46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

2DPO today. A little crampy, some nausea. I went swimming today. It's ok to swim right after ovulation right? It won't harm anything?
definitely swimming is really good for you! :) wish i could swim. yucky pp.
Hi ladies how is everyone doing?
Getting on with the two week wait? Ready to ovulate? It's been so quiet!
Texas, still no AF I see?
Preggo's feeling alright?

Still dealing with a lot of stuff, but it's getting better.
- ;)
Yeah no AF yet but I think it will be today sometime. I had a huge temp drop yesterday and today my temp is around 97.5 which oddly is how my temp starts out (there abouts) every time I had cd1. So I really feel like it will be soon. But it's ok it means I can try again lol.

I feel you on the mil thing. I have the worst one ever. She's usually nice to my face mostly but since we've been staying here it's been worse. She literally drinks at least a whole bottle of wine every night by herself. Usually starts around 3 so by 6 she's totally drunk and stays that way all night. And she gets rude when she's drunk. Then instead of apologizing for being a biotch she just acts extra nice once she realizes she has crossed the line to "make up" for the fact she was rude. I'm beyond ready to move back home.

On the renovation front the Sheetrock guy should hopefully finish this week so I can prime and paint next week and our cabinets can go in the week of the 18th and floors the 25 and then us move in that weekend. I hope. I bought the wrong Kind of doors for the bathroom yesterday so we have to take them back. I needed left Inswing doors for the bathrooms and closets and I bought right. Ugh but at least I only have to take back 4 doors thank goodness. The guy we have installing our doors is installing all the Interior and exterior doors then priming and painting them and the trim for $1200 which I think is a huge bargain lol
Hey all sorry about the MIL situations Tex and BlaBla

AFM: I am fully expecting that AF will show her ugly face here today or tomorrow my temp dropped well below cover and I am a little disheartened by it. I just want to be pregnant already
Hey ladies, hope all is going well. Got back in last night around midnight so catching up has been slow.Thinking of all of you! For my US ladies Happy 4th!

Bla sorry about that hun :hugs: Hopefully she'll learn to keep her opinions to herself or SO will do something next time to nip it.

TeX I am sorry about your MIL as well. Glad everything is going well on the remodel, not too much longer! Really hope AF stays away
Hi ladies how is everyone doing?
Getting on with the two week wait? Ready to ovulate? It's been so quiet!
Texas, still no AF I see?
Preggo's feeling alright?

Still dealing with a lot of stuff, but it's getting better. Whining below, so feel free to skip ;)
We went out to dinner last night with my MIL because of her birthday and I did not have fun.
She started by saying that I'm pale, and that I'm probably not eating healthy enough (excuse me, how would you know).
Then she said that wanting the baby in our room with us for the first months was stupid. I told her that I don't want to leave the baby all alone after nine months super close to mommy and that we will build that up. She repeated how stupid that was. SO said NOTHING. Ehm, HUN, we BOTH wanted that. BOTH.

She said some other stuff too and I was sad that SO left me all alone in the line of fire. Never once said something like: Mom, we both decided this. Nah, just let your pregnant girlfriend deal with that alone. We had a good talk about it in the car on the way home though and he'll try to be more assertive when she is going against me like that.. and stand with ME instead of say nothing or semi-agree with her all of a sudden.

Pretty sure that she'll disagree about everything from now on, so I fully expect comments about my hopes to breastfeed for a year. Only wanting to work for 2-3 days max (she says that moms shouldn't be stay at home parents and should work) and the fact that SO and I will try to follow attachment parenting (aka not letting the baby 'cry it out') will probably be bullshit to her as well :p.

I think she means well, but her way is the best way and whatever ideas I (and SO) might have are therefore ridiculous by default.

