46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Squirrel- I really really hope these lines are BFP lines of possibly TWIN GIRLS for you!!! Don't be hard on yourself for testing, the other girls haven't tested at all so I'm getting my poas relieved through you! And progesterone or not I think if you aren't preg it would have started to dip back down?

You ladies are always on my mind and I'm hoping so hard and praying even harder for you! You both have paid your dues and earned it and now so so deserve babies! (See? Not just one baby!)

Squirrel you are the cutest little girl too! I don't know what was wrong with me but at that age I looked like I was a very not handsome boy :p oh cringe!
Amazing chart Squirrel!
Campn: awww such a lovely bump!

His mom seemed kinda happy and interested :)
More interesting: I told my best friend and she didn't believe me. She saw SO's last name on the ultrasound picture and somehow forgot that was his last name so she wrote in all caps: YOUR NAME ISN"T 'VERHAGEN' , YOU ARE BULLSHITTING ME

I couldn't stop laughing :haha:
She was very happy, she was one of the few people who knew of the miscarriage so she knows how much it means to us.
Texas: I can understand why the spotting is worrying and frustrating, but if it isn't leading to AF, your temp is still high and this is something new for you, then I would be really excited if I were you! :D

Blabla: Glad you had fun telling your friend and your partner's mother. It's really lovely when you can start sharing your good news with other people.

Campn: You are too sweet :hugs: I really appreciate all the support you continue to give us! I really hope you're right and there are two burrowing away in there as we speak. Super nervous about testing again tomorrow.
Completely negative this morning ladies. I really feel like giving up. I don't think I can take much more of this. I've always had a BFP by 11dpo, so it's not too early, I'm just not pregnant. I had such high hopes and now this cycle has been the most crushing. It's the first time I've cried at the sight of a BFN. I just don't know what to do. Why can't I have another baby? What the hell is wrong with me??
Aww squirell im sorry... It sucks feeling like that. Every pregnancy is different though so you never know. I honestly feel like I am not pregnant this month too. I haven't even tested... I'm too scared to. I don't want to see just one pink line instead of two. I'm still expecting the temp drop of death tomorrow honestly and then AF on Tuesday...
Tex - it's good to see you still hanging out.....!! Ah fx ! But I know that feeling of hopelessness all too well.

Squirrel- I'm so sorry. I also read your journal post yesterday. All I can say is that I'm right there with you. I don't understand any of this and don't know when the end will be in sight.

Today is exactly one year from when I found out I was pregnant. I made a post on Facebook this morning as it's also national infertility week next week. I am always outspoken about these things because I don't want others to feel alone. I can't believe it's been a year. Thank god you can't see into the future because if I would have known the journey that this past year has been, I don't know that I would have made it through.

Still feeling out despite my temp this morning being an all time high. Either the doc is right and the femara helped my progesterone or the fact that it's going to be 81 degrees today has my temp up too. I think this months timing was wrong but have hopes for next cycle.
Squirrel- Wish I could hug you now, you've done everything you can and I really think you'll get your baby soon. If it's any comfort my tests were all negative like stark white with my son until 13 DPO and with this pregnancy BFP at 9 DPO so all pregnancies are so different I promise! You're still in it and hanging on.

I really believe these battles aren't given to just anyone, I think you are so strong and that's why you were given a hard journey to go through. Some women would have completely crumbled after 2-3 months and I don't know how they can go on facing life or facing parenting as its not for the faint of heart!

Want to hear my mini rant? I posted Juliette's potty shot on another forum (cafemom) and a lady was like "are you sure that's a girl? I see a protrusion on there. I'd be wary to think it's a girl" And she put so much doubt into my head, it's all I could think of yesterday and I woke up last night at 3 am and couldn't fall back asleep. I've already grown to love this girl and think of her as a girl, and this happened with DS when they told me he was a girl and I thought this can't happen to me again.

I talked to my sister and she said you're not that horrible of a person to have that happen to you twice, and I was really convinced it's a girl until that lady said that. Everyone else said that's definitely a girl and that slight protrusion is clitoris.

Just goes to show how just one person can have you doubting everything.
Im over this spotting crap. Instead of doing a tampon I have a pad on but so far nothing has made it to the Od it's only when I wipe and not a lot of it. I just don't think it's normal to spot for 4 days in a row. Even though it's only for a few hours a day...
Tex - after my loss I started pre AF spotting. I never had it before. In November it was the 4 days leading up to AF. It's mostly just 1 or 2 days. I hope this isn't thE case for you but in case it is, you're not alone!
Squirrel: :hugs: I'm sorry... try to stay hopeful though, even though it's hard.
Texas: Could still be implantation, or it could be an off cycle. I hope you find out soon, either way.
Campn: Aww I'm sorry that lady put doubt in your mind. She is definitely wrong though, there was nothing boy about that potty shot. I would be extremely surprised if at 20 weeks the girl suddenly grew a wiener :haha: Don't worry!
Bee: Glad that you have hope dear. I have my fingers crossed that this is your month, but either way i truly believe it will be soon!

