46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Thank you so much all you beautiful ladies :hugs: your support has been and is invaluable to me! I couldn't have done this nor could I carry on without all of you!!

Bee: :hugs: I know we are going to be bump buddies, I just know it, even if one of us is a few weeks ahead of the other one. To me your chart is still looking amazing, but I know how it feels to start seeing that temp drop even just a little bit. You are so not out though till AF arrives.

I am too scared to feel happy ladies. Until I see that test tomorrow I daren't hope... if it's negative again, it will crush me... that's what I'm the most scared of! When I had my chemical way back in August I had a line this light and it only ever got a tiny bit darker and then faded again. I am so scared of that happening again :cry:

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if I really did ovulate 3 days later... more hoping than believing I suppose. It would be easier for me to accept such a light line on 11dpo rather than 14dpo. I also wonder if maybe I've always ovulated several days later than I think and that's why we've been struggling, as we usually bd up to the day of or the day after ovulation and then take a break as it becomes so forced otherwise. This cycle we broke that pattern as our anniversary fell then and we were away alone together for the night :blush: what if that was all it took?? Also, the more I think about it, the more I remember being unsure about that first temp rise as I'd had a dodgy night's sleep... so what if it was raised because of that and then I started taking the progesterone, which sent my temp up the following night, but then for it to come all the way back down, even when I was on progesterone... it feels fishy!
Finally called my OB. I've been spotting for over a week. Only a few hours at a time each day but it's bright red... I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy cause I called when it started last week. Oh well I don't care. They should call back in less than an hour hopefully
Hello ladies.... I've been stalking this forum for awhile but just kinda shy about sharing things but when I read this I had to say something!!!

SQUIRREL THAT IS SO A LINE!!!!!! OMG can't wait to see what FMU shows tomorrwo!!!! I'll do a proper hello in a few ladies!!!! So e cited for ya hun!!!
Appointment is Tuesday after school. So glad I don't have long to wait. Fingers crossed I get some help.
Squirrel- You have had chemicals but you've also had lhealthy pregnancies and two gorgeous kids! I have seen even more squinty tests on here and they're all very pregnant now. It only needs to darken now! And we really have no 100% way to say when you ovulated so you may be earlier!!

Bee- I'm still holding out hope for you, your temp is still ridiculously high and you're still so in. You may just get your bump buddy ;)
Squirrel- it could be possible that you're only 11dpo. My line was really faint around then and got a lot darker. I have so much hope for you. I'm praying for a nice line for you tomorrow.
So it was a chemical I guess. Test showed only a whisper today, fainter than yesterday's tiny line. I can't help but blame myself. What if I hadn't stopped taking the progesterone? Might everything have been okay? I don't feel as upset as I thought I would. I think I knew this would happen. A very faint line showing up on 14dpo isn't indicative of a healthy pregnancy... Not when I usually get strong lines by 11/12dpo. I didn't really let myself believe it was happening, so I think that's maybe why I feel not too bad about it. At least it's not like last time, where I'd tested positive for 5 days and then started bleeding. I keep thinking, was it maybe just faulty? But no, there was a visible definite pink line on that test and a trace today. At least I have his hope of an IUI next cycle, but to be honest, it looks like sperm can get in after all, so that's a plus. Now I just need my period to arrive so I can look to the future instead of dwelling on what might have been once again. It's coming up to what would have been my due date of my chemical. I'm on this other bread where myself and four other lovely ladies all started out trying and they all fell pregnant within a few months. They've all given birth now or are soon due. One of them had the same due date as me for those precious few days and it's been really hard to look at her ticket and think about what could have been.

My temp came down a bit this morning too, so I had a bad feeling. Though I didn't sleep at all last night. Isla had me up every hour. So it's not reliable. I had hope it was just because I hadn't slept. Last night I was feeling so warm, I hoped for a super high temp his morning and a lovely BFP...

Looking ahead to next cycle. I have to do that now. If I look back then I'll struggle to carry on.
I'm so sorry squirrel, I have no words. :hugs:
Don't look at your temp today, it's worthless because of bad sleep.
It could be just a slow start of hcg, don't give up hope just yet. And even if it is a chemical, it is definitely NOT your fault. Definitely not.
Don't give up lovely lady! <3
Squirrel, please dont give up hope just yet. All pregnancies and bfp's are different, so this one could just be a slow burner.

