4 Awesome Chic's, TTC #1, 30+, cycle #3, Join our Journey!!!

Hey Ladies,

so hubby bought a home sperm count kit online today! he did it all on his own after our BFN today. Have any of you ever tried one or know if it even works? I wanted him to go to the Dr. to get his sperm checked but he wanted to try this first. Is this a waste of money or can it work?
Elpha, I'm so glad you booked acupuncture! I'm starting to have more faith in traditional medicine than modern.

Sloan, sorry. Have no idea how that thing works. But I think I read somewhere that only shows if the count is over 20 mil. which is average count, but don't take my word for it- I;ve never seen one. We tested in lab.
Sloan - I think I pretty much answered you on Facebook, but I wanted to add that my hubby felt more 'comfortable' doing the at-home test first. Apparently going to a doctor's office to 'give a sample' is a traumatic ordeal for men. Or that is at least how my hubby seemed to act about it. You guys may have better luck with the test than we did, but Mala is right... it only tests that he has a normal sperm count and nothing else. My hubby and I received at least a little reassurance from the home test, and I think it has made him a little more at ease to have the professional analysis done when that time comes. Hopefully it will do the same for yours!

Mala- I figured it couldn't hurt, and since we have to play the waiting game until January I figure it's at least a way to pass time and explore other 'natural' remedies before the more invasive tests and procedures start. I saw what it did for my Mom and my Dad years ago when they quit smoking, so I fully believe there has to be something to it! Here is hoping it works for both of us! :winkwink:
I really like my acupuncturist. He is a bit 'touchy feely' but from what I hear, a lot of 'alternative' doctors have their weird quirks. hahaha When he was consulting with me, he had me sit on the bed and he crouched right in front of me and held my wrists. Then he held my ankles. lol He also did not ask before just lifting up my shirt and tugging on my pants to make sure he would be able to place needles in my belly/hip region. I mean, I expected I would have to lift my shirt and stuff... but this was before I was even laying down. He just reached over... hahahaha! No biggie for me, but I bet that would offend some women or make them uncomfortable.

He said he plans to focus on the both treatments (weight loss and fertility) at the same time because he believes working on getting us pregnant will help resolve the weight issue. He has seen many overweight women lose 30-50 lbs after they are pregnant and still go on to deliver perfectly healthy babies. He says being pregnant boosts the metabolism and helps the weight issue to naturally resolve. So he is addressing trying to get my cycles regular while hitting some points for weight loss. He won me over when he said that. Most doctors tell you that you have to lose weight before you get pregnant and that it is unhealthy to lose weight while pregnant, but the whole thing is a misconception. People think by losing weight while pregnant you are starving the baby, but if you are making the RIGHT food choices you can do both. I do think losing 50 lbs while pregnant is probably a bit much though.

Anyhow, I am pretty excited. He wants me to come in once a week for at least the next 5 weeks. He seems pretty confident that the acupuncture will fix my cycle issues. Of course, he also said make sure there is lots of PRACTICE! :sex:
Elpha, loved reading your post. You seem so much relaxed and happy. Your entire post is breathing with hope.
I'm glad you're doing this.

They are a bit weird, but mine didn't lift up my shirt :)) That's so funny :))) LOL
Elpha, loved reading your post. You seem so much relaxed and happy. Your entire post is breathing with hope.
I'm glad you're doing this.

They are a bit weird, but mine didn't lift up my shirt :)) That's so funny :))) LOL

I am quite hopeful, but I kind of wish that treatment had helped me a little more with my appetite! hahaha I can tell AF will be here in just a matter of days because I am ALWAYS hungry and mostly for JUNK! I am doing really good at resisting for the most part... or at least making healthier options. Although, I must admit, I did get a donut this morning! EEEEK! Dang you gas station... always tempting me! I try to steer clear of going inside the gas stations, but I needed coffee so bad this morning and since I do not drink it hardly ever I do not have a coffee pot at home. Maybe I should invest in a cheap, small one... or a Keurig (YUM, lol).
I know what you mean. :))) That's why I ALWAYS make coffee and lunch at home, because I'm going to end up eating some bad food high on sodium and sugar.
My weight haven't went down more than those 4.4 lb that I lost like month or two ago, but the excess water from me is gone and I went 1.5 clothing sizes down.

OMG, today the acupuncturist add current on the needles. What a freaky feeling. It's like mild cramps mixed with gassy bowel movement. It was weird, I was feeling my muscles move i.e. contract :))).

