46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Drum im drinking some tea that has dong quai as one of the ingredients im not sure exactly how much is in each bag. It's. Called women's energy tea and its yogi brand and it says it helps balance the female system. It tastes pretty good especially over lots of ice lol
Bee, have you heard of seed cycling to boost estrogen / progesterone? basically, you eat pumpkin seeds/flax in the first half to help estrogen, and sesame and sunflower seeds to help progesterone. Also, any foods that are warming will help progesterone along too. I'm sure I have progesterone issues judging by my lower temps/shorter luteal phase/thyroid issues. this luteal phase I started toasting sesame sunflower and coconut flakes in a pan with a pinch of pink salt and cayenne pepper (warming) and the snack was delicious and I could feel it warming me up.

sorry to everyone else - I just can't keep up! this thread just flies by. lurking here and there and have best wishes and fingers crossed for everyone still trying <3
Cookie thank you for that !! I will so try it :) I eat a lot of flax and sesame already. I love the other seeds but hardly buy pumpkin because they are expensive , but all of it is super yummy so you don't have to twist my arm ;) your temp looks amazing right now !!
Mommy- definitely dtd. A few days b4 I was induced I wasn't effaced yet. Dh and I did a couple times a day for a couple of days and turns out semen helps! I was completely effaced but her head was stuck, so I had to be induced the next day anyways.

I should be sleeping but I'm such a wreck. My nerves are completely shot regarding this trip. B4 I scheduled my dogs to stay with my vet, they said have a back up plan for my 1 dog who has anxiety problems. My mom said it'd be no problem taking him in. I was on the way to dd's game and the vet called and told me I need to pick him up bc he's not doing well. He has separation anxiety and doesnt fare well in new environments, which is why we have him stay with his vet. I called my mom and she said she wanted nothing to do with him. DD missed her game bc I had to go get him. I spent an hr on the phone calling around to see what I can do. Dh's pap took him in thank goodness, but I am still worried about him. My mom asked what I'm going to do and I told her I found someone. Don't you know she said she'd take him :growlmad:. I told her she's unreliable and I'm done asking her for anything. When dd was small, she offered to babysit nights so I could work more hours. As soon as I went back to work she said she couldn't help me anymore bc she wanted her life back. So I had someone else watch her and she said "you didn't need to find anyone, I could watch her"...wtf? I often think she has schizophrenia. Sorry for ranting...it's been a long day.
Smille- I'm so sorry hun! It always hurts the most when those closest to us totally don't see us or our need. I never turn down family but yet they constantly turn me down. My sister who was living here for example, I asked her to watch Benjamin so I can go to my scan (back when I was 12 weeks pregnant) and she gave me the weirdest look ever! I told her it'll be so short and I'll be back soon but still, blank stare. I stared back until she said alright. The sister I'm letting live with us for completely free.

Don't dwell on it though, it'll only annoy and anger you not them. I know it's hard but I'm the type that can't let this stuff go and I let it simmer until I blow up, so right off the bat I try my best to find excuses for them.

My MIL offered to have Ben for a week like a summer thing, and the other day she posted all over Facebook how from now on she'll only keep him 1-2 days at most cause he's too much. It broke my heart that he's so young to understand how grandma doesn't want him around for long. Also she doesn't let him take naps and feeds him cookies and Popsicles all day, how do you expect him to behave like that!?
thanks ladies for the support! we dtd last night but i had to wake him up :dohh: planning on getting some in today and tonight, and hopefully the same tomorrow too. have to work around the kids quiet time for during the day. but this am i had more blood tinged plug come out, not a ton but it's coming out i guess that's something. pretty sure it's NOT from the check yesterday and more from what we did instead. or rather i'm trying to be positive.
Mommy - that boy needs a stern talking to lol. Maybe he'll be a DD baby too? I can only imagine how much you want him out. FX that it happens VERY soon.

Camp - aww! Glad to hear DS is home. MIL's can be so bitchy, I'm sorry &#128532; Is DS done with school yet?

Bee - I'm sorry I don't know much about this stuff but, of its borderline, not sure why she would tell you it's great. I still have my FX that this cycle is it for you.

Smile - you deserve a day with your feet up! No more yard work lol. I'm being lazy today even though I should be cleaning, I'm sitting on the couch.
Campn- how sad is that! She shouldn't post that stuff on Facebook of all places. I agree, stop loading him with sugar, let him take a nap and he'll be fine. My mom offered to keep Hailey when I go into labor and take her to and from school, but honestly after the last few times she's screwed us over I'll ask my in laws. The last thing I need is her telling me I need to figure something else out while I'm in labor. My mil drives me crazy, but she sticks by her word at least.

