46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Bee what lovely numbers!!!!! <3!

so happy for you!!!!

campn- i failed my 1 hr gtt with both pregnancies. But no problem with the three hour with either. I've been reading that's extremely common! which is annoying.

(yes i'm still pregnant!)
Bee what lovely numbers!!!!! <3!

so happy for you!!!!

campn- i failed my 1 hr gtt with both pregnancies. But no problem with the three hour with either. I've been reading that's extremely common! which is annoying.

(yes i'm still pregnant!)

Every time I saw you last posted I click on here so fast waiting for the update, but I can't ask "are you still pregnant!" Cause goodness I wanted to punch everyone that asked me that in my last week. Almost there hun! Enjoy it while it lasts?? :p
cookie - so sorry about the BFN love, but maybe this nice LP is your body getting everything all ready for the next cycle BFP!

tex - thinking of you <3

sending love to the preggos - so, so soon til we get some babies on this thread. I'm personally dying for adorable baby pics!!

So I hardly slept last night. I was awoken by a stab stabbing pain in my left pelvic area. The first throb woke me, and then it throbbed again. It hurt so bad and I was grabbing my side. couldn't fall asleep after that. kept freaking out about possible ectopic. feel calmer now that I'm fully awake and alert, but really even though I've had an ectopic, it wasn't tubal so I have no idea what those symptoms might be. I know I shouldn't really worry about ectopic, but I guess once you have one your chance for another goes from like 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10, which is crazy. I'm not sure if that's just for tubals though, bc the cervical was like a whole other ballgame. but like I said, feeling calmer now because my numbers were rising so well. but it's going to be a long 2 weeks.

I see what you girls mean about the pregnancy groups. I browsed 3 feb birth groups and decided they aren't for me. I joined a 4th one that was for assisted conception girls, but already feel like I don't fit in since everyone conceived with IVF and me with a natural IUI. just thought it was the best bet since they would all understand the struggle and long journey, but I don't feel like it's a fit. I see why everyone stays here! I honestly had only planned on joining this site to get me through the horrible twws. and then it turned into 12 twws and now we are all so close I can't imagine leaving. but I thought of it logically last night, and we won't all be on BNB forever. I wondered what some of your thoughts were on finding each other on other social media sites so that we can keep in touch and see our babies grow! I know this site is nice because it does remain private, but I feel so close to you all now that if anyone is interested, we can take our relationship to the next level :winkwink::haha:
:rofl: at "taking it to the next level" haha. It's actually quite weird sometimes. Lol. I have one bnb girl on my fb and one that I text and plan to meet up with soon and it's so hard to go from calling someone their username to calling them their actual name :haha:

Those odds for ectopic are crazy! But I do think that's referring to tubal only. I was worried about ectopic before so I did a lot of research. Good thing is, generally a tube won't rupture until 7 or 8 weeks so you will have had your scan by then. Most times the pain is just a cyst or something. If it is persistent and very painful I would call your doctor or go to the hospital but just pains here and there are nothing to worry about. Only 2 more weeks to go before your scan. Try to relax :hugs:

So sorry about the bfn cookie. Is it possible you O'd later than FF thinks? Maybe at the second temp dip you had? FX you get out of limbo soon

Mommy hoping that little boy makes an appearance soon!
Sorry about the pains, bee but I can't imagine an ectopic with such high numbers! Could be a little cyst that helps with the hormone supply, I had that too and sometimes that throbbed quite a bit! Wasn't anything to worry about :)
Two weeks feels like such a long time, but it will be so worth it and I can't wait to see your little bean(s)!
gina - thank you so much for that info ! that was very helpful. I've been scared to look stuff up because I always find something super weird and crazy that makes me panic, but that was great info. Now that you say it, I have heard about women getting cysts during pregnancy and it did kinda feel like really sharp O pains, so ovary location. I just figured my tube pain would be the same, but I also know that it would be too early to feel pain from a tubal ectopic anyway. so thanks for talking some sense into me!
I'm def open to a secret Facebook group! By now I feel like I know all of you on a personal level! I've a few BnB buddies from ever since I was pregnant with Ben and one actually sent me Christmas gifts all the way from Australia! My pregnancy group is full of very nice ladies but I know you all on a deeper level even though I don't know your names!

Bee- I've had the same exact pains you're describing until 7-8 weeks. It's normal unless you feel woah this isn't right, but basically your uterus is being cut and a sac is being planted and burrowing deep into it. I used to walk around holding my left side and I was terrified. Everything is just stretching in there! You probably didn't feel that with your first pregnancy cause it was down by your cervix.

