46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

squirrel - I'm hoping it's not gone because it's REAL!!!! FX!

my afternoon appt cancelled. I need distractions! :haha: how did everyone meet their OH?? DH and I met playing on the same team for a city softball league.
Oh fun question Bee!

DH and I met online. I signed up for this dating site and never went back for weeks. When I finally went back and filled out my profile he wrote me right away and said he was hoping I would fill it out to make sure I had a brain. Ha ha.

We met a few weeks later and have been together since. (4 1/2 years)
cute story! I would never trust a guy who didn't want a smart gal :winkwink: DH and I have been together 4 years this month so we are right behind you!
My husband and I met on the first day of our PGCE (post grad in education). We ended up put in the same tutor group and it was lust at first sight! The rest is history. We've been together 8 years now and married for the last 5.
I met mine playing UNOs on Facebook very late at night. I was in Egypt and he was in the US. He beat me so I started telling the other players (who were also girls) that he's my BF and he says I look like a dog, so they all have him draw 4s and I won.

2 months later he flew to Egypt to meet me and a year later we were married. Being bats*** crazy works! We've been together 7 years.
I met my hubs helping his sister move. We met at work and are good friends. He was going though a divorce at the time like literally had left his wife cause she was cheating on him like 2 weeks before hand. So we started seeing each other and he tried to end things... Twice over like 4 months cause he was scared about falling in love again. and we finally got back together and been together ever since.

Ugh my body can't make up its mind but I'm still Leaning toward spotting since it's not really flowing. Anytime I take out my tampon it's like nothing is there. Only done it twice and the first time just a bit of brownish and second time nothing. so who knows lol just gonna tell the OB it was spotting and see what happens
My DH and I met in high school. My freshman year, his junior, we were in the same Spanish class. I immediately had a crush on him but he was quite a man whore. Took until my Senior year until I finally got him to ask me out. :haha: That was 7 years ago. So I've known him 10 years, been together 7 (with a year off in there) and been married 2. :) <3
We met online and when we were going to have our first date he came to the city I LIVED in and we were supposed to meet up at a local coffeeshop... and I got lost. In my own city. He needed to walk to pick me up. I was literally two shops next to it. Two shops. Same street.

I was so ashamed I didn't dare to talk at all, so we had a bit of an awkward chat over coffee and then went to see the Hobbit film. I kept trying to leave my hand on the arm of the chair and hoped for him to hold my hand.. Never did. Later heard from him that he kept trying but didn't dare :haha:

We are such idiots.
Loving all the stories! Pretty amazing and fun!

Gina- So you're high school sweethearts! I'd have so loved to have that, but I went to an all girls school!

Bla- I'm a big fan of the hobbit! I also would have easily gotten lost in my own city. This will sound so sexist but I do believe men have better navigation skills.

Bee- You played softball!? With boys!? You're one bad ass girl. Can totally picture you in your shorts :D
I am hoping I can join you ladies?

I have been secretly reading for a few weeks, so am up to date with you all, but decided tonight would be the night to post :)

Quick bit of info about me...

I'm 35 , have a 3 year beautiful daughter, and we long for baby number 2. Our daughter was conceived after just 2 months without even trying! No temping, no OPKs, no cycle monitoring - nothing. We've now been trying for a second since Aug 2014 !!! At first I wasn't ovulating and was diagnosed with pcos and referred to a fertility specialist (NHS). I had a load of tests done (HSG, scans, tons of blood tests, hubby had a SA) and EVERYTHING has come back fine and normal and I don't even have pcos anymore (apparently) although I am taking metformin which I THINK is helping me ovulate. I have also started tracking my cycles recently and I have identified I have just a 8 day luteal phase :wacko: I strongly believe now that this is my issue and why I can't fall pregnant .

My last fertility appointment 2 weeks ago was awful :( The consultant basically said to me there is nothing wrong, nothing stopped me from getting pregnant and that it would just happen. I mentioned to her about my very short luteal phase and she rubbished it, saying there is no medical evidence to back up what I was saying. I challenged her on this, but she just would not accept it can cause issues getting pregnant. She wished me luck and practically ushered me out of the office. I felt so so upset and down.

