46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Yay great numbers Bee! Let's hope once they do a scan baby is in the right place and growing away. :)
I'm gonna go against everyone else and guess 1 baby. Ha ha Just to be different! :)

Pesk sorry about AF hun :(

Tex- I am right there with you. I've actually taken a break from FB. Too many announcements and pictures and I'm sitting here feeling like a failure. I'm here cheering you on.

Cookie holy moly lady POAS already I'm dying to know. :haha: good luck!!

Ksquared your shower sounds amazing! And I always think the moment a crib gets put together and into a room is the moment it all gets really real visually. So exciting!

Camp hope the GD test went well!

Jgo sorry to hear you're so uncomfortable. I have no idea what spd is though. (Feel free to clue me in someone!)

Phew! Sometimes this thread moves at light speed! Thank god I lurk a lot even if I'm not a big poster. :haha:

AFM...still here. Still post MMC. Sadly my last scan a week ago showed I still have a small amount of retained product. Much smaller than before so my OB thinks my body is pushing it out slowly. He wants me to wait for AF to do another scan and see if that took care of it. Good news is that all the antibiotics helped with that random infection I was developing. So it never got bad.

I figured since its been 4 weeks since my D&C id start using OPK's to see if I O since that might help me time AF. They have been pretty blank until a few days ago when they started to darken finally. Today's is below. I think I might actually O. For once I'm thrilled I'll O so I'll get my period! So strange how that happens. Never thought I'd be so happy to want my period to show up. :)

Fairly sure I should O even though I know a lot of people don't after a MMC. But during my last scan the tech did say I had 3 good sized follicles growing (2 on left and 1 on right). As shitty as this all has been I have to be so thankful that my body seems to want to get back to normal. Silver linings!

OPK under the cut if anyone wants to look and tell me if they think I'm close.
iris! so good to *see* you :haha:

I think about you often. you captured so much of what I felt during and after my loss. <3

wow to the three folies! that's great! perhaps when the time come, you'll release more than one! and it is so great to know that our bodies are returning to normal when I see so many stories of the contrary.

I think you prob will O very soon - based on the follies and the opk. I believe I o'ed after my d and c and before my first AF. I had all the signs including the pain so pretty hard to ignore.

I'm wondering why your doc isn't more concerned about the retained product? I've heard in the body's attempt to expel it, there could be a risk of hemorrhage. that happened to my aunt after she gave birth and they left some afterbirth in. I know they can at least give some pills to help get the product out sooner.... just keep an eye on it for me, will you? I worry so much. and after hemorrhaging, I know that is no joke. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Bee I am so happy for you but I am sticking with my guess :haha: Even if it is one I will join Campn on it being your amazing fighter of a girl. I can't say congratulations enough!

Iris I am really happy your body is still working on things. I am still so very sorry for your loss :hugs: you've been in my thoughts and it's really nice to see you on.

TTC almost to the double digits hun! Hope you've been doing well.

Teeny and Mommy hopefully your los won't keep waiting to much longer! Congratulations mommas almost to your due dates!

Ksquared how have you been? Final stretch today :happydance: Hope you and Lo are doing well!

Jgo I am sorry about the pain and that the belt didn't work. Really hoping the last few weeks fly, cannot wait to see that beautiful little man!

Bla I am so happy your test came back so well! Hope everything continues to go smoothly for you and Thomas!

Campn hope everything goes smoothly during your test and you have a relaxing day hun!

Pes hopefully your body decides what to do or your doctors can help. Thinking of you!
Iris- I'm so sorry hun, I really hope you get your rainbow baby sooner than later, we all know it's going to happen! Waiting is the hardest part right!?

Drum- How are you hun? Hopefully spotting is all done and over with!? Any more scans coming up??

My glucose test went okay, I hope I pass though, I failed the 1 hr with Benjamin!

Also my nipples haven't leaked at all, but they've formed this white/yellow hard crust on them. I squeezed them but nothing came out but could that be colostrum!? Some women said they just pick at that crust but geez I'm too squeamish to do that.

Bee- I still think it's really just one baby in there, one baby girl actually. My levels were way above average and some people said it must be twins but definitely not! How do you feel about twins!?
Campn: Yes that's colostrum because that is how it looks on my clothing when it dries up (my pajama has spots, which is so gross!). Softly wash it off under the shower with a cloth or something? Although, it will form again as you are obviously leaking tiny amounts if you have that crust going on haha

Drum: Thanks hun! Are you doing well today?