Bee- I'm loving your temps!!!!

The flight went well. I got a little light headed but by the time we leveled out and got our drinks, we started to descend. My dd loved flying, she's so brave.
Smille- I'm sorry I forgot hun but where did you guys fly to!? Enjoy it as much as possible!!

I agree, definitely go with someone who won't flake on you at such an important time. My inlaws said oh we can just meet you at the hospital and pick Benji up but I feel like this would stress me out to no end especially if I'm already contracting! I told them no no matter what I'll wait at home until you come over.

TTC- He's coming over in a few hours and I'm so excited. I miss my cuddling buddy cause he can be such a sweetheart and whenever I'm feeling a little down or emotional he gives me so much love and hugs. Oh he isn't in school yet either :D How are you now?? All back to normal?

Mommy- Things sound like they're happening! I hope that's encouraging and keeps you going a bit. All packed up!?
Bee- Sorry about the progesterone, I understand that you would rather have extra security with that, especially when its only 1 higher than the cut-off point. I hope this is your cycle hun!

Smille: Jeez, that is rotten to suddenly change her mind about the dog. No wonder you felt so worried and stressed out, I would too! Glad you arrived safely, have fun!

Campn: I love love love the letters! They are so incredibly pretty!
Your MIL is rude. 1. don't post shit about your son on fb. 2. Of course he is a 'handful' (although I still doubt that) when loaded on sugar and no naps! Jeez.

Mommy: Oooo sounds promising. Keep at it. And hey, one day he'll come out :p

TTC: how are you doing hun?

Texas: Yogi Tea is really good stuff, I used to drink the women's balance with lavender. Not for TTC but for cramps. Worked really well!
Bla- Beautiful avatar!! You have crazy gorgeous eyes I'm so jealous!!! And thank you! It took a few hours to put together and I did hot glue gun my nails a bunch of time but I survived! How are you and Tommy!?
Thanks hun! I'm not sure if I'll keep it as my avatar, I don't like seeing my face all that much haha. But kinda wanted to try it :) And are you mad!? Your eyes are gorgeous!
Me and Tommy are doing great! We've been taking long walks so I'm getting more exercise, which is great.

And ouch, hot glue.. hope you didn't hurt yourself with that! I'm an idiot so I doubt SO would even let me near it. He even bought me huge oven mitts now (that reach my elbows) because I keep burning my arms on the oven (because I'm too impatient to be careful) :haha:
Camp - oh! I thought he was in school lol. I'm doing ok, cold is gone. My emotions are all over the place though. This week I don't want FH any where near me and I barely kiss him good night. It sounds horrible but, I'm chalking it up to hormones.

Bla - hi Hun! Love the new picture.
I'm doing good, taking it day by day.
Next appt is Monday. How are you feeling? Did you get your thesis finished?
Camp - oh! I thought he was in school lol. I'm doing ok, cold is gone. My emotions are all over the place though. This week I don't want FH any where near me and I barely kiss him good night. It sounds horrible but, I'm chalking it up to hormones.

Bla - hi Hun! Love the new picture.
I'm doing good, taking it day by day.
Next appt is Monday. How are you feeling? Did you get your thesis finished?

Don't worry I have that too! I love my SO but I'm just not that interested at the moment in terms of kissing/hugging. I still do it to make him happy (he was starting to feel rejected!), but yes. Hormones :) Not your fault and could totally change over the course of the second trimester :hugs:

Thesis is not done yet, she wants me to change a lot and I still need about 15000 words or so. Have three weeks left so should be doable :) I hope lol.

O and hey, my next appointment is Monday too! Just a regular check-up though
Bla - you'll get that done with no issues! Glad I'm not the only one who despises their significant other loll! Yay for Monday appointments!
TTC- I can't even remember the last time DH and I had sex. It's so so not on my list now.

Benjamin is back and completely sun burnt, covered in mosquito bites and cat scratches! Did she forget small kids need sun screen and mosquito repellent!? Also she didn't wash any of his clothes, they're all covered with cat and dog hair and smell gross.

I'm just so upset cause he's in so much pain from burning and bites and I regret sending him over there. Maybe it's my hormones but I just feel so awful.
Sorry girls , I just haven't posted in here in forever. I have very little to update on personally, but have been silently stalking and cheering everyone on from the sidelines!

Blab & TTCG - I feel the same towards my husband. I am just not in the mood at all :( I feel bad. I just enjoy foot rubs and hugs etc, but if he gives me that, he always gets frisky and wants more, so I don't tend to bother asking anymore. I feel so terrible as I was all over him when TTC, esp during my fertile window!

mommy - fingers crossed for some news and progress soon!

Bee - you chart!!! Oh my, I so hope that this is it!