Smille- I had nightmares that this baby wouldn't breastfeed like her brother did, it must have really traumatized me more than I thought it did, but this time I'm not leaving the hospital until I get a great latch, I'll be calling the lactation consultants like its my job. Also as first time moms we have no idea what to do or what to expect. I had no idea bfing needs work! I just thought I'll put him on the breast and he'll figure it out.
Bee, it's probably the corpus luteum doing a grand job of sustaining your pregnancy. Perfectly normal and actually a good thing. Xx
And the witch arrived. Typical light flow and mild headache. Hopefully this does mean my cycles are normalizing. Just started EPO in this past cycle, had my thyroid med changed a month ago, and been on b6&12 for three full cycles now. Still think I'm gonna give my gyn a call though just to start ruling things out.
Cookie - I'm so sorry about your BFN :-( I know you'll get there! That's a cute group name, thank you for the suggestion.
Teeny - how are you feeling? Any activity for you yet?

Mommy - I had to giggle at your last line. I look everyday hoping to see the big news that he's finally here!!!

Bla - So glad the test went well and no GD!!!

Bee - Anxiously waiting your results. So glad you're taking this calmly as hard as it probably is!

Sweet - thank you so much! When are you supposed to O?

Within the next couple of days I'm guessing I'm CD 14 today so hopefully soon, I'm starting to feel the pinching feeling on my right side.

Bee - I can't wait to see those numbers!

Mommy - he's going to have to come out of there at some point. Maybe you should mention a meal time or particular food. You know, tempt him out with the promise of pizza!

Afm, I am thoroughly confused. It looked like AF was getting heavier yesterday. Instead, it's just a somewhat steady light AF that looks as though it could stop at any moment. And no cramping. I don't get it. If it stops by tomorrow, I'm gonna hit up my doc and be all Bugs Bunny, like "What's up, doc?"

I would ask for sure that seems odd.

TTC - You're so sweet, thanks for asking! My shower was amazing. My mom and sister went all out with delicious food and bought so many adorable outfits to hang on a close line, and my mom made me an amazing diaper cake with little origami-like sea creatures made out of washcloths! I felt so lucky that they care and love me so much, and even that people came to the shower and bought me gifts. For some reason I always feel surprised when people do stuff for me lol. And my husband and the guys put together the crib!! 30 weeks today so we're on the home stretch! I'm so glad things are going well for you and your little bean! I love the baby sizes on your ticker, lol.

Peski - Aww darn, I'm so sorry about the confusing AF. Hope you get an answer soon. You have any cheapies just to check? If it's not a BFP, you've got nice regular cycles so hopefully we'll be seeing an sticky BFP from you soon!

Texas - I'm so sorry that it feels like everyone else already has #2 except you. For the longest time I couldn't go on Facebook because of all the pregnancy announcements making me feel inadequate. Even now when I see other people announce I get a small pang of jealously because it was so hard for us and seems so easy for everyone else. That's why on my pregnancy announcement I was very open about my miscarriage and difficulty conceiving, just so other people who might be struggling would know. And for people who have it easy also know it's not easy for everyone. Fingers crossed that like Bee you get your shiny BFP soon!!

Jgo - Great to see you popping in! Sorry about the aches and pains. Just a little while longer until you and DW are snuggling your adorable baby boy!!

Bee - Good luck with your betas!! I'll bet they just want to be safe and make sure they'll see something instead of worrying you if they can't see anything yet. We'll be with you while you wait these 2 weeks so they don't feel so long!

Blabla - Glad your test went well! I just did my GD test and came back with good numbers, although I do have a mild anemia so they said I should take low dose iron pills. Bleh.

Mommy - I can't believe your little boy is still cooking!! Considering your due date is 3 days away it has to be coming in the next week I'd think!

Sweet - Hope you have a plump eggy getting ready to go right now!

Cookie - Can't wait to see your test! That's not much of a temp drop and it's still very high. Fingers crossed!

Thank you me too!

242!!!!!! Holy betas !

I say triplets holy smokes those are great numbers

Yay great numbers Bee! Let's hope once they do a scan baby is in the right place and growing away. :)
I'm gonna go against everyone else and guess 1 baby. Ha ha Just to be different! :)

Pesk sorry about AF hun :(

Tex- I am right there with you. I've actually taken a break from FB. Too many announcements and pictures and I'm sitting here feeling like a failure. I'm here cheering you on.

Cookie holy moly lady POAS already I'm dying to know. :haha: good luck!!

Ksquared your shower sounds amazing! And I always think the moment a crib gets put together and into a room is the moment it all gets really real visually. So exciting!

Camp hope the GD test went well!

Jgo sorry to hear you're so uncomfortable. I have no idea what spd is though. (Feel free to clue me in someone!)

