46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Thank you ladies for all your kind words of rewelcome :hugs: still need to go through and see what you're all up to!

Bee, been thinking about you today. I really hope you have an amazing scan! Can't wait to see a picture of Baby Bee!
WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: That's the best news Bee! I've been waiting to see you write that all day!!! So happy for you! Did you get a picture?
thank you everyone!!

squirrel - I posted the pic to the fb group, just because it's so much easier. I'm telling you - you can't see a thing! :haha:

I feel a lot better, but not in the clear just yet. we could see the flicker of the HB if I held really still, but it was hard. she tried to pick up the heart rate, and couldn't. my last pregnancy we had the heart rate and right around this same time, and that was in my cervix! I'm going to look back at dates and check. the dr wants another scan in 2 weeks. I'm glad, but was curious why. he said this first one was to make sure baby was in my uterus, so next one will be to check on everything. I'm not sure what that means. I thought my only risk factor was the extrauterine pregnancy. He said baby is so small it's hard to tell anything. I'm wondering if baby is too small or if the heart rate should have been picked up by now....

so feeling worried, but trying not to stress. I can make it through another 2 weeks. I have to. the us tech isn't really a pleasant person. I asked if there were more than one and she was like nope. I think as soon as she found the baby she stopped though. the whole thing was so quick. so who knows. :shrug:

thanks for all of the love and support ! <3
Bee he probably just wants to see and hear that heart beat and see that baby is growing fine! At 6 weeks hearing the heart isn't too easy, my tech had to measure it a few times to get any number at all! As long as you're measuring on track (and your hCG def says you are!)
Can I join the lucky thread?! TTC#2. I had just given birth to #1 when this thread was started :haha: I am 1DPO, hubby and I got tons of :sex: in so hopefully we caught the egg. We are doing all the "tricks" for trying for a girl. Still have some intense left sided ovulation cramps, and my OPK surge was still going strong this morning, I think I'm going to force myself to wait until July 9th (10DPO) to test :nope: Especially if I have a long surge and may not even have ovulated yet. Plus that way it would be Saturday morning and I don't have to worry about work. The hard part will be waiting that long :haha: AF is due July 13th.
O hun, as campn said... really, don't worry. At six weeks it is so hard to measure the heartbeat and very hard to even measure the baby (C-R). For me at 7 weeks, the midwife had an old shitty machine and she could see the heartbeat but I couldn't see a thing lol. Very hard to see with such a tiny baby, unless you have a trained eye. And even then it's hard. With me they didn't even try to measure the heartbeat with that thing before I was 10 weeks preggo!

In two weeks, you'll be able to see it much clearer already and I'm certain they'll be able to measure it then :)
As others have said Bee, I wouldn't worry that they couldn't measure heart rate yet. They are so so so tiny at this stage that it's so hard to measure it. You could see it and that's amazing, many people don't even get that at 6 weeks. I'm sorry the technician was curt and abrupt. A little bedside manner goes a long way and I'm always amazed when healthcare professionals are cold or even rude with patients. Why do a job that involves lots of interactions with people if you can't muster the energy to be nice and pleasant to people? :shrug: Even if you're having a bad day, you suck it up; it's not your patient's fault! I've had plenty of rubbish horrible days, but if I took that out on my pupils, I would be a terrible human being! It doesn't take a lot of effort to be nice to people.
Bee - First off a HUGE congratulations to you and DH!!! I don't have much experience but, I do know that hearing HB can take a bit. I didn't hear bubs until almost 7 weeks and then at my next appt. is was loud and clear! I'm still in shock that there's only 1!
Texas: Your chart is looking so awesome!! I love that climbing temp! And go you for having a triphasic chart too - that’s only happened to me a couple of times with FF. So nice to see it say things like that. I have my fingers massively crossed for you!

Sweet: Your chart is looking pretty amazing too! I know you were worried about that drop, but it’s come back up. 9dpo is the most common day for implantation. Implantation dip maybe?? I have my fingers so so crossed for you too!

Drum: Glad you’re doing well and are having a bit of an energy boost. Pregnancy can be so unbelievably draining, so it’s nice to hear you’re feeling lively.

Teeny: Eek! So excited for you for tomorrow! I hope your little lady doesn’t keep you hanging around and that the labour goes well. Can’t wait to see the little princess!

