46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Mommy Absolutely beautiful picture! I hope this is it hun! Come on little guy!

BlaI am really glad they are taking you seriously and seeing you. Please keep us updated! Will be wishing you the best.

Bee :hugs: I really hope he pulls through or your new clinic brings you in quickly. Doctors really should start trusting their patients more. I really hope you won't need them for long but I understand when your instincts say something is wrong. I hope they figure it out. Wishing you lots of love.

Gina I hope he gets better soon! I am so sorry about this cycle! Wishing you both the best

MrsW congratulations! Absolutely amazing numbers hun!

Trixie you know we are more than excited to have you back full-time whenever you both are ready. FX it is soon or that your patience gives you an amazing BFP this cycle

TeX FX FF fixes it and your temps settle more. Sending lots of baby dust and strong O Vibes your way. Hope you are doing well and get to enjoy your vacation and remodel
Bee- I'm so sorry you didn't O today. :hugs: I think moving to a new clinic is a great idea if this cyclr doesn't pan out. I don't think your dr is doing enough. I loved my dr bc of his knowledge and step by step approach. Yes, the cpn was cold but I knew when she showed me dh's numbers there was little chance bc it's rare to conceive with a 2 mil count. I knew I was in good hands and you should feel that same comfort when walking into the office. You need answers.
Bee- This sucks honestly, every cycle you ovulate exactly the same time and early so why this now!? Universe playing some cruel joke? I'm still hopeful that some sperm are hanging on though, they seem like a lot of healthy ones in there so if you ovulate like now you could still get pregnant. I think you should talk to your doctor again and explain to him that if this isn't working then maybe more tests should be done.
If it's an unmedicated IUI it really shouldn't count as much as the first two?
I'm sorry bee. <3 I'm sure you're burnt out.

Bla- Glad the nurse listened to you! It sounds like you'll be fine, esp if your cervix is very long then def it's all nice and healthy :)

Gina- Ouch! I hope he's okay! Did he go to the ER!? I'm so scared of head injuries!

Mommy- I'm a believer in the longer they stay inside, the better for them so that's how I kept reminding myself and how I stayed somewhat sane during my last 3 weeks (I still cried daily). Are you sure those are even BHs?? Maybe you should just call them what they are :D I think you're slowly going into labor!!! When I would go to get checked at like 38 weeks I'd tell the doctor oh just BHs, and she said you're 2 cms dialted and 70% effaced! They ain't BHS!
Campn yes we went to the ER. Thankfully ER visits are 100% covered by our insurance (the main reason we went with the plan we did). If they weren't we probably wouldn't have gone. They gave him a cat scan and nothing is broken or anything. Just a lot of muscle pain. I hate when he crashes but it seems to happen every month or so. Gotta pay to play as he says. He still finished his moto and actually passed a few guys after being stuck in a puddle for a whole lap. He's really not the brightest bulb but it's his passion. :haha:
morning ladies! congrats on the bfp sweetmama!!!! <3

Bla- i know i lost plug at 29 weeks this time. But then nothing again until this last week, and now i'm losing bits. I lost a lot of bits over the course of the last trimester with dd, but it's not the same this time as it's only starting and so tiny.

I've been having bh contractions since yesterday around noon. Nothing close enough to go in, mw wants to see me if anything under 10 minutes consistently. they've been around 14. i had one hour where they were getting really close so i was getting excited then went back spaced out again.

I started timing again first thing this am (i was able to feel a few at night too so haven't stopped since noon either) and i've had three already, again, not close enough. but i have an appt at 820 so we'll see.

And including yesterdays (and hopefully my last) bump photo from this pregnancy. at 37+4


Thank you and what a nice bump you have there. I agree with campn those sound like early labour not BHs lol... Hopefully this is it for you and you have a baby in your arms here soon.

