46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Bee - I also can't believe you're almost to 2nd tri!!! When is the lucky day again? I remember you saying it was August something.

Gagr - I see that 2nd line on the FRER for certain but, like Conundrum said, digis take a bit to pick up. FX!!!

Tex - FX no more delays and you're back home soon!! Can't wait to see pics of the final :)

Conundrum - Sorry Frey is using you as a punching bag. Can't believe she'll be here so SOON!!! Is Shy getting excited???
Ttc Shy has been over the moon lol. The 3D ultrasound tech let her watch so since then she's been all about ''when is she coming home?" With the growth scans I have 8-10 weeks at the latest so starting to feel the last minute rush. How is the little man treating you? Have you picked a name yet?
Hey ttc, no crosshairs. It's not gonna do it. I read that if you have too many missed temps before o it won't. I tried to fill them in to see and it said I O'd on day ten. I removed them just to keep it factual. My cycle is short so just 4-5 more days to go. Not to symptom spot at all, but very unusual for me is a bunch of creamy cm for this late in my cycle. I'm also thinking I need a new thermometer- seems to be favoring temps. Hoping the vacation and time off work and driving (major stressor) helped this month, along with the assurance of my first appointment with he ivf specialist. Fingers crossed I won't be needing their assistance, but comforting that the ball is rolling. Thanks so much for asking
Cond - That's so cute!!! I'm glad she's excited and I'm sure she's going to be the best big sister. Little man is good, he's growing nice and strong. Can't wait to start feeling him move. His name is going to be Theodore Edward. It incorporates both our families.

Cookie - FX for you!!!! I'm hoping you get that BFP real soon!
Bee, Drum, TTC - I go to see my doctor on Tuesday and I'll probably get a scan done on Monday next week. We'll see how it goes. And I'm still super excited for you, Bee!

Cookie - FX that creamy CM is a sign of baby brewing!
Ttc I am sorry if I asked before, pregnancy brain is a real thing in this house. Either way I love it. The flutters should be kicking in between now and your next appointment, big movements there after. Not much longer and he'll be keeping you up at night lol

Pes I hope tomorrow is informative hun, will be praying for you and LO.

Cookie hope this is it for you hun, FX
Ttc- I second what drum said. You'll feel flutters soon and then he'll be keeping you up all night. Mine moves when I lay down to sleep, stops and then from 4-5am is awake and kicking again.

Gag- i see a line and as others said digitals are less sensitive and need higher hcg to register. Fxd for you.
Hello ladies, been super busy, haven't checked in at all!! Hope you are all well!!

Random question, would you classify it as spotting if it never makes it to your undies? I checked my cm this morning and there was a lil brown stuff, but when I checked it in the afternoon it was creamy. Should I Mark spotting or no? This whole baby making thing is much more difficult than I ever thought hahaha
Happy- I really wouldn't! Unless there are actual red spots that increase I wouldn't. And I hear you hun, I know we all here struggled with things from ttc to pregnancy to even after birth. It's worth it in the end though!

Drum- That's the prettiest picture I ever did see of you! And I've seen lots of pretty ones! :)
Happy I'm with Camp, if it would make you feel better you can mark it in your notes. GL this cycle!

Campn thank you hun. I was afraid with pregnancy and the cut would make me look pudgier but I actually really like the look. It certainly is cooler.
Drum I had the same fears when I cut my hair in March and it was drastically shorter but they say short hair really compliments fuller faces, it really suits you and it makes your eyes really pop. That said your face isn't pudgy what so ever!
Gagrl - I see that second line too!! Hope it gets darker :)

Afm, my cm is finally changing and O seems to be in the near future!
Campn thank you, here lately Ive felt little motivation to do much so I really appreciate it. As for your hair, you look lovely hun I honestly couldn't picture a bad cut on you. I love Juliette's picture. She looks just like you Momma! I can't believe you're due next month!

Mom strong O vibes hun, GL and babydust!
gag i second what all the other ladies have said about the digitals. they take much longer to pick up and actually why i never used one!
drum - love, love, love the pic and the hair!!!!

camp - love that bow you drew - so cute!!!

mom - good luck and hope you catch that egg!!

ttc - the lucky day is going to be Aug 16. though if I can get through today I'll be quite pleased. Surprised that I still have a lot of nerves considering heart rate was 170 6 days ago. but I made my DH come with me in case it's bad news :dohh:
Temp drop today. Should go lower tomorrow when I get AF.... Nothing positive to say right now
Doesn't look good. Got blood drawn today and will need an ultrasound next week with a possible second blood draw. Then a referral to the OB for an appointment sooner. Looks like this one is over.
Tex and Peski, I'm so sorry, you ladies deserve your BFPS and sticky beans and I have hope that it'll happen sooner than later. :hugs:

Bee- The tech didn't see much hair on her, so gotta start on the bows early! I'll be like Rachel when she had Emma. "Well because if one more person says "What a cute little boy", I'm gonna whip 'em with a car antenna!"
tex, peski :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

camp - I've never seen one episode of Friends - don't hate me! but at least I know enough to know that's what you are talking about :haha: I was bald until I was two. I had white peach fuzz. :dohh: and bows weren't a thing then. I think my DH's Indian genes will counteract that and hopefully we get a baby with just the right amount of hair ! :haha:

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