46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

It's a lot lighter and feels more like pressure than sharp twinges. We'll see.. trying not to be too enthusiastic yet. I'll test again tomorrow morning.

Thank you!:flower:
Hey blabla. I think I remember you from previous months. That definitely looks like a bfp to me! And the cramps you have sound like stretching cramps which is a good thing. Congrats!

Good luck today Smille!

AFM temp did go up today. But I am bleeding now. Watching for clots and cramping, so far so good though. Was very hard to get an accurate temp as I temp vaginally and had a tampon in haha. So I took it twice and both times it was close to the same so hopefully it's accurate. Not sure what is going on. I don't want to record bleeding until I know for sure it's cycle day 1 but it has been light to medium. If it gets heavy today I will count it CD 1.
Blabla: Hi again!! :wave: and a huge congrats :dance: that certainly looks like a BFP to me! I was wondering where you'd got to. Nice to see you back with such great news.

Gina: Sorry to hear you've started bleeding :hugs: I know what you mean about waiting for that heavy bleed to really confirm AF.

Smille: Exciting! EWCM is a great sign for conception to take place. I'm cheating this cycle with preseed, as my EWCM is always so sporadic! Looks like you, Bee, Texas and myself will all be ovulating really close together. TWW, here we come!!

Texas: I hope that OPK gets super dark for you today and that ovulation is round the corner.

AFM: CD14 and surprise +OPK this morning. It wasn't even with afternoon pee, which seems to give me the strongest OPKs. Suffice to say I'll probably ovulate tomorrow or the day after. I'm not expecting much this cycle, as due to my yeast infection, we weren't able to bd until just a couple of days ago. I think we'll bd tomorrow and the day after as well (already snuck in a sneaky morning bd today while kids were at nursery :blush:) so maybe that will be enough. I hope! As I already mentioned, February can't work for us as my husband is away from the 2nd till the 20th and I will ovulate right in the middle there. Is there a way to home store sperm?! :haha: In the end though, I do feel really pleased that my body is behaving without the need for soy isoflavones! My temps are at a normal pre-o level (they were always really low before!) and I'm most likely going to ovulate CD15 on my own, with no help. For me, that's pretty good! Well done body!
Blabla- Congrats! I can't believe you got pregnant using a condom! That's insane, but super cool!

Squirrel- So glad you're about to ovulate on time without soy! You got BD today right!? Also BD tomorrow if you can, until you can see a temp shift (which I never got a temp shift this cycle grrrr) sending major baby dust your way!

Bee- You're also about to ovulate right!? I know you and squirrel ovulate together, so I hope you're getting down to business and major baby dust to you too!

Smille- Is the IUI today!? You're in my thoughts and prayers!
And with this I will be going back into the shadows of these forums. Not trying to sound dramatic or anything. Just explaining why I won't be posting much. I don't know why this keeps happening to me. But I can't keep focusing on it or I'll go into a state of severe depression. I'll continue stalking and rooting for you ladies but from afar. Love you all and thank you for all the kind words. The bottom one was today's test. If I was only doubling every 48 hrs my level would be at a minimum of 12 today. So makes sense to just still have a faint line but like every other time, my body is getting rid of it. :shrug: good luck to all you ladies and hope to see lots of bfps soon!


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Gina- That's so heartbreaking, I'm so sorry. If that was me I'd have done the exact same hun. If you really think you're having chemical pregnancies every month then definitely time to see your doctor. Maybe you have an abnormal uterus that can't sustain life and it's usually pretty simple to fix, or just not enough progesterone and then doctors will prescribe you some you take in your tww.

