40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

My smiley is still blinking so I'm convinced that O isn't happening this cycle. I'll continue to pee on the sticks until AF arrives.
Sigh. I just had to come back to where I really belong ... 40+ trying for 1st. This is a safe haven for me, where mothers trying for another baby will not post photos of their chubby little babies (in a TTC thread!), and pregnant women will not smugly tell me they got pregnant when they stopped worrying about it. Where 20-something women will not lament how old they are now.

Sooooo, today we are having some family over for dinner. This is good because it forced us to clean house, cook, and keep busy! I need to stay busy. This is the secret to making the 2WW less painful.

I had my first IUI this cycle (with clomid/ovidrel/progesterone). I'm so hopeful and scared at the same time.
FindingKismet, welcome to our little family! That is exactly why I started this thread. I was tired of hearing about TTCer's other kids and I was tired of 20-somethings getting their BFP after only 3 months and acting like they'd been trying for forever. We have different needs and different fears.

I hope this IUI works out for you! I got pregnant on my 3rd IUI, but as you all know I miscarried. I've had 6 of them total now, and will just keep doing them along with this syringe method as soon as my FS lets me.
OMG, I FINALLY got a positive ovulation on the IC!! I also finally have CM. Wondering if I haven't actually ovulated yet. I did feel crampy Thursday and Friday. That feeling is now gone. Well, just to be safe, we'll try the syringe regime again tonight.

This chart is SO much easier to understand! I'm in the bottom right hand corner, so I'm in the "eggwhite" category tonight. whoo hoo! Now, where is that husband...?
FindingKismet, welcome to our little family! That is exactly why I started this thread. I was tired of hearing about TTCer's other kids and I was tired of 20-somethings getting their BFP after only 3 months and acting like they'd been trying for forever. We have different needs and different fears.

I hope this IUI works out for you! I got pregnant on my 3rd IUI, but as you all know I miscarried. I've had 6 of them total now, and will just keep doing them along with this syringe method as soon as my FS lets me.

Hi Kat. Thanks for the welcome. I try to go al over the boards, but sometimes you just need to be with your own people :winkwink:

I have a question for everyone. This morning I got my highest temp ever. Does that mean anything? I'm thinking it's just a result of using meds, since I'm only at 8dpo ... probably too early for implantation (I know my chart says I'm 9dpo but it's counting from the trigger).
FindingKismet, welcome to our little family! That is exactly why I started this thread. I was tired of hearing about TTCer's other kids and I was tired of 20-somethings getting their BFP after only 3 months and acting like they'd been trying for forever. We have different needs and different fears.

I hope this IUI works out for you! I got pregnant on my 3rd IUI, but as you all know I miscarried. I've had 6 of them total now, and will just keep doing them along with this syringe method as soon as my FS lets me.

Hi Kat. Thanks for the welcome. I try to go al over the boards, but sometimes you just need to be with your own people :winkwink:

I have a question for everyone. This morning I got my highest temp ever. Does that mean anything? I'm thinking it's just a result of using meds, since I'm only at 8dpo ... probably too early for implantation (I know my chart says I'm 9dpo but it's counting from the trigger).

I don't temp myself (my cat's 'good morning' routine won't allow it). When does Dr. Google say a woman typically sees a drop in temp to indicate AF? I have read from multiple sources that you can implant anywhere from 6-12 DPO (with days 8/9 being the most typical). Apparently, the earlier you implant the higher the chances are that it'll be a viable pregnancy.
Welcome FindingKismet! This is the only board I'm on now because as you said the others are posting pics of their babies and there was one I was following and on and they were all mostly pregnant and going month to month. I don't even want to look at a pregnant person right now.

Kat...I'm telling you I have a good feeling for you!!!!! So that egg white stuff I had like when my estrogen was kicking in and still have the blinking :) on CB and nothing else on the others. I feel like I thru over $100 away on those damn tests!!! Very anxious to meet with the infertility doc. It seems like the appt is sooooo far away but even if I met with her before Sept there probably wasn't much to do since I was still healing from the ectopic surgery. I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst that I've started menopause. If that's not the case then I am very hopeful that I have at least one good egg and DH's fish are as good as they were 2 years ago! If AF comes on time, I'll be CD 11 for the doc's appt. However that doesn't seem to matter what CD I'm on right now. Hoping my body is just still trying to get back to "normal". If AF arrives on time, (28 days or little earlier) I'll feel better. I have been a 28 day cycle for over 30 years now. I'm starting to want to eat everything in site which is a sign of AF on it's way. Now will the blinky stop blinking and go back to an empty O, or will it blink til AF?
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, we're gonna get slammed w/rain the next couple of days to end summer.
Welcome FindingKismet! This is the only board I'm on now because as you said the others are posting pics of their babies and there was one I was following and on and they were all mostly pregnant and going month to month. I don't even want to look at a pregnant person right now.

