again. I'm guessing that was implantation now (although pretty early). I also got an acne flair up and running nose right before my BFP. (Side note, I had no idea that salicylic acid was a no-no for preg women and had to buy all new face wash and toner.)

DH wouldn't even believe the first two (very light) BFP's since we thought we were out. It wasn't until I took a digi that he finally believed. Since the BFP two weeks ago, my major symptoms have been AF-like cramps, fatigue, and going to the bathroom a lot (like more than once per hour). It was the cramps that really took me by surprise. In the first week after BFP, I kept expecting to still see AF because of how bad the cramps were hurting. I was always one to get bad cramps with AF though, so maybe that's my body's go to? So far, I'm not experiencing MS, painful breasts, or sense of smell/taste issues.

Babydust to you! This could be your month! You're not out until AF rears her ugly head!!
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart

Congratulations LW! That's wonderful news. Best of luck to you! We also got a BFP this month. :) I've been trying to lay low and really hoping that it's a sticky bean! I think that I'm currently a little over 5 weeks. My first doctors appt. isn't until the week of Thanksgiving, so I won't find out for sure until then. Initially we were incredibly excited. We are still incredibly excited, but also have hit the "oh shit, what did we do?" stage. Nothing really to upset about and everything will work itself out, but like "oh shit, how do I tell my boss?", "oh shit, we really better start saving money now" and "oh shit, what if we have to move and start new jobs at the same time as the baby is due?"

Yayyy!! Congrats YellowGrey! Great news!!
Wonderful to hear more women on this thread getting BFP :)))
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:

My Ovulation Chart

Congratulations LW! That's wonderful news. Best of luck to you! We also got a BFP this month. :) I've been trying to lay low and really hoping that it's a sticky bean! I think that I'm currently a little over 5 weeks. My first doctors appt. isn't until the week of Thanksgiving, so I won't find out for sure until then. Initially we were incredibly excited. We are still incredibly excited, but also have hit the "oh shit, what did we do?" stage. Nothing really to upset about and everything will work itself out, but like "oh shit, how do I tell my boss?", "oh shit, we really better start saving money now" and "oh shit, what if we have to move and start new jobs at the same time as the baby is due?"

Hey Yellow lmao your so funny. Yep the oh shit feeling is a funny one. My Mama says you never have enough money for a baby but somehow you work it all out lol.

Well I just made 5 weeks and still nervous but starting to feel more relaxed. Have sore breast on and off. I pee.,pee and pee some more lol. Also feeling tiried and a little bloaty.
Best of luck ladies with getting your bfp's
I think this month we conceived and had implantation spotting on 11DPO, but today (15DPO) I got my AF. At the begining I had a bit of spotting and then a clump came out of me. I guess chemical pregnancy.
As much as I'm sad about this, I don't think I ever had chemical or implantation spotting, before I was even wondering if I can conceive, this is giving me hope and with the acupuncturist we narrowed down the possible problem- implantation problem.
Already did 4 rounds of acupuncture and some herbs. I think I'm getting closer. Fingers crossed.
Lotus and Yellow I am so excited for you both! Please stay on here and keep us up to date on everything that is happening!

Mal that is very good! Like you said it seems like your getting closer!

I am 8 DPO today and zero symptoms other than the typical AF monthly stuff.........ugg
Congrats to all of you lucky ladies that got your BFP! :happydance:

Mala- I have my first acupuncture appointment on Monday! I broke down and scheduled. They asked what issue I wanted to address, and I told them weight loss and fertility.

I had to stop taking the phentermine. :sad1: I just was not feeling right on it. Taking half a pill did lower my blood pressure and heart rate some, but not enough. So hopefully, acupuncture can help me lose some weight and get pregnant all at the same time! I hope it helps something and helps soon!

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