This month I've decided to try soy. Although my problem isn't ovulating, I am thinking perhaps my ovulation is poor , so perhaps SI could help with that. Do you ladies have any advice or input? You all seem very knowledgeable!
Hi ladies! This is going to be quite an update from me, so brace yourselves, or just scroll on by, I promise I won’t be offended one bit lol

Loving everyone’s stories about meeting their partners! Mine - met DH on a dating website. I wasn’t sure I liked him at first, but gave him a chance. Talked for a month then he had to talk me into meeting in person lol. We went for coffee, talked until the next morning and been together ever since. It’ll be 6 years for us in September.

Bla, drum, smile, teeny – gorgeous bumps! I imagine whenever I’m pregnant, I would balloon out or look like I’m smuggling a basketball because I'm a very small person lol.

Camp – I am jumping on the bandwagon and am eagerly awaiting an adorable bump pic from you as well.

Tex – I hope you get some answers about O and your temps. I hated when mine were all wonky. This month mine have been relatively nice for me to look at it, but I’m out already lol.

Squirrel – I am keeping my fx for you. I keep finding myself checking to see if you have a true bfp yet lol.

Bee – I think your timing was amazing, and I’m so excited for more updates from you. If anyone's getting a bfp, I really, really hope that it’s you and squirrel. And that was a great question – thread is so active and lots to read, I’m enjoying it.

Smille, bee, camp – the issues with bd and ttc, like you ladies said, about summed it all up. DH and I ttc for maybe around 2 years total, and it really has gotten old. I’ve seriously been over ttc since late last summer, but it was easier to just keep trying rather than crush DH’s dream, even when it felt like it was taking its toll on us. I realized after my last post that I reached my breaking point and the ugly scary side about ttc. Don’t get me wrong, a part of me still wants a baby, but not in my crazy-lady way lol. Now it’s like, one day there will be this beautiful little miracle person in the world that we created together out of love who is half of me and half the man I love.

Saying that, I haven’t gone to visit DH. Last night we were up super late talking and I am sooo relieved. He finally admitted he isn’t ready for a baby. I figured it out last October but he refused to believe it and tried to convince us both he was ready, so we just went with it and kept ttc, not acknowledging the elephant in the room steadily growing larger. He said it really scares him that he doesn’t think he would/could be genuinely happy if I got pregnant right now. He thought he was making me happy by ttc, and figured that he would find a way to cope and be happy if we got a bfp. Funny how that works… our ability to convince ourselves of things, and trying to make our partners happy but still somehow ending up in a not-so-nice place…

So, as of 3am, we have officially decided to just have fun, ntnp, and get back to doing things in our lives that make us happy. I honestly have been smiling all day because I can’t recall the last time I was this happy and at peace inside. It’s like a huge weight has been lifted. But I still firmly believe that a bfp will happen when it’s meant to, and not by us forcing it. With all the ups, downs and everything in between for DH and I over the past 5 years, perhaps whatever divine force that brought us together meant it to be this way and for us to take this route in order to fully appreciate what we already have… One day we’ll both be ready to try again. And I’m looking forward to when we are. If that day comes sooner than we both think, even better! :)
Trix- That's such a happy post I'm so so happy for you guys. Sometimes we really do lose sight of things when we just want one thing only and I gotta admit being on a forum like this doesn't help, I think if I was never on here I wouldn't have been so obsessed with ttc and temping and OPKS,

I love my kiddos to the moon and back but kids aren't the only place you can find happiness. Also women and men are so different when it comes to it, women need to have children while men don't, they just want them. I'm sure you both will reach a good place and compromise and that's when a baby will just happen :)
Teeny love the bump!

Amazing stories ladies. DH worked for my mother :haha: Instant crush that only got worse when my mother invited him to live with us due to his living situation. Out of respect we didnt date until we both had moved out and he started his new job

TeX everything crossed for IB hun! Give it a few days and if it stays away you might have your BFP

Bee if you do decide to test early I think we'd all love to see some early ones from you all!

Trix I am so happy that you're happy. Hopefully we'll see you back TTC soon but I am glad you both want to have some fun and time. Enjoy it hun
I met my dh when we were 15 at a church picnic (14yrs ago in Aug). I went with my neighbor (an older woman) and we started talking right away. He had a gf at the time, but later broke things off with her. We dated all through high school, but broke up for awhile when we went our separate ways for college. We remained good friends and ended up getting back together after some time apart. I'm so blessed that I married someone that I've gotten to grow up with.

