4 DPO testing on May 24th...Anyone want to wait it out together?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2014
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I am 4 DPO today. This cycle has been hectic. Had a +OPK on CD 14 which turned negative really quickly within a few hours. We :sex: over and over this month so I am beyond exhausted. I continued to test with OPK's after my 1st +OPK, and I got another +OPK on CD 20. On CD 21, 22, 23, and 24 my OPK's remained dark almost as positive as the CD 20 OPK, although my temps went up on CD 22 and have remained elevated so I am guessing that I actually O'd on CD 21.

I have been kinda blah this week since this cycle was messed up, and I really don't know exactly when I o'd. Today I had nausea, heartburn, my veins are very blue (BB's, arms, hands, and feet), my bowels are loose (sorry tmi), I am tired and moody (hubby would say nothing unusual..lol), my BB's feel heavy, fuller and warm.

Of course all of this could be in my head, so I don't know what to believe.

Take a look at my chart and let me know what you think.

Anybody else testing around May 24th?

My Ovulation Chart
Hi, I am 4 dpo as well. It definitely looks like you covered all your bases in the BD'ing department! Lol! How long have you been ttc? I had 2 losses at the end of last year. So this month 4 of ttc #3.
I'm 4/5 dpo I think, the reason I'm not sure is because my opks were getting darker one day, then the next went lighter, so I can only assume I surged over night. All signs point towards ovulation, ewcm dried up, cervix closed and boobs started hurting. My cm is creamy now so if I didn't ovulate then I won't any time soon .

I do hate all the waiting that is involved with trying, waiting to ovulate then waiting to test.

Wish I'd persevered with charting my temps, only took a few before ovulation but due to a number of reasons I knew my temps for a few of the days following wouldn't be accurate so decided to give up, wish I hadn't. I restarted a couple of days ago and my temps are higher than pre o temps and today significantly higher so hoping it means I did o, I know I can't confirm it though.

This is my first month trying to conceive after a 5 month break.

Lady - (easier to just call you lady than try and type the whole name out lol) your temps after ovulation look good.

Linnielou - sorry about your losses, I lost early before I got pregnant with my son, was so scary getting pregnant again.

Good luck both of you xx
This is my first month trying to concieve #2. My first pregnancy ended in m/c in 2010. When I was pregs w/ #1 I bled in late 1st trimester and I was terrified of what could happen (due to previous m/c). Doctors told me it was implamtation bleeding although I was 8-9 weeks at that time (think they said that b/c they had no other explanation). Thank God my perfect little girl turned out healthy and very happy.

We have been trying but not trying for the last year....I say that b/c when I got preg #1 and #2 we did not try it just happened. So it didn't just happen over this last year so we actively really started trying this last month (as you can see with all the :sex: Trust me our sex life is not normal (atleast not for us). I have had more:spermy: floating around inside of me than the last 7 years added together (with my man)...lol. If we don't get BFP this month my man may try to escape b/c I don't think he can handle that amount of :sex: month after month after month....:wacko:

I am spreading baby dust all over this board so hopefully us girls will get our BFP this month....
Cookie- Keep checking OPK's. I got +OPK on CD 14 and thought it was short surge over night and I caught tail end. Then OPK's got lighter and lighter. On CD 20 I got another +OPK, and CD 21, 22, 23, 24 they were nearly positive. Thank goodness CD 25 they started fading again and my temps went up (from the one day temp I had prior to O). So I am pretty sure that I O'd on CD 21....but FF says I was fertile from CD 9- CD 26...what kind of sense does that make. If they are right I should def get BFP this month with being soooo fertile for soooo long this month...lol

Start temping and keep a watch, hopefully things will work out... I'vegot my fingers crossed for all of us ladies!
I don't have enough opks to keep checking them, but I always get ewcm before I ovulate so I'm keeping an eye on that and if I get some then I'll use opks. I better order more actually. Its not unusual for me to have longer cycles, but in the 6 months I was tracking my cycles last year I never got ewcm without ovulating, so either I'm having an anovulatory cycle or I have ovulated...signs seem to be good, cervix is closed (or as closed as it ever feels after having a baby), ewcm has gone and my boobs hurt. I'll keep an eye on it though. I will keep on temping and if I am not successful this cycle will definitely continue with it next cycle. Just annoyed with myself for giving up in the first place, but thought oh it doesn't matter as every time I tracked my cycles last year it always confirmed ovulation the day after a positive opk, so thought opks were enough.

