46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Bee - I'm sorry you have to go on disability but, I know it's for the best. Any news yet on when your surgery will be?? Seems like the doctors staff is very supportive, my doctors office is the same way. He and his staff always know what to say to make me feel better. He'll always do an US just to reassure me when I don't feel like something is right. I've been feeling good and honestly I feel like time is flying by. In 3 weeks I'll be halfway done. You're such a prepared mama! Love that you're getting nursery furniture already. We're only getting minimal stuff; crib, bassinet & possibly a new, bigger dresser for me and baby to share since we're still in a 1-bedroom and he'll be sharing our room for now.

Gina - Big hugs <3 I'm sorry about DH and hope he heals quickly. I wish I knew exactly what to say, just know we're all here for you. <3
Bee, that stinks that you&#8217;ll have to go out on disability, but it&#8217;s for the best &#8211; gotta do what&#8217;s right for you and the baby

Blab &#8211; ugh, I got got lol. I cannot believe that I was three days late! And to top it off, there were a few symptoms I never get that even had my husband asking me if I was prego. My bbs were HUGE and so sore &#8211; never happens, and I thought I was gonna get sick or pass out when he ws cleaning with windex one night. I have a pretty good attitude about it though, and I think it really helps that I am seeing an RE now and the ARS ball is rolling.

So tomorrow I have my day 3 US and bloodwork &#8211; I&#8217;ll probably get DH&#8217;s SA results then. My HSG is scheduled for next Tuesday.

We actually made the decision that we&#8217;re just going to go straight to IVF. We want two. My mom and grandmother both went through early menopause at 40 &#8211; that&#8217;s not too far off for me, so we&#8217;re being aggressive. Not looking forward to the process, but babies in my arms next year will make it well worth it.
Bee- I think you're doing the right thing hun, you'll have plenty of other months and months to work but right now you and the little one should come first and you don't need to explain it to anyone. Don't feel bad for wanting to go to the ER, if you feel something isn't right always listen to your gut!

Bla- Yay for nursery almost done! I'm so tired now so I'm so glad I started early on things cause now I just gotta worry about packing my hospital bag and washing her clothes (which I'm slacking on both cause, ouch everything hurts) but I can't wait to see it! Also I know what you mean about seeing babies being born while you wait! I'm due on September 20th and most of my pregnancy thread preggos are due way before me so I'm gonna feel left out for sure! It'll be nice to see a ton of newborn pictures though!

Ttc- Things are stretching as he's growing and growing so that's normal! I bet you start feeling flutters so soon!

Sending out hugs to everyone who needs it! Trix, gina, cookie I'm sorry you ladies are feeling down and in this annoying limbo!
Bee- I agree with everyone else. Taking time off, although it was a difficult decision for you, is probably best. Kick your feet up. I hope your surgery is soon. That cyst sounds awful!

Cookie- I'm also a huge IUI fan, but I totally get that you want a better chance and twins. I hope that you get some good news from all of your test results.

Gina- I'm so sorry about your dh. Bad things always seem to happen at the wrong time. I hope he heals up quickly. Definitely talk to your dr about not Oing 2 months in a row. Maybe they'll prescribe clomid or Femara.

Campn- I washed everything weeks ago bc I knew all of the energy I had would fade at some point and boy was I right. Cleaning the house is so exhausting alone. Then dd wants to go out and play or walk in the park. I can't say no bc how unfair is that to her, but we try to do light activities on days I do too much. Have Braxton Hicks started yet? I had a few today and it scared the crap out of me for a moment, then I realized what they were.

Ttc- I can't believe how far along you are now! Time is flying by.
Camp - I thought of you this AM on my way to work. The friends theme song came on my radio!! lol!! 6 weeks!! I can't believe it <3

Smile - Same for you!!! 8 weeks!!!! I can't believe it. Time is flying for everyone <3

Cookie - FX that the appt. goes well tomorrow!
Smille- I could have washed them early but I thought they'd just sit collecting dust and won't be as fresh? I'm just going to do small loads as she grows out of some! And oh DS has been exactly like your DD asking to play all the time and go places but between the heat and the fact that I can't chase him around I can't be much fun. I feel so bad for him cause poor thing he seems so bored but he goes to the voluntarily preK here so soon. I've had Braxton hicks since 20 weeks and I remember the shock I felt! I have them all the time now, I still lose my breath every time I get one! At least our bodies remember!

Ttc- Awww! You're adorable! I haven't been watching friends much but I've been so into The Big Bang Theory! Do you watch it!? Raj is my favorite character I just love him!

I started packing my hospital bag just a little and it's leaving me with this inevitable feeling that I'll have to push another baby out. Little bit scared honestly.
Bee - If disability is what is needed for the health of you and baby then don't worry about anything else. All that matters is you and itty bitty baby Bee. And if you need to call the nurse or visit the ER, then do it. You know when something doesn't feel right. :flower: :hugs: :flower:

Afm, it was hilarious today. My doctors office called twice today to let me know they'd gotten all the test results today and that I needed to come in for another follow-up with the doctor. I explained both times that I have an appointment tomorrow at 11:45am. So tomorrow I'm off to see the doctor AGAIN to get the results and see what he has to say.
Camp - I watch the re-runs of Big Bang more than anything, never really followed the seasons. Awww mama! Are you going to cry on his first day of school? I bet he's going to do so well in pre-k! He'll get to tell all his new little friends about his new little sister.

Pesk - Good luck at your appt. today. Keep us posted.
Hey everyone! I've been kinda away for a little bit since my BFP. Cant believe I'm already 2 months in. Been sick as a dog... don't have my first ultrasound until im 11 weeks... so there isn't too much to report lol.