Trixie- I am so happy you and your dh had that talk. It's so hard when you're not on the same page. I think ntnp would be a breath of fresh air for the both of you.

Texas- maybe it's implantation bleeding? I hope so ...fxd.

Teeny- I love your bump!

Pompey- honestly, if your RE wont listen you should find a new one. Once you reach the point of seeking help from a specialist, you need comfort in knowing they want and need to help you. A dr ignoring your concerns is not a good dr at all and doesn't deserve your time or money. I hope you get answers soon.
Well I haven't had any spotting since like 11am this morning. I literally had like a quarter size spot on my first tampon and then nothing on the second. I'm feeling a little crampy but nothing awful. So we will just have to wait and see. I will say that i have never had any spotting before AF till now.
Oh texas i seriously hope it means you'll have a bfp in a couple of days. I am praying for all of you ladies in your tww. It would make me so so happy for you all to see 2 pink lines!
Hi ladies!! It's been a long time since I posted here, but I've been reading all of your posts almost every day. Cheering you on but being lame and not wanting to butt in! Anyway, just wanted to update you all with a bump pic now that I'm 21+2 weeks. And we found out at our anatomy scan last week that we are team PINK! :pink: We are so excited!!

Our baby girl has been kicking a lot this past week after just feeling little flutters before. DH even felt her strong kicks for the first time last night! It's still so surreal that we finally made it to this point!

Anyway, hope you guys don't mine me popping in. Even when I'm not posting, I'm still checking in with you ladies and cheering for you. I'm so excited that so many of us are preggo now, and I can't wait to see more positive tests from the TTC group!


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well I guess be careful what you wish for. After asking for a distraction, one of my very best friends called me to tell me his dad passed away. ugh - I got my distraction!

anyway, I'm all caught up now and I loved it! such a variety of ways!

blab - I have to say your story was my favorite - I was laughing out loud! :haha:

camp - lol the league I met my DH on was actually a co-ed intramural league. I was playing in 2 leagues that year and the other one I play in is a competitive co-ed league with try outs. I was the captain/coach. There were probably only a handful of girls in the league. I was the pitcher and people think I'm crazy to let 6'4" men line drive it to me those mere 60 feet, but softball is my life! I feel so comfortable on the mound - I've been playing for 23 years! :haha:I miss it so much now that TTC has taken it away :cry:

pompey - welcome!! I would really look into seeing another doc, or charting a cycle and bringing that in for "proof". I think a lot of docs think we don't know what we are talking about but I think she would have to show concern if it was in fact an 8 day lp. I also experienced something similar - I had spotting 4 days leading up to AF and read that this is a progesterone problem. My doc was not at all concerned. in fact she wouldn't even TEST for progesterone let alone give me a supplement. the other doc at the same clinic tests all of his patients for progesterone after an IUI so I am requesting to switch to him next time. just goes to show that different people do different things and I would recommend exploring your options!

ksquared - thanks for stopping by!! I'm so glad you are still around. sometimes I realize how much I miss the regulars that got knocked up :haha: congrats how team pink - how exciting! lovely, lovely bump and so fun to be feeling the kicks! :hugs:

AFM - temp is up and down and unlike my other charts where I keep getting the same temp over and over. I was interested to see what my post O temps would do since I did inquire about possible progesterone problems with the RE. Her response was that the femara would actually help my progesterone levels too so I was expecting higher temps this month and so far that is not the case.....
I still think your chart looks good bee! Fingers crossed for your BFP! Sorry about your friends dad. It's so hard to lose a parent especially when they aren't super old. My dad was 55 when he died

Afm for now the spotting has left and hasn't come back. It wasn't much at all. I talked to my OB nurse and she said it could have been IB give it a few days and test. The OB also said that my temps weren't a concern. As long as you see the shift and you stay above cover you are good. Some months coverlines are higher than others I guess. Either way fingers crossed this is it. Not planning to test till Monday and only if I don't get the temp drop of death before then.

Edit to add kindara thinks I am
13dpo and fertility friend says 11dpo weird

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