46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Thought I got a faint positive yesterday but temp took a nosedive today right on time so not so hopeful :( what do you think?


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Thanks JLM, yep Gretchin wasn't a favorite of mine either.

Mrs Green my husbands second choice was Eris so we broke tradition and chose that as a middle name for her. It means goddess of mischievousness and she fits the name well!

JLM your tests are looking good, fx testing tomorrow will be a BFP!

Wannabump don't give up your not out till your AF turns up :)

Southerbound I'm sure I can see something in that first photo!! How many dpo are you?
I have been making a name list for 4 years. i keep adding and taking away based on how I'm feeling. Finding boy names are the hardest. I have girls names until the end of time.

haha that's totally me! a million girl names and no boy names... maybe that's cause I want all girls lol :twingirls::twingirls:
Hi ladies! Joining from the September board. AF is just starting right now so I'm counting tomorrow as CD1. One thing I was really reminded of this last cycle is that tww symptoms mean absolutely nothing for me! Hopefully this next time I can try not to read into every twinge. When I got my bfp in June it was actually the first cycle in a long time where I just ignored everything in the tww.

Good luck to all of you ladies testing soon! I'll be at the very end of the month or early November probably but I'll hang out with you guys and cheer you on. :dust:

I added you on for the 31st but yes definitely stay with us through the next cycle either way! sorry AF came, I'm in the same boat :cry: still feeling like good things on the horizon though.... :dust::dust::dust:
Hi ladies,

I'm keeping an eye here for some delicious BFPs! I just know we are going to get loads :)

Been awol as the little man was taken back to the hospital yesterday at 2am. It was the night/morning from hell, but thankfully, we've been given meds and an explanation and reassurance by an array of different nurses and doctors that checked him that night and they advise it's just a very nasty virus. Thankfully he has been so much better since. And of course I am sick with the stress of it all but I am just so relieved. He's never really been sick so to suddenly be dialling 999 and going to the emergency room... Talk about being dropped in the deep end! But he's a lot better so I'm a very happy - if exhausted! - lady.

The silver lining is I've had no time to symptom spot and even if I wanted to, cramps, headaches, tiredness is all related to lack of sleep and worry anyway! AF is due in 5 days.... Going to test on Tuesday. (If I can hold out that long!)

JLM I'm on my phone and it won't open the photos to large so I can't check the tests, but sooooo much good luck to you for the frer! :wohoo:

Hope everyone is good! :dust: to all.

so glad that everything is getting sorted with your poor boy :hugs:

7DPO wow that went fast! At least for me lol. Cannot WAIT to see your test! hopefully you can start if off for us. C'mon BFP!! :dust::dust::dust:
12dpo bfn... definitely feel out now =(

sorry sweets. same here :cry: let me know if you'll have another test date for Oct. either way, stick around this thread for the next cycle - waiting to O and TWW... :coffee::coffee:
only a few more days til testing. haven't been thinking about it much. no urge to test. probably because i know it'll be a big old bfn.

Can I ask when you are supposed to test ? I don't know how long my cycles are as I have only had one on 8 September. I'm not even sure I ovulated...I got AN almost position at 6pm at CD15. I wish I had tested a little later the same night on the off chance I got that positive. I tested again at 12 noon the next day but it was very faint...definite negative and has since disappeared. If I take that almost positive as a positive and ovulated the following day, do I count 14 days from there?

I would say your surge prob did occur a few hours after the one in the pic. In the future (hopefully you won't need to though :baby:) you can def take another one a few hours after an almost positive since the surge can be so short (mine is).

Now the tricky thing is - you then O 24-48 hours AFTER the surge. So your O date would be maybe CD 17, maybe 16.

