46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

yay tex! I definitely think there's a chance.

lol @ bee. your first sentence made me laugh so hard.

did a cheapie this morning. bfn and now cramping on and off. I imagine af will be here sometime today or tomorrow. On the upside, I'm not sad or upset about it, and I'm already looking forward to this next cycle.
Eeek so many exciting things happening on here right now!!

Good luck Bee! I had a good laugh at your first sentence.

Yay for what sounds like great timing Texas!

Sorry for the BFN Trix but love your positivity for next cycle! :dust:

Blah - What a gorgeous little bean!! So glad it was a great scan and everything is ok.

AFM: I'm exhausted. Seriously. I ended up taking a 2 hour nap yesterday evening and still got to bed before 11pm. This morning I slept until 7 and somehow I'm still so tired. I feel like I just need one big healing sleep or something. Maybe it's the weather or just the low level of constant stress I've been feeling since we started to try. Either way I'd love to be less tired.

Side note: I had to google "fatigue" to see if that's what I was feeling. Ha ha I'm such an idiot...
Trix- I'm so sorry about the bfn hun, but that's the best attitude you can have. I remember constantly saying "Off to the next cycle!" Cause that was a whole new chance! Is your DH's hip any better??

Baby- I always Google things like that as weird as that sounds, gotta be certain what it is right!?

Bee- HAHAHA try not catching a draft of wind :D can't wait for that selfie and I hope your HSG goes as smooth as possible.

My boobs feel so big right now I feel like my back can't even support them anymore. I know by the third trimester they're going to be as big as melons and I'll cry from back pain every night.
Trix: sorry about the BFN :hugs: cheapies aren't always that sensitive. So it may just be a bit too early. It's great you have such a positive attitude though.

Texas: sounds like great timing in the end :D hope you caught that egg!

Bee: yay they let you do it today!!!!! :dance: I hope it's going really well and can't wait to see the selfie :)

Baby: being tired is always one of the first signs! Hope this is pregnancy fatigue kicking in and a sign of a BFP about to land in your lap!

Campn: oh no, sorry you're uncomfortable. I always hate how much my boobs grow during pregnancy (and stay huge during breastfeeding!). So uncomfortable and also, I'm usually a small B and that fits my frame. When they grow they affect the way I see myself quite profoundly!

So today the bding can commence!! Was going to go to yoga, but the antibiotics from the procedure yesterday have played havoc with my digestive system. I have been so full of painful air today!! Can't imagine doing yoga and accidentally letting any of it escape! How mortifying would that be! :haha:
Thanks ladies, but please don't be sorry. I'm not. I know my body is doing what it needs to right now, and I will get a bfp one of these days. Hopefully that's before this becomes an entire pregnancy thread lol. I'm looking into improving my cm and starting up with my rrl tea again, so I'm really feeling good about next cycle.

Thanks for asking camp. My DH does have a limp now, but his hip is getting better. It pains him a bit during bd, but he lets me know if it bothers him too much or if I have to take charge lol.

We've discussed the possibility of our life never really being what it was before his accident, but thinking like that gets us both down and life is too short for regrets or what-if's. So we've decided we'll remain happy, think positive, and take it day by day and see what the doctor says at his x-rays in May.
Hi, I hope you don't mind me crashing your thread.

I'm in a bit of a quandary. I had a miscarriage on 10th February 2016 and am currently waiting to see if I'm pregnant. I stopped bleeding last Monday 22nd Feb and had sex every day last week.

On Monday (just gone) I went to the toilet and when I wiped I had a tiny speck of red blood - like a pin head. It looked really random, like it shouldn't be there. Since then I've had the following symptoms:

1. Feeling full and bloated like I'm about to start my period. But I can almost feel like there's something imbedded in me - gripping on. It's such a strange feeling.

2. Another speck of blood yesterday - same as Monday

3. Bleeding Gums today (only other time this happened was days before I got my BFP in Dec (ended in miscarriage))

4. Aching down my legs

5. General cramping and twinges

Randomly yesterday I took an OPK and got a smiley face? It's negative now but very unexpected. Can this happen and could I still be pregnant? Could the test be a false positive? I definitely don't feel like I'm about to ovulate. This feels completely different!

I'm just looking for some thoughts on my chances and particularly advice about the random positive OPK at 6/7dpo.

Thanks ladies 😊
Campn- my dh says my boobs are already bigger and I really don't need bigger boobs lol. I know they'll get worse. Mine still hurt but idk if it's from the progesterone or what.