So any symptoms?

My son is 3 and a half and I conceived him and the one I mc'd before him without trying, which was surprising as I have PCOS.

My friend had a few bleeds in the first tri for both of her sons and they were fine, I think some ladies just get bleeding and it doesn't mean anything.

Cookie- I have wondered if I have PCOS as I have many signs but my midwife had shoulder surgery and is only seeing OB patients and I really don't trust anyone else examining my va-j-j or telling me what is going on with my body b/c when I tried I found wallops that shouldn't even have a degree in any healthcare feild....so I'm waiting to finally see my midwife when I get my BFP. Somehow I got pregnant with both of my previous pregnancies without trying.

It is ALOT harder to get preggo when you are trying, and what a roller coaster ride it is....The waiting period is just awful!

I get my OPK's from Target or Walmart they come in a pack of 20 for about $15....it can get pricey when your POAS 3-4 x day.....

Maybe you are right you did O.... I would say to listen to your body before anything else....tests, doctors, etc.... You know yourself better than anybody. Although a TTC momma can go crazy with all the symptoms she ends up getting, even when they are not "real" symptoms.

Don't fret about the temp thing. I did not start taking my temp until CD 21 unfortunately, and only did b/c I had to go to store and get more OPK's so I got a BBT. I think I caught one day of temps before O, but it's tricky to know what to go by. So I would suggest just start temping now and take your temp even when sick, crazy, and you feel like it will be off. Atleast you can average it out over time. I wish I would have started on CD 1 but I decided not to (no good reason). Now I wish I did. So here's to temping....and some BFP's for us girls. Keep me updated.
Oh yes I get so many symptoms in the 2 week wait, yet when I took a break from trying got barely anything, either my mind plays tricks or it's just that I'm not aware because I'm not paying attention.

If I hadn't ttc I wouldn't have a clue, but because I got so familiar with the changes in my body I don't feel overly worried about ovulation, anyway if it didn't happen then there is nothing I can do.

What pcos symptoms do you have? You'd need a blood test and ultrasound to confirm, an internal examination wouldn't show anything.

Yes that's a good idea, will just take my temp no matter what, even if I don't feel it's accurate, at least it's something and hopefully taking my temp will become second nature.

I get my opks from Amazon, I'm in the UK and they are £3 something, so that's less in dollar's.

I have ahd cysts off and on on my ovaries during ultrasounds, I've had cystic acne at times that won't go away no matter what, I have had ridiculously abnormal and long cycles. I have gained weight (after lossing my baby weight- damnit...!!!) I have had thinning hair particularly a receding hari line...the list goes on.

I recently had an ultrasound and blood test and I don't think the doctor checked for anything other than pregnancy.... and when that was not there she said everything is fine...blah blah blah...that's why I have problems trusting the medical field unfortunately it has became all about money to most employed in this field....My sister has major cysts on her ovaries (which were both supposedly removed 10 years ago) went to ER, they told her to go to OBGYN, and they refused to see her b/c she didn't have insurance (had less than 30 days before insurance kicked in from work)....Now to me thit is ridiculous and shameful.....

Either way I don't trust too many medical people (other than my two sisters who are both RN's, and they are good at advising me who not to go to....)

My symptoms are there too but probably wouldn't be if I wasn't looking for them. I have dark blue veins everywhere (boobs, pelvis, feet, hands, arms, etc...), nausea, cramping, gas, increased thirst and urination, loose bowels (tmi sorry), the lst can go on if I paid any more attention to it....lol

When are you planning on testing?

