46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Bee, his total count is 24.48 million. But it's only 3.59M/ml. Which the lab flagged as very low.

I don't know what the fertility clinic will say. I assume they will want to do an additional one when we go in and then advise based on what they find or their policies.

We have always maintained that getting pregnant the first time was a pretty big miracle, which made losing him all that harder.

Gag I think for once I'd like a good happy week. And not ones that end with me sobbing on my couch. :hugs:

So sorry iris. I totally expect that the fertility specialist will care more and get your thyroid # where it should be
Sorry Iris that your Dr is not taking your concerns seriously at all :growlmad: Definitely time to look for another one! And I'm sorry your husbands numbers are low. I know it feels it's impossible right now, but it really really isn't :hugs: Try to keep positive :hugs:

pesk - sorry nothing is happening your end either. How upsetting and frustrating :hugs:

gag - sorry to hear about your anxiety causing an ER visit :hugs:
I guess I forgot to update this thread.. Unfortunately I find out this was a chemical pregnancy and I miscarried yesterday. This is one of the heaviest periods I've ever had.
Iris, my dh's number was 13 mil then slightly higher the 2nd time around and my dr still felt comfortable with trying IUI. I know the numbers sound really horrible, but there is hope. If you get the right dr, they should definitely provide good advice and solutions. I am so sorry you are dealing with a dr who does not want to listen. Find a new one if possible.
Iris - oh hun i'm so verry sorry :( don't give up though. i know it's not baby related but i got very sick after i had dd, i went to dr after dr, all telling me i was crazy. i lost 11 pounds in 2 months. i was so sick. i couldn't eat, i couldn't move, i hurt so bad. honestly i was so sick i was thinking pretty bad thoughts and trying to see if dd and dh could survive without me. So i finally fought for bloodwork and testing. they didn't find anything in my ultrasound and my ct, BUT they found out i was vitamin d deficient and still insisted i was insane. In the meantime i moved, i felt better in the summer, and then i got sick again in the fall. back to the dr. they did more scans and determined i had IBS. then I looked at my vit d levels- which were INCREDIBLY low, and found out i have ibs from a d deficiency. all my symptoms were RIGHT there. i started myself on vit d, and i monitor it, and i've been better since. But the point is, do NOT give up. i now have a dr that totally understands whats going on, and is great about my levels and helping me monitor everything. do not give up!!!!
Okay, I finally have something to report: I've finally started spotting. I've been wearing a pad these past few days since learning about the blighted ovum, just waiting and waiting for something to happen. It's not noticeable unless I wipe, nothing appearing on the pad and it's very light but at least it's something. I'll be visiting the doctor first thing tomorrow morning to ask about getting a D&C asap or misoprostol and also to see if I need to get a Rhogam shot because I am Rh neg. It's probably horrible to say but this is such a relief. Finally!

Just a quick question for anyone who has used misoprostol: how long did it take for the bleeding to end and how painful is it? I want to be prepared with my painkillers, preferably the narcotic kind, just in case. I have a very high tolerance/resistance to painkillers.
Cookie, Pomp, Smille and Mommy. Thank you all so much. I genuinely do not know how I would cope or who I would take to without you all. I will keep fighting to make this happen.

Pesk I'm so so sorry, but in so glad something is happening finally. I had to use misoprotol before my surgery to remove my polyp. I took it at bedtime and by midnight I woke up with heavy spotting and very painful cramps. I took some Advil and went back to bed. I wish I had taken the Advil at the same time because I had no idea the cramping would actually be that strong. I say take the pain meds within 1 hour.

Goodluck hun, I'm so very sorry again. :hugs:
Iris - I would probably take the pain meds as soon as I felt any sort of twinge. Hopefully, my doctor will give me the misoprostol since I'm already spotting. I want this done quickly, no more dragging it out. And I'll make sure to ask for Tylenol 3 or better. The only down side with better is that it would probably be Percocet and I've had that before but I had to take an extra strength Tylenol with it to work. Can I ask how long it took before the bleeding subsided? He'll probably sign me off work until it's over and honestly, I wouldn't mind.
Peski.. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. Hopefully this can go quick for you once you get the meds.
Iris - I would probably take the pain meds as soon as I felt any sort of twinge. Hopefully, my doctor will give me the misoprostol since I'm already spotting. I want this done quickly, no more dragging it out. And I'll make sure to ask for Tylenol 3 or better. The only down side with better is that it would probably be Percocet and I've had that before but I had to take an extra strength Tylenol with it to work. Can I ask how long it took before the bleeding subsided? He'll probably sign me off work until it's over and honestly, I wouldn't mind.

