46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Sweet- I'm so sorry for your loss. I get how you can be pissed off with all those women having babies for money, the benefits here in Australia are insane for unemployed people to have babies still. Quite a few years ago now the government bought in a thing called the "baby bonus" they were giving anyone who had a baby regardless of their employment status or age, $7000 to have a kid, teen pregnancy skyrocketed!
Bee- I'm keeping everything crossed for you that this round of iui works.
Camp- how exciting that you get to see her move so much, I can't wait for that part!
Mommy- I can't believe you are still waiting, I'm confident that by the end of this weekend you will have a beautiful little babe in your arms.
For everyone else in the tww or coming up to it, I pray that this will be your cycle.
Afm- my nausea isn't to bad, it seems to have mostly disappeared for the time being, but it has been replaced with insomnia, gas and super sore nipples, to the point I had a bubble bath and even the bubbles hurt them!
Yeah ours are called family allowance and anyone who has a child regardless of income gets it, but what a shitty reason to have a kid :(

AFM: CD 3 here and I am quite tired from my overnights blah
Squirrel I hope everything went to plan today, really praying for a successful TWW!

Mommy FX everything is ramping up and your little man isn't making you wait too much longer!

Bla I am happy to hear your appointment went well. I am so sorry about the glass though! I hope you've been in touch with the company by now. That is scary!

Campn that is so great to hear Ms Juilette is getting stronger by the day! I hope she is letting you sleep!

Jali I can't believe you are a little over three left. Anything exciting starting?

I hope everyone is doing well. Will be on later but wanted a quick check in.
Sweet - I know exactly how you feel about the child benefit. There are times where I've thought to myself that my husband and I should get divorced and I'll be a single mom just so I can get buttloads of cash like the other single moms who just pop out babies willy nilly. Okay, rant over.

Mommy - Hopefully there will be a baby picture soon! Baby!

AFM, I'm officially in the TWW. 10 more days until AF shows or not. It's a bit nerve-wracking but I've finally got a handle on it and I'm easily shrugging off any possible symptom or I'd drive myself insane. Just have to wait and see. FX for everyone!
Ramzi theory says that most girls implant on the left, and most boys implant on the right. So you just look at where the placenta is (has to be done between 6-8 weeks) and you look for the placenta not the baby.

It didn't work with me since my placenta was right in the middle, but I knew it started implanting on the left since that's where I felt all the cramping!

I was lucky and had a scan done at 8 weeks with my first successful pregnancy and according to Ramzi theory, it was correct. I did find out that I was having a girl at my 20 week scan. I was glad too. I was so scared going into my 20 wk scan they were going to tell me it was a boy. I don't know why I was so hell bent on a girl, but that's what I wanted and I'm so relieved that I didn't have to deal with gender disappointment along with all of my pregnancy symptoms, lol. I had tons of heartburn while I was pregnant too, and actually learned that there is a teeny bit of truth to the whole "heartburn means the baby will have hair". I read an article saying that while heartburn itself doesn't mean that your child will definitely have hair, women who give birth to NB's that do have hair, do experience more heartburn than then the normal pregnant woman. Something about when the hair is growing it creates some kind of hormone that makes you create more stomach acid and more susceptible to having heartburn. I thought it was interesting that it wasn't entirely a "myth". LO had SO MUCH hair that in my later US's you could actually see it! just in a normal 2d ultrasound too! It looked so crazy, it stood straight up on her head and during the US you could watch it sway back and forth like seaweed in the ocean. LOL. :haha: She had a straight mohawk when she was born too, and it stayed that way for months! LMAO. Nothing I did would make it lay flat. lol. We used to Joke about her hair never laying down, and we would have a kid in school with hair that looked like she had stuck her finger in light socket sticking straight up on her head. :rofl:

I can't see who initially started talking about the gorilla incident, but, yes, I agree with you. It's ridiculous the way people are reacting to what happened. I even saw video's on youtube about people trying to spin that incident into a racial issue? WHAT? I don't get it. Accidents happen. What I don't understand is, why in the hell did the zoo have it even a possibility that a child or anyone could fall into the exhibit? That's what boggles my mind about it. But Anyways.....

