46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

I can only try and imagine how it must feel to be in this journey and how lonely and cruel it can be. Especially seeing everyone around you getting pregnant and having kids and you don't know why it still hasn't happened or if it ever will.

I know unless I was in your own shoes I won't ever get it. I can only love you ladies where you are today, hope and pray my heart out that you all finally get to hold your own child one day.

I'm thinking of every one of you and I hope that tomorrow will bring much much more hope to you.

Yeah I know like thirteen pregnant woman right now. I think what even upset me more is my brother in law who isn't married and at the time want even in a relationship got a girl pregnant and they are true September first. It's the first grandkid on my husband's side so my mother in law is go over and above and it just makes me so sad.
I'm sorry you ladies are feeling so down. I would feel the exact same and I can only imagine how much it sucks.
All I can say is that I keep everyone in my thoughts and truly believe that you will all get your bfp's soon enough. You all deserve to be mothers, don't ever think otherwise. You are all meant to be mothers. No doubt about it if you can all be this strong and persistent throughout this journey.

Big hugs <3
Well 10DPO and AF due tomorrow. Tested and BFN. DH is away on business and not due back until tonight so I wanted to surprise him if there was good news. Sadly, not the case.

Won't be testing again unless AF doesn't show but I'm pretty sure I'm out. Onwards and upwards! :)

Goodluck to everyone else testing in the next few days. FX
12dpo here haven't tested since 10dpo and it was a :bfn:. Been having AF like cramps for the last few days and then yesterday I had some pink on my tissue and I just knew The :witch: was showing up but since then absolutely nothing in the :witch: department. So anxious and confused.
I do feel like I will get pregnant eventually. It's just God's timing is not my timing... I try to have a good outlook but sometimes I fail. Right now all my negative thoughts are directed at how much I dislike being at my MiL house so maybe that's why I don't feel so doom and gloomy about TTC.

Our counter tops for the kitchen got delivered yesterday and they are beautiful! So glad I went with granite. The floor person is supposed to be calling today and let me know what's up on the Install. I really don't think that we will be moving this weekend but stranger things have happened. We will see.

On the TTC front overall my temps seems a lot more stable and higher post O since I started drinking the herbal tea I got at the health food store. Guess it really works!
Sorry nyx. I know the stress and anxiety.

I told DH the HPT was negative when I spoke to him this morning. He took it very hard. I knew he would. I know every negative I get hurts him almost more than it hurts me. He feels responsible because of his low count. He's been so amazing. I can't even tell you guys the lengths he's gone to. The supplements (he's on 6 different ones!) he's given up caffeine, alcohol and he basically walks around naked 90% of the time :haha: we even DTD less since having excessive amounts can deplete reserves.

He thinks we should book an appointment with a fertility clinic to try IUI since his numbers might be the problem. We always felt like our natural pregnancy was a miracle since we found out his numbers were insanely low right before I got that BFP. I'm worried he might be right and we might need to go that route

The good news is we get 3 rounds of IUI free where i live. Our age also helps them see us faster (over 35). We have another SA booked for him on Thursday so I'm looking forward to seeing those results.

We will discuss it more when he gets home from his trip.
11 DPO, took a HPT this morning. :bfn: :(

OH isn't too happy either. Fingers crossed for next month.

Iris- IUI is definitely a great option for low count....and free is AWESOME! Ours was over $2,000, but totally worth trying since ivf for us starts at $20,000. After finding out my dh had low count and motility, he took it extremely hard. I was very careful in approaching the subject bc he beat himself up and was ashamed. Month after failed month he would apologize for not being able to get me pregnant. It felt worse telling him it was a bfn than to actually get one. He changed his diet, tried supplements, but things didn't improve. He works shifts, sometimes extremely long days and is exposed to radon (mot extreme amts but I think it has an effect). I think you're on the right path and seeing a specialist is a huge step in the right direction. I regret not going sooner. It is overwhelming at first, but that feeling passes and turns into relief. It's great that he suggested it too! Good luck Thursday!
Iris- IUI is definitely a great option for low count....and free is AWESOME! Ours was over $2,000, but totally worth trying since ivf for us starts at $20,000. After finding out my dh had low count and motility, he took it extremely hard. I was very careful in approaching the subject bc he beat himself up and was ashamed. Month after failed month he would apologize for not being able to get me pregnant. It felt worse telling him it was a bfn than to actually get one. He changed his diet, tried supplements, but things didn't improve. He works shifts, sometimes extremely long days and is exposed to radon (mot extreme amts but I think it has an effect). I think you're on the right path and seeing a specialist is a huge step in the right direction. I regret not going sooner. It is overwhelming at first, but that feeling passes and turns into relief. It's great that he suggested it too! Good luck Thursday!

