46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

I'm just unbelievably fed up with my body and quite frankly I'm pissed off that im not at least having regular cycles. I started spotting today and it very well may turn into AF I have no idea. I think I'm gonna start just the B complex again and see what happens. I'm so busy this summer with my daughters medical stuff and house renovation that i won't seek medical advice for myself until my deductible starts over in September. I'm just frustrated and grumpy and quite frankly not fun to be around at this point. I'm still reading and stuff but I feel like I have nothing positive to say so I just say nothing at all.
Peski - I kinda feel that way but not really, I don't know I'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to having a really nice mature egg etc.

Squirrel - I hope that we all get BFPs this cycle so hard to have to wait knowing it's what you want so bad.

Mommy - Hopefully he comes really soon.

Texas - So sorry you are feeling this way. It really sucks when our bodies don't work the way we want them to and there's nothing anyone can really say to make it better. I'm just sorry that your body seems to not be working in your favor.

AFM: Nothing really to report just really moody and tired and experiencing hotflashes. Not sure I like these side effects of clomid lol
Squirrel- I'm sure your hubby is like sure fine by me! I'm glad you're getting more chances to get as many swimmers in there!

Tex- I wish I had any words of wisdom hun. I'm so sorry your body is acting up that way. Maybe try soy until you can get some medical help!?
Mommy - Could you just poke your bump to get baby's attention and talk to him in a stern voice? Just have a discussion with the little man and explain that there are people on this board and also family members who would like him to arrive. Promptly. There is no excuse for tardiness (I love that word: tardy).

Afm, there are very slight changes that I've noticed. The ta-ta's (I'm being politically correct here, lol) are a bit sore but VERY squishy, more than usual, I have been experiencing light cramping which is very unusual this early before AF and my CM has changed from the nearly non-existent to the creamy to the now it-looks-like-snot consistency. Never mind the fact that it "feels" different down there. Oh yeah, and I'm constipated. That never happens. Oh so much fun.

Just a few more days until I test and I'm keeping my FX for everyone.

problem is he's rude! if you poke him, he KICKS real violent lol! we've learned already not to anger the boy child! hahaha. 9 days left! my next ob is tomorrow so i'll have her check again and see if anythign changed. if it hasn't i'll cry for sure. my bh have started up again although nothing that would fool me into going back to the hosp as it's not been close at all.

fx'd for you hun that this is it!!!! what day is test day?

as for the group i mean we could always start like a 'grads' thread for the ones that have gone to the pregnancy side, and then as soon as the other girls get their bfps they can come too. of course we would be a part of both groups but this way we can keep some more of the pg stuff over in that group instead if you ladies want. just an idea! i don't mind staying here though but wanna make sure everyone is happy.
Mommy, every time I see you posted I get so excited hoping for baby news. He sure is a stubborn little boy. It's so weird how you can get a glimpse of his personality before he is even born. :haha: FX he comes soon and you can stop being in pain!

As for the preggos on the board, I personally don't mind the preggo talk until it's pages at a time. I like that you all have stuck around with us but I feel like too much of it might dissuade newbies from joining. Just my two cents.
omg mommy can't believe he's still in there! FX it's soon for you <3

tex - I'm so sorry about another weird cycle. I def feel like something is up but something that will prob be an easy fix with some sort of med - either ov inducing or progesterone. So hopefully the next couple months keep you busy and then you're on your way to answers :hugs:

sweet - hopefully the clomid doesn't give too many adverse side affects. and I hope it works on the first try!! FX

pes - also kmfx for you <3 hope you get your bfp love.

for the preggers - I personally don't mind at all! I teach pre-natal health for a living so there is def no escaping it for me :haha: In fact, I'd be really sad to see you go....you are all such a huge support for me.

life is so crazy busy now. I am beyond exhausted. now my temp today has me intrigued and I'm so annoyed. I've never had a temp that low in the TWW. I know it'll turn out to be nothing, but in the meantime it's made me say "what if". ugh.

Yesterday was so busy that I didn't even get my progesterone test. I'm going this morning. it's supposed to be 7 days after O and since I didn't O the day of the IUI, this would be the proper day anyway. hope my doc doesn't dismiss anything bc it's a day off by his calculations. :shrug: thinking since it's directly correlated with temp, that it'll be quite low today. might end up getting me some extra help on this journey...I need all I can get!
Bee- I really hope this is your cycle. It's been a long, hard journey and you deserve to get your take home baby. Good luck at your dr appt. I hope the dr is more serious about what the problem could be. Fxd the temp drop is implantation.

