40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Hi, my name is Shelly and I'm 40 and also trying for #1. I just got a bfn after my 2nd dose of clomid. I got I pregnant after my 1st round but mc'd at 5 wks. I'm so discouraged. I see the dr. on Mon. she didn't want to put me in a 3rd dose until she sees me. I'm nervous and just feel like its never gonna happen. Been trying over a yr and its so hard being let down every month. My husband does not want to do IVF because of cost. Our ins. covers nothing that is considered infertility treatment. Wishing all of you that are going thru the same thing the best of luck. It isn't fair that so many get pregnant who do not want a baby or live a drug addicted lifestyle and us who will give our baby a loving home are not given this gift.

Hi Shelley. You've come to the right place, we are kind of all in the same boat on this one at various stages. And yes, we all feel the same discouragement as you are feeling...but I find the support here and just reading about the other ladies' journeys helps me to feel not so alone when the dreaded AF visits again. That's where I am now...back on the horse with the OPK's next week for me. I try to keep negative thoughts out of my head and put it out to the Universe that not only is it possible but it IS going to happen. Best of luck with everything and keep us posted. :)
Hi Ladies....Well, got my basic bloodwork done by my GP and he is setting up a referral for a very good OBGYN here who specializes in fertility and high risk pregnancies. Just waiting to hear when I will see him and get poked and prodded.The waiting is killing me though!!! I thought this may have been the month for a variety of reasons and symptoms which ultimately turned out to be psycho-somatic. hmmmm i think my body plays tricks on me sometimes. lol Anyway, my DH and I are going for a romantic getaway next week to relax and a little BD won't hurt either. I am tweaking my diet with extra greens and less refined garbage, along with some yummy (hmmmm) detoxifying tea. I figure if I get the machine in stellar shape before conceiving, it will be good to me throughout. Best wishes to you all.....Have a great day everyone!
Hello Everyone - soooooo - I am officially surpressed so I can finally start stimming!!!! I am so relieved! I seem to have a mini break down just before each stage so heaven knows what I will be like later on! I practically stopped my hubbys circulation by sqeezing his hand so tightly!!!

The trial embryo thingy was useful - so they at least can see what they are dealing with!!!

So onto gonal f tonight!! So Juniper - maybe we will be stimming together!!! Thank you everyone for the good wishes - we are all in it to win it!!!!xxx

Best of luck and baby dust going your way Emmi!
So far got my FSH back and it's w/in normal limits....WOOOHOOO. AMH should be back by Monday but I'm thinking it's gonna be fine. The abdominal pain has subsided, kinda thinking I was constipated (tmi) from the prenatals. Got my operative report from the ectopic, still waiting on my records from the first IDIOT doc. I'll be calling them this week to see where they are in making copies. It's cooled off in NY. We had a beautiful Friday, blue sky and sunshine. DH and I walk/ran another 5k, prepping for a charity race next Sunday and we're under 39 minutes. I'd like to run (ok jog) the entire 5k and be done under 30 minutes. Time will tell. Oh yeah, and i'm back to peeing on the stick again. So far O...shouldn't get a blinky til Monday or Tuesday I think. I used to "O" on day 13 (I think, it's been months). Ladies, enjoy the weekend.
Hey girls, Emmi- sadly we won't be stimming together this month : ( well I'm actually not feeling too sad about it, a teeny bit disappointed maybe.

My OH has to go away for 10 days for work & it has worked out that we'd b cutting it too fine with our dates. Depending on exactly when AF arrives & then how I respond to the drugs, we could potentially end up with EC happening before he was back home!! Disaster!! There is the option of freezing sperm but he isn't keen on that idea. So were gonna wait til October. It'll give me another 4 -5 weeks of eating more protein anyway! : ) plus I'm now taking melatonin as per the FS so ill have been taking that for about 5 weeks by oct too. So I'm trying to look at all the positives!

Am so excited to see how ur cycle goes Emmi!!
So far got my FSH back and it's w/in normal limits....WOOOHOOO. AMH should be back by Monday but I'm thinking it's gonna be fine. The abdominal pain has subsided, kinda thinking I was constipated (tmi) from the prenatals. Got my operative report from the ectopic, still waiting on my records from the first IDIOT doc. I'll be calling them this week to see where they are in making copies. It's cooled off in NY. We had a beautiful Friday, blue sky and sunshine. DH and I walk/ran another 5k, prepping for a charity race next Sunday and we're under 39 minutes. I'd like to run (ok jog) the entire 5k and be done under 30 minutes. Time will tell. Oh yeah, and i'm back to peeing on the stick again. So far O...shouldn't get a blinky til Monday or Tuesday I think. I used to "O" on day 13 (I think, it's been months). Ladies, enjoy the weekend.

Yay! Congrats on the FSH! And fingers crossed its good news all around with the AMH too! ; )
Bash, great news about the hormones! What a relief, eh?

Juniper, oh I really hate delays!! But a delay you choose is better than a forced delay. Less of two evils! Good luck in October!

