46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

<3 camp a natural IUI just means an IUI like normal at the office but without the O stimulating meds or trigger shot. So I opted to do it since I'm not sure the meds were making things much different for me anyway - always one nice egg which I prob already have. and we didn't even do the trigger the first month so the way I look at it, it's kinda just like another IUI. but the docs look down on "natural" cycles so much - I hate it.
<3 camp a natural IUI just means an IUI like normal at the office but without the O stimulating meds or trigger shot. So I opted to do it since I'm not sure the meds were making things much different for me anyway - always one nice egg which I prob already have. and we didn't even do the trigger the first month so the way I look at it, it's kinda just like another IUI. but the docs look down on "natural" cycles so much - I hate it.

To hell what they think, they're not exactly gods after all and they can't predict the future. We know your eggs aren't the problem as you ovulate like clockwork. And if it works, it's something you can rub in their face later ;)
Bee- we probably would've went for a 2nd opinion if my dr at Magee would've pushed for IVF. I know dh's sperm count sucked, but they could've given him some options to improve his numbers or did 2 insems back to back. We didn't have $20,000+ to throw around at a 50/50 chance.. You're doing the right thing. I know Aug seems so far away, but they may have a cancellation. I'm not sure why they're mot supportive of a natural iui. You have no issue with ovulating. I could see if you were like me, with cycles all over the place.

Trix- I'm glad dh got the ok to return to work. It sounds like you've been very busy and forgotten about ttc. Fxd it just happens.
Aww bee that makes no sense at all. How is a irregularity not something to investigate further? How would an irregularity NOT cause problems? Of course, they are the experts but for crying out loud, it makes no sense.
Hopefully natural IUI will do the trick for you.. if not, I hope that the other place has an opening soon. I don't really like the sound of this office by what you tell us. Especially that he seems to dislike natural IUI? I think that in your case that is very doable, not too mention that I think any doctor should applaud someone willing to do it without a shitload of medication when that is a possibility. And given your Ovulation etc, that seems to be the case. Bwuh, doctors.

Anyone know how Trr is doing? Haven't heard from her in a long while
Bee - Ugh, no words! I agree with the other ladies, how is an irregularity NOT something to look into or investigate some more. Dr.'s can be so insensitive :hugs:

I think I feel a cold coming on, NOT happy about that :dohh: Any moms know of safe cold medicines I can take while prego? Or do I have to tough it out?
Bee - Ugh, no words! I agree with the other ladies, how is an irregularity NOT something to look into or investigate some more. Dr.'s can be so insensitive :hugs:

I think I feel a cold coming on, NOT happy about that :dohh: Any moms know of safe cold medicines I can take while prego? Or do I have to tough it out?

My dr gave me a list. Sudafed, tylenol cold or robitussin dm. No multi-symptom meds or sustained action. I'm terrified to take anything, so I tough it out.
TTC so sorry about your cold hun, I'm always weary of colds during pregnancy so if it gets worse please tell your doctor to prescribe something. As for remedies, chicken noodle soup, and perhaps hot lemonade with honey? I hope you kick this bug super fast.
Bla- I've no idea where Trr went, but I think she's probably just busy. I'm sure everything is okay.
I go to him in about an hour, actually an hour and 15 minutes but, who's counting lol

Thanks ladies <3
Hi Ladies!

Bee -sorry your Dr is unsupportive and well... a bit rubbish :( I really hope there is an opening at the other clinic before the end of August. But please don't give up... I know it's so easy to feel that way after so long of trying, especially as you conceived so easily with your first little bean. But I absolutely believe you will get there and I promise I am not just saying that. I felt like giving up all the time, but kept plugging away and I got there in the end. Keep the faith :hugs:

TTC - sorry you have a cold coming on... I think I do too, it's right at the back of my throat and I just feel a bit off :( Fingers crossed nothing develops further for either of us!

Trix - I so hope this is it for you! Two days late is promising! I had AF type cramps two days before my period was due and it turned out to be implantation cramping, so you never know!

Karma - I don't really know what to say or what advice to give... but fingers crossed you caught the eggy.

Sorry you're so exhausted smilie. Pregnancy and landscaping are both so tiring!