Next, everyone has different luteal phases (the time between O and AF). Some are 14 days. personally, mine is. but I think that's the higher end of the range. Count CD 16 or 17 as day 1, and expect AF around 10-14 days after. keep track so you know for next month. or maybe you won't even have to! FX!
That was at 7 dpo. Early I know but still :p. Hoping everyone gets their bfps! Ciz and bee, there's still time!
Another October tester here.. First time ttc, it's our second month trying.
I'm due Oct 12th so today is 4dpo!
Good luck everyone!! :baby:
Tested this morning and got a super squinter - like seriously I could have blamed it on line eye it was so light. I'm thinking that it's just the last of the hcg in my system from my MMC on 9th of September. Won't be testing again until AF is late so Monday at the earliest. Would love to think that it was the beginnings of a BFP for this month but I'm pretty sure I am out. Looking at how my cycle is going looks like I might be an early November tester instead!
LynAnne, I had a MMC on the 15th of Sept and my HCG was at complete 0 after only a few days (I know this is different for everyone though) did your Drs not give you a blood test? Also, did you confirm O this cycle? Because if you did, HCG is out of your system, your body will not ovulate if there is ANY residual HCG left over from pregnancy, my Dr stressed that repeatedly when I had my MMC in June and we wanted to try again.
So for reasons unknown to me I did an opk this morning (@ 745) instead of in the evening ... I have been doing them @ 6pm. I'm def not putting much faith in the result from this am.. I mean I'm only on cycle day 9 of (usually) a 30 day cycle.. So it just seems way too early to O. I'll retest tonight and see what that looks like, but has anybody had a positive this early... Like I honestly only stopped af 3ish days ago! P.s. not really sure how to load a pic as it says the file is too large.
jalilma, I've heard that you can get false positives in the AM hours but I'm not sure how true this is. Usually the best time to test is considered to be about 2:00-2:30PM or as late as 8PM :)
yes navy is right - it's better to test in the afternoon. however, I will say that getting a positive on CD 9 is possible. some women don't O until 48 hours after their surge so that would mean a possible O on day 11. I O'ed on day 11 once before (in fact it was the month I got my BFP) so keep testing girl! try to avoid mornings and evenings and go for between 10-4 if you can (I know it's hard with work). :thumbup: I bring mine to work haha! :blush::wacko:
yes navy is right - it's better to test in the afternoon. however, I will say that getting a positive on CD 9 is possible. some women don't O until 48 hours after their surge so that would mean a possible O on day 11. I O'ed on day 11 once before (in fact it was the month I got my BFP) so keep testing girl! try to avoid mornings and evenings and go for between 10-4 if you can (I know it's hard with work). :thumbup: I bring mine to work haha! :blush::wacko:

Def. Hard since I work until 5.. But testing at work is something I could do without much difficulty. Hahaha... Feel like the crazy train of ttc Just got a little crazier! Thanks for your input ladies.
Ksquared Yay you are here! Sorry about the AF part tho
Thx Wannab
Ciz Not sure if you chart, but hey you could still be implanting! That would mean no bfp for 2-3 days! Hang in there!!
WannaBumpThat opk is def heading up. I think your surge was later that day likely since it was gone the next day OR you caught the surge coming down..
Either way if you :sex: around then you should be good, as O should be within 24-48 hrs of that test. I start testing 9 days after Ov with cheapies, but most common day for implant is supposed to be 9dpo, and most common bfp on 11dpo:shrug:.
If you don't mind seeing all the bfns that may come with testing early ...go for it :thumbup:
Southern I def see the faint line you see. Your dip is8dpo, and very well could be an implant related dip, so don't fret just yet! FX for you it gets darker!
BeeMeckSorry hun, hope Oct is ALL of our month hehe Oh and LOVE LOVE LOVE your avatar pic. I think Indian fabrics and dress are so beautiful.
Dagnar:hi: Welcome!!
Lyn I agree with Navy hun...FX for you it's a new bean!
JalilmaNo harm, No foul! I have done mine at all diff times of day experimenting. I use $ ones last time Walmart brand (NOT recommended very light blue dye) But I know fmu always gives me false dark reads due to urine being overnight hold of like 8 hrs. I tend to do late morning and when line is half as dark, I do 2 a day late morning and in the eve. I will say I once got a SUPER dark +opk at 1 am lol, and O'd the same night. I took 4 opks that day, so def caught the surge at 1am, and temp was up next am:shrug: But I have had some really short fast surges in the past.
Oh sorry chaos here getting son off to his dad this morning, and in the madness I went on auto pee mode and totally forgot to FRER:brat:
Tried to stop peeing when I realized, which I can usually do, but since I made sure not to drink much before bed there was nothing left to squeeze in a cup:dohh:
I have to run to speak with atty about my idiot ex hub starting crap in court again, so I will hold now for a few hours, and then post frer. Sorry to those waiting, I am very much on the same cliffhanger!
Wondering if I am out. I feel really blahh this am. Im having a few cramps feeling the way I do when im about the 2nd day of AF. I really don't know im waiting to test till after the 5th because I just rather get AF then see a negative test again! I am look at supplements to take but maybe we should wait till 6 months of trying till we start that up. I test with OPKs everyday and after my first positive I had a positive for seven days then it slowly went down now they are darkening back up again??? I know im not trying to O again but it could be possible bc of the streaky EWCM yesterday. I honestly don't know this is emotionally draining I respect all the hundreds of women who do this year after year monitoring every single thing. If I did O this month maybe we just did it too much lol....can you bd too much! anyways baby dust to all the testing ladies and ladies waiting on OCT Oing... I might be joining you in a few days waiting on cycle #2
JML-I have deff been in the same boat the day I O'd went to pee and forgot to dip my stick had to wait 4 hours to test again. Next time im at the hospital or med supply im getting a hat it would make things so much easier for ttc POAS ladies.

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