I did introduce myself a while back, but I think my intro got lost in the mix with some other things that were going on then with some of the ladies that have been apart of this thread for much longer. So, I will introduce myself again ;) I'm 29. Engaged to my child's father. We had our first and only child Feb. 5th 2015, and she was a complete surprise. It took 12-13 yrs to ever get pregnant, well to ever have a viable pregnancy. I had one miscarriage at about 7weeks about a 1 yr previous to conceiving Emma. Majority of that time, we were not trying not preventing, but for about 2 1/2 yrs we actively tried with all the stops pulled out with no luck. We had given up on a baby and were planning a life with just us, when I just had a feeling I was pregnant. I had went 3 months without a period, but that was "normal" for me, so it wasn't a red flag, something was just different this time. when I finally got up the nerve to take the test, sure enough, I was pregnant! My cycles returned at about 1 yr PP, still BFing but not exclusively anymore, and I have "baby fever" now. We were not preventing in the beginning, but the last three cycles I have dove in head first into the TTCing and last cycle (3rd trying) ending in a CP. I am now on my 4th cycle this time using a CBFM, so I'm hoping that this does the trick. My cycles have been really normal since they returned, except the last one that was 49 days. I'm hoping they go back to being to being 30 days average, and keeping my fingers crossed that this is "the" cycle we do it. This thread has been going on for so long, that I only read a few pages back, congrats to all of you ladies who have finally got your BFP's! And double congrats to those of you who already know the gender! I remember reading somewhere about someone finally getting a BFP that they had been waiting for for a very long time and were hoping it was going to stick, I can't remember what your handle was, but you were like 15dpo with a nice progression from what I was reading, hope things continue to go in that direction for you and that bean stay's right where it's at for you ;) You will be in my prayers. Excited, to be here, and hoping that this thread will as lucky for me as it has been for a lot you other ladies! :flower:
Drum:Your scan is today right? Good luck, have fun and can't wait to hear about your little Freya!

Sweet: I'm sorry that is so ridiculous that people get away with that. Here in the Netherlands EVERYBODY with kids gets like 200 euros per 3 months, so I don't think it happens here.. not that much money.
Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. It truly is unfair, like it is for so many ladies on this site. LTTC can be a serious heartache. But you'll have your rainbow, I'm sure of it :hugs:

I hope everybody else is doing well!
Smille: Happy (belated) birthday to your sweet daughter! I hope you guys had the most amazing day. My eldest is only 4, but I get the whole ‘time flying’ thing absolutely. I couldn’t believe we were celebrating his fourth birthday and that this September he’ll be starting school (!!!!!!). I juts can’t get my head round it. Where did my pudgy-faced little baby boy go? It’s amazing when they become more personable, engaging and independent as they grow older, but it is hard to see your baby growing up. :hugs:

Sweet: I’m sorry you’re feeling so down. You’re right: it’s totally unfair that people who are having babies not because they desperately want a child, but so they can have an easy ride, is awful and it really shines a light on the unfairness of LTTTC. Thankfully, those sorts of people are few are far between. I really hope that this is your cycle Sweet and you get to keep your rainbow sticky baby the next time you get a BFP! :hugs:

Peski: Your symptoms are sounding fab! When are you going to test? I’m really looking forward to seeing two lines pop up! I think cm can vary so much before a BFP. I didn’t have any before Isla’s BFP, but before Oscar’s it was creamy. I don’t think it’s a very reliable measure of predicting a BFP unfortunately.

Bla: Woah! Glass? Glad you didn’t cut your mouth, or worse, swallow it and cut your intestinal tract. How awful! I hope you’ve complained to the company. Glad that your appointment went well and that the midwife doesn’t think your cervix is open. I bet that’s weight off your mind! Now, on to relax the best couple of months of your pregnancy before your bump stops you from going sideways through small gaps :haha: (I always forgot that I couldn’t squeeze through gaps sideways when I had my big bumps, I got stuck between two cars once!).

Texas: Looks like you’re in the TWW (or do you not believe FF still?). If so, then good luck! I hope you caught that egg and are on your way to a BFP!

TTCBabyG: Sorry you’ve been so ill! I hope it doesn’t last long for you and you can start to feel normal again.

Camp: You are an amazing cheerleader for us! I can’t imagine this thread without you :hugs:

Drum: How are you doing? Has your spotting stopped yet? When’s your next scan to check placenta position?

Amer: Welcome back. I hope you get your BFP soon.

