46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Fingers crossed peskipiksee!
Pompeyvix: Could be the soy, but for me strange temps would usually occur right after AF. Closer to O it would mellow out and be normal/expected for the rest of the cycle. 8 day LP is pretty short, you could take a vit-b complex (especially for b6 I believe) to help with that? I don't know if that's true btw, just something I see coming back on this forum :)
Fingers crossed peskipiksee!
Pompeyvix: Could be the soy, but for me strange temps would usually occur right after AF. Closer to O it would mellow out and be normal/expected for the rest of the cycle. 8 day LP is pretty short, you could take a vit-b complex (especially for b6 I believe) to help with that? I don't know if that's true btw, just something I see coming back on this forum :)

Thanks for this, perhaps it's because I had AF and I am also not sleeping brilliantly.
I have been taking B6 and B complex now for 3 months and it's not made any difference whatsoever! :(
Fingers crossed peskipiksee!
Pompeyvix: Could be the soy, but for me strange temps would usually occur right after AF. Closer to O it would mellow out and be normal/expected for the rest of the cycle. 8 day LP is pretty short, you could take a vit-b complex (especially for b6 I believe) to help with that? I don't know if that's true btw, just something I see coming back on this forum :)

Thanks for this, perhaps it's because I had AF and I am also not sleeping brilliantly.
I have been taking B6 and B complex now for 3 months and it's not made any difference whatsoever! :(

Aww I'm sorry! It's short but it doesn't have to be a problem when you do get pregnant though, that's really hard to say. I heard that some people with a short LP get progesterone etc to help, but I'm not really sure of its effectiveness. Your doctor wouldn't really take you seriously on this right (or am I mixing people up now :haha:)? Sorry that going private is so costly for you (well, for anyone I think).
Wouldn't it be possible to file a complaint and get a new consultant that way? I know that NHS is NHS, but you could just be dealing with a b****. Someone else might be way more understanding!
Got the dreaded temp drop of death today. AF should be here tomorrow. Joy... Here's hoping that I don't have any spotting next cycle... Sigh
pes, pompey and kittycat - you girls fit in so well here! :hugs: I hope you continue to stick around with us through this crazy journey!

pompey - my AF temps are a little crazy some months. sometimes they keep getting higher and higher! I think your chart looks great. have you been charting for awhile? I was wondering how long you know of this 8 day LP - if it's consistent. I'm sorry you can't easily switch doctors. I'm in the USA and really know nothing about NHS. It seems to have it's pros and cons. everything is so expensive here, but we can also choose the care we want (even that to an extent - my insurance company is feuding with another insurance provider so my choices are limited :dohh:) but I wonder if either asking to switch to another doctor in that same practice or showing her your charts? I feel like some docs don't believe us because so many women really are clueless when it comes to when they ovulate and what an LP really is etc. I have all my charts printed and in my folder for anytime I go to the doc to be like, look! proof! :haha:

tex - so sorry about the temp jump. my guess this cycle was just a weak ovulation. I think that is what happens to me some months. O happens a little late, post o temps are low, and spotting ensues. perhaps trying femara to guarantee a great O could do the trick? I know you are weary from what happened with the clomid, but in my research I wondered why they ever prescribed that at all! Obv I know it works great (girls on here are living proof) but when reading about it, it seems that femara is so much better than clomid in many ways so might be worth a shot!

squirrel! :hugs::hugs::hugs: when do they instruct you to stop taking the progesterone? I know my chart is looking good too and I'm feeling out, but damn girl - that charts looks amazing. It's so much easier for me to feel hopeful for others....

camp - I'm sorry that someone is causing you doubts. I hope she meant well. Sometimes I see women post stark white tests and call them bfps and I want to share that I really don't see anything on there. My intentions are always great - I feel bad that they are getting their hopes up, and even worse, thinking they are having chemicals, but I know now that they don't want to hear that. So I keep quiet - but I hope that she was coming from a similar place. I know that you said it happened to you before, so it's very scary! I know nothing about those scans (and don't want to learn lol so I can stay true team yellow!) but it seemed that the tech was very thorough and sure! :hugs:

trixie - I'm glad you and DH had a great talk and agreement. perhaps what everyone has annoyingly been telling me will come true for you - stop trying and it'll happen! :haha: please stick around because we will miss you too much if you leave again! :hugs:

smille, drum, blab <3 keep us posted on your next scans!

sorry if I am missing anyone - mondays. :coffee:

my temp is an open circle today because I just could not sleep last night :sleep: :nope: blah. I won't get home today until 9 at night. work all day, dentist appt, fertility yoga. I better sleep well tonight! just hanging out. I'll test Friday if I think I have a reason too. I'm rather impressed with my doc. I rolled my eyes (internally) when she said the femara would help my progesterone but so far it's looking like it might have... I also read a lot about how some docs believe in it and others do not. interesting. just more things to worry about when ttc! :dohh:
So sorry for the temp drop texas! :hugs:

