46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

sorry ladies had my own scare over here with discharge but i think i'm alright? not sure yet tbh
Mommy- so sorry you had a scare- hopefully the doctors get to the bottom of things and give you some reassurance. I hope things are going well with the new baby!

Karma- good luck honey I hope you get your BFP this cycle!

Monkey- I can see the line as well!

Afm- temp is still soaring. Only a few more days till AF is due to show up. Fertility friend has finally indicated that my chart is "possibly triphasic" starting on 7dpo. I've never had a triphasic chart ever. So fingers crossed that this is a very good sign!
Karma - I had a terrible cold in early pregnancy! FX. When might you test?

Mum2 - First off welcome! I see that line and FX that it keeps getting darker. Keep us posted <3

Trix - Big hugs! When do you and DH plan on trying again?

Mommy - :hugs: hope everything is ok.

Tex - Really hope this is it for you <3
Monkey - I also see the line and I have a hard time seeing them. Congrats

Squirrel how have you been?

Bee - only a couple short days to go for the ultrasound

AFM: 9 DPO and a huge temp drop which is really frustrating :(
Texas, that is an amazing chart. Xx

Sweetmama, perhaps an implantation dip? Xx

Mum2, I see that line. Congratulations. Xx

Squirrel, where are you? You okay lovely? Xx
Tex - Such a gorgeous chart that I'm eagerly awaiting to see a bfp post from you.

TTC - Not sure if I mentioned it, but I love your ticker about the baby size. DH and I haven't really discussed it, especially because he's so undecided about whether or not he really wants a baby right now (some days I'm like that too). We were in such an awful place before and because of that, I know that ntnp is the best plan for us for right now. Although I've been feeling the itch to try again, I'm really not ready to have that discussion with DH just yet lol
Bla I am doing well, finally getting that energy boost so not too much to complain about lol. I hope your thesis is coming along smoothly and you and SO have mended things. I am sorry you're feeling down hun :hugs: How is Thomas treating you?

Trix I am sorry about AF and how the NTNP is going. Hopefully soon you'll be back in the TTC game full swing! I cannot wait to see that BFP :hugs:

Karma I hope AF stays away, FX for you!

Mum beautiful line hun! Hope it just gets darker!

TeX I am loving your chart! I hope this is it hun!

Mommy I am sorry about the scare. Hope everything is alright :hugs:

Sweet I am thinking ID as well. FX

Teeny how are you?
welcome mum2 - I can easily see the line, but it looks like it's very thin? Keep us posted

mommy - sorry you had a scare! all things pregnancy-related terrify me now after my ectopic experience. I hope you are doing alright now.

sweet - wait til tomorrow to see if it jumps back up!

tex - wow!!! amazing chart!! and you've never had one like this before so maybe the difference is even more of a good thing too! so anxious for you

teeny - when is eviction day?! :coffee:

drum - glad you are getting that energy boost! :happydance:

bla - hope things are well with you and SO :hugs: I fantasize about killing my DH with these pregnancy hormones :haha:

trix - so sorry about AF. it's hard when all symptoms point to a bfp, ugh. sounds like you and DH are still in a good place, and they say it happens when you aren't really trying anyway!

2 days til the scan. I already had interrupted sleep (more so than I've been :haha:) bc of it. I doubt I'll sleep wed night. :nope: this last stretch is proving to be the hardest part to get through!
Bee, eviction is Friday. So 3 more days. She has been a pickle from the start so I can't say I'm surprised! It does feel like the last 10 days have been longer than my whole pregnancy though.

Drum, 2 more days until viability. :) Enjoy the energy boost lovely. Xx

Trixie, hoping the NTNP leads to a beautiful BFP without all the stress that comes with actually 'trying'. Xx
Texas, that is an amazing chart. Xx

Sweetmama, perhaps an implantation dip? Xx

Mum2, I see that line. Congratulations. Xx

Squirrel, where are you? You okay lovely? Xx

Maybe but I had a dip at 5dpo that lasted until 6dpo is it possible those weren't and this is.. I hope so

Bla I am doing well, finally getting that energy boost so not too much to complain about lol. I hope your thesis is coming along smoothly and you and SO have mended things. I am sorry you're feeling down hun :hugs: How is Thomas treating you?

Trix I am sorry about AF and how the NTNP is going. Hopefully soon you'll be back in the TTC game full swing! I cannot wait to see that BFP :hugs:

Karma I hope AF stays away, FX for you!

Mum beautiful line hun! Hope it just gets darker!