Thanks so much Smille. Yes I think my DH is having a very very similar reaction. There's been tears and a lot of "i'm sorry's". The truth is nothing I say to him will change how deep this has all hurt him. Thankfully he's very proactive. He's already requested an appointment. We get 3 rounds covered but a few procedures we have to pay for (sperm washing apparently is NOT free! lol)

May I ask if you did medicated cycles or natural IUI's?

Its so scary to me to think this is where we will end up because of this. But the truth is I don't want us living in stress and anxiety for another year. I think our current plan is to continue to try as we have while we wait for our referral. And then go from there.
I'm feeling sappy today so forgive me. I just wanted to say how grateful I am for all of you ladies. I can't really relate to the ladies who are struggling but, taking a step back and actually looking at all the support we give each other is nothing short of amazing. For those that don't know, I suffered a loss in December and without the support of this thread, I don't know if I would of been able to get through it.

Now being pregnant again, I always tend to run to you girls before anyone else for advice or to calm me down. I doubt words would be able to express how grateful I am for each and every one of you.

Although some are struggling, I hope I get to see each and every one of you get that beautiful BFP and that lovely baby in your arms.

Ok, enough of the sap, I just had to get that out there <3
aw ttc - I feel the same. I often wonder how bad of a spot I would have been in if not for BNB. and your baby being spongebob - I'm obsessed! :haha:

iris - I think getting on the waitlist for IUI is awesome! It's really such a noninvasive thing - hardly feels like assisted conception. there are different levels of it, but if all of your stuff is checking out and it's just DH, it could be a really quick and easy process. I only went in for one scan per cycle and then the IUI. so twice a month - 15 min appts. easy. the last month was a natural IUI. I had kind of always wanted one since there were no known problems with my internal reproductive system. That cycle there were no scans, just called them when I got my pos opk and went in the next day. so I know it can feel like taking a big step, but in the end I thought it was all very simple. but that's just my personal experience. they can sort through DHs sperm and pick the best of the best and then put them right where they need to be. I'm so excited for you!!!!
I updated my journal yesterday but just wanna let the other girls know that my appt went well yesterday. baby is fine with heart rate of 170. however my cyst has grown and is just out of control :dohh: I have to go back again next week and if it hasnt' shrunk at all, will start discussing the next steps of getting rid of it. it's the size of an orange and has now been pushed my uterus up into my abdomen. so it's visible and accessible. she said no more yoga or strenuous activity. soon it will either burst or twist as it runs out of room. she doesn't want it to twist because then I would lose my ovary. so if we can make it til second tri, she try to remove it then with laparoscopic surgery. of course the hope is that it begins to shrink!! good news is that it won't affect baby at all. worst case scenario is losing the ovary. oh and being in a ton of pain :dohh:
Bee - I told FH that baby is size of Spongebob, he found that great. So glad baby is doing well!! That HR totally sounds like a girl! FX that cyst starts to shrink but, happy it's not affecting the baby.

Having some pulling and pain in my low low abdomen today, hoping it's normal. I have an OB appt. later for something unrelated to pregnancy, hoping he'll be able to tell me it's normal and maybe even let me get a sneak peek at baby boy.
Bee- My friend had a pretty huge cyst too and they had to surgically remove it so she can keep her ovary, but it was a very easy surgery and baby was just fine!