Elpha, did he give you herbs or pills to take?
I know what you mean. :))) That's why I ALWAYS make coffee and lunch at home, because I'm going to end up eating some bad food high on sodium and sugar.
My weight haven't went down more than those 4.4 lb that I lost like month or two ago, but the excess water from me is gone and I went 1.5 clothing sizes down.

OMG, today the acupuncturist add current on the needles. What a freaky feeling. It's like mild cramps mixed with gassy bowel movement. It was weird, I was feeling my muscles move i.e. contract :))).

Elpha, did he give you herbs or pills to take?

Mine hooked me up to currents at my first treatment on Monday. The currents were only on the needles on my hands (thumb area) and knees... at least that I felt. I had needles in my abdomen and right above my ovaries... also in my ankles I think. The current was a weird feeling, but where my needles were it felt more like a 'twitch' or pulse. When he turned it on, he asked me to tell him when I felt it and made sure that I felt comfortable with it. He didn't want it to be on too much, but enough so I could feel it.

No herbs or pills at this point. Although, I believe he is going to give me Vitamin D to replace the Vitamin D3 I have been taking. He says with the store bought Vitamin D3, you probably won't notice any increase in Vitamin D levels when a test is done. However, if I take straight up Vitamin D a test should show improved levels rather quickly. Plus I wouldn't be taking as much as I am right now to get there. He sells it in his office for the same price I paid for the Vitamin D3 at the store, so I think I will give it a go.

That may be the only thing for now. He says I am on too much stuff as it is. Or as he put it, too much 'junk.' He seemed okay with me being on Pregnitude, but he doesn't understand why I am still on Metformin if the Pregnitude is helping me better. He also said prenatal vitamins are pretty close to a joke, but since he didn't really explain to me WHY I am definitely not willing to give those up. Then, I am also on the meloxicam for my knee injury still and I have an albuterol inhaler for seasonal allergies... and I mentioned I just stopped the phentermine. He doesn't want to conflict with my family doc or my OBGYN, but he definitely made it known that he thinks I am on way too much 'junk.' We will see what direction he goes in future appointments. I have only had one so far, my next one is Monday. I will be going once a week for the next month. He says he wants to see me for at least 5 weeks, then we can see how things are going.
Mine hooked me up to currents at my first treatment on Monday. The currents were only on the needles on my hands (thumb area) and knees... at least that I felt. I had needles in my abdomen and right above my ovaries... also in my ankles I think. The current was a weird feeling, but where my needles were it felt more like a 'twitch' or pulse. When he turned it on, he asked me to tell him when I felt it and made sure that I felt comfortable with it. He didn't want it to be on too much, but enough so I could feel it.

No herbs or pills at this point. Although, I believe he is going to give me Vitamin D to replace the Vitamin D3 I have been taking. He says with the store bought Vitamin D3, you probably won't notice any increase in Vitamin D levels when a test is done. However, if I take straight up Vitamin D a test should show improved levels rather quickly. Plus I wouldn't be taking as much as I am right now to get there. He sells it in his office for the same price I paid for the Vitamin D3 at the store, so I think I will give it a go.

That may be the only thing for now. He says I am on too much stuff as it is. Or as he put it, too much 'junk.' He seemed okay with me being on Pregnitude, but he doesn't understand why I am still on Metformin if the Pregnitude is helping me better. He also said prenatal vitamins are pretty close to a joke, but since he didn't really explain to me WHY I am definitely not willing to give those up. Then, I am also on the meloxicam for my knee injury still and I have an albuterol inhaler for seasonal allergies... and I mentioned I just stopped the phentermine. He doesn't want to conflict with my family doc or my OBGYN, but he definitely made it known that he thinks I am on way too much 'junk.' We will see what direction he goes in future appointments. I have only had one so far, my next one is Monday. I will be going once a week for the next month. He says he wants to see me for at least 5 weeks, then we can see how things are going.

I LIKE YOUR ACUPUNCTURIST!!!! :))) I would actually listen to him and get rid of the "junk" meds (but that's me :))
I realized myself I don't need prenatal vit., I'm already gettiing them from the food in a natural or seminatural way.