Bee- good luck with the test!

Trixie- I'm so glad you're remaining positive.

Texas- it sounds like you timed it just in time. Fxd this is your cycle.
texas - yayyyy you are totally in this month!

squirrel - so glad everything went well yesterday - we are totally twins on this journey and hopefully we will both get twins out of it :haha:

iris - that fatigue is sounding great! I hope you sleep your way to a bfp this cycle :haha: I was ex-haus-ted when I got my bfp.

trix - loving your positive attitude - hoping some of it rubs off on me :hugs:

claire - I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: I totally think you are o'ing now (or yesterday) as about 2 weeks after the bleeding stops would make sense for that.....GL and keep us posted!

HSG was PERFORMED :happydance::happydance: and apparently all is clear. I say apparently because the PA (who was not yet on vacation after all :wacko:) and the radiologist doc were pointing and discussing something. I got really nauseated during the procedure (my total M.O during anything medical :haha:) and had shut my eyes to think happy thoughts and avoid puking so I missed it. The doc also asked me to move from side to side which by the way he asked it, didn't seem standard? the doc left and the PA told me everything looks good. I didn't want to ask what the pointing was about because it made me feel like a middle school girl (I heard you guys talking about me :haha:).

so glad to have it done. But honestly I am an emotional wreck. I've been on the verge of tears for the past 2 days and that is SO unlike me. I think everything is just feeling really overwhelming right now and I am going down the scary path of "unexplained". My follow up with the obgyn is Tuesday morning. She better release me to the fertility clinic at that point....

and as promised, the selfie. totes brought my legwarmers.


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Yay Bee, that's great news :D rocking the sexy hospital gown look there! You seem so chic and classy in yours, no fair :) it can be very normal to get the woman to move around during the procedure (I was reading about it before going in), so don't worry about that. If the doc said all was good, then I wouldn't worry about what they were pointing at. So happy for you you managed to get it today and not have to wait another month. It's totally understandable that you're emotional; this is such an emotional journey and coming up to a year's trying while still being "unexplained" is bound to make everything really extra emotional.

TTC twins :) I like that! Now let's just have twins as you say and it will all be worth it :hugs:

Did you have to take antibiotics before? I had an oral mega dose of one antibiotic (had to take 4 pills all at once) and then a rectal one (yuck!). Today I have a crazy digestive system and I swear it's from those antibiotics!! So unpleasant!

What's next for you? Will you go back to your doctor?
lol good on you - I started looking up hsgs then stopped when I read about 1. too many horror stories and 2. too many post hsg success stories. didn't want my hope up tooooo high :haha: the pic on the screen just didn't seem right to me from what I had seen. uterus looked great but seems that the dye didn't go very far in my tubes. ah well no matter, my follow up is just tuesday of next week - the 8th.

yeah just seems to be too much happening at once for me. if I do get pregnant this next cycle, that puts me due in december which was the due date for our first. oddly enough, if I go into the next cycle normally, my lmp will be just one day away from my bfp lmp - so crazy.

the hospital where I had the procedure done was the same hospital I was in when everything went down last April/May. which is also the same hospital my dad was in and eventually passed away at when I was young. I hate being there and nothing good comes out of it. I wonder if I ever will deliver a baby there.

the PA (who I hadn't seen since he was wheeling me down into emergency surgery, cue more emotional responses :haha:) also just had to tell me that he has 4 girls pregnant now that he did HSGs on last cycle. Like what I had looked up, it's fairly common to get pregnant directly after. sigh. doesn't he know that self-preservation is my middle name?!
oops forgot answer that no, no antibiotics at all here. :shrug: I think that seems pretty standard for USA from what I've heard? boy, that sounds awful! I can imagine that they totally did a number on your poor stomach. Maybe the trade off was that my PA said no sex for 3-4 days to avoid infection?
Bee- You're just scared of the unknown and who wouldn't be? It's scary to go through it all and not find out why exactly things aren't happening for you yet, but it doesn't mean you won't end up on the other side with babies down the road, also probably sooner than you think. I'm sorry everything is overwhelming right now and it's okay to cry cause this isn't how you thought things would be like, it's okay to grieve what you wanted but didn't get, but then wash your face and embrace the life you'll have, and I'm so sure it's full of like 4 kids! <3

I really have so much hope for you and Squirrel now that you're both getting medical help.
Hi Beemeck,

Thanks for your reply. My miscarriage was over 3 weeks ago now so could I have ovulated last week when I stopped bleeding from my miscarriage and conceived last week.

