46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Mommy- Nooo I was sure you'd go into labor this past weekend! I'm sorry hun! I find the last weeks the worst I couldn't deal with all my emotions poor DH got an earful everyday lol. Are you bouncing on a birthing ball?? Get that baby down and out! World is waiting for you kid!

TTC- Oh yes completely normal to test for STDs! Mine was like hey we aren't saying you do drugs but it's routine. good thing they're checking your thyroid, I'm also on medication for them since 9 DPO with my first positive, and Doctor said he'll leave me on them until after birth.

The good thing my tour guide said is once baby is out only the mom gets to hold him for the first 2 hours or so. They said they don't even weight the baby or give it a bath until later. I'm so glad cause with Ben they let me hold him for two seconds then took him away for like an hour! I was so so mad.
Camp - Oh ok! I happen to notice that HIV and a couple of other STD's were checked off on the script lol. I've had issues with my thyroid for a while. I kind of let it go the past year or so and just recently I was put back on the meds for it. It's one of the reasons I thought my period was MIA lol. I was also put on a cholesterol med but, I had to stop taking it once I found out I was pregnant. My OB isn't worried about that so much right now. When my cousin had her baby, they told my cousin that she would be able to hold her right away and they didn't even want her to BF for at least 2 hours. Some of the hospitals here in NY allow mom and dad to hold the baby after he or she is born but, when visitors hours come along, the baby goes in the nursery. Some hospitals allow the baby to be in the room during visiting hours. Not sure what my hospital does yet, I guess I'll have to ask.

Mommy - I agree with Camp! Tell that boy he has a lot of people waiting for him out here in the world lol.
TTC- I definitely wouldn't want them taking the baby to the nursery unless that's what I want. I'd seriously put a huge fight lol. They say the first hour is the most important for bonding so they usually strip down the chest part of your gown and leave the baby with only a diaper on and insert the baby into your gown and you can breastfeed right way.

The tour guide said even dads can do skin to skin and how she told that to another big group and one mom turned to her husband and said "You will shave your chest!!!"
thanks mommy! we are all waiting on our official first little one!!

teeny - hope you're doing well and ready to give us our second little one :winkwink:

also been thinking about wannabe who might be going soon with her twins! haven't heard from her in ages....

mommy, I'm going to Philly this weekend for a friend's surprise 30th bday.
ttcbaby - We have actually been discussing a trip to NYC. with all this other travel, who knows when it will even happen. we almost went this winter but couldn't agree - he wants to drive and I want to fly and neither of us would budge :haha:
Oh Happy - Nice to see you in this thread as well!

Drum- Nice to see nothing is wrong with Freya and you are off bed rest.

Camp - Exciting that you did a hospital tour and good that you registered and you like it so much

TTC - I also had blood work today, I hate blood work so much, he's doing fertility workups.

Afm : First day of clomid here and I don't know how I'm gonna feel on it but just going with the flow. My temps are up and down so far already but I dunno if that's from lack of sleeping right or what.
Sweety- This is your first medicated cycle? I really think clomid will work! Especially since you've had a chemical maybe you just need a little push for a more mature eggy! Good luck hun!
Camp - I agree! I think it's my choice of whether or not I want my baby with me or not. I really hope my hospital allows for baby to stay with me the whole time.

Bee - If you ever come! Let me know!!! We'll do lunch :)

Sweet - hope your blood work goes well and i'll keep FX that clomid is exactly what you need.
Camp - I just realized that not only were we cycle buddies and not sym buddies BUT, our weeks fall on the same day. Today I'm 8 weeks and you're 25. Yay!!
Camp - I just realized that not only were we cycle buddies and not sym buddies BUT, our weeks fall on the same day. Today I'm 8 weeks and you're 25. Yay!!

That's awesome!!! Yay! I knew we belong together somehow! Tuesday is the weirdest day to turn over on too! :D
Sweety- This is your first medicated cycle? I really think clomid will work! Especially since you've had a chemical maybe you just need a little push for a more mature eggy! Good luck hun!

Thanks and yes this is my first technically medicated cycle I'd tried Soy, Vitex and Maca before but I didn't ever get pregnant on them. Actually my chemical was on a Soy cycle so maybe the Clomid will give me that push I need?
Sweety- This is your first medicated cycle? I really think clomid will work! Especially since you've had a chemical maybe you just need a little push for a more mature eggy! Good luck hun!

Thanks and yes this is my first technically medicated cycle I'd tried Soy, Vitex and Maca before but I didn't ever get pregnant on them. Actually my chemical was on a Soy cycle so maybe the Clomid will give me that push I need?