Omg that sounds just like my dads wife. She has no filter and acts like her opinion is the only one that matters. I wouldn't even bother arguing with her, because she will never agree. Try to stay off of parenting topics if you can and if she tries to tell you how to do something, just ignore it and change subjects to her. I bet she love talking about herself. Or, if she really won't let go, tell her that although you appreciate her suggestions, that this is your child and you would prefer that she keep her nasty comments to herself. People like that are usually so into themselves that they don't realize they are stepping on someone's toes unless you put them in their place. Then just blame the pregnancy hormones for not saying it nicer:haha: Good luck honey. Just remember, whatever you decide to do with your baby is perfect. You are the mommy and you are making all the right choices and doing a perfect job :hugs:
Bla- sorry about your mil. Mine always shares her opinions, but I'm to the point after 14yrs of dealing with her that idgaf and will tell her to shut it. I had planned on sleeping in the nursery at least the 1st month, but it isn't going to work out that way with the size of the room and furniture. Putting a bassinet in our room is out of the question bc dh will be working 72hrs a week and he needs his sleep. My mil gave her opinion about pain meds during labor. She said God intended for painful delivery and meds drug the baby. I plan on a natural birth, but if not I'll be damned if I let her shame me. It's my body, my baby, my choice. Your SO should stick up for you, otherwise just tell her that you understand she has her own opinion, but she really needs to keep them to herself.

Texas and sweet- I'm so sorry about the temp drops. I was really hoping you'd both get lucky this cycle.
Thanks ladies!Sorry about all you ladies also dealing with MILs. I don't know why that seems to be so difficult, we didn't steal them away or something :p

Smille: Nothing wrong with having the baby sleep in its own room of course, if you can't do it otherwise or don't want to. I feel that everybody should do whatever feels best and I never judge. I just hate it when other people do, so I was baffled that she flat out said that it was stupid of me :") Exactly, don't let her shame you if you do need medication during labor. I plan on going natural too, but who knows right?

Texas and sweet: Sorry about the temp drop :(
Don't let her tell you her choices are stupid. You are the parent and she's not. Everyone parents differently and we need to all be accepting of that. Sorry you're dealing with her negativity.
Sorry Texas and Sweet for your temps dropping :hugs: I hope AF still stays away for both of you!

Bla: your MIL sounds horrid! I'm not surprised you're upset. Over here in the UK it's advised that you keep a newborn in your room for the first 6 months, maybe tell her that to keep her off your back! We had both of ours in with us for the first 12 months (not by choice) and now they both sleep through the night in their own rooms (they both did from 14 months on), so it doesn't do any harm to keep them in with you. I also actually coslept with both of mine for the whole time too, not by choice (I never planned to) but just because it was easier with breastfeeding and I was lazy :haha: Though Smille, I totally get not having space for baby in your room and know loads of people that successfully had baby in separate room from the beginning :)

I feel so lucky with my MIL. She says some pretty weird stuff most of the time, but she's good-hearted and would never mean to undermine me or say anything rude on purpose.

So I am turning over a new leaf on being positive! I let myself wallow in some pretty serious self pity for a while there, but I need to pull myself out of it. I hope this cycle will work, but if it doesn't, it isn't the end of the world.
Ben slept in his cosleeper until he was 11 months. It made breastfeeding a million times easier and I was less tired in the morning cause I didn't keep walking back and forth at night into another room. Even my formula feeding friends share cause it's easier. He moved to his room before he turned one easily and until now he sleeps just fine in his room no problems at all.

I'm planning on doing the same this time, I loved our special bonding time and 11 months out of their entire lives sleeping next to us is no huge deal!
Hi ladies how is everyone doing?
Getting on with the two week wait? Ready to ovulate? It's been so quiet!
Texas, still no AF I see?
Preggo's feeling alright?

Still dealing with a lot of stuff, but it's getting better.
- ;)

sorry about your mil hun. And yeah in my experience dh doesn't really stick up for me either. pretty messed up. but mil knows better now cause i'll full out give my opinion. i found out they actually co-slept with all their littles, all this time i had no idea! was nice to know someone else did it cause actually my mother thinks its terrible i have him in with me. But man, however you get sleep is how i see it. as long as everyone is safe.

Bla- sorry about your mil. Mine always shares her opinions, but I'm to the point after 14yrs of dealing with her that idgaf and will tell her to shut it. I had planned on sleeping in the nursery at least the 1st month, but it isn't going to work out that way with the size of the room and furniture. Putting a bassinet in our room is out of the question bc dh will be working 72hrs a week and he needs his sleep. My mil gave her opinion about pain meds during labor. She said God intended for painful delivery and meds drug the baby. I plan on a natural birth, but if not I'll be damned if I let her shame me. It's my body, my baby, my choice. Your SO should stick up for you, otherwise just tell her that you understand she has her own opinion, but she really needs to keep them to herself.