Hi ladies, just a quick check in for now,I got my hcg levels back, I'm 4weeks 5 days and they came in at 385. So happy right now
Oh those are wonderful numbers. Now if only I could get my GPs receptionist to stop being such a dbag and actually give him my messages correctly instead of making it seem like my requests are just asinine I'd be not playing the waiting or guessing game. I asked her to ask him in a message if he could please just order beta testing to see where my numbers off and she basically blasted me and said I had to make an appointment. Uhm NO I don't have to he's given me req's for blood work before I'd like to know my numbers are rising so he can put me on progesterone. But nope now I have to wait till he's off holidays.

Campn yes we went to the ER. Thankfully ER visits are 100% covered by our insurance (the main reason we went with the plan we did). If they weren't we probably wouldn't have gone. They gave him a cat scan and nothing is broken or anything. Just a lot of muscle pain. I hate when he crashes but it seems to happen every month or so. Gotta pay to play as he says. He still finished his moto and actually passed a few guys after being stuck in a puddle for a whole lap. He's really not the brightest bulb but it's his passion. :haha:

Ugh that sounds so scary, glad he's ok though.
Oh yes it's definitely the start but they still call them bh. I wouldn't mind him staying in if I could physically do anything but with the SPD I can't walk and the pain I'm in constantly really sucks! This is so different from the last.

Dr appt said 50% effaced (apparently that doesn't matter as much in second pregnancies) and 3cm. I almost fell down, shocked to hear 3cm! She doesn't think I'll last the weekend. Been timing these suckers and nozlear pattern but she said if anything ten and under for an hour I need to get in cause she thinks I'm gonna go fast! So baby watch officially!
O wow, three centimeters! Those 'bh' are doing their work then!
I'm so excited, good luck and we hope to hear about your fabulous little boy soon!
Mommy- If they're dilating and effacing you they're def the real deal! I think you'll go into labor this weekend! I'm squealing for you and getting butterflies! Do your feet turn into jelly thinking about it!? :winkwink:

Where is Teeny? I thought she's also due in June?
I'm due the same day As Mommy Campn!
Nothing going on here. No pains, no niggles. Nada. I'm it for the long haul. Xx
I'm here, still reading every post and willing our long term ladies their BFP.
I'm real tired this week as its half term with the kids and I'm shattered by lunchtime!
I promise to be a better thread mate next week.

I will be stalking here until each and every lady has their beautiful BFP. Xx
We'll be on baby watch for you ladies :) I think those are our first babies!
Bee: I&#8217;m really sorry that you didn&#8217;t ovulate and that now the IUI won&#8217;t be as effective (or at all effective). I can&#8217;t believe that your doctor isn&#8217;t worried and is being so patronising. Also, how bad that he can&#8217;t even remember (or check in your file) how many IUIs you&#8217;ve had? Surely someone who can&#8217;t remember what treatments you&#8217;ve had isn&#8217;t in the best place to judge whether he thinks you&#8217;ll be okay or not. I can get why you&#8217;re angry. Rage away! Let it out! I really hope they have a cancellation at this new place soon.

Mommy: Ooh!! Exciting!! I really hope that your little boy doesn&#8217;t keep you hanging around much longer. Beautiful bump shot by the way, you are carrying it so well!

MrsW: Congrats on the great levels! That is an awesome number for this early.

Gina: So sorry to hear about your husband&#8217;s accident and I&#8217;m glad he&#8217;s okay! What a relief! But how annoying that this happened during your fertile period! I&#8217;m really sorry this month won&#8217;t work out for you.

Teeny: So excited for you too! So close now! Are you ready for baby? (Well, as ready as you can be :haha:) I was just thinking the same as Campn, here come our first thread babies. Yay! Can&#8217;t wait to meet their gorgeous little faces!

Trixie: You have will power made of steel to turn your back on the maddening obsessiveness of TTC. I seriously take my hat off to you. You can do this, ignore that FF account and enjoy the less crazy side of TTC!

Bla: I&#8217;m glad you&#8217;ve got an appointment booked and that this midwife seemed understanding. I totally get your wanting to double check as as you said, if something were to happen, you would forever hate yourself for not getting it checked out. I really hope your appointment goes well and that your cervix is staying tightly closed for the next 4.5 months!

