46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Squirell- I hope they do too. Like
I don't even mind not being pregnant I just want dependable "normal" cycles. I hope if we identify a problem he will help me get pregnant and do like fertility drugs and progesterone etc instead of referring me to a fertility specialist since we don't have any in our town. The closest one would be about an hour and a half away so all the appointments would be sort of inconvenient. Fingers crossed my b-complex and dong Quai works and I won't need it at all. At this point I don't have much to lose lol
Camp - that's is absolutely horrible!!!! How does she not know to protect him from the sun and bugs??? I'm sorry that she did that. I'm angry for you.
Drum - I'm sorry to reply so late! I should be testing on Thursday but I may test a day or two early. I'm nervous about knowing, just in case another CP happens but I'm cautiously optimistic.

Bee - your chart is looking pretty nice. Who knows what might show up this time? Is there possibly a maybe-baby brewing in there?

Well, I'm trying to ignore any and all symptoms that may be pregnancy related despite some definite suspicions I have. I've only got another 5 days to go. FX for all and I hope the baby dust fairy visits all of us!
Feel totally out this cycle so I plan on testing tomorrow to confirm so I don't have any little voices in my head saying what if.
Bee - although there have been some suspicious signs, I'm counting down these last 4 days and fully expecting AF to arrive on Thursday. I'm not anticipating a positive anything.
That was a lot to catch up on. I don't mind all the preggo talk, but maybe that's because I'm not really on here much anymore? Or maybe because I've pushed aside and ignored the ttc monster (until we decide to really try again) lol.

bee & squirrel - I'm always rooting for you ladies. Keeping my fx for you both.

Gina & squirrel - thank you squirrel for thinking I have great will power and Gina for encouraging me not to chart, etc. I think that helped the most, especially when I wanted to give in lol

mommy - baby yet? So exciting waiting for an update.

camp - love the letters. My DH is not allowing me to do any types of crafting until I finish all my other projects. I have a billion unfinished projects. It's awful lol.

drum - yay! I loved that update of no more bed rest.

Sorry for everyone I missed, but there was just so much to catch up on. I keep thinking I'll be better when I do come on and that I'll reply to everyone but I think I need to start taking notes while I read to do that lol.

afm: (tmi alert) I'm so embarrassed to admit this but I sneakily did an opk the other day because I wasn't sure if I still O properly due to a major lack of cm near my fertile window because I do get a crazy sex drive and O cramps, just little to no cm anymore. Odd and freaked me out. Anyway, I had a + opk like instantly and DH and I had dtd the night before. I doubt we would/will get pregnant, but it was fun to realize we managed good timing lol.
Bee: I'm sorry you feel out :hugs: it sucks when your temp spikes in the TWW and then comes down again. It is still so early though and even if you get a BFN on 11dpo, that won't mean you're out yet. I still have such high hopes for you this cycle. Your symptoms are sounding too good!

Peski; sorry to hear you feel out too :hugs: Are you going to test before AF is due or just wait and see if it arrives?

Trixie: Good luck! I hope you caught that egg!

Not much going on here, but I am only 4/6dpo, so I wouldn't expect much. I have one sore breast (snap Bee!) and am marginally more irritable today, but that's about it. It's too early for signs yet though anyway. Willing away time so I can test next weekend. I've decided to test Saturday as that'll either be 11dpo or 9dpo depending on when I ovulated, so that's nicely in the middle :) I'd normally start testing 10dpo.
Bee- fxd for a bfp tomorrow! I'm sorry you're feeling out, but you're due for a pleasant surprise.

Campn- I'd flip out of my dd came home burnt and bug bites. My mil has allowed my dd to go without bathing and brushing her teeth once while in her care. Dd came home and smelled awful. I told my mil that if she can't take care of hee properly, then her sleep overs are over. We are in Alabama right now. It's sooo hot!

Texas- sorry the nearest fs is so far away. We had to drive 2hrs to ours. Although it sucked having to drive that far, it was well worth it in the end. I hope you find answers as to why your cycles are all over the place.

My dog is doing great at his pap's. I'm so thankful he took him in. The wedding was beautiful. It's just been busy busy busy since we got here and I'm exhausted. Tomorrow we're taking some family time to tour Nashville and then go home. I cannot wait to get back to slightly cooler weather and sleep in my own bed. I swear I've gained 10lbs since I got here. My dh said "you've really popped since we left". I know it's bc I'm almost at the 6 month mark, but I've made a couple of bad choices in snacks that I feel guilty about. I need to be more strict about my diet when we get home.
I'm sorry you're feeling out, Bee. I agree with smille: you deserve a surprise, so who knows? :hugs:

Squirrel: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too hun!

Smille: I'm glad your doggie is doing fine now! Don't worry about weight, I think you didn't gain a thing. And if you did.. well you didn't gain any/hardly any weight up until this point right? So.. wouldn't be a bad thing necessarily right? :)

Afm: I'm so tired, can't sleep anymore and SO is more annoying (due to my hormones I think). He even steals my pregnancy pillow at night in his sleep! Grr. And he keeps slapping me in the face with his arms. This is normal lol, but now that I already have issues sleeping it is really annoying the crap out of me :haha: Plus he snores. Wednesday night he leaves for England for two days and even though I'm going to miss him, I'm kind of glad I'll get a good night's sleep..
Bee your temp went back up today! FX for a bfp!!

Posted at the same time... yay congrats!! Let's see it!
omg bee did you just write bfp?! Whatttt?! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's freaking awesome!!!!!!!

and no ladies no baby yet. :growlmad:

lost some more blood tinged plug but only just after dtd so pretty sure that's the only reason why!!! ugh! this kid is never coming out!!!!
Ahh Bee that is so dark!!! Yay! So happy for you hun!! Congrats!! :happydance:
Omg bee that's the darkest BFP too! I'm totally over the moon I wanna cry!!! Congratulations Bee! Very very well deserved and well worth the wait! Now get a scan soon so we make sure this one implanted in the best spot, but I'm sure it did! :hugs:

Love you beees!
OMG, the best news ever for you Bee. I am so so happy for you. What a truly deserved BFP, and a beautifully strong one at that. A huge congratulations. Xx
Bee- I'm in tears! I am beyond happy for you!!!! It has been such a long hard journey and I knew it was going to happen when you least suspected it. Congrats hun!!!

I just read your post in your journal and I cannot wait to hear your dh's reaction.
Omg Bee I'm so happy for you I'm crying! Congrats!

Squirrel- this means you are next

Sorry I don't have time to answer you all and I haven't been on in a couple days because I decided to stop my internet service it's just too expensive for substandard service so we are looking for another provider but I wanted to stop in and say hi! I finished my first round of clomid this weekend and now I am waiting to start my opks tomorrow. But hopefully it helps with catching a good eggie! I don't know what's up with my chart it's all weird and I'm not sure I'm liking it. But we'll see if it is a good one as I go into the tww. Hope everyone else is well.

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