Texas- I just want to reach through and give you a :hugs:. My heart breaks for you. Throw tracking and opks out the window the next few months if need be. You have a lot going on. I hope everything goes well with your dd and the house reno.

I'm thinking of all of you ladies still waiting for your bfps. I know how painful ttc is when it doesn't happen in a timely manner or you can't figure out what's going wrong. I know what it's like to lose hope and feel broken. Some way, some how it will happen.

I haven't posted too much in the last couple of days bc I feel awful to do so. I am still following all of you and will continue to cheer you on, but I don't want to cause anyone pain. You are all so lovely and have been a huge support for me in my journey and I want to return the favor. At the same time, I feel like discussing pregnancy may not be a good idea and I'm sorry if talking about it in the past was hurtful. You have become a little family and I am so appreciative of that.
Tex - big hugs to you. I really wish I had the right words to say to make it all better. I can tell you're hurting and all I wish is that it all works out for you in the end <3

mommy - he's got some attitude on him and I love it! Tell Mr. stubborn he needs to come out!!! Can't wait to hear what your OB says <3

Bee - sounds like you've been crazy busy! Hope everything goes well this AM. I know this has been a long struggle for you and I really hope they can do whatever it takes.

I struggle with posting pregnancy stuff on here sometimes but, at the same time, you ladies are the ones I do want to share this stuff with. It's hard for me to not want to share my exciting news and milestones with you all because as smile said, you've all become family. I hope it's not painful for anyone and please let us know if it is.
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the support. I basically had a pity party yesterday and I apologize. It was my hubby's bday and I wanted to get in some BD action but since I was spotting I had to settle for a blow job instead. He was all for it though haha. I went to health food store yesterday. The lady there was sort of helpful and gave me some tea with dong quai in it among some other stuff and she said its supposed to help regulate things so I'm trying it. It can't hurt. Also im going back on the B complex only and see if that makes a difference.

More red blood today at wake up and lower temp so I marked today as cd 1

I don't really mind all the preggo talk either but I will not be ashamed to admit that I am jealous but not in a bad way. More like just wishing it was me. Cause I remember all yall getting your BFP and thinking Ok it's my time soon! And then it never happened for me...

So please don't go just to make us non preggos feel more comfortable. Them this thread will totally die since I know I tend to wallow in self pity more than I should and not respond to people properly. But I'm going to do better I swear!

On the remodel front we are moving out of the house next week so we can start tearing stuff out. Which unfortunately means we will be at my mother in laws for about 5 weeks.... Shoot me now... But we wanted to make sure that we had plenty of time to get everthing done before the cabinet guys showed up to install our new kitchen...
Bee - Hopefully your tests will get you some help.

Tex - It sounds like the Dong Quai might be helpful, hopefully the B complex works
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the support. I basically had a pity party yesterday and I apologize. It was my hubby's bday and I wanted to get in some BD action but since I was spotting I had to settle for a blow job instead. He was all for it though haha. I went to health food store yesterday. The lady there was sort of helpful and gave me some tea with dong quai in it among some other stuff and she said its supposed to help regulate things so I'm trying it. It can't hurt. Also im going back on the B complex only and see if that makes a difference.

More red blood today at wake up and lower temp so I marked today as cd 1

I don't really mind all the preggo talk either but I will not be ashamed to admit that I am jealous but not in a bad way. More like just wishing it was me. Cause I remember all yall getting your BFP and thinking Ok it's my time soon! And then it never happened for me...

So please don't go just to make us non preggos feel more comfortable. Them this thread will totally die since I know I tend to wallow in self pity more than I should and not respond to people properly. But I'm going to do better I swear!

On the remodel front we are moving out of the house next week so we can start tearing stuff out. Which unfortunately means we will be at my mother in laws for about 5 weeks.... Shoot me now... But we wanted to make sure that we had plenty of time to get everthing done before the cabinet guys showed up to install our new kitchen...

Oh no, I'm so sorry you have to move into your mil's. Hopefully 5 weeks flies by. I think at this point I'd rather live in my car than my in laws :haha:. I hope the tea and other supplements help regulate your cycles and lead to a bfp. Don't be sorry about being down, it happens and we totally understand.
I'm with what Smille said. I don't want to hurt anyone by coming on here on a day that is hard and heavy and come and show off about something without any intentions. I love you ladies all so much and I don't want to cause any of this to you.