Ttc- Love the sappy posts! I didn't even know how big sponge bob is IRL! Maybe his position is pinching a nerve? I think baby girl is def head down cause I feel those pinching/pressure pulling feeling on my hips both sides. Your lil guy could already be head down.
Camp - Me and FH have decided it's probably the size of a regular sponge but, we don't know how big spongebob is in real life either lol. I'm hoping the discomfort is possibly RLP or just normal growing and stretching.
Hey all 6DPO here according to the fertility friend app, I disagree I think I'm more like 8 which would coincide with my temp drop, feeling a bit of nausea and heartburn. Was in the hospital Saturday with what looks like a gallbladder attack. That sucked

Bee- it's great to see you are doing well!

Iris- You're not very far from me! I wish that New Brunswick offered free IUI but alas they don't.

I wish I could remember all the people I wanted to respond too. I hope you all are well
Iris- IUI is definitely a great option for low count....and free is AWESOME! Ours was over $2,000, but totally worth trying since ivf for us starts at $20,000. After finding out my dh had low count and motility, he took it extremely hard. I was very careful in approaching the subject bc he beat himself up and was ashamed. Month after failed month he would apologize for not being able to get me pregnant. It felt worse telling him it was a bfn than to actually get one. He changed his diet, tried supplements, but things didn't improve. He works shifts, sometimes extremely long days and is exposed to radon (mot extreme amts but I think it has an effect). I think you're on the right path and seeing a specialist is a huge step in the right direction. I regret not going sooner. It is overwhelming at first, but that feeling passes and turns into relief. It's great that he suggested it too! Good luck Thursday!

Thanks so much Smille. Yes I think my DH is having a very very similar reaction. There's been tears and a lot of "i'm sorry's". The truth is nothing I say to him will change how deep this has all hurt him. Thankfully he's very proactive. He's already requested an appointment. We get 3 rounds covered but a few procedures we have to pay for (sperm washing apparently is NOT free! lol)

May I ask if you did medicated cycles or natural IUI's?

Its so scary to me to think this is where we will end up because of this. But the truth is I don't want us living in stress and anxiety for another year. I think our current plan is to continue to try as we have while we wait for our referral. And then go from there.

I did a medicated cycle with clomid bc they found that I have pcos. I had a ton of eggs, but they were poor quality when I'd ovulate. Plus, they prefer medicated cycles so they can control your cycle a little more so they can time the procedure.

I agree with Bee, the procedure is extremely easy and non-invasive. It literally takes 30 secs and you're done.

Sperm washing was not that expensive. I can't remember how much it was for us, but compared to everything else it was very minimal.

I was terrified and angry that we had to seek a specialist, because it felt so unfair. Once we heard the words "we will get you pregnant", it was a sudden relief. Once you go through all of the protocol and get started, the stress passes. I hope it doesn't take too long to get in.
Bee- Im glad your appt went well, but I'm sorry about the cyst. I hope it shrinks and won't require surgery.
Bee - that cyst doesn't sound fun, I hope it takes a hike soon.

Sweet - I see what you mean and looking at your chart I think you could be 8dpo. FX you get your BFP.

Afm my chart cracks me up. My charts used to be pretty, now they are such a mess. But taking my temp makes me feel like I have sth to analyze. Hopefully my son will sleep through the night some day and I can have pretty charts again :) ......cm is still just creamy, nothing fertile in sight....boring....
Bee I am sticking with girl, very nice HB. I am so sorry about the cyst and pain hun. Will keep FX that it shrinks. Keeping you in my thoughts

Ttc I hope your appointment went well, and the pains are normal. I love your post as well. All of you make this group such a remarkable place and I am so glad we found each other.

Sweet I am sorry about your hospital visit, hope things are well. Lots of luck and dust your way. Are you planning on testing early?

Mom hopefully O comes soon. GL this cycle

Iris always thinking of you hun. I am sorry your DH is taking all of this so hard. Whether IUI or naturally I cannot wait to see you get that rainbow BFP.

Hope all of you ladies are doing well.

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