Kat...I'm telling you I have a good feeling for you!!!!! So that egg white stuff I had like when my estrogen was kicking in and still have the blinking :) on CB and nothing else on the others. I feel like I thru over $100 away on those damn tests!!! Very anxious to meet with the infertility doc. It seems like the appt is sooooo far away but even if I met with her before Sept there probably wasn't much to do since I was still healing from the ectopic surgery. I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst that I've started menopause. If that's not the case then I am very hopeful that I have at least one good egg and DH's fish are as good as they were 2 years ago! If AF comes on time, I'll be CD 11 for the doc's appt. However that doesn't seem to matter what CD I'm on right now. Hoping my body is just still trying to get back to "normal". If AF arrives on time, (28 days or little earlier) I'll feel better. I have been a 28 day cycle for over 30 years now. I'm starting to want to eat everything in site which is a sign of AF on it's way. Now will the blinky stop blinking and go back to an empty O, or will it blink til AF?
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, we're gonna get slammed w/rain the next couple of days to end summer.

I hope you are not hitting early menopause! That would probably be unlikely though unless it runs in your family. It's more likely that you are still healing from the ectopic and not ready to ovulate yet.

I read that the blinking smiley indicates raised estrogen. It won't stop blinking until it detects a steady decline in estrogen I believe (probably two days in a row). I hope your FS carefully tracks your cycle to see what's going on. I read that if you don't ovulate on your own and they don't think you will, they can prescribe something to induce it. Either way, you will ovulate again!! I truly think your body just needs a little more time. I wish it would hurry up, though :( Waiting and sitting around doing nothing is torture.
Thanks Kat. I'm really trying to stay positive but just setting myself up for reality. If it is menopause then it wasn't meant for us to have kids. God has a plan, I just don't know what it is!
Bash, I know what you mean about wanting to face the worst fear in case that's what the doc says. I just feel it that he/she will tell you otherwise!!

Did another IC opk at 10:35am and the test line is lighter than the control again. My surge is over. Hope I'm ovulating this afternoon! I'm not sure how soon people actually ovulate once the "surge" is over.

*EDIT* And another at 12:30 because the one from this morning was only after holding for an hour and 2 cups of tea. The one at 12:30 says I'm still in the zone! Control and test lines are a match. I guess this morning's test was too close to morning and too diluted.
So I just went tinkle and when I wiped I'm spotting??? CD 19...WTF??? What to do, what to do...if it gets heavier I guess I call the doc but if I'm not hemorrhaging or in pain, no reason to call I guess. Man this was all supposed to get easier after the surgery.
Hello I am so glad I found this thread. I too am 40 and have been in all of the other rooms with 20 somethings moaning about how their clocks are ticking ugh. I am another one who didn't find the right man until I turned 37. I moved to the UK, we got married and after the expense of a big move decided to wait a little while before really really trying. We did nothing to prevent it but we didn't really try. We have been trying for just about 7 months now with no luck but trying to remain optimistic. I went to my first doctors appointment for my pap a few months ago and mentioned to the Doc that we were trying for a baby and the evil witch told me well you are overweight, and 40 it's not likely to happen and I should start thinking about menopause. I am overweight to be sure but I used to weigh 460 pounds and now weigh 240. I was down to 185 when I moved here but the stress of moving and leaving my family and friends took it's toll. I live on a remote island so there is no chance of changing doctors so I feel very alone in this. My dh is super supportive and says if it doesn't work we will look at adoption. I still have a regular period you could time a clock by it. This is the first month I have used the Clearblue advanced OPK, I tried the internet cheapy tests, and the pink Clear blue digital, but I prefer the Clearblue advanced tests. I stumbled on this thread looking at the 2ww threads and thought it's nice to see peers who are also ttc. It's been an inspiration looking at some of your comments. Thanks!
Bash73, hope all is ok, I'm afraid I can't really comment as not sure what is 'normal' and not in your situation, however I know it does take a long time for our bodies to retune so it could be your just a little out of sink.
Kat, I got to thinking that the whole testing routine was actually becoming detrimental to getting the desired result and stopped. I read in Zita West that it's best to try for a regular 2-3 times a week, not always easy I know! However sounds like you need to get that man of yours to do his thing!!
Kismet, when do you test? Good luck with it, that 2ww is the longest time.
AFM, got a call from Embryologist yesterday to say all 4 eggs collected were viable and all 4 have fertilised! This is the best possible news! I know I've been here before but I feel so hopeful and positive. I have transfer tomorrow (3 day) and hopefully those little bundle of cells are dividing away strong and healthy. They'll put 3 back and then I enter that looong tww!! x
Thanks Pussycat...I just thought when I left both son and father docs that they said "go for it and try". So I went for it. And now I'm mid cycle spotting...which is what started this for me a year ago w/a polyp which led to my first d&c and exploratory lap to tell me "everything is great". Then we get the BFP and the longest ectopic in history (in my mind) takes place from April to August. I'm back to having no answers again. For S&G I'm gonna pee on a pregnancy stick in the morning along w/the OPK's. I've wasted enough money at this point what's another $20.
Hello I am so glad I found this thread. I too am 40 and have been in all of the other rooms with 20 somethings moaning about how their clocks are ticking ugh. I am another one who didn't find the right man until I turned 37. I moved to the UK, we got married and after the expense of a big move decided to wait a little while before really really trying. We did nothing to prevent it but we didn't really try. We have been trying for just about 7 months now with no luck but trying to remain optimistic. I went to my first doctors appointment for my pap a few months ago and mentioned to the Doc that we were trying for a baby and the evil witch told me well you are overweight, and 40 it's not likely to happen and I should start thinking about menopause. I am overweight to be sure but I used to weigh 460 pounds and now weigh 240. I was down to 185 when I moved here but the stress of moving and leaving my family and friends took it's toll. I live on a remote island so there is no chance of changing doctors so I feel very alone in this. My dh is super supportive and says if it doesn't work we will look at adoption. I still have a regular period you could time a clock by it. This is the first month I have used the Clearblue advanced OPK, I tried the internet cheapy tests, and the pink Clear blue digital, but I prefer the Clearblue advanced tests. I stumbled on this thread looking at the 2ww threads and thought it's nice to see peers who are also ttc. It's been an inspiration looking at some of your comments. Thanks!