Tex- I hope your cycles even out song and that the dong quai helps.

squirrel - so glad you ovulated later so you have a good chance this month!

AFM - This pregnancy is so weird.... apart from sore boobs, I still have no pregnancy symptoms and I feel absolutely fine! It is so unnerving and over the past week I've managed to convince myself I am having an ectopic and now a MMC. I cannot accept that this pregnancy is real and I am waiting for someone to tell me some bad news. I had a midwife appointment today for the first time and she was lovely, but couldn't really put my mind at rest. Approx 5 weeks until my 12 week scan and I can't get there quick enough right now!
Thanks girls - but really my temp today was from sleeping in. It was taken an hour later so it's prob the same as yesterday's . Not to mention it always peaks at exactly 9dpo.

Pompey - if it's really worrying you, I'm sure you could push for an early scan complaining about pelvic pain. Although that's also why I don't think it's ectopic at all since you don't feel anything like that. I've heard second pregnancies are easier and I really feel like everything is okay <3
Thanks girls - but really my temp today was from sleeping in. It was taken an hour later so it's prob the same as yesterday's . Not to mention it always peaks at exactly 9dpo.

Pompey - if it's really worrying you, I'm sure you could push for an early scan complaining about pelvic pain. Although that's also why I don't think it's ectopic at all since you don't feel anything like that. I've heard second pregnancies are easier and I really feel like everything is okay <3

I understand you're being cautious, but your chart does look soooo good! Hurry up TWW so u can find out one way or another!

I've already tried getting an early scan, but no such luck. Tried midwife and gp route. The only way they would give an early scan is if I had bright red bleeding or severe pain, and obviously if I don't have either. I just don't feel right saying I do when I don't, almost like tempting fate.... So I've decided to stick it out and hope for the best! The reason I thought I had an ectopic last week was because I had some noticeable twinges where my left Fallopian tube would be. My mind started racing, I googled and then I'd diagnosed myself! However no twinges at all the last week so I do think it's unlikely! My main worry now is a MMC...
Texas: I hope that your cycles regulate soon. I forget, have you had levels tested on day 5 and on day 21 yet? Do you think your doc might prescribe progesterone for your short luteal phase or would you need to wait to see a FS? Renovations and moving out is a stressful time. I really hope it all goes well! It&#8217;ll be so worth it when it&#8217;s done. We were out of our house for 5 months in our tiny old flat (over the summer too, which sucked!), but I&#8217;ve completely wiped that period of time from my memory now that we&#8217;re back and our house is just so perfect and beautiful now, it was all worth it!

Bee: I commented on your journal, but I&#8217;m really surprised that your clinic are telling you that a progesterone level of 11 is &#8216;great&#8217;. It might be just over the mark, but it&#8217;s certainly not great. I really hope you get in to this other clinic soon. Your temp is looking amazing today (even if you did sleep in a bit). Your chart is looking amazing!! I have such a good feeling for you this cycle. I wish we were dpo buddies :)

Camp: Those letters are so beautiful. Well done you! Sorry you burnt your fingers in the process (I&#8217;ve done that once too [oddly enough, doing a very similar project for school] - ouch!!). Sorry to hear your little boy wasn&#8217;t very well taken care of and is suffering now. Mozzie bites are the absolute worst! Oscar is very attractive to mosquitos and even though we cover him with repellent when we&#8217;re on holiday, he always gets bitten and then he scratches so much they bleed :( Hateful things damn mosquitos. I keep on meaning to tell you by the way, Benjamin Thomas is the name of one of my brothers :D

Gina: I hope you&#8217;re doing okay?

Mommy: It&#8217;s official that in those last few weeks of pregnancy time slows down!! Hopefully he&#8217;ll be here well before the 29th.

Drum: Love the new avatar! I&#8217;m glad that you&#8217;re able to be up and moving around again. It must feel so good after bed rest!

Smille: I&#8217;m so sorry your mum messed you around like that. How unreliable, like you said! And then to play oblivious to the emotional stress she has caused you. :hugs: Sorry you&#8217;re having to go through that and I hope your dog is okay with your DH&#8217;s dad.

Bla: Love your new avatar too! You should keep it :)

BabyG: Sorry to hear your emotions are playing havoc with you. They&#8217;ll calm down soon I&#8217;m sure. In the mean time, play the preggo card as much as possible as a way of excusing mood swings :haha:

Pompey: I&#8217;m sorry to hear that you&#8217;re feeling scared and worried. It&#8217;s totally understandable to be worried and I think, being on places like BnB can make us feel more scared in a way as you see many women going through horrible experiences, but odds are totally in your favour. I really hope the next five weeks fly by for you!

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