How do you feel after the 1st treatment?
OK, so don't mean to freak anybody, but apparently after ovulation is good to avoid certain herbs. It can cause miscarriage!
Here's the list: https://www.92024.com/herbsnpregnancy.htm
I know the list says for pregnancy, but the fact is often we don't know when we have chemical pregnancy.

well ladies, I got a bfp last night at 15 dpo, cd 33. I am not out of the woods thought because i have been spotting and bleeding for 3 days so this could possible be a chemical or turn into a mc. The only reason i even tested was because I never spot and have never not had a heavy red af right at cd 30.

I called the dr. and they wouldnt even see me, they said if its a chemical or mc that there is nothing that can be done about it anyways and to just monitor it and if the bleeding gets heavy to go to the ER. I thought hubby would be excited but i have to say I was very disappointed in his response which was basically nothing. Maybe he is in shock?
OMG!! Congrats! I hope it's a sticky one!!!:cloud9:
And don't worry about hubby, they're really not that aware. Men need to see (ultrasound image, belly bump) and it will hit them. :)) First they panic!
OMG!! Congrats! I hope it's a sticky one!!!:cloud9:
And don't worry about hubby, they're really not that aware. Men need to see (ultrasound image, belly bump) and it will hit them. :)) First they panic!

Thanks Mal,

this month i didnt OPK, temp, pre-seed, nothing. I drank and tried not to stress.
Yea Sloane I hope you have a sticky bean. Best of luck.
Hey ladies.

Just checking in. Best of Luck lots and lots of baby dust.

Well I have had a dr's visit and due my first booking visit this coming Friday. I am hoping all is well. I have had sore breast on and off I am always peeing lol and feel real tiried. The nausea really kicked in this week but mainly when I have not eaten for a while. So I am eating little and often.
I have already gone from a C cup to a D cup bra size lol
Best of luck ladies hoping you get your BFP soon xx
do you ladies have an advise on a good skin care line while pregnant? It has to be dermatological quality, as i am a snob when it comes to product. I normally use Obagi but its not safe when pregnant.
Sloan- My fingers are crossed that everything is okay and you have a sticky bean there! Sorry to hear hubby disappointed you with his response. I agree, he could just be in shock. OR... if you expressed any of your concerns about a possible chemical pregnancy or impending miscarriage... maybe his response was his way of keeping his guard up. Men have that 'need' to be strong in times of crisis/fear. Hope that all passes soon and you have a happy, healthy, safe 9 months!

Mala- I have my second acupuncture appointment tonight! I am excited to really get this started... but my excitement is shadowed a little bit by fear. More and more I am thinking that I don't have PCOS, but that I have an undiagnosed thyroid issue. My basal body temps are just FAR below what is considered normal and that is a big sign. :-/ So now I am wondering if I should not have a thyroid test done now, rather than waiting for January when I see my OBGYN.
Mala- I have my second acupuncture appointment tonight! I am excited to really get this started... but my excitement is shadowed a little bit by fear. More and more I am thinking that I don't have PCOS, but that I have an undiagnosed thyroid issue. My basal body temps are just FAR below what is considered normal and that is a big sign. :-/ So now I am wondering if I should not have a thyroid test done now, rather than waiting for January when I see my OBGYN.

Elpha, if you have that concern, just do the test. That way you won't be stressing yourself by waiting until January. And if you really have thyroid problem, at least you can start treating it sooner, plus you can use the acupuncture for that as well.
Elpha, if you have that concern, just do the test. That way you won't be stressing yourself by waiting until January. And if you really have thyroid problem, at least you can start treating it sooner, plus you can use the acupuncture for that as well.

I am just not sure where to start? I never changed general practitioners when I moved in with my hubby, so I drive quite a bit when I need to see her. It is actually a 2 hour drive from my work, so not easy to just pop in during the workday and get back to work. :-/ My OBGYN is in the town where I work, but to get in to see her... you need to schedule ahead. Besides, I am in a 'try naturally' window with her until January. I am supposed to call to schedule my January appointment this month. She recommended calling in November to make sure I can get an appointment in January. Maybe I can ask a nurse? My Mom is a nurse, and I thought I mentioned my concern to her before... but she never seemed concerned. I look at charts on Fertility Friend of women with hypothyroidism and their temps are similar to mine and only like 20% of them were 'pregnant' charts.

Maybe I will say something to the acupuncturist tonight. I just am paranoid to mention 'too much' because I don't want them all to think I am a crazy hypochondriac who thinks everything is wrong with her. :dohh:
Maybe you could show your charts to the acupuncturist. I did and he was very interested in them, he was actually studying them for couple of minutes and comparing them.

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