TeX I am loving your chart! I hope this is it hun!

Mommy I am sorry about the scare. Hope everything is alright :hugs:

Sweet I am thinking ID as well. FX

Teeny how are you?

Ahh I hope so thanks!

welcome mum2 - I can easily see the line, but it looks like it's very thin? Keep us posted

mommy - sorry you had a scare! all things pregnancy-related terrify me now after my ectopic experience. I hope you are doing alright now.

sweet - wait til tomorrow to see if it jumps back up!

tex - wow!!! amazing chart!! and you've never had one like this before so maybe the difference is even more of a good thing too! so anxious for you

teeny - when is eviction day?! :coffee:

drum - glad you are getting that energy boost! :happydance:

bla - hope things are well with you and SO :hugs: I fantasize about killing my DH with these pregnancy hormones :haha:

trix - so sorry about AF. it's hard when all symptoms point to a bfp, ugh. sounds like you and DH are still in a good place, and they say it happens when you aren't really trying anyway!

2 days til the scan. I already had interrupted sleep (more so than I've been :haha:) bc of it. I doubt I'll sleep wed night. :nope: this last stretch is proving to be the hardest part to get through!

I am so excited for you to have your scan. Its hard to not know what's going on I've never really had an implantation dip before so it's scary for me lol :dohh:
ooh teeny. I can only imagine how you feel. Hoping the next 3 days go by quickly for you. and thanks, it would be quite the surprise to get a bfp without trying for it haha

thanks bee, but I'm ok with how it turned out. Yes, DH and I are still in a great place. We bicker sometimes, but nothing and not as often like how it was while we were actively TTC. And I do still believe it'll happen when it's meant to for us. If others can get a bfp, mine will happen sometime too, right?

thanks drum. Who knows, maybe I'll get a bfp next cycle or maybe DH will be ready sometime after he sees the baby shower gift basket I'm working on lol. Enjoy the energy boost!
Sweet I'm thinking implantation dip...

Bee I'm excited for ur scan on Thursday!!! I know it's so nerve wrecking though....

Trix I really hope the ntnp plan works good for ya!!! Stay positive

Mommy sorry u had a scare hun

Drum enjoy that energy boost!!!

Tex, I am loving that chart hun!!!! Hoping to here a BFP from u!!

Teeny hopefully u won't have to wait til friday!!!

TTC... I tested again today and of course BFN but I was expecting that... I'm only 10 or 11dpo today... AF due this upcoming weekend. This head cold already seems to be going away... Woke with with only a slight cough and my throat is not so much sore as it is itchy now. But my nose is still stuffy and runny and still slightly congested and a slight headache. But nothing like yesterday. I could barely move yesterday and today it's easier... I know I'm still early and am not out til AF shows. I've had slight pelvic cramping on and off since yesterday more on my left side and actually today... Well even though I have barely had anything to drink this morning I keep having to go pre and like full bladder type having to pee... My son was in the bathroom going number 2 (sorry tmi) for like 45 min (he's only 7) and we only have one bathroom and I kept having to ask him to please hurry cuz I had to go so bad I thought I wasn't going to make it... IDK... Cm is kinda watery but IDK co is kinda highish medium but more on the softer side of medium I guess and closed
Trix - lol thanks! I love the signature, it's so different. I really hope ntnp works for you and DH you never know what the future holds though :) I have a feeling you'll have your BFP before you know it <3

Karma - those all sound pretty positive! Keep us updated on your testing.
TTC how long after ur cold started did u get a BFP? Like I said earlier mine was BFN this morning but this peeing shit is driving me crazy and I have been having like fluttering feeling in my lower abdomen... IDK my cervix feels kinda different then past cycles and it's really wet but my cm is actually now watery more then anything but if I rub my fingers together it turns like milky I guess I would say... IDK will prababy test again later this evening if I can manage to hold it long enough and if not I guess I'll test tomorrow... I just keep having to go to the bathroom over and over again
Hello, hello, hello! I know it's been a little while since I last posted, been trying to keep my mind of the whole TTC thing and I am now into my TWW. I need to change my tracker to reflect this. I can honestly say that this time around, I'm actually a lot more relaxed about it and don't feel the urge to test as I usually would.

Tex - your chart is looking fantastic! Could there be a maybe-baby brewing? It's looking pretty good.

Bee - I'm excited about your scan! As always, I'm your little cheer bucket and again, you can be pregnant for both of us.