AFM: CD16 and I think ovulation is happening today. TMI: I have this pressure in my rectum that I tend to get around ovulation (part of the reason I used to think I had endometriosis - I get it during AF too) and I feel heavy and full in my lower abdomen. It was so wonderful to see my husband again last night. I always find him irresistibly attractive when he gets back from being away :blush: We are going to bd today and tomorrow as well, which should give us an okay chance this cycle. I am so happy with my body for actually waiting to ovulate the day after he came home. It seems to be working with me for once :haha:

My oldest friend from school just had her baby yesterday and sent a picture over this morning. Broody? Me? Never!
nope still incubating over here. :growlmad: looks like my dr was full of poop.
Sweet- I am so sorry for what you are going through. I know it was really hard for me when we were actually trying to see negatives every month. Then I finally saw two lines and ended up losing the baby at around 7 weeks. It totally sucks. Just know that you are in my prayers. I had COMPLETELY given up on a baby, honestly, bc I had said that before, but didn't really mean it, and at that point in my life I really had just accepted that it would never happen and was planning a life with just me and SO, then BAM I was pregnant. So it can happen, even after yrs of struggling. My LO is living proof. I know that probably doesn't make you feel any better right now, and there is nothing that I can say to help heal your heart, I just wanted you to know that I know what you are going through and that you are in my heart and prayers.

Squirrel- thanks for the "re" welcome ;)

Is anyone currently using a CBFM? Old style or Advanced? I have the old one, that I got in time to use this cycle so I'm excited about that, but I also just got a steal on one of the touch screens, and it should be here Wendsday morning. I know that CB officially says not to use the old sticks with the advanced monitor, but I was curious if anyone had actually tried to? I have like 180 old style sticks and would hate for them to just be a waste, bc I really like the features available on the advanced monitor that are not on the old one. Also looking for a CBFM cycle buddy....I'm cycle day 8 today, and this will be the third stick it has asked for once I power it up today. Anyone else using one and close to where I'm at in my cycle? I need a cycle buddy :(
Squirell- im not really buying it that I ovulated but since my cm is either nonexistent or creamy and not getting anywhere near stretchy and my temps have been in the post O range since then I guess I'm going to go with it. Thank god we got in a bit of BD before the crosshairs came up but I honestly don't feel much hope for this cycle or any future cycles we may have. Just feel like obviously my daughter was a miracle and I am never going to get to experience it again.

Glad your husband got home safe and sound and before O as well! Good luck and I hope this time you catch an egg and it sticks!

Amber- welcome. I have no ideas about using old sticks in the new monitor. I used to use my old one but when I ran out of sticks I didn't buy anymore cause I was being a cheap ass and at the time my cycles were a bit more predictable. Now they are not as predictable but I'm fed up and honestly don't want to bother with them. Im just frustrated with this whole process and feel like giving up
texas - I am so with you on that feeling. I just feel like it's so futile at this point. Although I would really start pushing your doc now. you've had enough odd cycles that some simple tests might be performed. this month has kind of been a "give up" month for me too. I'm going through the motions (opks, temping, bding) but thinking it's all pointless really. sending you hugs and understanding :hugs:

squirrel - so pumped for you! wrote in your journal :)

amber - welcome back. I'm sorry I don't anything about CBFM. but it sounds like with you tracking things, that it won't take as long as the first time! :hugs:

drum - let us know how your appt goes!

pes - yay for TWW. sending you lots of baby dust!!!

how is everyone else??

I'm back from my trip and fully exhausted. I didn't manage to escape the world of babies and fertility afterall. I wrote about it in my journal. I was tormented by a heartless pregnant sister in law, but managed to tune her out and have a great weekend with my friends. feeling beyond tired and gearing up for one more weekend away and then a break from travel ! :sleep:
Pes I hope your two week wait is successful :hugs: Will be praying for a beautiful rainbow BFP.

Bla I hope your little man is treating you well, and the kicks are stating to pick up and getting stronger. I hope you are feeling better still. Lots of :hugs:

Squirrel I am so happy to hear it worked! :happydance: Your timing is sounding awesome as well and with a slightly later ovulation the egg/eggs should be amazing! As for brooding I hope you'll be returning the favor soon

Mommy the mischievousness has already stated :haha: I do hope you start soon and your wait is made up with a nice speedy delivery

Bee I am sorry about the SIL, I really hope she was not too horrible (will read your journal shortly.) I am so glad you had a good weekend and a well deserved rest is on its way.