Phew! Sometimes this thread moves at light speed! Thank god I lurk a lot even if I'm not a big poster. :haha:

AFM...still here. Still post MMC. Sadly my last scan a week ago showed I still have a small amount of retained product. Much smaller than before so my OB thinks my body is pushing it out slowly. He wants me to wait for AF to do another scan and see if that took care of it. Good news is that all the antibiotics helped with that random infection I was developing. So it never got bad.

I figured since its been 4 weeks since my D&C id start using OPK's to see if I O since that might help me time AF. They have been pretty blank until a few days ago when they started to darken finally. Today's is below. I think I might actually O. For once I'm thrilled I'll O so I'll get my period! So strange how that happens. Never thought I'd be so happy to want my period to show up. :)

Fairly sure I should O even though I know a lot of people don't after a MMC. But during my last scan the tech did say I had 3 good sized follicles growing (2 on left and 1 on right). As shitty as this all has been I have to be so thankful that my body seems to want to get back to normal. Silver linings!

OPK under the cut if anyone wants to look and tell me if they think I'm close.

I think it's a good sign you're Oing after the MMC hopefully you can get a BFP this cycle

cookie - so sorry about the BFN love, but maybe this nice LP is your body getting everything all ready for the next cycle BFP!

tex - thinking of you <3

sending love to the preggos - so, so soon til we get some babies on this thread. I'm personally dying for adorable baby pics!!

So I hardly slept last night. I was awoken by a stab stabbing pain in my left pelvic area. The first throb woke me, and then it throbbed again. It hurt so bad and I was grabbing my side. couldn't fall asleep after that. kept freaking out about possible ectopic. feel calmer now that I'm fully awake and alert, but really even though I've had an ectopic, it wasn't tubal so I have no idea what those symptoms might be. I know I shouldn't really worry about ectopic, but I guess once you have one your chance for another goes from like 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10, which is crazy. I'm not sure if that's just for tubals though, bc the cervical was like a whole other ballgame. but like I said, feeling calmer now because my numbers were rising so well. but it's going to be a long 2 weeks.

I see what you girls mean about the pregnancy groups. I browsed 3 feb birth groups and decided they aren't for me. I joined a 4th one that was for assisted conception girls, but already feel like I don't fit in since everyone conceived with IVF and me with a natural IUI. just thought it was the best bet since they would all understand the struggle and long journey, but I don't feel like it's a fit. I see why everyone stays here! I honestly had only planned on joining this site to get me through the horrible twws. and then it turned into 12 twws and now we are all so close I can't imagine leaving. but I thought of it logically last night, and we won't all be on BNB forever. I wondered what some of your thoughts were on finding each other on other social media sites so that we can keep in touch and see our babies grow! I know this site is nice because it does remain private, but I feel so close to you all now that if anyone is interested, we can take our relationship to the next level :winkwink::haha:

I'm all for that if everyone is

So funny enough I was thinking of other ways to stay in contact! If everyone is ok with it, I can make the group on Facebook. I'll put my link in here and everyone can add me and I'll add you to the group. Let me know. I'll add a few admins as well for times that I can't be on. I agree with Bla, I trust you ladies with my heart, I feel like we've all been through so much together and I would hate to lose touch.

If everyone is ok with it, I'll need some group name ideas too!

How about bnb girls?

I second the name

AFM: just on cd14 waiting to O but getting pinching pains on my right hand side. Hope within the next two days I O
Cookie so sorry about af :hugs: hope it does mean your cycles are regulating though.
I'll definitely still be on here because I read so many other threads (journals and I like to sneak in on the pregnancy groups :haha:) and hey, this is where it all started for us (and continues).. so I'll definitely be around!

Btw: I really wanted to share this little Pixar gem (teaser):

Trix- I def still plan on staying on here too! I like following the weeks and BFPS! :D
I plan on still being on bnb too including this thread.

I have made a couple of real life bnb friends, in fact I'm meeting up with one next month! Facebook definitely helps deepen friendships :)

I'm probably not going to be around much the next couple of weeks after today as we fly to Italy tomorrow and not sure if I'll have much/any wifi.

In exciting news, I've had my first scan date through - 12th July!! I'll be 12 weeks exactly. I'm excited but apprehensive as can't help shake this bad feeling I have.
Where is Squirrel!!!? I'm serious legit stalking waiting for that BFP!
ooh I missed a lot!

I'll be on BNB a ton still - I was thinking more for setting it up now for the long term/future. so yay! thanks ttc!! I'll add you now :)

pompey - yay for the scan!!! 12 weeks will be here before you know it, especially with the Italy trip! that's so wonderful - have so much fun!!! And add me as your equally terrified bump buddy!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

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