Pesk - can totally see where you are coming from in not testing until AF is late. I can only imagine the heartbreak your chemical caused and not wanting to go through that again :hugs:

squirrel - I really hope taking clomid late delays your ovulation slightly and ensures a better quality egg. I hope you manage to DTD before you ovulate!!

Tex - WTF is going on with your AF?! Sorry you're not feeling TTC at the moment. I totally get that :hugs:

AFM - I am feeling good. Think I have the beginnings of a cold as my throat feels funny, which is a classic 'cold is coming' sign for me. I hope not! I still have no real pregnancy symptoms apart from sore boobs.
Campn: I hope you are nowhere near those Nile crocs! I&#8217;m such a wimp with dangerous animals. Comes from growing up and living in Northern Europe I guess. I think our most dangerous animals are cows :haha: I think they cause the most deaths here (could be wrong). I get freaked out by creepy crawlies. I was in India once on a boat with my mum on these beautiful canals down in Kerela. We were enjoying a glass of wine out on the deck, when suddenly a spider as big as my hand scurried past my legs and disappeared inside where out bedroom was. I did not sleep a wink that night!! I would not cope well if there were crocs and alligators around!

Drum: I really hope I can follow your lead this cycle by replicating your days! Did you take the trigger shot as well or was it just clomid? What day did you ovulate? Sorry to bombard you with questions :flower: I&#8217;m just trying to get my head round this cycle and your experience will be very useful.

Peski: The thought of a relaxed cycle sounds great! If you&#8217;re able to put all those intense TTC habits aside and not think about them, it must make the whole thing so much easier to cope with. Hope you are in the TWW soon and we see you back again :hugs: Good luck catching that egg!

Bee: Wow! What a joke! How can they not be concerned about your irregular part of your uterus when you have A) had the cervical ectopic before (massively rare) and B) haven&#8217;t been able to conceive since?! I can&#8217;t believe that! I would be so outraged if I were you. I&#8217;m really sorry you have to wait till the 30th of August for an appointment at the other place. I hope they have a cancellation so you can get in sooner. Good for you insisting on a natural IUI. I guess they like to control ovulation with drugs so they can time the IUI right, but as was evidenced by your first cycle, that doesn&#8217;t always work out. I hope that in a few weeks time you won&#8217;t need to worry about the SIS findings and finding another clinic because you will be holding your BFP! Your new avatar picture is stunning. You&#8217;re one hell of a beautiful woman. They&#8217;re lovely pictures too! Your avatars always look like they&#8217;ve been taken from a magazine.

Texas: Sorry your period is hanging around. It&#8217;s so annoying when they drag on for days with spotting. It is frustrating having to wait till it&#8217;s totally finished to BD (my husband is a little like that), but you still have plenty of time before ovulation. I hope the spotting stops today for you.

Sweet: Those symptoms are sounding promising lady! And I am chuckling to myself at you testing at 5dpo. I am the exact same :friends: I hope that BFN turns into a BFP in a few days time for you.

Smille: Any pictures of the landscaping project? I take my hat off to you doing work like that while pregnant! You&#8217;re a super woman (in more ways than one as if I were you I would not want to be in the same room as that MIL of yours)! I bet it&#8217;ll feel great when it&#8217;s done and you can enjoy your garden for summer.

Mommy: Oh no. Sorry to hear you&#8217;re can&#8217;t get around much. It&#8217;s not much longer! Don&#8217;t worry about not being able to play properly with your daughter; you are giving her the best gift a kid can get: a sibling to play with! She will have plenty of time to play with you and the baby once he arrives and they&#8217;ll always have each other as playmates (my brothers and I were thick as thieves, I loved growing up with them).

BabyG2015: Fingers crossed for an amazing appointment for you. I love your countdown to the minute. You&#8217;re so sweet (and I would do the exact same!).

Karma: I&#8217;m sorry, I don&#8217;t think I can offer much advice on cervical position as I don&#8217;t check mine, but cm should be a pretty good indicator. Usually EWCM dries up straight away, so if it&#8217;s looking sticky and gluey then it&#8217;s likely you ovulated. Your timing doesn&#8217;t sound too bad. Sperm can live for up to 5 days in good cm. Welcome to the TWW. I hope you get to see a BFP in a few weeks.