My appointment is in an hour so getting really anxious. Will be checking on the previa, blood tests, blood clots along with her anatomy scan so really hoping this one goes well! If not ready to hear what plan will be in place. Really.... Really hoping to get off this bed, I don't know if I popped or it is me being lazy but my bump is getting huge :haha: No bleeding right now so FX something is going well!

Hope all of you ladies are doing well today.
He ran a bunch of labs in December and they all Came back normal. He won't do anything else until it's been a year. He's utra conservative. But I really like him so im not going to switch docs or anything. Im So busy right now with the remodel and stuff that I really don't have time. It's only a few more cycles until it's been a year so I'm just going to wait till then. We have honestly Been talking about stopping trying and just be happy with one kid. It breaks my heart but maybe it just isn't meant to be. My daughter has some medical needs anyway with an autism diagnosis looming and then all the appointments we go to every year for her craniosynostosis follow ups. so it's probably selfish of me to even want another baby.
Amber- Welcome here hun! You seem so fun and chatty! I def also heard that heartburn means lots of hair, even back in my home country so must be a real thing! I'm hoping my baby gets at least a bit that doesn't end up falling!

I've only used the old CB cause I think it comes with more sticks and a poas like me can appreciate that! I think you can try it cause obviously when you eject the stick you'll still see your lines! The result on the screen may be a little off though? Good luck hun! I hope you get your BFP pretty soon!

Drum- Oh yes today is your anatomy scan!! I'm sending you so so many prayers, thoughts and positive vibes. Scans and tests are always scary so you're so normal to feel scared esp cause of your spotting before. I hope you hear news so good and comforting!

Squirrel- I'll go and read your journal but I'm so sorry. Can't even imagine trying to run away from it all to just have it follow you! Remember she's on her own journey and so you are too so as hard as it is, don't compare her to you (I'm sure you'd win every time) :hugs:
Squirrel- I'm certain you like jumped him at the door :D I'm so glad happy things are happening! He seems to be doing so much better now so I'm glad you got the man you first fell in love with is back again :)

So over a year ago one of my neighbors couldn't feel her daughter moving at 37 weeks and went to the hospital and there was no heartbeat and had to give birth to a stillborn. I can't even imagine something more awful and horrendous than this. Just going back home to a house full of baby stuff and your body thinking you just gave birth. Anyways, just few days ago she had her rainbow baby girl! The doctor insisted on delivering her a bit early so they'd avoid losing her too and she's so gorgeous and 8 lbs already! I'm so happy for her!!
Morning ladies!!! Thank you for the well wishes, finally starting to feel better!

Squirrel - so glad DH is home and O was able to wait. I feel horrible that recently I've had no desire for anything sexual with FH and all he does is annoy me, not on purpose obviously. Silly hormones!

Amber - Welcome to the board! You'll love it here, these ladies are amazing.

Bee - Glad you had an amazing time!!! Where are you off to next???

Mommy - tell that boy he has a lot of anxious ladies waiting to meet him!!! This week maybe?

Camp - that's so amazing for your neighbor!!!! I cried when I read the first part, that had to my one of the most painful things for her and her partner. So glad she had her rainbow baby <3

AFM: I go for my pre-natal blood work tomorrow. One week from today I have my 2nd appt. with my Dr. and hopefully I'll get another scan since FH will be able to make this appt. Hoping for a super strong HB again!!!!
Thanks ladies I feel a lot better today than I did the last few, I'm feeling more positive after talking to a friend that clomid may probably help. I start that first cycle on it tomorrow. So from 5-9 I'll be on clomid and surprisingly I'm ok with it
tex - please don't feel selfish for wanting another child. :hugs: but if you're feeling more "at peace" with it, that should buy you some time for the next few months before you reach the year mark and then you can decide what to do then. :hugs:

ttcbaby - I'll be heading to Philly for a friend's surprise 30th bday party !

sweetmama - yay for clomid! good luck love :)
HI :blush: May I join this thread? I've been wanting to since it seems so lucky, but I haven't had the courage until now!

Waiting to O, second month ttc, drinking fertilitea this cycle, doing fertility yoga, and will be using OPK's starting June 13th. Scheduled to O on the 17th. Hoping all is well and goes smooth. Much less stress this cycle because last cycle I O'd two days before my wedding.

FX and can't wait to get to know you ladies!

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