You're in my thoughts. Please let us know if you get answers.
I'm so sorry Gina.. I hope time will tell what is going on, and then you'll have your rainbow, I'm sure.
blabla - looking good so far! I remember you from the other threads and wish you lots of luck that this is your bfp! :hugs:

smille - iui today?! :happydance::happydance::happydance: sending so much :dust::dust::dust::dust:

texas - I can totally understand the fear of not O'ing after last month. temps are looking nice and low for you and it's still pretty early. But that opk yesterday was SO close. darker than mine! should be positive today if it wasn't last night!

and squirrel - the last member of us fab 4 O'ing now! hurray for O day and being naturally back on track! :happydance:

AFM - had my physical this morning. it was the first time I saw my PCP since losing the baby. She came in very concerned about all that she read. I guess she's kinda been the first doctor besides the ones that were working with me that read through it all and she reminded me that I am lucky to be alive. I know it was life threatening and I could have died, but I guess hearing it all again from a new perspective was overwhelming. I ended up bawling to her about TTC and of course she referred me back to the therapist. But she looked at all of my tests results and offered up her own theory which is what I have been thinking the past couple of months. Her guess is it's anatomical - that the scarring from the cervical stitches is preventing the sperm from entering. She said to give it one more month and then she will refer me for tests, but I am going to my obgyn for my yearly on feb 4 so she thinks that will just get the ball rolling. She said to make sure they examine that area and then they should refer me for further testing either way since march will be a year. But she totally agreed that something doesn't sound right and we are past the point of "healing" and recovering from the trauma my body went through many months ago.

I'm feeling a little down - while trying to make me feel better she said if it was scarring that IVF could help me have a baby. I guess I just never thought it would get that far and of course I'm open to it but it was just hard to hear, even if it's just a random suggestion at this point. :shrug: She also noticed my heart murmur (I developed it at age 13 which is not normal so it has to be kept an eye on) was worsening. I've been dreading this day for so long because it could mean I need a new valve which isn't super serious but would be open heart surgery. Cardiology is going to call me to schedule an echocardiogram. I just don't want another thing interfering with TTC. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. :cry:

that all being said, O is today or tomorrow. :dohh: of course will BD tonight and hope for the best like always :shrug:
Sorry Gina :hugs: I totally understand needing time away from all this to preserve your sanity. I really hope you get your rainbow soon.
Oh Bee :hugs: sorry the appointment has left you feeling so emotional. And not surprising, that's a lot to deal with! Hopefully though it may be harder to conceive, you might not need to go the IVF route, which I can imagine must be a daunting prospect. When do you think you'll have your appointment to examine possible scarring? I really hope that by the time you get your appointments through you'll already be holding your BFP!

AFM: A trio of super positive OPKs. Never seen anything like that bottom one :haha: there's barely a control line! I'm glad I don't buy that brand; it was a free sample, as was the middle one, so I decided to try three different tests and see the difference. They've all dried even darker now (took this pic 15 minutes ago). Hope this means I'm in for a good quality egg!


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Bee- Omg hun what an appointment! It even left me feeling emotional, it's a roller coaster and I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this at once. Like she said you're lucky to be alive and that is number ONE!

The cervix part makes sense though, but I don't see why you'd need IVF? You'd probably need IUI if it's bad (that's up to your OB to judge your cervix) but the IUI would make sure the sperm bypass the whole cervix area. I hope you won't need either though and there's something simpler you could do. I really can't wait to see what your OB will say.

The heart murmur is also pretty important, I think you should take care of that first cause pregnancy takes toll on the body and you don't need a heart scare in the middle of your pregnancy. It really sucks, but I hope your heart specialist says you don't need anything now and that you're good to continue TTC.

I'm so upset for you, I hope all of this will resolve and it's just one of those appointments that just goes through all worst case scenarios but it ends up being nothing at all. Keep us updated, and I'll be praying for you sweet sweet bee. <3
thanks girls :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Camp - I too wondered why she said IVF as opposed to IUI since it seems I just would need to bypass that barrier but I didn't ask any questions because I'm trying not to put the cart before the horse. Just hoping that she doesn't know something we don't that would make it go straight to IVF :shrug: In a way I hope that we are totally wrong but this whole time I've been wanting them to find SOMEthing so that we can at least begin fixing it. so not sure how I feel.

just dreading the cardio appt - if anything is bad news it would mean totally stopping TTC for now, which I don't think I could take. or if I miraculously get pregnant tonight and it's bad news - what then? Just trying not to worry about it too much since it's all just "what ifs".

squirrel - my opk was like that just now! SO, SO dark. here's to our body releasing amazing eggs :thumbup: I might research some home insemination methods today and see if we can try that as a last stitch effort!
Well even if you've a murmur that is worsening hopefully your specialist can still give you the okay to keep ttcing. If it's not too bad they can just monitor it or put you on something for it. I've seen babies who need heart surgeries but it's most of the time something that can wait until they're older, I hope that's the case for you.