To all the other ladies I missed, I do apologize. There was so much to catch up on but I'm keeping my FX for all of us. Baby dust everywhere!
Trixie- I know what you mean by the bickering while ttc. I can honestly say I don't miss it. Some days it felt like ttc was going to tear us apart bc it was extremely frustrating and emotionally draining on both of us. I'm glad things have improved with you two and I hope he comes around to the idea of having a baby. Who knows, it may just happen.

Peski- fxd this is your cycle!

Squirrel- thinking of you.
Bee - Eek your scan is almost here! I'm so excited to see what you've got cooking!!

Texas - Your chart is amazeballs. FX this is the lucky cycle and you'll have a funny story about when you conceived, lol!

Drum - How fun that you're painting the girls' rooms! Would love to see Freya's when it's finished.

Blabla - When do you turn in your thesis? Good luck getting to the finish!

TTC - Ouch, sorry about the sunburn. I was at a baby shower Sunday too and it was SO HOT. We were in the shade but I was melting. I'm feeling pretty good still. I had to go on iron pills for mild anemia, and I do feel quite a bit better. I have far fewer times where I feel like I can't catch my breath.

Smille - Sounds like you guys have been very productive! And I'm sorry about your dd spending time away. I'm sure that's so hard not having your little angel at home.

Trixie - Ugh, sorry AF got you :(

Karma - Good luck! One of my early symptoms was a tingling in the ovary I ovulated from, which started getting stronger. I must have sensitive ovaries though because when I O I feel it big time. Hope your symptoms are a BFP!

Mum2onemonkey - Congrats and welcome! I totally see that pink line even on my phone without clicking open the picture. Hope this is your rainbow!

Mommy - Hope all is well! Sorry about the scare. :hugs:

Sweet - FX that drop is either implantation or a fluke. Hoping it shoots back up tomorrow!

Teeny - Glad you have an eviction date. Seems like we've had some stubborn babies so far in our little group, lol.

Peski - Good luck in the tww! Love it when it feels more relaxed.

Afm - Officially 8 months tomorrow! So 8 weeks left. I still feel like I have so much to do, like schedule the hospital tour and do the breastfeeding class if I want to, and buy the remaining things we need, and get everything washed and put away, and pack the hospital bag. I get worn out so easily I'm not getting things done very quickly. And now I'm running out of time - it's flying by. I still catch myself in the mirror and stare at my belly amazed that this is actually happening after all this time. And still in a bit of disbelief that there is a real baby in there that I'm growing with my body lol. Human biology is so weird!
Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been away. I accidentally unsubscribed and was in a pretty self-pitying place for a few days, but I feel a little better now. Will have to spend a good while later going through and reading what everyone's been up to so I can give a proper response!
ksquared: congrats on 8 months! You are gettting so close!
I'm hoping to hand in my thesis around the 11th. I'm currently finishing up one case study and then still have to do another (around 6000 words, not that big a deal) + conclusion and then make sure the layout is totally correct. :)

Trixie: You'll have your bfp hun and I do think taking a relaxed approach is more fitting for you and your DH.

Bee: eeek, so close to your scan, can't wait!
Drum: Glad you are doing well! Thomas is treating me rather well, kicking all over the place on most days. Sometimes when I think he's asleep, I worry like a madman though.
Squirrel: I'm glad you're back hun, I missed you. I hope you are doing better now, I know ttc sucks sometimes and you deserve so much better than what you've currently been dealing with <3

As for my SO, yes men are stupid.

Sorry again for being so quiet, I'm so busy and still dealing with a lot at the moment. I'll try to keep up with the thread more, I'm sorry! I read everything you ladies have to say, just takes me more of an effort to reply at the moment. Big hugs to all of you :hugs:

Very happy to be at 24 weeks now though!:)
I've been having a terrible time sleeping. The 1st tri, it seemed like I had insomnia. Then it went away. Now, I can't fall asleep and when I do, I'm up several times a night. I just don't feel tired, but I know I am. So much on my mind I guess. My mom is stressing me out and causing unnecessary drama, I miss my dd and all of the things that we still need to do is weighing on me. I'm meeting up with a good friend this morning. I'm very excited bc I need it.

Squirrel- I'm sorry you weren't in a good place. It's hard especially when your journey has come to assisted conception. It's difficult to accept, it's still a burden for me bc idk if we will be able to conceive our 3rd and last naturally. I read your journal and 2 eggs sounds like great odds. I only had 1 and felt like my body failed me. It's going to happen I feel it. :hugs:.

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