I'll be cheering you all on your journals as I've been trying to do that more.

I really like Mommy's idea, cause soon a few on here will give birth and won't even be preggo anymore and I still want to hear about their newest journey!
aww I actually like that you ladies stuck around this group instead of leaving. hearing about a grad group just makes me feel like a high school dropout :haha: lol but seriously it makes me feel like we are all in this together and you didn't just run off because you got pregnant. I like it. :flower:

I can see the other points though - and it would be odd if a new pregnant lady just joined now, but I do feel like we are a family. a family welcoming to new ttc members. perhaps I'll change the name of the group to some sort of support group or something. I know it's beneficial to have you all here because I can't say how many times you have all brought up "when I got my bfp" since we are all having questions on what signs there were etc.

I just can't imagine going back to those monthly tww groups where no one knew each other or really cared enough about each others' bfps since we were all strangers. I prefer doing it this way and this thread can be for those who enjoy that too! especially with us ltttcers with a million twws - I like that I can come to the same place each tww, even if the dynamics of the group have changed a little from the last tww :hugs:
I'm with Bee on this, I love that you guys stuck around to cheer us on and that we're all in this together, regardless of what stage we're at (TTC, preggo or cradling a newborn). If a second thread started, inevitably this one would be less busy and that would be quite sad. I don't even look in the TTC section anymore, I just come here. I'd hate for this thread to fizzle out. Stay :) :flower: please?
Yeah I don't want yall to leave. Like I still read everything and I am so happy for yall that you are gonna have babies soon! It's not yalls fault im not pregnant and I would hate to feel like I made yall leave cause I wasn't pregnant. I agree the thread would fizzle. I also pretty much only read the 2 threads that I follow the most. Every once in a while i browse others but I rarely comment (shocker I know since I barely comment here anymore hahA)

Squirell! Yay for crosshairs!

I'm feeling positively yucky. I should be packing stuff for our move next week especially since DD is gone today with her cousin playing at her house. I just have the AF blahs and want to sit and watch TV
Agh Texas, sorry to hear you feel crap and I'm really sorry you had such a sucky weird cycle last cycle. I really hope that it's not long before you can put all this TTC behind you.

Those crosshairs are mine :) I overrode the chart. I experimented with putting in two high temps over the next couple of days and it still wanted to put crosshairs on CD16, which I disagree with. So I manually out them in.
I must have caught a peek when you were messing with it cause I saw the red crosshairs and like 3 high Temps lol

I will be happy to see TTC in the rear view but honestly with us being at my mother In laws and sharing a room with my daughter it's not looking good for the next cycle or 2. Hubs has agreed to at least get tested in September if I'm not pregnant by then so hopefully he won't go back on his word lol I keep telling myself I'm going to get up soon and so far it hasn't happened lol but I really am going to try and at least clean out my dresser so the clothes I can't wear anymore won't be weighing it down.... Goals haha
Tex - seems like you have a busy few weeks in front of you! GL with the move and staying sane while living with your in-laws :)
Tex- I completely understand about having to stay with your inlaws, I wouldn't be excited either but good thing it's only for 5 short weeks then you'll be back to your new and improved home! September isn't that far away, I know that cause I'm due then so I know it'll be here in a blink of an eye! I'm thinking you'll be surprised with a BFP by then though!

Thank you ladies, I want to stay and cheer everyone on cause I still get excited about a positive opk and crosshairs. I'll keep the baby and pregnancy talk short but that way when you very soon get your BFP you have heard it before and can know what to expect!

I only hang out here and the "General chatter" thread and my September thread sometimes. Like I said before I want to be here for the very last BFP and want to see all the babies born that just started here as charts! <3
I don't want to leave either. I've been left in the dust b4 when I was on other threads and everyone but me got a bfp. It made me really sad that there was no support for those still struggling. I love each and everyone of you ladies that have been there for me.

Afm- we got half of our veggie garden in today. Hopefully, the other half tomorrow. I think we'll be canning a lot of tomatoes come Sept. We're leaving to go down south for a few days Saturday very early in the morning. I'm having a ton of anxiety about flying as it's completely new to me. My dh said I'll be fine, but I'm not so sure. I have to start packing bc tomorrow I have to drop my dogs off at the kennel, finish the garden and take Hailey to her baseball game. I'm pooped just thinking about it.

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