Just BD and try different positions that may give the sperm their best chance. Do you have soft cups?
i do. I use them for my AF. Might as well pop one in tonight!
Bee, this may be a bit TMI, but have you tried having an orgasm after he's ejaculated? Supposedly this makes the cervix open and close as it contracts, which draws sperm into the uterus. This might help bypass scarring?
I actually always go back and forth with this. Right now, I always o before we DTD because it makes for tons and tons of CM that makes things so much easier and I always believe help the sperm get up there. After we DTD, I do lots of kegals to pull the sperm up. I've heard O'ing after the fact is very good but I can never get past the fact that so much stuff comes out of me when I o that I would be expelling so much of the semen too. I know the science points to the opposite though so maybe I will also add that in tonight too!
Bee- sorry your appointment didn't go so well. Hopefully you will get better news at your next appointments.
Squirrel! Wow that OPK is super dark.
Afm- my cm is pretty much gone. I'm going to do an OPK today but I don't think it's gonna be positive. My temp is up some but not enough for ovulation? Doing my best not to
Worry and just do my temping and monitor-which is still at "high" by the way- and see what the doctor says in February when I go back for my pap. I had to take my daughter to the doctor and she has double ear infections. The left one was really bad. So I'm home from work today with her. Maybe she will be better tomorrow for school but I am not sure.
Phew, I am FINALLY caught up. Hi ladies!!! A belated Happy New Year to everyone :)

FIrst off, I am extremely excited to see that the number has risen and I only hope it's the start of a huge surge of BFP's.

Campn, my TTC/cycle buddy...I think i did 12 back flips in excitement when I seen you BFP. I am so excited for you!! Congratulations!!!! <3

Ciz!!!!! Bama!!!!! YAY!!!! I am extremely excited for you, congratulations <3

Bee, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. It seriously means more than you know. I really hope you get your BFP soon, I know it's coming though <3

Smile, thinking of you and hope all goes well today <3

Trixie, I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm here if you need to talk <3

Sorry if I missed anyone, I do miss you ladies!

Me: Follow-up went well and we were given the green light to dtd but, we have to give it 2 full cycles until we start TTC.

I will say that my New Years was kind of quiet, we made dips and hung out with family in our PJ's but, right after midnight OH got down on his knee, put a shiny ring in my face :laugh2: and I believe he asked me to marry him (I was pretty distracted by the ring and in complete shock lol) So since then it's been a whirlwind of emotions and happiness and I haven't really thought about TTC right this second. I'm still debating if we should wait until after the wedding or continue with our plans to try again after my 2 cycles. By the way, I haven't even started a cycle yet, waiting for my doctor to call me back today on that.
Gina- I am terribly sorry af showed. Ttc is so draining and depressing, but we're here.

Squirrel - congrats on the positive opk! Get that egg.

Bee- I'm sorry you got awful news today. I hope it doesn't come down to ivf for you :hugs:. Fxd the tests come back fine. I'd definitely ask about iui.

Ttc- Congrats on the engagement that's awesome news!!!!

Afm- The procedure went smoothly. My dh's count was only 2.86 million and the dr said they want 10 mil in order to have a chance. We're going to bd tonight. They do not have hope that it's going to work and said our only option is after this try is ivf. At a time I'm supposed to be calm, they slam me with awful news and a huge folder of info. I will have to get more testing to see if I'm a candidate. I haven't told my husband and am terrified to break his heart :cry:. At this point I don't feel like I'll ever have my dh's child and I'm in a really dark place. Thank you for your well wishes. I'm holding on to hope that I'm the small percentage off success.
TTC- you've no idea how glad and happy I am to see your update. I've thought of you, and kept checking your profile and it looked like you weren't active anymore, but I'm glad you took the break you need and feel better now. And CONGRATS on your engagement! That's just the cherry on top you need! I also remember not being able to speak once I saw the ring, like okay just give it to me!

Let us know what you guys decide about ttcing and I hope you get your cycle back soon.

And thank you so much. I'm still shocked but also scared sh**less.

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