Bee your chart looks amazing! But I get that becomes so unreliable when taking fertility meds -_-

Speaking of charts, guys what's going on with mine?! I have never seen a chart do this before. My pre O temps were crazy and I got my original O jump and then just flat?? They say anything different is good but wth? Anyone seen something like this before? Dh dropped off his SA this morning and I have my CD 21 blood tomorrow then we will be done with testing for the month. Hopefully if these temps mean low progesterone they will see it in the blood test and give me supplements or something.
Tested with early test, absolutely zilch, not even a squinter! Just waiting around for AF now, oh well, bring on next cycle!!!
Texas: I'm sorry hun.
Bee: Chart looks good, can't wait!
Gina: Hmm, I did read in a fertility book (taking charge of your fertility or something) that post-O temps that stay close to coverline could mean low progesterone. But if this never happened before I don't know if that's true in this case. Because your temps pre-O are so all over the place FF might just not know what to do with it and put your coverline too high?

Afm: 29th of April we have our next scan. 11 more days, way too many! We hope to find out the gender and even though we will keep it a secret from everybody we know, I might share it with you ladies :) No risk of you ladies knowing anybody we know in real life :haha:
Can't believe I'm almost 14 weeks!
Kitty, hope it's just a shy bfp but I know the feeling when you just know it's onto the next cycle. FX for you!

Bla I can't believe your almost 14 weeks already!! Time is definitely flying by! I had a thought that maybe I O'd the day before but no matter what I entered into FF it wouldn't change to that day lol. But maybe your right and it's just my pre O temps throwing off my coverline. Who knows
Gina- it looks like you're 8dpo. If that's the case, you're temps wouldn't be so close to the coverline. Otherwise, I agree it's a low progesterone problem.
My OB didn't seem concerned with the low temps but i also haven't been trying for the all
Important year mark yet so he is probably reluctant to do anything about it till then. How much is femara usually? Clomid is super cheap like $9 for 5 pills of the 50mg.
Tex I payed 1.43 for my femara lol I kind of laughed when he said that price bc just make it free at that point ! I do have really great insurance though but I think worse case would be the 9 dollars
Gina- it looks like you're 8dpo. If that's the case, you're temps wouldn't be so close to the coverline. Otherwise, I agree it's a low progesterone problem.

If I am 8 dpo instead of 7 I'd be very happy with my temps. I can't seem to trick FF into saying I O'd the day before though. I wanted to see where it would put my coverline but can't get it to happen. Lol

Eta: I discarded 2 pre O temps and it changed my coverline. I like that much more :haha:
Blabla: Thank you :) I think I've just perfected the selfie pose! Is your scan in 11 days a gender scan? You're like me with my first pregnancy, had SOOO many scans, but was so lovely to see my little guy so many times. I had far fewer with Isla and I really missed seeing her as often.

Campn: thank you too :) like I said, I think I just know how to pose just right for a selfie :haha: and yep, that's Isla, not looking too happy and all squished up. She's a kind of mousey colour (I think in the sun she'll go a golden blonde) and Oscar is a true blonde. He's very fair, but goes white in summer. I love my kids' hair!! I have such hair envy!! Hope you're feeling better after that insensitive woman's idiotic suggestion :hugs: I really hope that we can do an IUI next cycle too as I really need something to pick me up. Will be asking my mum over the next few days :/ I hate asking for stuff like that!

Drum: Glad you had a nice day for Shy's birthday party!! I've kind of given up on his cycle now. Not feeling as devastated about it today.

Smille: thank you so much for your heartfelt words of support and advice. So lovely to read and so heartening as well. You made me feel tons better. Thank you :hugs: I'm so glad you finally got your long-awaited BFP and I cannot wait for you to have your baby.

Pompey: sorry this cycle is messing you around! An 8 day luteal phase must be very difficult. Have you started taking vitamin B6? Supposedly it helps, but with me it massively delayed my ovulation. As for NHS support with TTC, I don't know what it's like where you are, but here, I was told that as I have children, I wouldn't get any help from NhS beyond basic tests. Not even a consultation. I hope it's different where you are as private is so ridiculously expensive!!

Texas: I'm so sorry :hugs:

Bee: your chart is still looking amazing :) I'm excited for your test! I really do think this is it for you! I'd love to be cycle buddies again, but if you get your BFP this cycle I'll be even happier!!! It's great that the femara is helping your progesterone too. My chart does look great, but it is just the progesterone I'm sure :) tested with cheapies this morning, which aren't at all sensitive it would seem, but still nothing. Definitely out! I'll test one more time tomorrow and then if BFN I'll stop taking progesterone and wait for AF. Don't want to waste them, they are soooooo expensive!!