GL and lots of FX...
Hi there. I believe I am 7 DPO today. We BD on CD 8, 10 (+ opk), 11, 12, 16. Hopefully I have covered all of my bases. We shall see. I have had nothing out of the ordinary so will be testing this weekend probably.
Lady - it does sound like you could have pcos. I have a few of the symptoms you mentioned.

Fingers crossed it won't take either of us too long to conceive number 2. Are you taking any supplements? I've started to have inositol which is supposed to be great for pcos and folic acid, I'm also taking raspberry ketones to try and help the weightloss. Wondering if I should be taking anything else.

I'm thinking of testing 8/9 dpo as have loads of cheapie tests but I tend to get a lot of evaps on them. I think I'll give them a 5 minute window and then throw, I think they say up to 10 mins but don't want to risk an evap so risk getting my hopes up. I was stupid to buy them but I'm abit of a poas holic.

The medical system in the us sounds bad, we complain about the nhs over here but you get medical help, no costs apart from medication.
Good luck baby.love12,
hope you are successful this cycle xx
Baby.Love- Goodluck your way and lots of babydust! Let us know how things work out...
Cookie- I have not been taking any supplements for the possible PCOS because of a few reasons. Firstly, a few months ago from January until March I was dealing with an auto-immune issue (AI) and I was busy trying to get appt's with specialists for that plus looking into anthocyanin supplements for the problems I was having from the AI... I have been taking prenatal (folic included) B12, and Vitamin D supplements for regular daily supplements. Other than that I haven't had much time to explore PCOS other than to look into diet changes. I need to look into the rasberry ketones for sure...lol I really believe in natural treatments and try not to take hardly any medications for anything (even headaches until after 12 hours or so....i know stupid).

In the US we just started a new medical system over here this year and it is so screwy....Nobody knows what is going on with anything yet. And since everybody is required to have medical insurance the wait time to get into specialist is ten times as long now, maybe it will straighten out soon. Prenatal care two years ago when I delivered was the best, better than other medical care.

I'm probably biased because I have an older sister who is developmentally disabled (who lives with me I am her state certified independent provider) and I experience the medical field a little too often and I come acrossed alot of uneducated medical providers (in relation to DD)...

I don't know how I can wait much longer not to POAS. I just don't wanna be disappointed. But on the other hand I can't wait.

How long are your cycles? Mine are anywhere from 28-35 days it just depends on when AF wants to torture me.

FF tells me to wait until June 2 to test but there is no way in crazyland that I can wait that long...I will definately POAS by Saturday May 24 (if I can wait that long). I have 2 FRERs and about 5 Cheapies...maybe i'll get some more because even when it is BFP I'm going to need to verify over and over again...
When I've gained weight my cycles can be 60 odd days long, but weightloss they are usually around 34 days long. Last cycle was 34 days long and I'm hoping this one will be the same or shorter. Time will tell I guess, I hate not knowing for sure if I ovulated but am surprisingly ok with it, I think because my body is saying yes! Wishful thinking perhaps. Lol

I've never really taken much for my pcos, really weightloss is the key with this condition, which is why I've lost 26 lbs and I'm planning to lose at least another 16 lbs but possibly more. Hopefully the raspberry ketones will help me lose more, haven't lost much recently.

When you have tests sitting there it's really hard to resist using them, but at the same time seeing a negative is so disappointing! I promised myself that I wouldn't test early with ICs but then when I was ordering opks I ended up buying a load of hpts. I doubt I'll get past Friday without testing but I'll try and hold out til Saturday.
60 day long cycle...oh my goodness I could not imagine that. Unless you didn't want AF to show up but once in every blue moon. But ttc with a 60 day cycle that is horrible. How has the raspberry keytones worked for you? I have been trying to work out alot more (my daughter danced to hip hop abs with me today...lol) My honey's gonna kill me if he sees his lil girl shaking her booty... I'm gonna tell him she seen it on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or the new freestyle dance mix music they just threw in between the mickey commercials:dance::wacko: It is hard to resist the tests when they are sitting there...I hate the disappointment when I see BFN though. Have you had any cramping or anything? I am soooooooooo anxious! I hope we both get our BFP soon!
Luckily I wasn't ttc when I had a 60 day cycle, it was while I was taking a break, that happened in Jan and since I lost weight they've got shorter and shorter. Would have driven me crazy to have such a long cycle while ttc.