I got pregnant the cycle I tried soy so I'm very hopeful that clomid will work for you! Anyone can have a chemical so I don't think you have any problem there mama, just need a mega egg! :)
So, I actually threw up tonight. That was NOT fun! My MS has only consisted of the constant feeling of having to throw up. I guess I may have to go get my lapband emptied, ugh!

Sorry had to vent <3
Aww I'm sorry TTC, I hope that the MS will be mild for you and you don't start throwing up constantly. But hey, it's a great sign that things are progressing as they should :hugs:
I love your geeky banner btw, so cool!

Campn: Glad your hospital tour was nice! We have one on the 18th and I'm so excited. The hospital is very old and looks horrible on the inside (seriously the rooms look like they haven't been updated since the 50s) but in the folders I read they at least preach that you get to hold the baby for at least an hour after birth (if you can, if baby is fine etc) for bonding etc before they weigh/measure him. I really like that! Plus, they said that they wait to cut the cord until all the blood has flowed out, which I really wanted, so that's lovely too!

Do you have to stay in hospital if baby is born healthy and fine (and full-term of course)? If I give birth between 37-40 weeks and baby is given the OK we HAVE to leave within two hours after giving birth :haha:
They kick you out! So strange because in Belgium you HAVE to stay in hospital for three days regardless. Such a big difference!

Afm: Sorry if I'm quiet ladies, my master's thesis was going well and I was really getting somewhere and all of a sudden my thesis counselor decided that HER OWN IDEA for my thesis (finding a norm for the portrayal of serial killers in United States popular culture) is a bad idea simply based on the word 'norm'. She wants me to change my entire thesis now because of the word/concept that she came up with.. is suddenly not good enough anymore. Because now, she wants me to use the word 'characteristics' or 'stereotype'. Like what? Why? how? I only got three more weeks and 19000 more words to write, B**** I ain't got no time for that. :cry:
So I'm stressed and busy and a little overwhelmed! I do read everything and am always thinking of all of you lovely ladies, I'll be more active when I'm finally done with this crap :hugs:
Ttcbaby-dd actually said yesterday 'COME ON BABY I WANT MY BROTHER NOW!" so pretty sure she's anxious lol. he's just taking his dear sweet time. The bh have started up again though so hoping this time it means something. the tests for HIV are usually required by law. ANd the cystic fibrosis is something they only have to test for once in your life but i got asked if i wanted it. I said ok. but you'll never have to have that done again. I'm SHOCKED your hospital doesn't let baby stay in your room!!!! When i had dd in another state they never took her out until the middle of the night but only for two hours because i couldn't sleep. Brought her back for the feed and she stayed with me the rest of the time. This hosp never takes baby out of sight, dad follows during anything done outside the room and baby stays in your room with you at all times. AND no visitors are allowed for the first 2 horus because they want you to do the kangaroo hold.

Campn- i know right? and my next appt is friday so we'll see. My emotions i'm TRYING to keep in check and just kinda take it day by day. but i'm getting depressed to be honest, because it hurts SO bad this time. i can barely walk by the end of the day. i've been on the birthing ball but it's not doing a damn thing!!!! So what happens to baby after the 2 hours? what?

blabla- here in the states the standard is 2 days for vaginal birth and 3-4 for c-section. However after i had dd naturally they let me go home after one night which was realy nice! but i didn't have any medication whatsoever.

nothing really to report. will be doing my bump photo this am and just waiting on baby. been having bh again, not close enough to mean anything but at least something is going on again i guess. although now i'm afraid it'll be false again next time i go in. :( i'm so ready for this little guy to be here.
Bla - thank you so much! I hope it's mild as well. I had the weight loss surgery 5 years ago so, I know if it continues I'll have to go in to my surgeon and have the liquid removed. They do this so that if you do vomit, the band has less of a chance to flip. Like mommy said, here they require you stay a night or two for vaginal and 3-4 for c-section. I think it's pretty awesome that if everything goes smoothly you can be home that day. Btw I've seen articles about letting the blood flow out of the cord before it's cut, I think I may be doing that. I love that my banner is different and the geek in me gets excited to see what each week holds lol. Sorry your professor is being a PITA. Hopefully you get the thesis done quickly. Good luck <3

Mommy - Awwww!!! She sounds like she's really excited! Send that boy his eviction notice lol. I hope my hospital doesn't make me send baby away when we have visitors. I just remember it happening about 8 years ago when one of my friends had her first son. When my cousin had her baby in February, we got to hold her and see her in the room during visiting hours so, who knows. It will be something I will inquire about during the tour.
Sweet - It's often noted that after a CP, a healthy pregnancy will follow. It doesn't always happen but I'm cautiously hopeful that it will work out in my case and also in yours. I've found I'm not as excited or wanting to test early this time around. Either way, I'm rooting for the big fat egg that's coming your way!

