46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

This is going to be quick but, I wanted to update. I am 100% pregnant and the best news...I heard the beautiful HB, 120!!! Apparently since I don't track ovulation, the baby measured at 6 weeks, 3 days. My doctor isn't concerned and is happy with bubs HB rate. I'm still hesitant to be happy but, I am somewhat over the moon.

Iris - I wanted to say that I read your story in the December group and I was heartbroken for you. I really hope your rainbow baby will come. I just know it will. If you need anything, please message me! Also I wanted to say, after my D&C my doctor told me to give it three cycles and then try if we wanted to. This was my third cycle and it las happening! Keep your head up and know you have tons of support. <3
TTC- I'm so elated for you!! Congrats on your rainbow FOREVER baby!! Also 120 at barely 6 weeks is perfect! My doctor said 120 and up is what they want to see usually! So when is your due date!?
I'm just a little hesitant because the baby measured 3 weeks behind but, I really have no idea when I conceived or when I ovulated. The doctor said everything looks perfect for 6 weeks. The US lady actually gave me a huge hug and kiss after we heart that HB. I think my new due date is around January 17th
Iris- I am so sorry you went through that and my heart breaks for you and your dh. The fear of continuing to ttc is understandable, but take the time you need to get back on your feet and be in a good place. :hugs:.

Squirrel- I'm far from super woman lol. You are so sweet.

Ttc- yay, that's fantastic news! Don't worry about the date. Maybe you O'd really late.

I love that I've been so busy. All I've been doing is loosening up the dirt in our flower beds and planting flowers. I start really early in the morning, then go inside when it gets hot. The hard work is left to my poor dh. I feel bad that he goes to work and comes home to do the work that I can't, but he hasn't complained. He's tired from shoveling and cutting out shrubs, but this place needed some love.

I need to vent. Im sorry this will be long. This evening we went out with my MIL bc she wanted to take my dd birthday shopping. For some reason she thought we would be willing to go Christmas shopping too..uh no. Anyways, I went to go look at baby clothes and picked some out. She criticized everything bc not all of it was pink. She insisted we will need fleece pjs in size 6/9 mths which we are thinking she'll be in around March/April. I said that those will be way too hot. She said "well your house is freezing" (which it's not). I snapped and said "It's not a sauna like yours. She'll have to be there naked". There house is literally 80° all year. Already fed up, we went to dinner. At dinner she mentioned that she's taking the day off of work for the birth. I said "just so you know, dh will be the ONLY person in the room and I DO NOT want any visitors for the 1st hr or 2". I am starting to dread what is to come after having our baby. I feel like all hell is going to break loose bc I want to relax and enjoy our new baby and have skin to skin time. Plus, I want my dd to be the first person allowed in after. I don't think my mom or mil will respect my wishes, so I think I'm going to tell the nurses to keep them out. My dh doesn't seem to mind their eagerness to meet her, but he's not pushing out a baby and I'm standing my ground.
TTC- I'm certain you just have your dates wrong hun, you were never a charter anyway right!?? I honestly think if the baby was measuring behind there wouldn't have been a heart beat God forbid. Can't believe you kissed a girl!! :haha: I'm really so happy for you.

Smille- Grrrr please tell me you didn't go and buy fleece for spring weather! And I really really urge you to do what YOU want during the birth and after. I still regret what I let happen and it brings so much anger and sadness in me that I let them walk all over me like that. You won't be having a baby everyday and it's such an emotional and physical experience and you AND ONLY YOU should decide how you want it to go. Be rude once and then blame it on giving birth and being postpartum, heck tell them you've postpartum depression and they need to "tread lightly". I'm proud of you for speaking up though!
TTC- I'm certain you just have your dates wrong hun, you were never a charter anyway right!?? I honestly think if the baby was measuring behind there wouldn't have been a heart beat God forbid. Can't believe you kissed a girl!! :haha: I'm really so happy for you.

Smille- Grrrr please tell me you didn't go and buy fleece for spring weather! And I really really urge you to do what YOU want during the birth and after. I still regret what I let happen and it brings so much anger and sadness in me that I let them walk all over me like that. You won't be having a baby everyday and it's such an emotional and physical experience and you AND ONLY YOU should decide how you want it to go. Be rude once and then blame it on giving birth and being postpartum, heck tell them you've postpartum depression and they need to "tread lightly". I'm proud of you for speaking up though!