Texas: Wow, crazy chart! What&#8217;s up with FF? I wouldn&#8217;t say you&#8217;d O&#8217;d based on that chart, but I can see why FF thinks so. I hope you get some ovulation signs soon and that you&#8217;re still gearing up to O (although if you did O that day, your timing will have been good!).

Pesky: Happy TWW :) I hope this cycle gives you your sticky rainbow baby.

Sweet: Love that test! :dance: This is so happening, you are so pregnant! Congrats again!

Camp, Drum, Smille: Hope those babies are being lovely and well behaved in those bumps!

So CD12 and some watery CM is starting. I haven&#8217;t done an OPK yet, am about to do one, but I wouldn&#8217;t expect it to be positive today. The cm means something is starting. I realllllllly hope it can hold off till Sunday when my husband gets back. Come on body, work with me here. I am enjoying being able to ignore TTC for a bit, it&#8217;s a nice week off!
Oh yes it's definitely the start but they still call them bh. I wouldn't mind him staying in if I could physically do anything but with the SPD I can't walk and the pain I'm in constantly really sucks! This is so different from the last.

Dr appt said 50% effaced (apparently that doesn't matter as much in second pregnancies) and 3cm. I almost fell down, shocked to hear 3cm! She doesn't think I'll last the weekend. Been timing these suckers and nozlear pattern but she said if anything ten and under for an hour I need to get in cause she thinks I'm gonna go fast! So baby watch officially!
Hopefully your next update is a babe!

I'm due the same day As Mommy Campn!
Nothing going on here. No pains, no niggles. Nada. I'm it for the long haul. Xx
I'm here, still reading every post and willing our long term ladies their BFP.
I'm real tired this week as its half term with the kids and I'm shattered by lunchtime!
I promise to be a better thread mate next week.

I will be stalking here until each and every lady has their beautiful BFP. Xx
Aww I can't wait to see pics of your babe too.

Bee: I’m really sorry that you didn’t ovulate and that now the IUI won’t be as effective (or at all effective). I can’t believe that your doctor isn’t worried and is being so patronising. Also, how bad that he can’t even remember (or check in your file) how many IUIs you’ve had? Surely someone who can’t remember what treatments you’ve had isn’t in the best place to judge whether he thinks you’ll be okay or not. I can get why you’re angry. Rage away! Let it out! I really hope they have a cancellation at this new place soon.

Mommy: Ooh!! Exciting!! I really hope that your little boy doesn’t keep you hanging around much longer. Beautiful bump shot by the way, you are carrying it so well!

MrsW: Congrats on the great levels! That is an awesome number for this early.

Gina: So sorry to hear about your husband’s accident and I’m glad he’s okay! What a relief! But how annoying that this happened during your fertile period! I’m really sorry this month won’t work out for you.

Teeny: So excited for you too! So close now! Are you ready for baby? (Well, as ready as you can be :haha:) I was just thinking the same as Campn, here come our first thread babies. Yay! Can’t wait to meet their gorgeous little faces!

Tribe: You have will power made of steel to turn your back on the maddening obsessiveness of TTC. I seriously take my hat off to you. You can do this, ignore that FF account and enjoy the less crazy side of TTC!

Bra: I’m glad you’ve got an appointment booked and that this midwife seemed understanding. I totally get your wanting to double check as as you said, if something were to happen, you would forever hate yourself for not getting it checked out. I really hope your appointment goes well and that your cervix is staying tightly closed for the next 4.5 months!

Texas: Wow, crazy chart! What’s up with FF? I wouldn’t say you’d O’d based on that chart, but I can see why FF thinks so. I hope you get some ovulation signs soon and that you’re still gearing up to O (although if you did O that day, your timing will have been good!).

Pesky: Happy TWW :) I hope this cycle gives you your sticky rainbow baby.

Sweet: Love that test! :dance: This is so happening, you are so pregnant! Congrats again!

Camp, Drum, Smille: Hope those babies are being lovely and well behaved in those bumps!

So CD12 and some watery CM is starting. I haven’t done an OPK yet, am about to do one, but I wouldn’t expect it to be positive today. The cm means something is starting. I realllllllly hope it can hold off till Sunday when my husband gets back. Come on body, work with me here. I am enjoying being able to ignore TTC for a bit, it’s a nice week off!