Iris: I'm sorry there is retained tissue, that must feel awful emotionally. I hope it resolves itself quickly :hugs:
Campn: Yes that's colostrum because that is how it looks on my clothing when it dries up (my pajama has spots, which is so gross!). Softly wash it off under the shower with a cloth or something? Although, it will form again as you are obviously leaking tiny amounts if you have that crust going on haha

Drum: Thanks hun! Are you doing well today?

Iris: I'm sorry there is retained tissue, that must feel awful emotionally. I hope it resolves itself quickly :hugs:

Haha it's so weird! I never had that with Ben as far as I can remember. You still leak a lot? It's comforting to know my body remembers, cause with Ben my milk came in after 4 whole days. Fenugreek was very helpful too in helping my supply.
Campn: Yes that's colostrum because that is how it looks on my clothing when it dries up (my pajama has spots, which is so gross!). Softly wash it off under the shower with a cloth or something? Although, it will form again as you are obviously leaking tiny amounts if you have that crust going on haha

Drum: Thanks hun! Are you doing well today?

Iris: I'm sorry there is retained tissue, that must feel awful emotionally. I hope it resolves itself quickly :hugs:

Haha it's so weird! I never had that with Ben as far as I can remember. You still leak a lot? It's comforting to know my body remembers, cause with Ben my milk came in after 4 whole days. Fenugreek was very helpful too in helping my supply.

Haha it IS really weird. Still leaking quite a bit, but just a drop at a time so no big wet spots, thank god. It's quite gross sometimes haha
KS - Glad to hear the shower went well!!! So exciting and you're almost there <3

Teeny - These June babies are pretty stubborn so far lol

Bee - !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm jumping on that twin bandwagon! You are cooking two in there!!!

Camp - How did the test go?!?!

Cookie - I say test!!!! I think you'll be surprised :)

Ciz - Good to see you! How are you feeling?

I'm good hun. Very big bump baby boy really taking advantage of the space he has for the time being hands feet head bum everywhere lol. How are you doing? Morning sickness kicked in yet? X
Aw you ladies are the best. Thank you all so much. :hugs:

Bee I dont know why it doesn't worry anyone! I was in and out of emergency for a week with this and they all just say "give it time, go see your OB in a week" :shrug:

I'll be pushing a bit more for more testing and follow up if after AF there's still stuff in there. I don't know if it's because I'm in Canada and the way the health care works here or what. But believe me I am MEGA frustrated with it all!

Now I just need one of those 3 eggs to pop out and get this show on the road! :haha:

Drum I'm hoping to stay here a bit more consistently now that I'm starting to feel a bit better and thinking of the future. :)

Camp I'm hoping that rainbow is out there. I just got to get there. While I wait (and wait some more) I'm taking the opportunity to try and lose a few pounds and get more active. I don't need to lose a lot but I think getting my activity level up will really help in the long run. I'm calling it "getting fit for baby" :blush:
Bee - Those numbers are fabulous! I'm going to say maybe twins but I'm just rooting for baby! And who says it's two eggs? Maybe it was one and you've got identicals? How awesome would that be?! And considering I'm only on my fourth cycle trying compared to how long you have, of course I'm going to be a big ole cheer bucket. It will happen for me but I need to be patient. Wait! What was your DH's reaction?

Iris - I'm also taking this time for myself and getting a bit more active. It helps keep my mind busy and relax as well. Hopefully we'll have our rainbow babies soon.

Drum - Hopefully my body will sort itself out soon.
Campn I have one more at 25 weeks to see where she is at, depending on that one I might have another around 36 weeks. Bleeding has been absent the last few weeks and kicks are finally becoming routine enough not to worry. I agree that is its colostrum as well. Wierd at times but an awesome sign! I am sure your results will be perfect!

Bla I am doing well enjoying the sun! I forgot for awhile I could even tan lol. With your colostrum you might be lucky enough since it is persitant to be able to save some in third tri.

Ciz I am glad he is nice and active! I hope everything has been going well.