And whatever you do, don't blame yourself. Missing one day of progesterone is not going to cause a chemical. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Texas, Good luck. Such a strange week for you, with all the on and off spotting.
My thoughts are with you squirrel, I'm so sorry but you must blame yourself, these things happen, and you have iui to look forward to, it's going to happen, i know it's hard but stay positive honey <3

Sorry you are struggling with sickness, I know my first one my sickness was horrendous, couldn't really keep anything down! Eating and drinking didn't make a difference, I just had to experiment with what I could stomach then stick with it no matter how boring or bad it was, at least it was some nutrients! Hopefully it will ease up for you!! Xx
Squirrel- :hugs: I'm so sorry your test isn't darker. If there's still a line, I'd continue with the progesterone just in case. Test again in a couple of days and if negative stop the meds.
Thanks ladies :hugs:

I really was expecting this. I think that's why I wept when I saw it yesterday, I was so tantalisingly close. I just knew it wouldn't be darker today. The fact it's lighter with FMU is a sign that it's on it's way out rather than rising, so I know it didn't stick. Maybe it was late inplantation and it wasn't good quality?

I really don't feel too bad as I didn't believe it was happening. Was nice while it lasted... Well actually, that's a lie, it was terrifying while it lasted :haha: I just want AF to come. Next cycle I am taking the Oviterelle hCG trigger again and will be using the progesterone again. I'll be taking true 50mg of clomid again and having a scan around CD12 to check on follicles. I also won't test till 14dpo next time - won't test out the trigger as I know how long it lasts in me now. All I want is a strong line on 14dpo next cycle. Come on body, we can do this!!!
oh squirrel - I'm so sorry. :hugs: you sound like you are handling it so well! you had tested the trigger out with an frer, right? I can't remember if it was just cheapies. hey - I guess it's not over til it's over though.... I'll keep my fingers crossed for a wonderful surprise but if not, here we go again together for another cycle :drunk: <---- I'm the one falling over

temp is in death zone lol. crampy and I'm sure I'll start spotting today too. AF should be here tomorrow night. I've been seeing her the night of 13dpo but don't consider cd 1 until 14dpo per the RE. so I'll call them tomorrow and try to see what the plan is.

I'm feeling oooooookay. It really is nice having cycles with no testing. no bfns and somehow I feel like I fooled the system. :haha: after all this time, I've become a pro at knowing when AF is coming. I can feel her from about a week away now!
That's good bee- at least you're predictable.. I thought I was but this cycle has thrown me off my game. Dr appt is Tuesday and I really hope my AF comes before then... Man they will really think I'm nuts when I call and be like ummm actually my period started over the weekend so do I still need to come in??? Haha
tex I would go in regardless! whatever is happening now is odd. If I remember correctly, your doc told you to keep temping? If so - that's great that they take that seriously and you can show him your chart and be like wtf? (sorry, my motto right now is WTF because I'm so frustrated lol) I'm guessing you couldn't have ovulated because a 16 or so day lp with a bfn doesn't sound right. or even that your lp varies because I think that is the one part of your cycle that is supposed to be constant. so keep that appt and try to get some answers! :bodyb: (I'm obv in fighting mode :haha:)
Yeah I think I will keep it. Just don't want to be seen as a crazy woman. I know they probably deal with worse but still lol. I feel like if he thought it was no big deal he would tell me to wait it out instead of coming in. But spotting for a week is not normal for me. Even when I had my really long one i only had like 4 days of spotting/bleeding not a week!
I do get it texas - *sometimes* I still worry about be that lady. but mostly not anymore. I obv had a moment of that last cycle when I didn't question my doc about the timing of the IUI and now I'm kicking myself for it. I thought - who am I to question the doc? but nope - crazy lady syndrome, here I come! give me my baby!!!! :haha:
Oh squirrel... I'm so sorry. My heart fell when I read your post. Life can throw such curve balls at you. Lots of :hug:

Bee so sorry about the temp drop and impending AF. But I'm hoping the IUI can be better timed this round. FX

AFM not much happening here. Hanging in there. I try not spend too much time on the message boards. It's so heart breaking and scary to hear of all the loses on the pregnancy boards and while I do not think I'm immune to any tragedy I'm just trying my best to enjoy whatever amount of time I've got this little bean growing, if it's 2 months or 9. I guess staying away a bit keeps me from stressing too much and appreciating what I have while I have it.

Hello to the new ladies! I see we have a few who joined. Excellent bunch of women here and you will find nothing but kindness and support.

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