4 weeks 1 day past miscarriage, STILL positive test? UPDATE PAGE 10

Hi there. I had something similar just happen to me. It has been 10 weeks since my mc. I still haven't ovulated or had a period. My doctor confirmed no ovulation with an ultrasound. A couple weeks ago I got a faint positive FRER. Two days later it was a little bit darker. I went in for a blood test and mine was also at 2. Dang it! My doctor said that urine pregnancy tests can have cross reactivity with LH/FSH. I know that my LH and FSH run super high so that's what was giving me the line on the pregnancy test. Any chance your FSH and/or LH is running high right now? This is also why some women can get a positive pregnancy test when they are ovulating. I hope you find an answer soon and I hope it's one that has an easy solution.
Hi there. I had something similar just happen to me. It has been 10 weeks since my mc. I still haven't ovulated or had a period. My doctor confirmed no ovulation with an ultrasound. A couple weeks ago I got a faint positive FRER. Two days later it was a little bit darker. I went in for a blood test and mine was also at 2. Dang it! My doctor said that urine pregnancy tests can have cross reactivity with LH/FSH. I know that my LH and FSH run super high so that's what was giving me the line on the pregnancy test. Any chance your FSH and/or LH is running high right now? This is also why some women can get a positive pregnancy test when they are ovulating. I hope you find an answer soon and I hope it's one that has an easy solution.

Hi there...have you made any progress, have a game plan per say on how to help your body along?

I do feel my hormones are trying. I have a "acne" outbreak of 3 on my chin. I never get acne! lol

I also have these sharp stabbing pains near my nipples on my breasts, randomly. I had them when pregnant so I know they have to do with hormones...

I am getting random yellowish brown stain on my panty liner.

Something turned it positive and I will honestly say I have no clue. No clue at all. I do think I usually run high with estrogen as I used the CBFM to get pregnant the first two times and I would get a lot of highs...

I don't feel that I ovulated. I don't feel pregnant. I do feel out of it. What a strangle place to be in. Please stay in touch and let me know you progress and I pray that you get out of this weird limbo soon too!!
How unbelievably cruel. :hugs:

My understanding is that after you hit zero your hormones should take over and either you ovulate or get an anovulatory AF.

I really hope you are back on track soon. I felt I coped well with my miscarriage to begin with because I "could just get pregnant again", but the reality of messed up hormones and a very long cycle meant I felt broken and that was almost harder to cope with than the loss itself.

Hopefully you get some answers from the bloods on Tuesday.

Thanks Celesse. I think my spotting was me trying to ovulate, not an AF. Doctor thinks it was an AF, of sorts. :wacko:

I just hope we soon get a real AF I refuse to try before that as honestly who knows if I would be able to carry with my hormones all over like this! I do feel this strong urge to move on with my life, and this, well this is totally unfair.
hi again. I don't think high estrogen would interfere with a pregnancy test. The LH and FSH do because the molecules look similar to HCG. If your LH/FSH are high that could also give you false positives on ovulation tests (CBFM). I actually get a positive ovulation test throughout my cycle. But, my FSH level is outrageously high. When your fSH gets to 10 the doctors start getting concerned about peri-menopause and suggest using donor eggs. Last week my FSH was 100!! But, I'm not in menopause because before my miscarriage I was having regular cycles. I wouldn't ovulate every month but I would bleed every 26-32 days. I'm not sure what was different the month that I conceived but it was a different cycle because I had negative ovulation tests and then a surge when I ovulated. I just need to figure out how to make my body do this again.
SOOOOO, in answer to your question, yes I do have a plan. There is no medication to bring down FSH and fertility drugs don't work when your FSH is high. Some women have had great luck using supplements such as wheat grass, CoQ10, and DHEA. Acupuncture also seems to be very helpful. I am totally baffled by acupuncture. I'm a scientist by profession and it drives me nuts that I don't understand how acupuncture works. But I really think it does. I used acupuncture to get my cycles restarted after a medical problem that shut down my reproductive system. I had great luck with it. So, next week I'm calling my acupuncturist to start treatments again and I'm also gong to ask her to make a tincture for me containing herbs that can help hormonal balance.
I've had hormonal problems since puberty and my experience is that if your problem isn't a really common one that doctors see al the time then they really can't help you. I just think science isn't there yet to problem solve the hormone pathways.
I really hope that your problem is something less serious and easier to treat. Do you have PCOS by chance? Let's do keep in touch and see if we can't get both of our bodies back in order very soon! :hugs:
oh and by the way, since my mc I have had strange cramps. They are mellowing out now but they were sharp and painful for many weeks. I also had sore breasts last week for apparently no reason. I think all symptoms are possible when your hormones are out of whack. I actually also have had food aversions and trouble sleeping. Come on body...get it together!! :haha:
oh and by the way, since my mc I have had strange cramps. They are mellowing out now but they were sharp and painful for many weeks. I also had sore breasts last week for apparently no reason. I think all symptoms are possible when your hormones are out of whack. I actually also have had food aversions and trouble sleeping. Come on body...get it together!! :haha:

Yeah I think all the crappy feelings I have are hormones out of whack, not pregnancy. Sigh.