Ahh hopefully your O stays away till sunday when hubby returns, thanks again :)
Sunday isn't too far now Squirrel. Hopefully ovulation will be gracious and hold off just a few days longer. Xx

Sweetmama, any more tests to post? I know I was peeing on a stick every single day! Xx
thanks ladies. My bh stopped twice yesterday but had started up again, so far this am nothing. not even one. been up a half hour. so i'm grumpy as hell. was really hoping for a baby today. and nothing! my dr did make it sound like she'll see me in the hosp this weekend but i'm starting to get doubtful. :(
Sunday isn't too far now Squirrel. Hopefully ovulation will be gracious and hold off just a few days longer. Xx

Sweetmama, any more tests to post? I know I was peeing on a stick every single day! Xx

I wanted to wait until this morning to retest but sad news on my front today, I woke up to blood and lots of it I'm just devastated completely. It seems so unfair to get a positive that in a blink of an eye it gets taken away. So unfair.
Sweet I am so sorry hun. I know it is never easy, and my heart goes out to you. :hugs:

Squirrel everything crossed it holds off just a few more days. Really hope those days pay off for you and that BFP will be blaring.

Mommy FX everything picks up for you again. I am too excited! Wishing you a speedy delivery

Teeny I am glad you are doing well, and I hope your energy picks up. Two more weeks momma!Are you other LOs getting excited?
so sorry sweet :hugs: hang in there love.

mommy - sorry the contractions have stopped. I hope it sneaks up on you soon and you have a fast labor !

squirrel - really, really hoping you get your "later" ovulation. FX!!!

drum - glad you are still hanging in there! good luck at the appt <3

AFM - so I did ovulate on my normal day 15 (normal without meds) which is promising to know that it didn't totally eff up my body. and actually, last night, I randomly got another HUGE patch of EWCM last night which NEVER happens the day of ovulation. and we were able to BD about 2 hours later when it was still around. I got really excited but then I realized that it really doesn't make a difference since I've had IUIs where CM isn't even a factor. ugh. and then holy temp jump wtf. I think that's my biggest since I've been charting. still no O pain so it's all very strange, but I'll take it. hello yet ANOTHER tww. :coffee:

I packed my thermometer for my bach trip this weekend. I may not use it, but I would like to to confirm O. honestly, all of my close group of gfs want nothing to do with kids. which I think will make for a refreshing weekend for me. I would have been such an odd one out to be pregnant or with a kid. I think they are all still using like 3 forms of BC each :haha: it was shitty because they weren't super sympathetic when I lost the baby, but it'll be nice now. no baby talk and lots of trouble :winkwink:
Bee- Yay for ovulation!!! At least you're still ovulating normally. I hope you have fun with your girls trip this weekend!

Squirell- I hope you get your later ovulation as well and it works out for you and your husband to bd and catch the egg!

Afm I took out my random low temp on cd9 and FF too my crosshairs away. Which is totally fine. I've been Oing later the past 2 cycles anyway so hopefully I will O this weekend. Now just gotta get some more BD in. It's been a rough week. DH had a stomach bug and then I got it so no BD over the past few days. But it's gonna start tonight and I hope I get my temp rise by monday or Tuesday!

Sweet- im so sorry Hun....
Sweetmama, I'm so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts are with you. Xx

Drum, my DD is sooooooo excited! She can't wait. The boys however don't seem to care. Not in a bad way, just in the way they leave it up to their sister to help Mummy and get excited! My daughter is so mumsy and lives playing dolls and prams. She is going to be a fab big sister. Xx
Bee that trip sounds like too much fun, and hopefully one heck of a good time. Congratulations on O but I do hope that some girl time comes first. As always have one or six on us!

TeX I am glad you both are feeling better and with perfect timing! Come on O :happydance:

Teeny lol true boys! Leaving all of the 'girly' stuff to mom and sis. Your DD sounds adorable and I bet she will be an awesome help! If you can snag a pic when she is born I bet her face will be priceless!

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