I feel so pregnant - I can't explain it. I just don't feel like I usually do when I ovulate and feel this might have happened already. Is it normal to have bleeding gums at ovulation?
Thanks camp. I teared up at that too! You're the best .

Claire - bleeding gums around o time is very normal. something to do with the hormones, I'm assuming high estrogen. This happens to me often and my dental hygienist assured me that it was normal. Who knows though - but maybe bd in case !
Bee I totally get being emotional. I had a sonohysterogram last May and I was a mess before and a mess after. And we weren't even TTC! I can't imagine how much more it is with having a whole year of trying to desperately for this to happen. Hang in there. Its totally normal and in my opinion warranted. I'd be a blubbering mess as well. Lets hope its great news on Tuesday at your appointment and things move quickly. :hugs:

As for the fatigue... i'm trying not to symptom spot. Last month I had the most insane symptoms (including losing my sense of taste...that was weird) and I got the biggest BFN possible. I'm staying positive and hopeful but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet. AF is due Monday since my LP is only 11 days (or has been i think) so I'll find out soon!

Thank you both though. I do hope you are both right!
Beemeck - Ahhhh poo! I was hoping it might be a good sign of pregnancy as I had what I thought was implantation bleeding - it's identical to how I was in Dec. Follows the same pattern.

Oh well - at least I'm ovulating after such a trauma! That's a positive! X
Claire who knows ! If it happened for you last time and normally doesn't then maybe. Pregnancy dead with hormonal changes too ! I would be surprised if you o'Ed that soon but I'm sure it's possible :) fingers are crossed for you !
camp - beautifully said! I would like to second that.

bee - I'm so, so happy you got to do your hsg today. You're totally allowed to be emotional because ttc is such an emotional journey and you’re always so supportive of everyone on here despite your own struggles, even when it gets as overwhelming as it is today or the past few days. I say cry and let out whatever you need to. Then pick yourself back up and put a smile back on that beautiful face, because Tuesday and possibly answers and more help are just around the corner.

And for what it’s worth, I always wish I could have the strength and perseverance that you and some of the other girls on here have. I know I try to remain positive and optimistic about my own journey, but frankly, I often think I’m more positive and optimistic about everyone else’s journey, yours included. And I DO know you'll get your bfp soon. Who knows, maybe this is all you need before getting that bfp... Sending all my excess positive attitude and energy your way. :hugs:
Beemeck - I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's so difficult. I want this to happen so much.

The bleeding gums made me sit up and think this could actually be it - I'm not one to have bleeding gums and it's definitely not something that happens to me around ovulation. It was always a clear indicator of pregnancy but now I just worry I'm fooling myself.

Time will tell I guess xx
texas - yayyyy you are totally in this month!

squirrel - so glad everything went well yesterday - we are totally twins on this journey and hopefully we will both get twins out of it :haha:

iris - that fatigue is sounding great! I hope you sleep your way to a bfp this cycle :haha: I was ex-haus-ted when I got my bfp.

trix - loving your positive attitude - hoping some of it rubs off on me :hugs:

claire - I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: I totally think you are o'ing now (or yesterday) as about 2 weeks after the bleeding stops would make sense for that.....GL and keep us posted!

HSG was PERFORMED :happydance::happydance: and apparently all is clear. I say apparently because the PA (who was not yet on vacation after all :wacko:) and the radiologist doc were pointing and discussing something. I got really nauseated during the procedure (my total M.O during anything medical :haha:) and had shut my eyes to think happy thoughts and avoid puking so I missed it. The doc also asked me to move from side to side which by the way he asked it, didn't seem standard? the doc left and the PA told me everything looks good. I didn't want to ask what the pointing was about because it made me feel like a middle school girl (I heard you guys talking about me :haha:).

so glad to have it done. But honestly I am an emotional wreck. I've been on the verge of tears for the past 2 days and that is SO unlike me. I think everything is just feeling really overwhelming right now and I am going down the scary path of "unexplained". My follow up with the obgyn is Tuesday morning. She better release me to the fertility clinic at that point....

and as promised, the selfie. totes brought my legwarmers.

The rocking back and forth is to get the rest of the dye out of your tubes. Sometimes it gets stuck for some reason...doesn't mean anything so I wouldn't worry. They had me rock a little too and my tubes were clear. If they felt there was an issue, I'm certain they would tell you right away. You're in my thoughts for Tuesday. :hugs:

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