46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Thank you ladies, always makes me feel better to get it off my chest. Again, normally things like this wouldn't bother me, I'm usually laid back but, I guess it's finally caught up to me and getting under my skin. It doesn't help that management always looks past it and she almost gets rewarded for her actions.

Is it Friday @ 5PM yet?? lol <3
Ttc - I hope you are enjoying you weekend away from the stressful work environment!

Afm, I am 7dpo which is great as my first three pp LP have been only 3-5 days! So I am starting to get my hopes up that we actually have a shot at this this month even though we only bd'd once, so it would feel like a miracle. Trying not to get too excited as I started out saying if I made it past 6 dpo I would be over the moon. Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings. Oh and pre DS my Lp was on average 11 days.
Hope everyone is doing ok!
Hey ladies now that we are officially ttc I'm back. Currently 1dpo nothing to excited besides some back cramps. Looking forward to a lightning fast 2 weeks.

Hope you ladies are having a good day!
Sorry about AF Mom15 but really exciting you LP is lengthing! That's a great sign!

Hi nyx! Currently O today for me so I'm not too far behind you. FX for a fast TWW and a BFP at the end :)

How's everyone else doing? Very quiet around here these days. I guess that's what happens when 90% of everyone is now preggers! :haha:
Morning ladies!!! It has been quiet around here.

No news to really report here, work is better today (lazy co-worker texted me over the weekend and actually apologized) 2 days until my birthday and my next doctors appt.

Good luck Iris and Nyn in the TWW!!! FX we see BFP's from you both :)
Mom, good luck to you as well!! Any changes?
We are doing good here! 35 weeks here tomorrow so not lots of free time or energy!
Been nesting like crazy and DS started school.

I hope everyone is doing great! Hope to see some BFPS soon :)
Glad everyone doing well!

Nothing much my side either. Currently 7/8/9 dpo and not having much happening except a little random tearfulness maybe but hat could be just normal hormones.

GL to all the ladies that are O-ing or about to!

Fx for the TWW,please let it go fast for a change!
We are doing good here! 35 weeks here tomorrow so not lots of free time or energy!
Been nesting like crazy and DS started school.

I hope everyone is doing great! Hope to see some BFPS soon :)

And how did mommy handle this? lol hope not too many tears were shed <3
Not a whole lot happening on my end either. Just had my HSG done today and it showed one blocked tube. That was the last diagnostic test before we see the fertility specialist again - but from talking with the receptionist, the next available appointment is in mid September. Which means my first cycle probably wont be until the end of September, early Oct. I was really hoping it would be sooner than that, but having a timeline is nice. Guess we'll just keep BD'ing in the meantime :coffee::coffee::coffee:
Good luck on the scan TTC! And how great you get to see your little guy on your birthday!

Cookie sorry to hear about the blocked tube. That's tough. And I feel you on that fertility appointment. Ours of sept 7th. We will keep trying while we wait but currently I won't lie, I try so I can't say I didn't. I don't have a lot of hope for this round (not because we don't have great timing..we do) but we shall continue to be as positive as we can be!

Camp how was sending him off to school??? And I can't believe you are 35 weeks already. Holy hell time is just zooming by!
Cookie- I'm sorry one of your tubes is blocked. It is definitely still possible for you to conceive. I hope your next appt gives you some good insight. It does suck having to wait for a new cycle, but it'll come b4 you know it.

Iris- I hope your appt goes well. I definitely believe it's going to be helpful and give you more confidence as far as ttc. I felt defeated when b4 our appt, but then after meeting my wonderful dr I felt relief. I can't wait to hear how it goes.

Campn- we're so close to the end. I'm finding my anxiety has really increased bc of the unknowns. How are you handling your ds starting school?

I haven't been vocal much as I am so exhausted. We just celebrated our 3rd yr anniversary! My baby shower is coming up since my mil didn't throw me one for my dd (this is my dh's 1st baby). I have to make like 6 doz cookies for favors...stupid me for volunteering. Then we're trying to get my dd ready for school which starts in 2 wks. She does not want to go back which is going to be extremely difficult for me. We had our 1st lamaze class Sat which was 4 hrs long. It made everything so real for me. It will definitely be helpful for both of us, but now I'm more terrified than ever and I am just praying I can do this drug-free. The most important thing is that she's healthy.
Iris - Thank you, I am definitely happy my LP is longer. Now if only my follicular phase would shorten. If it stays the same I will O the same time or later as those of you who just O'd (and hopefully you won't O again and this cycle is it for you!!)

TTC - AF got me, but like I mentioned I am happy about the 8 day LP. That is only three days shorter than what it used to be, so I am hopeful that it will be back to normal soon.
Cookie - Sorry about the blocked tube but, hopefully you'll be able to get in with the fertility doctor sooner than later!!! Keeping you in my thoughts <3

Bla - Can't believe he'll be here so soon!!! I can't wait to start getting things and setting them up.

Smile - Sorry your anxiety is up, I can only imagine. Hopefully getting DD to ease into school will go smoothly. Hope you have a great time at your shower!!!

Mom - Sorry if I missed that info, it's Monday lol. Glad to hear things are getting back to normal though.
Smile I am glad your class went well hun I am sure you will surprise Yourself! Will be wishing you the best labor. Congratulations on your anniversary. I am sorry you are so tired and everything is hectic. Hope you get some personal TLC soon with your shower.

Campn hope Ben is loving school and you're getting some down time.

Bla hope you and Thomas are doing well!

Ttc I am glad your coworker is being more civil but wow! Happy early birthday momma, hope he gives you some amazing pictures

Tex I am happy to hear you got back home. Hope all is going well and you're to the enjoyment phase!

Peski, Iris, Bee, Squirrel, Trixie, Gag, Gina and Cookie thinking of you ladies :hugs:

Missed you ladies! The whole family ended up sick so we've been busy. I hope I didn't miss anyone will try to catch more up later.
Ttc- happy early bday. Good luck at your scan!

Drum- I'm sorry your family was sick. That is the worst.
ooooh i can't believe how close some of you are getting and we're gonna have some more babies here!!!! ahhhh!!!!!!! can't wait!
Thank you ladies!!!

Drum - sorry everyone was sick! Hope you're all starting to feel better.

Mommy - I can't believe it either!!! I know someone is due this month, can't remember who. I would have to go back to the first page.

I'm feeling a little weary this AM. I had some light pink spotting yesterday mixed in with CM and then today feeling some pressure in my lower abdomen. Hoping it's just Baby growing. Still kind of freaked out though.
So glad to be home... I can't even explain it.

Today is cd 14. Super positive opk today and temp drop. Feel like O day will be today.
2dpo for me today and nothing to brag about. I feel some pressure down below but I'm sure I am letting my symptom spotting get to me.

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