I'm not sure if the raspberry ketones are working, I started taking them Saturday and my weigh in is Thursday so I'll let you know!!

I've got a bad back and the pain radiates right round into my pelvic area so have no idea about cramps, I did have some shooting pains last night which weren't anything to do with my back but could have been nothing. I also get pelvic pain from my ibs so struggle to know what pain is from what...I'm falling apart! Lol

I'm 35 and I feel like I've got this year to conceive and if I don't then will have to stick with just 1 child. Also the gap between my son and a new baby is growing all the time, he's going to definitely be 4 by the time another comes along but if it takes a while then he'll be getting on for 5. He's 4 in November.

How are you today? Xxx
Wanted to share my chart with you, obviously it can't confirm ovulation (unless ovulation does happen late) but my temps are significantly higher than they were pre ovulation.

Definitely learnt my lesson - to keep taking my temp and not to give up even if I think some will be inaccurate.

My Ovulation Chart
Cookie- 6DPO and counting, woohoo...!!! I am good today, woke up in a good mood and my daughter has been extra lovey dovey with me for about the last week...I thought it was b/c she was sick but I really don't know what has come over her. Either way I will take it who wouldn't be in a good mood if their two year old consistently wanted to hug them over and over and keep saying I Love You...it is music to my ears.

Your chart looks as if your temp has definately went up a bit, so I would guess that you have O'd already. What CD do you normally O on, or do you not know yet? Normally I wake up at 6am every morning- woke up this morning at 4am (took temp just in case I didn't have enough sleep by 6o clock temp taking) and it was 96.8 (near what I think coverline is), laid back down, woke back up at 6am and took temp again this time it was 97.5. Either way at 6DPO my BBT has taken a slight dip. I am not sure what this means, it is a slight dip but down .3 F degrees since yesterday. Have you ever heard of such thing? My cervix is still high, soft and what I believe is closed, and today I started getting creamy CM (since O it has been watery). I wonder what if anything all of this means.

Let me know how the raspberry ketones work out for you, I am interested to find out.

Cramping or stabbing pains I think are a good sign b/c it is too far away from AF to be those kinds of pains....so hopefully something good.

It's pathetic when we are praying and hoping for cramps, pains, early spotting, or any type of sign during the TWW b/c we just wanna know and hope that we are BFP. lol.... I feel crazier and crazier every day...

I understand completely how you feel when you talk about wanting another child this year. I am in the same boat. I am 32, my daughter is gonna be three in January. I hate to think of much bigger of a gap between their age but, I also hate thinking of her being an only child (I grew up w/ this spoiled rotten only child and the thought just kills me). My daughter is amazing and I am sooooooo blessed with her. I was selfish up until recently b/c I wanted to have as much time with her before anybody else was in the picture (although my DD sister lives with us, and Viv looks up to her as an older sister/ auntie). I grew up in a big family, I have 5 sisters (6 of us girls total) which I absolutely love. But there are some gaps between our ages and I notice that regardless of how many years in between us we are all still very very close with each other, regardless if it is 3 years difference or ten years- so honestly I think it really doesn't matter other than our own preferences.

I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason (even though most of the time we don't know the reason) and everything happens when it is supposed to happen (regardless of our own time frames). Although I believe these things it doesn't change the fact that I still want to control certain things in my life knowing that I really have very little control. So to me I have to believe that if I put the work into making things happen then God will help those things to happen when they are supposed to....All I have is hope and faith and nobody can take those away from me!

How are you doing today?
do you mind if a join? i'm 6/7 dpo ( i didn't chart this time around, just opks) not really any symptoms but i don't usually get anything ¬__¬ had cramps/ stabbing pains as well as a load of cm. i am trying to hold out until at least 10dpo but we shall see :haha:

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