Afm: My mom cried (happy tears), my brother was absolutely flabbergasted and my dad was just proud.
For the rest of the family (aunts, uncles, grandpa) we got my cousin to give me a 'pregnancy package with the m&ms that we bought. The look on their faces was amazing, my aunt kept saying: "God o God" over and over hahah. My grandfather just facepalmed :haha:
Everybody seemed really happy though! With one cousin already having a 8 month old girl, one due in May, one due in September and me due in October it's going to be a busy bunch!

(it does still stress me out that everybody now knows.. would truly be my worst nightmare if something went wrong still. Love this baby so much. I really can't lose him/her, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Or ever be happy again, I think.)
Bla- Sounds like such an emotional happy day! I'm pretty sure that baby is a keeper though! He or she is stuck forever :) but I get the anxiety about telling others, I liked when it was a secret cause it was something just for us to celebrate like our private little thing but when you share I think happiness just spreads even more! :)
Thanks ladies. I know I can always count on you guys to get me through. Still feeling so sad about it all. I'm wracking my brain trying to find a way to get the moment together this cycle for IUI in a few weeks. I think I will end up asking my mum to lend me the bit I haven't saved up. Makes me feel awkward, but I just think IUI will be it for us, especially if my crazy cervix is the issue. Been feeling so emotional these last few days anyway (cried just listening to music yesterday in the car going to my friend's baby shower). Today though, I've been so sad. I know I'll feel okay in a couple of days (and I know I will be super excited again if we get to do IUI this next cycle), but for today, all I can think of is getting the kids in bed so I can crack open a bottle of wine and drown myself in chocolate :blush: Quite happy my husband is out this evening, he would not appreciate the corny feel-good movies I am going to put on :haha: my favourite cheer-me-up movie is Mamma Mia. Love it!

Bee: so happy to hear you're feeling upbeat even if this isn't your cycle. That's such an admirable mindset to have. I wish I could be like you in that respect. I do think your chart is looking great and that temp rise is exciting.

Texas: sorry to hear your spotting is still on and off. That would really bug me too! Your chart is looking amazing still!! I really have a good feeling about it and the spotting.

Campn: what a bitchy thing for that woman to say!! Seriously!! That looks totally girly to me, it's really obvious when there's boy parts as the scrotum alone is massive with a separate protrusion for the penis. I really don't think you have anything to worry about, but I can understand why you are upset, especially with what happened with your son. :hugs: When's your next scan?

Bla: sounds like a great day with the family. Glad it went well.

It's been such a long day with my poor babies. They've both been ill today, with my son feeling sick and vomitting this morning (he's doing great now) and my little girl suffering badly with a cold, bad cough and a fever (taking her to doc tomorrow) and with me feeling sad, we've been a sorry bunch!


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Aww poor Isla and Oscar! I hope Isla feels better soon and Oscar keeps feeling great again :)

You are so pretty though, wow!
Squirrel- Your post had me in tears. It isn't fair at all what's happening to you but I'm glad you have two beautiful kiddos to cuddle you, it really helped me so much in my down days when my son would lay with me and hug me. I hope your mom can help you out for your IUI, that's what family is for sometimes.

You are so gorgeous and beautiful though so at least that's one less thing to worry about! And that's Isla!? She's a little gorgeous blondie!

My scan is on May 11th so a little less a month. The wait will be hard!
Sorry I was not on yesterday ladies, Shys birthday ended with even more friends and their los showing up. We weren't clear until 9:30 at night but she had so much fun. She got the one thing she was wanting most.. Paint for a purple room lol so Grandma and DH will be busy next weekend and the two drum sets will keep her busy till then. They do know I am pregnant and their rooms are side by side lol?

Campn even girls will have small protrusions due to everything down there is swollen. No worries hun. Juillete is on her way so don't stop the pink shopping yet.

Squirrel I was looking back over my chart and and using the average I could have been 14dpo before I got my BFP. This could be a late implanter or even the Clomid, so don't count yourself out yet hun. Praying for you and sorry about ththe kids. Really hoping they get better soon.

Bee I am stubborn and will continue to pray until your BFP or the witch. I had counted myself so far out we even considered stop TTC. Don't count yourself out yet hun I still think this cycle will surprise you - and for whatever reason it doesn't it will happen sooner than you think.

Bla I am glad your announcement went so well and you had an amazing day. Close age gaps among friends and family are amazing! Congratulations hun!