Texas and sweet- I'm so sorry about the temp drops. I was really hoping you'd both get lucky this cycle.

i did all natural births. this second one was way worse omg. at the end i was wondering why the hell i never did the epidural. but i guess i always figured at least the pain would end. And i got out the next day. and thank god cause the bills were insane.

but you gotta do what YOU gotta do. i wouldn't advise anyone to do a non medicated unless they have a great support person for in the room cause omg. it's torturous.
Morning ladies, hope you all had great weekends.

It seems like it's the hell weekend for MIL's. This weekend mine decided she's not speaking to FH because she misunderstood something and refuses to let him explain.

Me and FH are going to a wedding in Mexico in May of next year. When we found out we were expecting, we figured out a plan for who will watch baby. We're going to split it between my best friend and my aunt (we'll be gone 4 nights). Apparently his mother thinks we don't trust her to watch the baby when in reality, we both agree that the house she lives in is NOT safe for a 5 month old. We also know that his mother is not in the best health and doesn't even have a license or a car so, if God forbid anything happened to the baby....then what? I don't even really want to ask my parents because, they're older and doubt they would want to wake up every few hours with the baby.

Instead of talking to my FH about it and letting him explain that it has NOTHING to do with trust, she's now running her mouth to everyone and giving them the wrong story. FH brother called him and asked what was happening, FH asked what he heard and it's all WRONG. I about lost my cool last night @ dinner because of it and I told her to tell her if she thinks the environment she lives in is safe for a newborn, that makes me worry. UGH! Sorry, had to vent about that lol.
Morning ladies, hope you all had great weekends.

It seems like it's the hell weekend for MIL's. This weekend mine decided she's not speaking to FH because she misunderstood something and refuses to let him explain.

Me and FH are going to a wedding in Mexico in May of next year. When we found out we were expecting, we figured out a plan for who will watch baby. We're going to split it between my best friend and my aunt (we'll be gone 4 nights). Apparently his mother thinks we don't trust her to watch the baby when in reality, we both agree that the house she lives in is NOT safe for a 5 month old. We also know that his mother is not in the best health and doesn't even have a license or a car so, if God forbid anything happened to the baby....then what? I don't even really want to ask my parents because, they're older and doubt they would want to wake up every few hours with the baby.

Instead of talking to my FH about it and letting him explain that it has NOTHING to do with trust, she's now running her mouth to everyone and giving them the wrong story. FH brother called him and asked what was happening, FH asked what he heard and it's all WRONG. I about lost my cool last night @ dinner because of it and I told her to tell her if she thinks the environment she lives in is safe for a newborn, that makes me worry. UGH! Sorry, had to vent about that lol.

Ugh that is hard sorry about the family drama :(

AFM: Well AF reared her ugly head this afternoon, I am so stressed out and sad about it, I feel like this baby will never happen. I am just so disappointed I really want a baby.:cry:
Sweetmama, you will get your baby. I felt like that, honestly. We were TTC for 16 months with a MMC too. We got there eventually against the odds and I'm now holding my precious rainbow.
It's so hard not to give up and be disheartened. It will happen. There is no known time frame which is hard to accept.
The ladies here will be supportive all the way. I'll keep my FX'd for the coming cycle. Xx
Teeny: How are you and your little lady doing?? Congrats by the way! :D I heard that it wasn't a great experience :hugs:

Aww TTC, I'm sorry that you are having family drama as well.. and way worse! Jeez, why don't ask what you guys think instead of make up an entire story in her mind and tell everybody those lies? Wth?
Sorry hun :hugs:

Sweet: I'm so sorry. :( I'm sure you'll have your little rainbow, it just sucks that we can't just get pregnant whenever we want to.. sometimes it's just incredibly unfair :hugs:
I'll keep my fingers crossed that this will be your cycle!

Squirrel: Yay for positivity! Self-pity is normal from time to time and hell, you've been through so much the last few months. Especially with Lost taking her aim at you in the midst of all the other stuff that you already had going on. :hugs:
5-6DPO. Took a test this am :haha: of course it was negative.. :blush: feeling hopeful this cycle. Will probably test everyday now....
Hope everyone gets their BFPs and the :witch: stays away

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