No I didn't buy fleece for the spring lol. I picked out a few long sleeve onsies for fall and 2 sleepers (1 for fall, 1 for winter). I'm over her and she knows it. She keeps trying to push me over the edge. She can buy fleece sleepers for spring, but they wont be worn. I'm definitely going to stand my ground on the day she's born.
Smille- Really even on cold nights she'll probably be inside and heater will be on. I'd rather not overheat the poor child! I only had one fleece pj (but Chicago winters were awful) and I only bought it because it had the cutest print.

Good! I also need to hint that no one is allowed except DS cause I want that time to be just for us and a special family bonding time. Last time I had to fight them to hold my own baby, this time I'll be like "Oh please go and help Benjmin with going to the bathroom, make sure you wipe his butt good" :p
Thank you ladies!!' I'm still over the moon. I was never charter not have I ever temped. I also have history of PCOS. This time was a complete surprise and I wasn't even tracking BD'ing so I have no idea lol.

Smile - that's so frustrating!!! I know I'll probably have to curb my future MIL too. Right now she's in FL so I don't have to worry too much. She'll be back up in September though.
I love her to pieces but, she can get under my skin.
Smile- my mom loves the name Hannah Grace. She wanted me to name a kid that lol. Good for you for standing up to your mother in law I so want to stand up to my mother in law but in general it would make things worse so I try to assert myself but it doesn't always work. Right now she's giving me hell cause she doesn't think my daughter needs to be tested for autism. I'm sorry but several doctors that my daughter sees in her cranio facial team thinks she is on the spectrum and I'm going to take the world of someone who went to MEDICAL school over someone who only graduated high school in Germany. Her counselor at school also thinks she is on the spectrum. My mother in law is like well I don't see anything wrong with her really.... Grrrr it's like I don't want her to be autistic but I know she is and all that is missing is the "official" diagnosis.

My AF is gone now thank God and I am hoping that this cycle is a "normal" one. Heck at this point I don't even know what normal would be haha.

Yall were really busy today ladies. Lots to read

Bee- I hope that you get in sooner with the new doctor or that IUI works this time and you don't even need it.

Squirell- I hope your Clomid being bumped back gives you an extra good egg and you get preggo for good this month!

TTC- congrats on the healthy heartbeat. Probably just off on the dates. If they aren't worried then you shouldn't be either.

Iris- bless your heart honey I will keep you in my prayers. Update when you can and take care of yourself and when you are ready you can try again.

I feel like there is more that I want to say but I can't remember it....
Bee I am doing well, some contractions late at night but bleeding has been very low at the moment. I am so happy you are going through with the IUI this month but how your office is doing is very strange- especially with the test results. I do hope you get through with the new one quickly. As always I am cheering for you, and really happy that you are back safely. We missed you :hugs:

TTC Congratulations hun! Fantastic heartbeat! I understand your reservations but certainly hope you are enjoying yourself tonight! Come on January :happydance:

Squirrel We decided to try a couple months with nothing but the Clomid. I am guessing since I did not test for O but between signs and doctors information I am guessing CD 14 with a strong positive by 11 or 12dpo. We also quit everything else from the extra vitamins to the soft cups. My doctor did advise only having sex every other day so 9,11,13,15 and 17 we covered lol- just to be thorough. I am sorry I don't have any real facts but that had been C13 and was really down that month.

Mommy I am doing well how are you tonight? Anything changed so far, or any new signs?

Trixie it is really nice to see you. I am glad your hubby is cleared but even more excited to see if AF stays away! Am praying hun!

Campn I am actually jealous of the crocs lol! Shy would be ecstatic! Her favorites are a tie between princesses and dinosaurs so crocs are right up her ally. Lovely picture!

Smille your in-laws are perfect. I am sorry she is like that but on a good note going back to kangaroo care they actually discourage visitors during and after, and as long as she scores well on her apgars they will not separate you two for an hour or two due to breast feeding. They can get as angry with this as they want but tell them to take it up with the hospital staff. Hope things get easier on you.

Iris I am so sorry this happened. I really can't say it enough. No matter how you decide to proceed we'll be here hun. I hope the antibiotics work and still praying for you
Campn- I'm not fond of fleece either. That stuff is extremely hot.

Texas- I'm glad af is gone! I agree, if the drs feel she is in that spectrum you should have her tested. If she doesn't have it, that's amazing news. If she does, you will be able to gain access to knowledge and information on how to handle it. Plus, there are special schools or classes that will cater to her education needs. Mils think they know best, but we ultimately know best bc we witness 1st hand what goes on. She needs to respect whatever you decide.