Gina: wow, that is an interesting chart! I've never seen such flat temps either. I don't know anything about low progesterone, but I hope your doctor has some insight. Are you still feeling positive about this cycle?

Kittykat: sorry about your bfn :hugs:

So 12dpo and awaiting the dreaded AF. I'm going to talk to my mum tonight about borrowing money. Feel really bad about it. I got a little drunk last night :blush: watched lots of corny movies and indulged in junk food and wine! Felt bad for it today as a hangover with two little ones is not for the faint hearted! I'm feeling much better today, but still not 100% sadly.

Trying to distract myself; we find out school placements for my son for September in 40 minutes. We almost certainly know he's into the best school he can be (where he is at nursery now) as with his autism we went a different route to the normal application procedure and found out through that that he got a place, but I need to see it officially on writing before I believe it! Primary school places are in massive demand at good schools in London and even though we only live 700m away from this school, we would not be in if it weren't for Oscar's autism. The fact that he's on means the rest of our kids would get in too. There is no other school near here I could ever consider for them, so there is a silver lining to him suffering with autism: at least he will have a good school to help him reach his potential.

Edit; wow :) just seen how long this post is. Do I win a prize? :haha:
Squirrel you definitely win!! Lol. I am not as positive as I was. This is the scary part of the cycle for me so I stress alot about whether the baby will be able to stick. I hope your feeling is wrong and you get a bfp tomorrow. But if not IUI will be a great option!
Squirrel I feel the same way when I post :haha: I am sorry you're feeling out and down. I still really hope this is it for you. If not that you get the help you need for that IUI. Major :hugs:

TeX I am so sorry hun I hope next cycle is it.

Gina If something is off I am glad they'll know soon. Praying for you.

Bla I still have 16 days until we go and it is eating at me lol. Now that I know we are going for it my impatience is kicking in. I do hope you let us know so excited for you.

Pompey really hope you get some help soon. I am so sorry about your situation.

Kitty :hugs: hun

Ladies I believe I am officially insane. We decided to go ahead and do both rooms this weekend and in doing so picked the theme of the baby's room. In doing that gave me the colors to go shopping with. I am officially almost finished other than clothes now.... With four different orders coming in the next two weeks I have officially gone mental :haha:
Aww Squirrel: I'm sorry you are still down but at least you kinda enjoyed yourself with food and wine! I hope you can find the best school for your little smart fellow! O and no, not specifically a gender scan, it's a private one and we can look at little one for about 30 minutes including looking at gender if we want. We'll also get 6 pictures and a dvd! :D
And yes, you win!

Gina: I hope that's it because I looked at some of your older charts and the post-O temps that you have now aren't actually that low. I really think FF f-ed up!

Drum: Aahhhh 16 days, EVEN WORSE. My uncle's partner was like "It's a girl I can tell". I think she's full of crap haha but now I want to find out even more to see who's right! SO thinks it's a boy. Some of you think it's a boy. I have no idea... I want to know so badly!
What is the theme you are going with? We are going with a woodland animal kind of theme. I really love owls and foxes and rabbits. And nature. So a lot of earthy and calm colours, no bright colours (I'm sorta overly sensitive to bright colors, distracts the hell out of me!).
gina - good luck with the last of the tests! the progesterone test should help answer some questions about your chart. I've have many months of suuuuper flat temps. I always think it's weird when I do too!

squirrel - I really think we will be cycle buddies again! I just can't get over my timing issue. and I'm feeling all my normal pre AF symptoms - I always get massive cravings the week before and have started feeling crampy as of yesterday. I was crampy after my bfp, but not before. although I guess the baby wasn't in my uterus but then why did I have cramps after? :wacko: anyway, good luck asking your mom! I think she seems like she is willing to help and it shouldn't be to much. I remember you mentioning the price before and it made me wonder. Our docs said that even if our insurance didn't cover it, the IUI would have only been $120. we were like, wow really? and she said yes, it's not an expensive procedure. the 120 is to pay for washing the sperm and then they just put it in. so I'm sorry they jack the price up there! hoping everything works out and you are being inseminated 2 weeks from now! :haha:

drum - so great you are being productive! :happydance::happydance: 16 days woo hoo!!!!
Bla we decided to do Starry Night. So a very light blue base that we'll accent with darker blues for a boy or yellow and white for a girl. We ordered a lrg replica of the painting but still considering doing a mural of all three scenes. I love the wooden theme if you're interested a friend of mine actually ordered stencils and did a mural and wall border with them. I can ask for the links.
Everyone here thinks boy DH hopes otherwise but still thinks boy. I will shock everyone if it's a girl

Bee that is a wonderful terminology for it :haha: Still praying for you and even with my lack of charting knowledge your chart looks amazing. Are they still going ahead with the saline ultrasound, if this is a miss?

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