Tribe: I’m glad the NTNP is going well for you. It sounds divine not to be carried away with the stress of TTC. If this IUI is a bust then I might follow suit and try the NTNP train for a while while we try to work out how we can get the money together for IVF.

Karma: Sorry about your BFNs, but your signs are sounding so great! I hope this is it for you and you’re about to see a lovely BFP coming your way.

Peski: Welcome back to you too :wave: :hugs: I’m really glad you’re having a nice relaxed cycle. I’m very envious :haha:

Ksquared: Wow!! 8 months!! That has flown by (I’m sure it doesn’t feel like it for you). It gets like that towards the end of pregnancy doesn’t it? All of a sudden all those things you had plenty of time for pile up until you’re rushing to get everything done before baby decides to show! Haha! That amazed disbelieving feeling lasts until that baby ends up in your arms. Even when I was in the theatre with Oscar pushing him out by forceps delivery, there was a moment between contractions where there was complete silence and I remember thinking about how there couldn’t possibly be a baby coming out of me. Surely not! A baby!? Me? Then when I saw him and he was placed on me, it was the weirdest weirdest moment!! With Isla it wasn’t the same, as I was already mummy to Oscar, but that first moment with your first baby, wow! What a moment! I really envy first time mums that amazing mind-blowing moment when life changes forever! :D

Bla: Oh no, sorry to hear you’re dealing with a lot going on right now. I’m sorry I missed it. What’s going on? Hope you and baby are okay :hugs: And congrats on V-day!!! :dance:

Smile: I’m sorry to hear you’re not sleeping well and that your mother is stressing you out :hugs: That’s not what you need as you approach the third trimester. Hope your friend-date was fun!

Gina: Wow! What is going on with your cycle/tests! How confusing and frustrating for you. I see that line clearly! Have you been to doctor to have your levels checked?

TTCbaby: Thank you :hugs: How are you doing? Hope first tri is treating you kindly?

AFM: SOOOO!!!!! Haven’t updated on here in a while… I’m on my 7th day of taking the FSH injections (puregon, which is the same as follistim). I’m on small doses and when I went for a scan on Tuesday, only two follicles were growing bigger than the others (with one not too far behind). I know, I know, I know, two is great :haha: but me being the spoilt princess I am, am feeling disappointed there weren’t more! It’s just that with the clomid cycles I had two both times and got pregnant, but lost the both, so I just have this dread of only having two. I know with the FSH they’ll be better quality eggs than with the climid, but I’m still super scared. If this doesn’t work…. well it doesn’t bear thinking about to be honest! It’s probably my last day of injecting myself today, which is good as it’s sore to do so, but also, I’ll miss it, as I nerdilily feel like a badass injecting myself :haha: :haha: :haha: I have another scan tomorrow afternoon to see how my follies have responded (fingers crossed for three, fingers crossed for three, fingers crossed for three!!!!!) and I’m expecting them to schedule my IUI for Monday or Tuesday (CD13 or CD14). I hope CD13 as I’m off work. I’m hoping they say to trigger Sunday night. I can’t wait to be in the TWW and to put all this injection, follicles stress behind me.
Squirel - I'm doing ok. I just received a call from my OB though that apparently I'm a carrier for Cystic Fibrous but, I shouldn't worry because more than likely FH is not. They're going to have FH go for blood. I'm still a little stressed about that but, he's reassured me that it's very rare. I'm sorry you've been stressing and I promise to keep everything crossed that you'll have 3 follies there!!!!
Gina - I can definitely see that line and without squinting. This could be it, in which case . . . no Tough Mudder. I'm so conflicted now, I was excited for you doing the Tough Mudder but there could be a baby brewing . . . a maybe-baby. FX that it's baby!

Bee - Serious excitement time! Baby in the right spot and don't worry too much about the heartbeat. At this stage, it's usually too fluttery to pick up properly but by 8 weeks, it should be much more clear.
Squirrel thanks hun, and everything is crossed for those three! I am glad the injections are done after today but I hope they have worked their magic! I am so excited for you and this cycle!

TTC :hugs: I am sorry about the call, even though it's rare it's certainly worrying. Please keep us updated!

Pink welcome! Lots of baby dust!

Bee :hugs: the ladies are right though. A lot of OBs in this area are making you wait until 8 weeks for that very reason. Congrats again Momma. Since I was wrong about the twins I am going with Campn on team pink! So excited!

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