Trixie: Exciting that you&#8217;re late for AF!! Two times in your fertile window sounds perfect! Ooh! I am really excited for you to test. When do you think you will? And great that your husband is able to go back to work.

Pompey: I hope you recover from your cold soon. First try is such a sucky time for colds and stuffed noses! I hope it doesn&#8217;t stay too long.

My first cycle willing ovulation to stay away :haha: what a joke! This TTC is so farcical. It would make a hilarious musical. I started my half-term holidays from work today. 12 days off (with part-time work - usually it&#8217;s a week). Yes!! Time to relax, spend some quality time with my kids and take them on adventures around London (and beyond!). I will really miss my husband when he&#8217;s away on tour (and annoyingly he&#8217;s taking the car), but it&#8217;s so nice to have the time off work. I wish he could find a way to plan his tours when I&#8217;m not on holiday. He&#8217;s been away every half term holiday I&#8217;ve had this academic year. I miss him when I&#8217;m off work all day. Would be much nicer if he were away while I was at work.
Pomp - fingers crossed! Mine is at the back of my throat and I feel heaviness in my chest ugh! And here I was thinking I could get some stuff done on my nice long weekend ahead! :dohh:

Squirell - I'm glad my countdown is entertaining at the least lol. I'm now getting really nervous in fear of something not being there.
That's a totally understandable fear, but by 9 weeks, the chances of miscarriage are already a lot lower and MMC are thankfully so so rare. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you'll have an amazing appointment, I'm sure you will! :hugs: Can't wait to see picture of your little gummy bear.
pomp & squirrel - I'm actually not going to test. I brought a cheapie with me to work after my lunch break thinking I'd cave and take it... but it's still in my pocket lol. If af stays away for another day or two, maybe I'll take one then. But I'm fully expecting her to arrive tonight or tomorrow morning.
Hello my beautiful ladies.

I wanted to stop by and say hello and thank you all so much for the well wishes. Its been... to be perfectly honest, a nightmare. But more on that in a bit. First let me say a proper hello! (grab a snack this is gonna be a mega post)

Tex - What an annoyance. Hope AF leaves soon and this cycle is better now you are off the B vitamins. Good luck!

Perk - hun, so sorry about the chemical. I know all too well the heartbreak. Good luck for the next cycle. FX

Smilie - I love that youre landscaping! I find gardening so rewarding. I spent some of my time recovering gardening and planting a few new things. It was a great distraction. Take it easy though please! :)

Pomp - Sorry to hear you might be coming down with a cold. Hopefully it doesnt turn into anything!

TTC - Welcome back and congrats. Your news give me hope for the future.

Squirrel - I wont lie, I was reading along your TWW and I kept thinking this was it for you. I'm so so sorry. But I love your outlook on Clomid and I'm hoping you O later as planned and this cycle isn't a bust.

Bee.. oh hun.. I'm so sorry your trip wasn't everything you hoped. Its the weird thing about TTC.. it follows you everywhere even when you want to leave it behind. I'm so sorry about your SIS results. I'm hoping a new clinic and a second opinion and maybe find you some answers and help. Sending you hugs as this seems to be the never ending wait for you.

Blab - so sorry about the job hun. I'm in a similar situation. My contract is up at the end of Nov and I was hoping to go right to mat leave. I hope something perfect comes along and hopefully SO has a better more supportive reaction when he gets home.

Welcome to the new ladies. Wonderful group you've found here.

And now... for me.
So, as you know I was hitting 10 weeks with our little bean and then... my body did something strange. I had almost like a cold/mega exhaustion for a weekend and Monday I woke up and felt... like a new woman. Or really, like i did before i was pregnant. Which was pretty great. I initally thought, oh yay all that rest did me good. And then I woke up Tuesday feeling the same and it hit me like a ton of bricks... something was wrong. I just knew. I told DH and he suggested we just go to to the ER and get them to check for sanity. So he came home and we drove to the emerg. They wheeled in the ultrasound machine and the doctor couldn't get a clear picture. So they sent me down the hall for a better look. I already knew though. I knew the moment he looked in the room and even though it wasnt very clear (he said the wand had been dropped so it was fuzzy and they were waiting on a replacement) I knew there was no heartbeat. But poor DH looked like he might fall to pieces so I just tried to stay positive and not freak out. Anyway, tech confirmed no heartbeat. But I did get to see our little bean... perfectly formed and just hanging there. Baby stopped growing at 9 week and 4 days they think.

