46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Afternoon ladies, hope everyone is doing well!

Tex - big hugs <3

Pink - I personally don't see anything but, I'm also the worst with that sort of stuff. I thought my very positive pregnancy test was negative lol. I have everything crossed for you though <3

Sweet - hope your Dr.'s appt goes well. Keep us posted!

Trix - sounds like he's almost ready to try but, doesn't want to admit it lol. Hope you're doing well otherwise <3

Bee - I can completely understand your fears, I'm going through some myself as we speak. I wish I had words to help you stress less. 2nd trimester will be here soon enough <3

Smile - so glad to hear you and baby are doing well!! I can't believe how quick it's going for you.

Pesk - that's so exciting!!! When will you have results?

Me: I've had some odd brown discharge (sorry TMI) the past 2 days. I have gotten some reassurance from some super helpful moms that it seems normal but, I have sent my doctor an email to see if I should come in. I'm fearful that I may have gotten too comfortable and relaxed with being pregnant and now it's going to bite me in the butt. FX it's nothing serious and I can breathe again. I plan on announcing to the rest of my family this weekend at a BBQ using my Godson to help me :) so, hoping he gets back to me soon.
Ttc - to answer your question: today.

Bee - you must have a sixth sense about these things.

Well . . . so . . . how do I put this? Erm . . . it's low but I have an HCG level of 18. I am still 3 days away from AF. I guess I would be considered 3w4d preggers? I go back in next week on Wednesday for a follow-up blood test. Just a waiting game to see if it sticks. I haven't let myself get excited yet.
Ah yes yes yes yes !!! I understand not letting yourself get excited (I'm still not for myself) but girl you are officially preggers !!!!!!! Congrats :)
Peski that's still positive! Yes it's not high, but you're not late yet and you could've just implanted. Fxd your numbers go up!!!

Ttc- I had brown discharge at 8 wks. The dr said it was from the placenta. I cried when it happened bc after all we had been through, I thought it was over. I hope you get some reassurance soon.

Well the lab said they'd give my dr the results yesterday afternoon and I still haven't gotten a call. I don't want to assume anything but for now I'll take no news as good news.
Smile - thank you! I have a reassurance US scheduled for today. Of course the discharge has stopped but, still going just to let me breathe a little. FX that no news is good news!
Didn't see much on this morning's test. I'm goina hold off two more days and test again on Monday at 10DPO I think. Its still so early lol
Congrtulations on your BFP!! I am 6dpiui 7dpt, and on progesterone. These symptoms are driving me crazy. Pulling sensation at the navel, nausea, cramping and twinges in the overies. I feel the the 15th is so far away :(

Just had my reassurance scan for the discharge and discomfort and everything is PERFECT. Feel so much better about announcing to the rest of my family tomorrow. US tech said she may of seen some boy parts growing BUT, she says it also could of been the cord. Baby wouldn't stay still long enough to get a good picture but, HB was at 158 and bubs is definitely a mover!
Ttc- I'm so glad everything looks well. What amazing news!

I called my dr bc it's been 2 days. I guess no news was good news. I passed my gd test by 30 points! :dance:. I am so relieved.
Smile - so happy to hear the good news!!! Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Aww TTC such a cutie! I'm glad everything is great! <3

Smille: Yay, such a good score! Congrats :)

Peski: Congrats!

Sorry about the silence ladies, last little stretches for my master's thesis. Can't wait to be done with it and have my Master's degree before baby arrives :)
I'll be more active soon, but I am keeping up with everyone!
Peski - Congrats

TTC Baby - I hope it all turns out great for you

Bee - I think when we experience things such as we have it's normal to be on edge but the nurse is right when you become a mom the worry never goes away. I think your attitude about it is perfect :)

AFM: The doc gave me back my testing and my pre-O results were on par with where they are supposed to be and with the clomid my LH level on my 21 day testing was 56.8 which is mid-range of normal so he said he isn't worried because it fell in the midline. So I guess that's good. He also said that SO SA results said that he had more than enough sperm to impregnate an army so I guess that's also good I am just worried as to why I still haven't been able to get pregnant at all yet in the last almost 2 years :(
Ladies!!! I had my scan today and it looks like all the retained product is gone! I had to do more bloodwork to confirm no HCG present. I'll have the results on Monday or Tuesday but as of this moment we are good to start trying again! I feel so much lighter. Its like this weird cloud of anxiety and stress has just flown away! I've smiled more today than I have in weeks. I think I have closure. My poor DH, he was so relieved after I gave him the news I could literally see him finally relax.

Blah. Congrats hun. I'm thrilled to hear such great news for you. You must be so relieved.

Perki - Congrats!!! Hoping for continued good news with your next set of Betas.

TTC so glad your scan went well and baby is doing fantastic. I think this little one is here to stay and drive you crazy in the future. ;)

Smille yay for passing your GD with flying colours!

Tex so sorry about AF. But wow did your chart look amazing. I think you might have found a winning combo with your supplements and tea. FX for next cycle. You're on the right track and I think your BFP is right around the corner.

Welcome to the new ladies and sorry if I missed anyone.
Baby- that is wonderful news. I am so glad that you feel relieved and are in a better place. Fxd for a sticky bean soon.
Baby- that's amazing news congrats and I'm glad that you feel a weight has been lifted
Ok, I think it's still too early for FRER. There is like, a shadow of a line, but too light to get a pic of. My 10miu IC definitely has a faint positive tho!!! I'm preggers! :wohoo:


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