No, never ever had problems until the miscarriage. I think that is what is making me so paranoid, will I get back to normal?

I am doing acupuncture, calling to see if I can get into tomorrow actually. I think it will help, I felt great after my initial visit! I can't really wrap my mind around it either to be honest but yes, I felt better so I am going to give it a go!
I'm also worried about the sudden change since the mc. My body was barely hanging on as it was and now I'm a little afraid I won't recover. I'm looking forward to seeing my acupuncturist because at least I will feel like I'm doing something to try to solve the problem. Glad your first appointment went well.
Wow.. I can't believe this is still dragging on for you.. Hope something works for both of you!!
HI ladies just a bit of an update...

Still loving acupuncture, I literally fell asleep for my hour session this time, it was amazing!

I started the herbs on Monday. Tuesday night started major cramping, thought here we go! Started a very light spotting flow....pinkish red. Then my back started hurting, like labor.

I went to bed, couldn't sleep on my stomach like usual and even my back hurt. I swore by the morning I would have AF.

I woke up at 4 am with this urgency to pee. I get in there pull my underwear down and feel this feeling that something was passing!

I looked down and it was the size of your thumb and about as big as half the thumb itself. I was in shock and asked my husband to look at it. I am pretty sure it was part of the placenta, coming out....11 weeks after!

My bloods showed I am negative for pregnancy. I went to the hospital. They again said I am all clear. I went to the OB today and he also did an US and said yes, definitely all clear. He said no scarring, uterus is back to normal size and that I was ready to ovulate anyday. Thank goodness it looks like this horrible nightmare is going to be over. He also went over my hormone blood work and said I am all OK. That was wonderful to hear! Hope and pray everyone is healing from their miscarriage. I was shocked to see how hard it was on my body...and well the professionals were shocked at this as well....lol

They are biopsying it to be sure but the doc agreed, def. looks like placenta.
wow! I'm so glad that your body let go of that tissue. It seems pretty common for some tissue to be left in there but not seen in imaging. I hope this was the last piece for you and your body will move on now.

Glad you are liking your acupuncture. I love mine too! I just started taking herbs and I'm also drastically cleaning up my diet. It's hard to give up my much-loved sugar snacks but if ever there was a reason to do it this is it! Can't wait for my next acupuncture appointment next week.
Wow.. that is soooo crazy but I'm so glad things are finally getting back to normal for you!!
Thanks ladies!

Update: 11 weeks post miscarriage today, 48 hours after passing that piece of tissue and....AF arrived!!!
Happy AF day!! :hugs:

Wow, what a journey! I hope that things go much more smoothly in the future for you.

Do you know if you will be TTC straight away or will you be taking a break? (yeah, I'm a bit nosey :blush:)
Happy AF day!! :hugs:

Wow, what a journey! I hope that things go much more smoothly in the future for you.

Do you know if you will be TTC straight away or will you be taking a break? (yeah, I'm a bit nosey :blush:)

Celesse, honestly I never, ever thought this would be me.

I got pregnant the first month of trying when we we became pregnant with our son and then lost him. I tried to rebound, to be strong and knew we wanted a family again. Waited the 6 weeks to heal and became pregnant, that cycle. Then this horrible experience of a blighted ovum. I just don't know. I feel this need to be pregnant, NOW. It scares even me. I feel like life is flying by with out me. :cry: All my life I have wanted to be a mother and this month I turn 33. I am scared out of my mind.

I am doing acupuncture and will continue with it. Today I joined a gym, it is through a hospital so it is would of those real expensive ones but I get a decent discount so I am going to start walking and swimming, even biking. Low impact stuff that if I was to become pregnant I could still feasibly do.

We have a Specialist appt on the 17th more for encouragement as I keep hearing, "these were all horrific events that should have never happened." I just fear going through it all again. But I want a child.:nope:
I'm so sorry you had to deal with all of this. I would say give yourself a little time. Even a month or two can make a big difference in our outlook and on what you are ready to deal with. Sounds like you are taking the right steps, in fact those are the same things I'm doing now (gym, acupuncture, clean diet). You will get your baby :hugs:

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