46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

iris - hopefully your lack of sore boobs means something!! I just noticed you temped in celsius - I always thought you were in the US!

so many girls in the TWW - I can't wait to some bfps!! how is everyone feeling?
aw yay! they moved me up two days so it was 2.23 before. it's also one of my best friend's birthdays!
Meh I'm ok. Things at the house remodel haven't been going well. Floor people are delayed but I am hoping they can start tomorrow or Thursday. The projects that we are working on ourselves are going very slowly as well. Installing vanities and one of the sinks was chipped so we had to take it back and then the other vanity is a little big for our bathroom I should have bought a smaller one. We didn't realize it till we had already cut the hole in the back for plumbing and got it in the space. So we are stuck with it now. Oh well in a few years we can always change it. Vanities aren't too expensive. At least the kitchen counters are getting delivered today.

As far as TWW stuff goes I am ok. Halfway through it. Don't feel any different or anything. But I wouldnt expect to this early anyway.
Bee I'm not sure anything is happening in there to be honest. I've been ok with whatever but I keep coming back to this deep feeling that I'm not meant to have a baby. I've felt like that for a long time and every time I tell myself I'm being crazy it creeps back up. I'm a pretty positive person so this kinda drives me crazy. But I almost feel like I'm fighting against fate here...

Also so weird it shows in Celsius since I temp in Fahrenheit ... I wonder if there's a setting somewhere causing it to post it like that? (But yes I am in Canada!)

Also boobs still don't hurt and sitting at 9DPO. AF due Thursday (Friday latest).
Iris looks like we are a day apart.. Your temps still look great!
oh no iris! it breaks my heart to hear you or anyone think that they aren't meant to have kids. even after my ridiculous pregnancy and hysterectomy prep, I never believed for a second that I wasn't meant to have children because I know that I was born to. and you are too. you have this desire inside of you and that's what it is. I have so many friends who could care less about ever having kids. that is none of us on BNB - we are all meant to be mothers. try not to let that thought creep in - it's silly! I'm not sure why some journeys are longer and harder than others, but you have a mother's heart and you'll get your baby <3
Thanks Bee. I don't know what I would do without you girls on this site. I think I'm just hitting that point we all do every cycle where this seems like it won't happen. I'm sure I'll be back to my normal self soon. I usually bounce back to my happy state pretty quickly. :)

Also I figured out how to make my chart appear in Fahrenheit. Why does FF make settings so complicated?!? :haha:

Tex in so sorry to hear the renos are dragging. I can totally relate since we've built a house and done renos. Hoping it all comes together soon so you can be back in there and enjoying the space.

Edit to add: Bee is your appointment tomorrow? Feeling ok about it? I'm sending positive vibes that everything will go great and hopefully you even get a scan to check on baby bee. FX!!
Bee, my cousin's due date is the same as yours!

Oh no Iris! That is really sad - I agree with Bee - women who come to BnB are meant to be moms. I really home this will be your month

My sleep, and thus my temps, have been all screwed up. Should have O'd by now - hope FF will figure it out tomorrow. In the meantime, I've been happily enjoying blue cheese hoping this will be my last chance for the better part of the coming year

Everything crossed in hopes for several BFP's including my own here soon!
Iris, I get that way too. I've often thought it's just not meant to happen. All I have ever wanted in life is to be a mom. Never wanted a career or anything. Have planned to be a SAHM for years and years. Now that we finally started trying I feel foolish, like because I want it so bad it's just not going to happen. It's been 16 cycles for me and I just have no clue what's up with my body anymore. After all the losses, my annovulatory cycle last month and this super light AF right now I've basically all but given up on my dream ever coming true. So your not alone in feeling that way :hugs:
Lots of good vibes and :dust: to everyone!!

I know at times we get frustrated, but when it's meant to happen for us it will!

Iris - I believe you are meant to be a mommy. Not just a mother but a mommy. It's coming. I knew Bee had a little something cooking right before she got her BFP. I have a feeling that in a few short months, there's going to be a maybe-baby brewing in there. I'm sending you the special blend of baby dust I sent Squirrel. FX!

Texas - I'm sending some of that baby dust your way as well. Something is coming, I can feel it.

Bee - So glad to see everything going well. Love seeing baby progress!

Afm, I'm just starting to get morning/all day sickness. I'm not throwing up but it's enough that I sit with a bowl for my cuddle partner. Quick follow up with my regular doc tomorrow, possibly a scan as well. And it suddenly got real since I have my first Ob appointment Sept. 6 and it's right after I come back from camping.
Peski, we must be due the same day lol! March 20th? I am also starting to get the all day sickness, tho it isn't as bad as it was with my son yet. We shall see. My first OB apt is August 30th
You girls are the best. Thank you all so much. Nothing like throwing yourself a pity party! :haha: I just have to get through a few more days until AF then I'll know which way I'm going. :)

Gina I always think of you. You've had one of the longest and strangest journeys. I want nothing more than for you to get your dream hun. I'm thinking of you!!
It breaks my heart that some of you are feeling down and hopeless. I can totally sympathize bc I too have been there. It took almost 2.5 yrs for us and it was one of the most trying and difficult times in my life. My dh use to ask "what's the point in trying anymore? I can't get you pregnant." It was awful for me to hear. We talked often about giving up, but it wasn't an option. My dh deserved to have a child of his own and I felt like something was missing.

I know some journeys are more difficult than others, but I believe it makes us stronger. It's hard, but keep your head up and know that it WILL happen. I pray for all of you ladies and I have faith it will happen when the time is right. Lots of hugs to those who are feeling down :hugs:.
Iris trust me I had a breakdown today. I'm 10dpo.. Caved and Tested this afternoon and bfn. The one thing my body is supposed to do.. And I know we've only been ttc for five months now but I'm just so sad inside. I want this so bad and I've even asked God to take my want to be a mom away if I'm not supposed to be a mommy.

I hate that I have these symptoms every month.. Nauseated, sore breasts, hip and back pain, Breasts feel engorged, bloated. I just get so sad seeing that one line so I'm going to test daily as I have three more IC and then I'm not buying any more hpt at all. If AF comes I'm mentally taking a month off from everything... Bbt, bnb, charting, and just get my mind right. I turn 32 next month and I'm just extremely sad my body isn't cooperating with me.
Pink - We do have the same due date. March 20/21, that is if baby decides to come on time. I'm going camping from Aug. 30 to Sept. 3 and I haven't gone camping since my daughter was born 9 years ago so there was NO WAY we were cancelling. Plus I get to introduce my daughter to camping. So much fun! It should be pretty interesting at 11 weeks. I should post some tips when I come back. Something like: Step 1 - make sure the comfort station is within sight. 3am is not the time to start looking for a secluded bushy area when baby is kicking your bladder.
Sending lots of hugs your way ladies. I cannot wait to see those BFPs though I know at times it seems impossible. They are coming, each one of you deserve it and I cannot wait to be there to see them
I can only try and imagine how it must feel to be in this journey and how lonely and cruel it can be. Especially seeing everyone around you getting pregnant and having kids and you don't know why it still hasn't happened or if it ever will.

I know unless I was in your own shoes I won't ever get it. I can only love you ladies where you are today, hope and pray my heart out that you all finally get to hold your own child one day.

I'm thinking of every one of you and I hope that tomorrow will bring much much more hope to you.

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