46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Iris - I'm so happy, excited and nervous for you!!!! I know you weren't expecting everything to happen so quickly. BTW if you have any issues with your thyroid (which I hope you do not) I can help as much as possible with questions. As of right now, they are still trying to control my thyroid levels. I was actually just upped on meds and I FINALLY think it's starting to help.
Gag - My heart goes out to you.:hug::hug::hug::hugs:

Iris - So glad you're able to get back on track with the baby-making! I'll be keeping my FX that everything comes back with a green light to go ahead and get the ball rolling. I also noticed you're in Toronto as I am. Isn't it wonderful that OHIP will help us make babies and if your health insurance is really good, you don't pay much out of pocket for any meds. :dust: just to start things off early!

Afm, I still haven't started any bleeding or spotting or anything, just some slight cramping that comes and goes. When I see the doc next week on Wednesday, depending on the test results, I'm going to ask for a D&C/D&A. I can't keep going the way I am and I just need for this to be over so I can reset and regroup. It's come to the point where I actually want to see spotting or the beginning of bleeding when I go to the bathroom and I'm feeling a little guilty for wanting that. Is it wrong to feel that way? I'm just so confused.
Gag - So Sorry to hear it. big hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

TTC - are you hypo or hyper? I am hypo, and have had a few adjustments with my med over the past 4-5 months. They have my TSH down to about .75 (can't remember the exact), but my Free T3 is only a 1.05 - (I think it should be around 3 or a little higher) - I tried to get my endo to put me back on armor thyroid (t4 and t3), but she doesn't know too much about dosing it and doesn't want to take the chance since I am ttc. I had my first appointment with my RE a little over a week ago and she said she would manage my thyroid for me, but didn't do a panel that appointment. This is all sooo frustrating though. My DH is hypo too - way more than me. I feel like this is a big piece in our infertility journey...
Pesk - I can understand the feeling, when I found out the 1st time I conceived that baby had no HB I did not have any cramping or even bleeding. My OB was so concerned that the night of my D&C he did a confirmation scan just to make sure someone didn't mis-diagnos. My thoughts are with you while you're going through this <3

Cookie - I am hypo. Right now the RE that I had to visit just this week has upped my synthroid (sp?) to 125mg. Apparently my thyroid hormone is completely fine which is great but, other numbers are VERY high. When you're pregnant they should be low and even negative. We're hoping with this adjustment, my numbers will be where they should be. I've always had issues with my thyroid, as have many people in my family. I think my thyroid issue actually had a lot to do with my first MC. My OB and my primary both watch my numbers very carefully along with my nutrition because I had lapband surgery around 5 years ago. Baby is thriving though and it is VERY possible to get pregnant with the issue.
I forgot to add that I can understand the frustration 100%
I am constantly going for blood, they're starting to know me by a first name basis at the lab lol. I also feel like I have way more doctor visits than most pregnant woman as well. I know it will all be worth it in the end though :)
Cookie - I also have a underactive thyroid, diagnosed just over a year ago. I wasn't having regular periods before I was diagnosed and within a month or two my periods returned normally again. The month I conceived this bean, I had my levels checked and my TSH level was 4. I requested my medication to be upped as I heard that could affect TTC. My temps were all over the place and my luteal phase was just 8 days long. The Dr was reluctant to increase but she did by 25micrograms. Immediately I saw my temps even out and then I conceived later that cycle! I am convinced the increase in thyroxine was the reason why it happened (we were TTC for 21 months before getting BFP). However, the Dr's say it couldn't have had an impact that quickly as it takes 4-6 weeks to kick in. I am not sure, seems a big coincidence to me!

I am being monitored regularly since falling pregnant and my dose has gone from 75mg to 150mg.

Hope this helps.

Garg - I am so so so sorry on the mc :hugs:

Tex - I so hope you are able to move in this weekend, fingers crossed! And yay for having lots of chance to get some BD in :)

Iris - I am glad things are moving forward. I get why you have mixed emotions, but hopefully you will get some answers and get your BFP soon.

pesk - so sorry you are going through this, what an awful situation. I hope it goes as well as it can do on Wednesday.

Bee - thinking of you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
TTC and Cookie I will take all the help and advice I can get! Last fall I had my TSH level checked by my previous doctor. It's came back at 2.51 and she said "your fine" and refused to look any further. Now of course with all the crazy symptoms I have that make no sense, several family members keep asking if I've had all my levels checked. So i start reading and find out she didn't check everything. And not only that 2.51 seems like the high end of "normal" I mean Jesus she's a terrible Doctor. This is the same one who told me a year ago "periods are weird" when I was weak and bleeding for 2+ weeks for my periods. Turns out I ended up in emerg and then had a polyp so big they were worried I'd hemmorag and die.

Stupid woman. I switched to a new doctor the moment I could. Hoping my new one will take me more serious. I'm going in armed with articles, family history, a long list of symptoms and a list of exactly which levels I want checked. No more of this hoping for best from some of these quacks. /rant

Sorry. I'm just worried there's more there that could have caused my MC and I have no intention of letting it happen again!
Iris I can only imagine that it can be overwhelming. I am glad they are being so quick about everything though, the tests, the appointment, ect. I hope you get the go ahead this cycle and won't need the appointment but if you do I'll be cheering you on. Everything crossed for some awesome results for his SAS.