Peski: I'm so sorry! This has to be so rough for you!

Bee: That sounds rather painful! I have a tendency to get big huge cysts when I ovulate, but they always resolve on their own, sucks you have to have surgery..

Congrats to all the BFPs, and so sorry for the losses
The appointment with the doctor went as expected. Ultrasound results show no gestational sac seen and I told him I probably already passed it, possibly even at the ultrasound clinic. My HCG level is down to 1117 so it's taking a little bit of time to drop and he expects that within the next 2 weeks, the bleeding should be done. He may have a D&C done if he thinks it's prolonged. He also wanted to know how I was handling it emotionally and both my DH and I explained that I've had my meltdown with a few small moments of spontaneous tears but other than that, I'm handling it as best I can. And I also told him that I have this special group of ladies that have been very supportive and have helped me through all of this. He thinks you're all a great support system and so do I.

So I'll be taking some time off to get myself together and let everything get back to normal but I will be watching and reading and occasionally commenting because I want to keep track of what's going on (I'm especially looking at you Bee, TTC, Campn, Smille, Texas and Iris).

To everyone on here, I will always be keeping my FX and I look forward to a triumphant return!
Peski- :hugs: I am so sorry you are going through this and taking time for yourself is a wonderful idea. We all look forward to your return. You ladies are all the best and I couldn't have gotten through my bad times without you.
The appointment with the doctor went as expected. Ultrasound results show no gestational sac seen and I told him I probably already passed it, possibly even at the ultrasound clinic. My HCG level is down to 1117 so it's taking a little bit of time to drop and he expects that within the next 2 weeks, the bleeding should be done. He may have a D&C done if he thinks it's prolonged. He also wanted to know how I was handling it emotionally and both my DH and I explained that I've had my meltdown with a few small moments of spontaneous tears but other than that, I'm handling it as best I can. And I also told him that I have this special group of ladies that have been very supportive and have helped me through all of this. He thinks you're all a great support system and so do I.

So I'll be taking some time off to get myself together and let everything get back to normal but I will be watching and reading and occasionally commenting because I want to keep track of what's going on (I'm especially looking at you Bee, TTC, Campn, Smille, Texas and Iris).

To everyone on here, I will always be keeping my FX and I look forward to a triumphant return!
Peski I completely understand and totally agree that you all are such a fantastic support group. Take all the time you need and I'm excited to start back TTC with you!
Pesk - Big hugs! Take the time you need, we'll definitely be looking forward to your return. <3
Aw Pesk I'm so sorry. I know very much what you are feeling. Take all the time you need. I had to step away a bit too after my MC. Sending you lots of hugs.

Gina - so so sorry your body is being so strange and oh my goodness I hope your DH is ok!

Bee I'm standing behind take the time if you need it. I hope you're doing ok. Also thank you for asking I have tracked down a doctor who will hopefully take me more serious! I have an appointment next week. I pressured my current doctor to run a full panel for the thyroid. He wasn't happy but he did it. I'm currently sporting a large bruise from all the blood they took. I haven't bruised so far with all the other blood work. Kinda annoyed.

Nothing much else happening here. Been running around a lot for a few projects and just waiting on O. OB says he still wants to do one more scan after my next AF but we can continue to try. Should O early next week.

How's everyone else doing?!? Tex are you moved back into your house now?
Yes! Finally back in my own House. We started staying here Monday night. We haven't moved everything in yet but we have enough to function. My daughter is going to visit her cousin with the Inlaws this weekend so we should be able to get the rest of the stuff unpacked this weekend.

On the Ttc front I am starting to get quite a bit of ewcm so I guess we better get to the BD. We haven't gotten any since we moved home due to various factors. So I'm not sure if we will have decent chances this month or not. Just have to see!
Camp... I can't believe you are so close... Seems liken it just flew by!
Tex - FX!!!!! Catch that eggy!!!

I'm having a rough week at work. I have a co-worker who I've always had issues with. She's a 34 year old child and basically gets paid to sit on Facebook and her personal cell phone all day. Sure, that's annoying but, recently it had been holding up work for me. She had over 12 documents of mine that had to be reviewed, and she had them for over 2 weeks. I finally had to say something to our VP and now, the co-worker has given me the biggest most horrible attitude all week. I know it shouldn't bother me, and TBH it's not really her not talking to me that's the bother (I'm actually enjoying that part), it's the fact that some co-workers who felt the same way I did 2 days ago have not started to baby and coddle her. That drives me absolutely INSANE!!!!! I can't wait for this week to be over and to get a nice 2-day break from the childish games in my office.

Sorry! I had to vent.
Lilmama- I know it's scary how close! Someone asked me at my son's school when I'm due and without thinking I said "next month" and wow that hit me! Ksquared is due any day now though, then it's Ciz and I! It's a little sad cause it's gone by so fast.

Ttc- I'm sorry hun, we have to deal with very difficult people sometimes so definitely distance yourself from her as much as you can, you literally don't have to be friends with people you don't like! If she's not doing her job I guess the only one who'll really pay for that later is her. :hugs:

Tex- Congrats on being back home! I bet that feels so amazing!

Iris- Goodluck with ovulating any day now! Baby dust!
That really stinks about your coworker TTC. I have several like that in my office too. sometimes it really makes the day drag. Yay for the weekend though!
Vent away Ttc! I can just imagine how frustrating it must be to work with someone like that. Thankfully it's weekend and you can get a breather from her. Deep breaths!

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