So dh knew I was upset about something and I told him his mom stresses me out and I'm afraid she won't respect my wishes. He said he will not allow her in the room and she will be understanding to keep her distance when needed.
squirrel thanks hun, it's been REALLY rough. and each day, it gets a little worse. and i think it can't possibly get any worse and it does. it hurts SO freaking bad. i hate complaining about it, but seriously if i don't i bottle it up and get super depressed. My poor mom gets the brunt cause she doesn't care so i just spill it to her almost daily i swear. I'm glad you mentioned about you and your brothers, makes me feel better. i have a brother and see him maybe once a year, not my fault, i've tried everything in my life to be close and he just won't have it. So i really hope this one will be close to dd.

Iris :cry: i'm so so so so sorry for your loss. I know no amount of words will heal your heart but know that we're all here for you and thinking of you.

TTC sounds like a lovely appt!!!!! glad dr is happy and baby is doing well!!! :flower:
My temp is on crack.... I swear... I sept good no interruptions etc so I have NO idea why it's so high.... Grrrr. But I still have time till im supposed to O so maybe it will level out.

Gotta get up so I can get ready to take my daughter to the doctor. It's supposed to rain in Texas like almost all day... Nothing like driving to the big city in rain and dealing with construction and traffic... Fun times
tex - this is like the first cycle my pre O temps AREN'T all over the place. so hopefully it jumps back down for you and you O right on time :)

iris - your post brought me to tears. I feel like I know exactly what you went through/are going through. my first ultrasound didn't provide any answers either, but I knew it was over. had to wait another week for my next one, but very similar situation :cry: and then all of the complications on top of things - ugh! camp said it best - when it rains, it really pours :cry::cry: so lovely to see you back around. we are all here for you no matter what stage of ttc you are in! <3

drum - keep us posted on that bleeding and those contractions! I'm always thinking of you and Freya <3

bla - I've been thinking about trr too! I want to know what she is having. My guess was boy!

I've got a few hours here at work before I leave for Canada for the long weekend, so i'll be MIA again. But I did want to say that I maybe jumped the gun a little yesterday. after researching as much as I could find, which wasn't much, I'm thinking that it really doesn't seem too big a deal for an irregularity to occur in the "lower uterus" which I saw described as aka the "upper cervix". He had mentioned something about that's where he thought the previous pregnancy must have been, but I ignored him because I was like whatever, it wasn't in my uterus at all. So I'm thinking that he is seeing the scar tissue left over from the pregnancy and that it might not be an issue yet since as far as we know, all catheters are making it through fine and the egg should implant much higher up? I obv still want a second opinion and am upset with him for not explaining more, but it does seem like maybe it's not a situation that needs to be investigated further right now. :shrug:

sending my love to all of you! have a great memorial day weekend, US friends!
lol bee. I was about to post when my email dinged. Yes, as expected, af showed this morning. I'm so glad DH and I are taking a more relaxed approach to ntnp, otherwise I would have been all over the tests I stowed away in storage under my dressing table lol.
I left Trr a visitor message. I hope she comes and let us know how she's doing.

Bee- I'm glad you've had time to kinda let things sink and took time to read up and understand what's going on. Do you have a wedding to go to in Canada?

I feel this pregnancy is going by terrifyingly fast, I remember with DS it seemed to go by so slow and that was good mentally for me, I feel like I'll blink then they'll hand me a baby and run.
it is going fast camp! I hope you are able to slow it down a little and enjoy it...although I'm super excited to "meet" Juliette! <3

no wedding in Canada...interestingly enough, DH's dad invited us to the family vacation. as some of you know, I really have hardly even met my DH's family since they disowned him for marrying me and not marrying the wife they had arranged for him. I can't even begin to describe the drama that followed that, but this is basically going to be a disaster weekend. I let DH decide and he said we can try it and do our own thing when it gets really nasty. so we are essentially "meeting" them up there and you can bet that I will be having many drinks for all of you preggos again!!! :haha:
Camp, your pregnancy is going super fast. I agree with Bee, I'm excited to "meet" the little princess

Bee - try and enjoy the trip? I remember you mentioning the issues you had with your in-laws. I hope you and DH have an amazing time with each other and I forgot to mention that I love your picture. Gorgeous!!!
Bee- I thought his family was still in India! I completely forgot that there's a very big Indian population in Canada too! I can't believe arranged marriage still happens to this day, I know back home in Egypt it still happens sometimes although it's so much better now. How did you meet your DH!? Enjoy maple candy for me! I love them!

TTC- It's so crazy isn't it!? Seriously 2016 has been flying by and it gets worse every year as we get older, time doesn't go by slow like it did as kids waiting for summer break.

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