Welcome, luckybug! You will find support here.
So I just went tinkle and when I wiped I'm spotting??? CD 19...WTF??? What to do, what to do...if it gets heavier I guess I call the doc but if I'm not hemorrhaging or in pain, no reason to call I guess. Man this was all supposed to get easier after the surgery.

What? Oh no!! Well, I did read that some women do experience spotting with ovulation. Maybe since your body is getting back to normal, its doing that? I just don't know :( I really want you to have an answer right away!!
Welcome to Adult Swim, LuckyBug! LOL!!! Yes, we're all old hat at this TTC thing now. Your doctor was quite wrong to say those things to you. You can find plenty of women over 40 who have gotten pregnant. Is it easy. NO. no no no. BUT it can be done. She needs to get you tested to see what kind of egg quality and reserve you have, what your uterus and fallopian tubes look like, etc. I'm not sure how the medical field works there. Can you insist on testing or do you have to just do what the doctor says?

Congrats on your weight loss! I can only imagine how hard that was. Yes, moving to another country and getting married brings stress eating. But now that you're settled and trying to have a baby, you can get back to your weight loss routine. You have such great incentive!! I hope your doc can at least be helpful with that. I'm so sorry you don't have more choices :(

We'll be here to listen to the ups and downs of your TTC journey!!
Thanks Pussycat...I just thought when I left both son and father docs that they said "go for it and try". So I went for it. And now I'm mid cycle spotting...which is what started this for me a year ago w/a polyp which led to my first d&c and exploratory lap to tell me "everything is great". Then we get the BFP and the longest ectopic in history (in my mind) takes place from April to August. I'm back to having no answers again. For S&G I'm gonna pee on a pregnancy stick in the morning along w/the OPK's. I've wasted enough money at this point what's another $20.

I can only imagine your frustration right now. I'd just be out of patience and yelling into the void until I felt a little better. Keep us updated. *hug*
Hello I am so glad I found this thread. I too am 40 and have been in all of the other rooms with 20 somethings moaning about how their clocks are ticking ugh. I am another one who didn't find the right man until I turned 37. I moved to the UK, we got married and after the expense of a big move decided to wait a little while before really really trying. We did nothing to prevent it but we didn't really try. We have been trying for just about 7 months now with no luck but trying to remain optimistic. I went to my first doctors appointment for my pap a few months ago and mentioned to the Doc that we were trying for a baby and the evil witch told me well you are overweight, and 40 it's not likely to happen and I should start thinking about menopause. I am overweight to be sure but I used to weigh 460 pounds and now weigh 240. I was down to 185 when I moved here but the stress of moving and leaving my family and friends took it's toll. I live on a remote island so there is no chance of changing doctors so I feel very alone in this. My dh is super supportive and says if it doesn't work we will look at adoption. I still have a regular period you could time a clock by it. This is the first month I have used the Clearblue advanced OPK, I tried the internet cheapy tests, and the pink Clear blue digital, but I prefer the Clearblue advanced tests. I stumbled on this thread looking at the 2ww threads and thought it's nice to see peers who are also ttc. It's been an inspiration looking at some of your comments. Thanks!

Hi Luckybug - welcome. Keep positive and come here to vent and ask for support as much as you need it. It make so much difference to know that you are not alone. Well done on the weight loss - good for you! I struggle with weight but am just eating healthier as I will do anything to make sure this IVF/ICSI works. It's all so stressful but I notice a difference in coping when you feel better in yourself.

You take care


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