Gags I am so sorry hun

Pes hun it is not wrong, after this whole ordeal I can only imagine. I personally hope everything goes well for you hun. We're here if you need us.
Thanks TTC and Pomp - I was pretty happy that the RE said she would manage my thyroid issues from here on out - the endo has terrible bedside manners. Do either of you have nodules? I have some small nodules as well. The endo had said they are nothing to worry about at the size they are, but they seem to make their own thyroid hormone.

So along with this frustration, my temps are pretty much void this month. No clue what's happening in my cycle - aside from not detecting ovulation cause of the missed temps from my trip, I felt like my bbt was favoring certain temps. So this morning after I got up, I checked with an old digital I had that had stopped beeping (so I stopped using it due to that), and it was .9 higher than the bbt. So yeah...flying blind this month.
Iris - that is high! They had my TSH at .23 and I was on 100 mcg of Synthroid - they lowered my Synthroid to .88 and the last test showed my TSH at .75 (or so) - I wouldn't want it any higher than that. If my TSH was 2.5 - I would be a mess - horrible periods that are already bad enough, no sleep, very slow digestion, hair falling out, dry skin, never being able to get warm (always shivering), no concentration, swollen hands and feet, restless leg syndrome - the list goes on and on...glad the majority of that is in the past
Thanks ladies. Unfortunately this brought my anxiety back up and I've been having shortness of breath that ended me up in the ER yesterday. I'm getting better today but I can tell I'm still feeling very anxious. I am just really devistated about this but I know in due time we'll get ours.
Iris - Depending on what part of Toronto you live in, I would have recommended my doctor's office. There's two of them and they work in tandem so you can always see one of them. With everything going on with myself right now, I'm not even angry with my doctor because he can only go by what he's able to see. He was hopeful for my pregnancy right up until the last ultrasound and blood test result so far. He's the kind of doctor who will check absolutely everything, including things you never would have thought of. If you ever want the name of a good doctor, I have 2.
Iris - that is high! They had my TSH at .23 and I was on 100 mcg of Synthroid - they lowered my Synthroid to .88 and the last test showed my TSH at .75 (or so) - I wouldn't want it any higher than that. If my TSH was 2.5 - I would be a mess - horrible periods that are already bad enough, no sleep, very slow digestion, hair falling out, dry skin, never being able to get warm (always shivering), no concentration, swollen hands and feet, restless leg syndrome - the list goes on and on...glad the majority of that is in the past

Well... that just reinforces my feelings because outside of the dry skin... i have all of that! :cry:

I really hope I can get them to pay attention to me and get this taken care of.
Iris - Depending on what part of Toronto you live in, I would have recommended my doctor's office. There's two of them and they work in tandem so you can always see one of them. With everything going on with myself right now, I'm not even angry with my doctor because he can only go by what he's able to see. He was hopeful for my pregnancy right up until the last ultrasound and blood test result so far. He's the kind of doctor who will check absolutely everything, including things you never would have thought of. If you ever want the name of a good doctor, I have 2.

Aw Pesk you're so sweet. I'm actually not IN Toronto anymore. I moved to the 'burbs when I met DH. Currently in Aurora and that's where my doctor is as well.

And I wanted to say I know exactly how you feel. I hope there's some resolution for you soon. I would maybe ask next steps if they plan to have you wait, suggest a D&C or go with cytotec to allow you to pass everything on your own. It's so sad and upsetting. I'm so sorry.
Well... Our appointments went as bad as it could. My doctor basically said my TSH is perfectly fine at 2.51 and none of my symptoms (I had 2 pages worth) could be that. So let's send you for a sleep study. I insisted he send me for blood work anyway. He says even if I come back with antibodies it means nothing. God help me I feel like I'm screaming into a void. I've already searched for a doctor who will look closer. I'll try to get an appointment Monday.

DH's new SA results were bad. As bad as his very first one was. He's crushed. I don't even know if they will be high enough to do IUI or if they will want to go right to IVF. I guess we will find out in September. We've spent the whole morning in tears.

Things feel, for a lack of a better word: impossible.
Iris - I'm so sorry, but you are doing the right things. Different doc for sure !! How far is the one that pes recommended ? Either way, you'll def be able to find someone that listens to you more. What was your dhs count? If it's more than 5 mil, i think they will at least give iui a try . Sending you big hugs. Just rmemeber it happened before and will happen again love !
Iris I'm so sorry girl.. I can't even imagine. It's been a rough week for a few of us huh..
Bee, his total count is 24.48 million. But it's only 3.59M/ml. Which the lab flagged as very low.

I don't know what the fertility clinic will say. I assume they will want to do an additional one when we go in and then advise based on what they find or their policies.

We have always maintained that getting pregnant the first time was a pretty big miracle, which made losing him all that harder.

Gag I think for once I'd like a good happy week. And not ones that end with me sobbing on my couch. :hugs:
Gag - You said it right. These past few weeks for some of us here just need a complete restart to try again.

Iris - I hate when doctors don't seem to care about anything but what they have to say.

No news on my end. Nothing happening. Literally.

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