TeX I hope your temps stay high and this wacky cycle was just your BFP. Everything crossed!
Squirrel- I know you're feeling down and it breaks my heart. There were many times my dd and dh caught me on my closet floor bawling bc I thought it would never happen. Every time my dd would talk about wanting a sibling I'd tear up. All of our struggle really took its toll on me. Then after the nurse said there was no way I'd get pregnant from iui I lost hope. I started looking into adoption and foster care. I knew deep down that neither option would satisfy my longing to have my dh's child. Ltttc is not for the faintest of heart. Idk if it make sense, but it brought dh and I together in some aspects like emotionally and tore us apart physically. We were ready to give up. I had enough of feeling so negative and depressed. I became zombie like and overly obsessed. What you are experiencing is normal. It is ok to hurt and cry. You are human. What you and many other women struggling to conceive are going through is so difficult. We are here for you. Some of us know what it's like to feel like you're trying to do the impossible. Nothing is impossible. I truly believe you will see a bfp very soon. Maybe not this cycle, but hopefully the next.

Campn- omg that lady has some nerve! I'm sure it can't happen twice.

Bla- I felt so much relief in telling people. Although I was afraid something would happen, but you just have to have faith.

Bee- your chart looks amazing and I have a lot of hope for you.
I wonder what on earth is going on with your cycles Texas. It seems a long time for IB, but then it's not AF either! So strange. I hope it'll end up with a BFP for you. Your temps look good :)

I am so sorry you have been feeling upset Squirrel. I really can relate to what you are going through. I feel totally fed up as my body won't behave properly and fall pregnant , even though with my first it took just 2 months. It sounds promising you may be able to afford to do the IUI though, so that's pretty exciting! Sorry your little ones have been poorly today :(

Beemeck - I don't know your story, but I gather you've had a really hard time. You sound so very positive though. I wish I had your positivity!

I am sorry that woman on another chat room made that comment about your scan, campn :growlmad: I have no idea what to look for in these scans, so can't comment, but I can't believe someone else would question it!

Blab - what a great reaction from your family! They sound so very excited and it certainly sounds like it's going to be a busy few months in your family later this year!

My temps seems all over the place for some reason... I've had a couple of post ovulation temps just recently, which I don't understand. Not sure if it's the soy isoflavones I am taking or a coincidence. I am looking forward to starting OPKs soon to see if the soy has made any difference. I ovulate around day 21 with an 8 day luteal phase, so really really hoping there is some positive change. I am CD 8 today and will start OPKs at day 12. I really doubt they will do anything as my issue tends to be a short lp, but you never know.
Someone earlier mentioned about me seeing a different consultant as I was brushed off so easily at my last appointment. Unfortunately that is the NHS for you :( I can't see anyone else unless I go private, but that is obviously pretty costly. It may be a route we investigate in the future if I get nowhere on my own.
Squirrel- Wish I could hug you now, you've done everything you can and I really think you'll get your baby soon. If it's any comfort my tests were all negative like stark white with my son until 13 DPO and with this pregnancy BFP at 9 DPO so all pregnancies are so different I promise! You're still in it and hanging on.

I really believe these battles aren't given to just anyone, I think you are so strong and that's why you were given a hard journey to go through. Some women would have completely crumbled after 2-3 months and I don't know how they can go on facing life or facing parenting as its not for the faint of heart!

Want to hear my mini rant? I posted Juliette's potty shot on another forum (cafemom) and a lady was like "are you sure that's a girl? I see a protrusion on there. I'd be wary to think it's a girl" And she put so much doubt into my head, it's all I could think of yesterday and I woke up last night at 3 am and couldn't fall back asleep. I've already grown to love this girl and think of her as a girl, and this happened with DS when they told me he was a girl and I thought this can't happen to me again.

I talked to my sister and she said you're not that horrible of a person to have that happen to you twice, and I was really convinced it's a girl until that lady said that. Everyone else said that's definitely a girl and that slight protrusion is clitoris.

Just goes to show how just one person can have you doubting everything.

That's so mean!!! I had a protrusion like that but bigger on my 13 week scan (which I now assume was the start of a boy) so at 17 weeks if it was a boy it would be much much bigger!
Tex - it could really be late implantation. When I got prego with my daughter (I didn't know that's what was happening. SURPRISE!) I actually thought I had a mini-period. Very light bleeding for 4 days and it was right around the time I was supposed to get AF. I was 5 days late for the next AF before I figured out what was going on. You could still get that BFP!

Campn - nothing is 100% until baby is born unless she decides to give a full frontal on the next scan. That being said, I don't think that's a boy. It looka like a girl. And unless that chick who made that comment was the one who did the scan then put it out of your mind. Don't let her rain on your parade that has floats festooned with pink sequins. Glitter? Rhinestones!

Blab - Awesomeness! So excited and happy for you!

Afm, I'm still awaiting the appearance of AF. Took a test but I couldn't be sure if the fairly faint line was actually there or I was trying to see something that I want to be there. I'm going to test again in a few days just to be sure. Hopefully AF will not arrive.

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