Since it was for a polyp removal and not a miscarriage I don't think it will be an exact experience hun. I do know I took it before bed and my surgery was at noon and I was still spotting when I went in. That stuff is no joke...
The witch is being incredibly cruel this month. 3 days late, longest cycle ever for me, BFN. No signs of AF. Temp dropped today but taking my temps with a grain of salt this month.

DH had his SA today so we'll know where we stand there in just a few days
Sorry AF being a biatch this month cookie! GL with DH SA!
Morning ladies! Hope everyone had a decent weekend.

Cookie - I've have never had any nodules. I did have a persistent cyst, not sure if that had anything to do with my thyroid though.

Gagr - Big hugs to you. Thinking of you <3

Pesk - As odd as this sounds, happy things are moving along. Your doctor appt. was this AM? Hoping he had some answers for you and you can start recovering <3 Please let me know if you need to talk.

Iris - Ugh sweetie I'm so sorry. I know everything seems like it's crumbling but, I just know you and DH will be holding a newborn in the very near future. Hoping you can find a new doctor who is more observant, and that your fertility appt. comes with great news. Thinking of you <3

Me: Nothing really to report here. Some discomfort still in lower abdomen, doctor said to expect that. I get to see little man again next week on my birthday and I can't wait.
Update: Went to my doc this morning because the spotting has now turned to light bleeding with sesame seed-sized clots and he sent me for an ultrasound after the blood draw. While there, I passed a larger clot, something the size of a quarter. I told the tech and afterward, i saw some images and the notes on each up on the screen. It said that there was no longer any gestational sac seen. So I've either just passed it or my body has absorbed it.

I'm hoping that this will just be a very heavy period like I usually have. It's not too painful right now, just some light cramping. All I feel right now is relief. Relief that this is finally coming to an end, relief that I now have an answer as to what is going on and relief that my body is doing what it should in this situation.

My DH and I have decided, without the doctor's advice, that we're going to take a bit of a break for a month or two so my body can get back to normal and just relax for a bit before trying again.
hi ladies! :wave: sorry for going awol - I took a very long, much-needed break from here. And wow! Time seems to be flying by for you preggos. I love that you all stick around for everyone else. It's just amazing and so lovely to see.

welcome to all the new ladies. It's always so nice to see new girls join the thread. You’ve joined a wonderful bunch of women – everyone is so supportive on this thread.

AFM: I have no news to update, except to say that I really wasn't doing too well emotionally (and a bit mentally) after the baby shower I went to a few weeks ago. Frankly, I was a mess. I’ve made a mental note to never ask anyone about when they might get pregnant. After the way I felt and thought about myself, I would hate to unintentionally inflict that on someone else.
Recently, DH and I took stock of our life together, and due to us wanting to travel more, we’ve agreed that we will begin ttc again sometime next year. Unless it just miraculously happens - which I really highly doubt. So I may be on here less and less, but I'll likely silently lurk to make sure everyone gets their well-deserved BFPs
Pesk - Big hugs, please take all the time you need.