Bla - What a b**ch! Maybe you should suggest that she write it instead since she wants it changed basically last minute. And after all that hard work, too. Grrrrrrrrr!

Ttc - At least the MS shows that things are progressing, no matter how inconsiderate it is and let's be thankful it's not MS AND heartburn at the same time.

Mommy - Could you just poke your bump to get baby's attention and talk to him in a stern voice? Just have a discussion with the little man and explain that there are people on this board and also family members who would like him to arrive. Promptly. There is no excuse for tardiness (I love that word: tardy).

Afm, there are very slight changes that I've noticed. The ta-ta's (I'm being politically correct here, lol) are a bit sore but VERY squishy, more than usual, I have been experiencing light cramping which is very unusual this early before AF and my CM has changed from the nearly non-existent to the creamy to the now it-looks-like-snot consistency. Never mind the fact that it "feels" different down there. Oh yeah, and I'm constipated. That never happens. Oh so much fun.

Just a few more days until I test and I'm keeping my FX for everyone.
I feel like us preggos took over the thread! Should we start one for us!?Love you all ladies. <3

Bla- Yeah the norm for vaginal birth is 24-48 hrs, while c-section usually more. I didn't mind the hospital as once you go home you feel this loss of control and back to "real life" and visitors all want to come over at once. The hospital you can at least tell the nurse to come and kick them out after a little bit lol.

Your counselor sounds awful, that's a cruel thing to ask you to do with no time at all. Do you have to listen to her? I'm so sorry bla.

Mommy- He must be so comfy in there and you've made him this wonderful home that he loves. Heck I wouldn't want to leave this warm quiet spa to go into the bright loud world!

TTC- I'm so sorry hun. Throwing up for me feels like death. You usually feel better afterwards but it just leaves me so shaky and weak. It won't last mama I promise!

Peski- I wouldn't be shocked if you get a BFP in a few days! I got very crampy before my BFP and also had that creamy discharge, I had no idea I was pregnant though the idea seemed so far fetched to me! I'm so excited for you and crossing everything that this is your bfp!
Peski: Sounds like great signs, can't wait to see your tests! As you said, I got pregnant the cycle after my CP :) And currently, bean is nicely cooking away!

Mommy: I'm sorry that he doesn't seem to want to come out yet! I love that your dd is getting so anxious to meet him, that's too cute. I hope it will be soon!

I believe here for c-sections it depends on how it went but usually you'll stay overnight and then go home. I think.
Should be noted however that we get someone to help out at home for 4+ days: they help with latching, they temp you and the baby, make sure that mum and baby are doing fine and if you get a good one they will also do your laundry. They stay for like 4 hours a day I believe and you have to pay them 4 bucks per hour (insurance pays the rest).
I also like that if I have a natural birth I will be able to go home with the baby immediately! Since I want to do unmedicated birth (if I succeed), I won't feel woozy or sick anyway. :)

Campn: Yeah I have to listen to her because she marks the thesis. She decides whether I pass or not, aka whether I graduate or not. So sadly, I have to listen and I'll just grind through it 24/7 for the next couple of weeks..
And no, I don't mind the hospital at all either! Home births here in the Netherlands have one of the highest death rates (mum and baby) in Europe! Plus, 50% that attempt it still have to go to hospital mid-birth. So hospital it is!

I was also thinking that maybe we are flooding this TTC thread too much with our pregnancies.. anybody have any ideas? Wouldn't want to leave you ladies, but don't want to push my pregnancy in your face either of course..
Personally, I don't mind all the preggo talk. It is fascinating and a way for me to obsess a little more. Plus it gives me something to read while I wait to O. Haha
I don't want you ladies to leave either :hugs:

I've been a bit quiet lately as I've been busy with work and Nick being home. Don't mean to stay away and it's certainly not because you guys are talking about your pregnancies. Don't go :) :flower:

Just on the bus on the way home, will update properly later after kids are in bed. I don't think I did ovulate the day before yesterday after all, temp down again today and EWCM still present. I'm also cramping a bit today like ovulation might be happening. I don't mind to be honest, more chance of success. We'll just keep bding and see what happens.

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