AFM, I know you're all gonna throw things at me, but I think I'm already out. I've been tracking my symptoms after O for three months, and like clockwork, I get little funny feelings in my uterus, gas, and diarreah on day 7 or 8 after O. If the CB opk was right, yesterday was day 7 and guess what happened? Yup. So I truly believe I'm out. I'm going to start thinking about next month. I really hope I don't have another cyst and that I can finally do another IUI.
Evening all! Hope everyone is well? I've been popping in and seeing what everyone's up to, just not posting.
Bash, great news about FSH, fingers crossed for AMH.
Kat, sorry to hear you don't think this is the month, but hey it's not all over till AF turns up.
Shelley, welcome, you'll be right at home here.
Juniper, sods law but glad your seeing the positive side of the slight delay.
ClaireCath, sounds like your on the way to seeing the right people. Have a great weekend away.
Emmi, how's the stimming going, have you had your first scan yet?
Hi to everyone else stalking, hope you're all ok.
AFM, I had three 10 cell grade 2 embryos put back last monday, apparently grade 2 because the embryologist was 'being fussy' as the cells were slightly different sizes. The 4th embryo was 8 cell and they let it grow till Thurs when it had stopped growing and never made blastocyst stage, so no frosties. So those three bundles of cells are my last chance of a baby that's genetically 'me'. I'm feeling very positive, had a bit of cramping and twinges on Tue evening and Wed, too early to be implantation I guess so hoping it was just because I've been prodded and poked. Since then been feeling fine, shattered but fine. Progesterone that I'm taking mimics pregnancy symptoms so not reading into the extreme tiredness or sore boobies! However last ICSI cycle I just new it hadn't worked, this one I'm not so sure. Test day is Friday, so half way through the dreaded TWW, just got 5 more days to get through. I need all the luck and baby dust you ladies can throw my way.
Hello Everyone - lots going so trying to play catch up after being away for a few days. All going good with all the injections but feel soooooo bloated!! I feel as if hubby should be rolling me around the place!!!

Pussy Cat - totally sending you bucket loads of baby dust - fingers crossed and positive thoughts :flower:

Juniper - that's a shame but that gives you a bit more time to get ready for it - never a bad thing! Lots of protein, no stress or anxiety as the ivf gives you enough to think about! Time for you and a little bit more you! :happydance:

Bash and Kat - no you never give up and you have no idea how inspiring how you both are in how you high jump all the obstacles to keep giving it your best try. xxx

Thank you Claire for the baby dust - I really need it:hugs: Totally get how the wait is killing you to see the specialist bit it will be worth it. Keep busy and enjoy your time away with hubby - relax and enjoy.

Thanks Shelly - it's all go now which is very ironic after months and months of wondering why nothing is happening!

So getting ready for my first stimms scan tomorrow - totally sick with nerves. I hope them little follies are growing!! Hubby can't come so will have to tough all 3 scans out next weeks alone!! Am so tired too - the anxiety over everything is driving me a tad bonkers.
But my cd has just arrived for IVF hypnotherapy to help me relax. Will let you know if it's any good and if I recommend it!!!

Okay, so my first blinky :) this morning. Please let the solid smiley happen by Friday. If it does, that means I'm back to normal.
Well the bad news is my AMH was only .71. Not sure if the specialist next Friday has a miracle but we shall see.
That being said I'm done with OPK after this cycle. What a waste of my money. Oh well. :(
How is everyone today??:flower:

I am just back from the clinic - I even took my doggie for the hours journey there and back as I was that nervous and needed the company!!

From what I recall - I have about 10 or so follies on my right sizes between 7 and 11 and about 6 or so follies on my left about the same size. My lining is 6.8....I haven't got a clue what any of this means but the nurse was pleased and said to introduce my menupur tomorrow along with gonal and burserelin.

All going well - EC beginning with next week.

Now I have been through some things in life but never have I been so anxious and so nerve wracked in my life.....This journey is something else - Lordy.

Well the bad news is my AMH was only .71. Not sure if the specialist next Friday has a miracle but we shall see.

Mine's worse than yours, if that makes you feel any better. My FS had no cures for that, so if yours comes up with something, let me know!
How is everyone today??:flower:

I am just back from the clinic - I even took my doggie for the hours journey there and back as I was that nervous and needed the company!!

From what I recall - I have about 10 or so follies on my right sizes between 7 and 11 and about 6 or so follies on my left about the same size. My lining is 6.8....I haven't got a clue what any of this means but the nurse was pleased and said to introduce my menupur tomorrow along with gonal and burserelin.

All going well - EC beginning with next week.

Now I have been through some things in life but never have I been so anxious and so nerve wracked in my life.....This journey is something else - Lordy.


Sounds good so far!! I hope they keep growing!
Hi All,

I am new to the site and not sure what I am doing. I am not sure what all the acrynoms mean but I am 41 and TTC my 1st. I just have a question/concern for you ladies. I had taken Bravelle last January and had my first IUI. It unfortantly didn't work. My husband and I ended up moving to a new city so the TTC with fertility treatments was put on hold for a few months. I am now back trying. My doctor put me on Fermera and I didnt ovulate so I had an ultrasound that showed a cyst (which I had last Dec & Feb too). Now I have not had AF and I am on day 41 so my doctor put me on provera. I have been off BC for 3 years and have always been regular (27-28 day cycle). I am getting really worried that something else might be wrong. Anyone else had a similar problem?

Sorry for rambling..but like I said I am a newbie! :)
Hi Iowa - nice to see you here. I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you but maybe someone else has. Be assured that you are in a good place here - people to talk to and people that understand how heartbreaking the whole journey is. x:flower:
Hi Iowa, sorry, no answers from me either. However if there's one thing I've learned on this journey, don't expect the dr to volunteer anything easily and ask if anything at all is bothering you, remember you're paying their wages.
Bash, don't give up hope, my AMH is 1.9 and dropped from 10.9 in a year, but I have to have hope. So long as you're ovulating it's still possible.
Emmi, wow! That's a great number, not sure what age you are but that's pretty good, no wonder you feel bloated!
AFM 4 sleeps till test day and my hope is dwindling. Have been feeling crampy, bloated and snappy all day, I'm sure the witch is on her way :( the pesky Cyclogest will no doubt hold her back and just make me feel like this longer than normal, but I'm fairly certain she's on her way. which of course means it's game over, no baby, end off. I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with this as its so final, for a week there I really thought I might be pregnant this time. Life's pretty damn cruel. x

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