Trix - Glad to see your name. I'm sorry things have been rough but, i can understand the break and it seems to have help. Loving the plans you and DH have and please be sure to stay in touch <3 <3
hi everyone <3

pes - hope you are holding up okay. :hugs::hugs: been thinking of you a lot. I'm glad it seems to all be happening naturally - should help with your chances afterward. They say a d and c doesn't mess anything up, but it seems like women often feel otherwise. I know it didn't help to hear when I was ttc, but since it's happened now, it will happen again love :hugs::hugs::hugs:

ttc - so glad you get to see baby again ! how are you feeling? I still get crampy every now and then too. especially when I'm on my feet all day. it's really frustrating!

trix - so good to hear from you as always. I'm sorry the baby shower was upsetting. You know, I've learned so much from my struggles with ttc - things never to say or do. I'm so conscious of it now and I think it's made me a better, more thoughtful person. maybe the only good thing to come of it. hope it happens when you least expect it love <3

squirrel, if you're lurking, I'm thinking of you always!

iris - keep us posted! have you reached out to a new doc?? I hope you are feeling a little better. I had such ups and downs when ttc - the ups weren't very high, just slightly higher than the downs :nope: but I had to make it through somehow. your DHs count sounds good - I'm not sure what the other measurement you gave was. from my understanding, with IUI, the docs pick out all the best sperm so as long as they have enough to work with (24 is enough!), they can get a good sample. :hugs::hugs:

cookie - how are you? have you heard about the SA yet? will you try IUI before IVF. I would recommend it! :hugs::hugs:

how is everyone else??

AFM, Friday will be my last day of work, then disability begins. I guess I can no longer work with this ticking time bomb inside of me. I have mixed emotions about it - I'm afraid I'll let my mind wonder too much being off work. I almost went to the ER last night - I was nauseous (I haven't been this pregnancy yet and it's a sign of ovarian torsion) and had back pain. I thought the cyst was beginning it's demise. I held off, but almost had a panic attack. I spoke with the nurse today and she said I could call every hour if I want to and go to the ER anytime I'm feeling like that. She was so nice and said no one would think I'm silly and that everyone understands what a dangerous situation this is. I feel really reassured already and think I will take her up on that next time I start feeling odd.
Peski: hope you are doing okay. I'm so sorry this has happened.
Cookie: Sorry about the witch being so cruel, the B**** always is.. Hope you are holding up okay, hope that his SA results are fine.
Iris: :hugs:
Bee: definitely go to the ER or something next time. You never know and better to play it safe right? No one will think you are being silly, hell, with such a massive ball inside of you.. I saw that you named it :haha:

Afm: Tired, finally had the nursery delivered but we still need to assemble all the furniture. Have to wait for SO to come back from his work trip, bluh, I'm so impatient. Did assemble the stroller though, so at least something is finished! We leave for Bruges on Friday to have a little getaway together before baby arrives.. and we have a baby-arrival party for my cousin and her baby on Sunday (even though baby is already three months now, but sure), which is also in Belgium so we combined that very nicely lol!
My other cousin is due the first week of September, so things are getting exciting. I'll be so jealous when I still have to wait for our baby to arrive lol, it will drive me mad!

O and I was playing with my little niece (one year old) and she thought my bump was also a ball. So she put her hands on it in an attempt to grab it I think and then she patted it. Baby reacted which was even cooler. But nobody else noticed haha
blab - good luck with finishing up with the school nonsense too - I know you are pressed for time there. busy momma! DH and I decided to start the nursery now since I'll be laid up for awhile after my surgery. the crib will arrive on Friday and the rocker, ottoman, and stroller will be here next week! I'm going to make him assemble it all :haha: even though I kind of like that stuff. we just can't do it together, we'd kill each other.

have so much fun on holiday! babymoon! DH wanted to do one more Europe trip before baby, and Belgium was on our list. however, with all of this crazy stuff happening, we just feel so on edge so we decided no out of the country traveling since at this point, anything is free game for me :dohh: I'm sure you'll have a blast!
Quick update:

Month 2 of no ovulation. So freaking pissed at my body. The one thing I could always count on was my regular cycles. Now idk what the hell is going on. Calling my doc tomorrow.

DH has broken his shoulder in 3 places and a rib so no :sex: for a long time anyways. Had to cancel our Tough Mudder this weekend because 1, DH would definitely not be able to do any of the obstacles and 2, he is out of work right now so money is very tight.

So on the TTC front I'm completely out for who knows how long. Just so fed up between my body and his. Feeling I'm not meant to have kids more and more these days. :(

Hope everyone else is doing well. I can't keep up lately but sending you all my love and thinking of those going through a rough time :hugs:

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