I think I was in shock to be honest. We had just seen the heartbeat at 8W4D. I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was in a movie and it wasn't real life. This couldn't be my life. Someone was playing a cruel joke. They took blood and said things to me about it not being my fault. It happens. Here's the stats. We're gonna get you an emerg appointment to figure out next steps. We're sorry. I just sat there in shock.

Things moved really fast after that. I went home and cried. And cried and cried and cried. Wednesday I went back and they scheduled me for a D&C the next day. Thursday I had the surgery. Friday and Saturday I was recovering as expected. Sunday and Monday I went down hill. Tuesday I ended up back in emerg with more scans, more blood work and hooked up to IV's with antibiotics to fight what was a possible infection and inflammation from retained tissue. Which the scans showed to be on its way out. I've got to be on 2 strong antibiotics for the next week and a follow up in a week to make sure everything is out and all is well in there.

There are moments I feel like this will never end, and my life will never be the same.

I wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't get to respond to the kind messages. But truthfully I didn't know what to say and I know how hard TTC is and I didn't want to be a downer or dwell. But they meant a lot to me.

Now... someone hand me the award for the longest post ever, cause I'm pretty sure I won! :blush:
Squirrel- Ever since knowing your DH is a musician I imagine him being this mega handsome guy, no wonder you miss him so much! My DH also travels a lot for his work and it always frustrates me!

Oh and luckily alligators are a rare sighting here, when we see one people usually gather and take pictures! They're usually babies and usually they never go after anyone, they actually swim away fast if they sense someone is getting too close, but I wouldn't like leave a small dog without a leash right by them either. I'm so pro wild life, I just hate bugs :p I know some are beneficial to the universe, but why couldn't we have had fairies do that instead? :p

TTC- I can't wait for your scan, I know it'll go wonderful and I'll be stalking you until then! Oh and I'm not sure where my bestfriend lives! I know she also would like to move, but her situation is different she lives with her MIL with 2 kids so I think she's had enough and wants to be done with that. I can't blame her!

Iris- I'm terribly sorry, I'm sure you didn't see it coming at all being almost in the second trimester. When can you try again? I know some people wait but most I know like to try again right away as it helps them. What happened is certainly not your fault and it won't happen again I hope. I hope that infection clears up though, it's like seriously when it rains it pours huh?
Squirrel- Here's one I saw on my walk few days ago. A couple of old people spotted it and they were like omg can you see it!!


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Thanks Camp. We were actually going to announce to family in a week. So it made it even more surreal that it was happening.

We won't be trying for a few cycles. I need some time I think..plus I won't lie, I'm terrified to have to go through any of this again. The emotional pain is one I would not wish on anyone in this world.

Also I really want to see what my body does in terms of timing.

The good news is my betas had already dropped to 1000. They were over 77,000 just 6 days ago. So at least my body is heading in the right direction. Silver linings I guess...
Squirrel - Thanks lol I feel a little bit loony for it but oh well lol... I hope that you O a bit later this time so your hubby and you don't miss a chance to catch the eggie... Too bad he's away on Tour for your holiday schedule, that sucks.

Iris - I'm so sorry for what happened, it's understandable to be fearful. I had a late term miscarriage 4 years ago and I thought I was done with the baby thing, even now if I get pregnant I'm afraid it may happen again. As irrational as it sounds I'm going to be weary all the way through so your pain is very understandable. I'm sorry it happened.

Trixie - I hope this is it for you.

AFM: I went to the doc today and he ordered me some 3,8, and 21 day bloods and prescribed me Clomid for next cycle JIC, I'm kind of hoping I won't have to fill it though. Did you all know the manufacturer of clomid discontinued it and doesn't make it anymore? Found that out today when I was calling for prices. The doc also ordered a sperm analysis for DF you should have seen the look on his face when he was told he has to lol.

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