Iris I am so glad! Whenever your ready to try whether next cycle or six from now I'll be cheering for you and your rainbow.
Ciz - awww he'll be here soon!! My MS is really just getting nasuated when I need to eat. I've only actually have gotten sick once.
Drum- I get so happy when I hear Freya is doing so wonderful! All the babies on here I consider "our babies" and they're all so so special to me.

TTC- I hope it goes away soon! Mine lasted until a little before my 20 week, that's honestly when I started to gain weight.

Ciz- He must be having the best time ever! Jules today loved my glucose drink, she was making my belly move everywhere I wondered if everyone around could see it.

I washed her bedding today (I've had it for 4 years ever since being told Ben is a girl :p) so it was getting yellowish. I used dreft the baby detergent and I swear one sniff of that made me an emotional wreck!
Camp - when I weighed at my last appt, I actually lost 7 pounds. I'm on the bigger side anyway so, I guess it's not a bad thing.
Bee!! I'm joining team twins for you too. Either that or you have the stickiest, strongest bean ever!! :happydance:

BabyForIris - Yep it looks to me like you're about to O! I think I O'd about 4 weeks after my D&C too, which for me was actually better than I expected because of my super long cycles. I'm
so sorry you still have leftover product. I never got a scan afterward, so I'm not sure about retained product but I hope your upcoming AF will make for a nice clean slate. At least it's still coming out on its own. And that's great about the exercise! But just to warn you, it took me about 2 months after my D&C before my body felt like I had the same energy as before. I'd try to go for a run and would have to stop before I finished a mile, legs burning and feeling exhausted. So if it's not easy to exercise, just start off slower and work your way up. It'll take a while for your hormones and your body to get back completely.

Drum - I've been great! I've been reading all of your updates and I'm so so so so so so happy that you're off bedrest and Freya is doing well. You're right at the point when I started feeling stronger baby kicks from the outside. Time started moving very fast after the 20-week anatomy scan for me, so I'm sure that time will start flying for you. And you're just a few weeks from viability! Woo!

Campn - I've only leaked out of my right side, lol. Not all ladies leak but the white crusties is a good sign that your colostrum is there. I actually haven't tried squeezing. Maybe if you rub them a little bit? It happens to me when I'm not wearing a bra at night or if I'm laying on my side and my arm rubs my boob. :haha:
Ks- Good idea to massage them! I didn't think of that. I remember I stimulated them at like 39 weeks to kickstart off labor and got a few drops I was amazed, Oh btw my sister is due only a week before you! I hope you're feeling wonderful! And oh yes after the 20 week it flies by extra fast, and after 30 weeks you basically blink and then a baby gets handed to you!
Yep it already feels like I'm running out of time! Lol. Oh how exciting that your sister and you will have a baby so close! My sister is pregnant with her 4th (wow!) and due 6 weeks after me, so it's been fun comparing symptoms and belly sizes. She popped out a lot quicker than me haha. But I'm excited and hope our babies will be besties!
You both made me cry lol and I am complely blaming it on being sweet and hormones.

Campn thank you, you have been one of the best supports I could have asked for. I am with you on the group babies. I find myself frustrated when I can't come on just because I am afraid I'll miss a BFP announcement, milestone, appointment or soon to be birth - come on babies! I still can't believe we'll get to see your little lady in just a few short months! I have contemplated pulling out the dreft, but I know if I do I'll start setting up the nursery so until we paint I am hands off.

Ksquared thank you so much hun, I really appreciate it :hugs: I am sure your Los will be inseparable, close age gaps are always fun. I hope time continues to pass quickly for you, and your little miss. I am getting way too excited that you are all so close lol.
Ciz - awww he'll be here soon!! My MS is really just getting nasuated when I need to eat. I've only actually have gotten sick once.
thats good. well not the feeling of nausea lol. wonder if your having a boy, i was mostly feeling nauseated and retch but hardly sick this time. but with with dd, couldnt move without having bowl close. xx

Ciz- He must be having the best time ever! Jules today loved my glucose drink, she was making my belly move everywhere I wondered if everyone around could see it.

haha i think he is. so funny just feeling this lump in your belly move from one side to another. hes another night groover like his sister. love the name Jules. havent heard that name for a long time. xx
Ugh, bfn. Two days late temp still up. Wth is going on with my cycle? In a way glad it's a little longer but really thought this was it - I've never had temps this high or an LP this long

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