46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Hello ladies

Me and my dh has been ttc for 6 mths now and have had no luck. the last 2 months ive been using preseed because of lack of fertile cm only sticky and sometimes very little creamy cm. Also this month ive used cb advanced opk's and got 5 flashing smiley days and then my solid and cd 16 (8/15/2016) :) . We bd'ed almost every day lol I know its relatively early but I have no symptoms other than here and there one boob will hurt and very gassy. i'm starting to feel I'm not receiving my bfp because of non fertile cm even days I ovulate its still sticky and thick white cm. I drink lots LOTS of water eat relatively healthy and been taking prenatals for 3 mthns. Any one had same journey. I'm going to test on Saturday! sending baby dust to everyone!!!!
Tae it could be the cause, it could be a number of things but 6 months is still in the normal window. That being said a vitamin deficiency could be the cause of the reduced fertile cm, if your supplements aren't where they need to be. Juicing helped me tremendously, fertility teas could help. Preseed will certainly help. If you are charting your temps some of the ladies could probably help you more. If you always try for daily DtD during your fertile window you could swap it for every other day or the SMEP, as it will help bolster his numbers. GL and sticky vibes
Hi all. I hope everyone is well.

I've been having a horrible past week. I had a chemical this past weekend. Tbh, I wasn't ever really sure what that really was (silly naive me assumed it was like a false positive), but from googling, I know now that’s what it was. I ordered cheapies back when I thought DH and I might agree to trying again and they finally came in the day I was trying so hard not to get my hopes up. Stupidly, I tested at work and had a very, very faint line, and I got excited and teary at work, then I made plans on how I would surprise DH when he got home (he was away visiting his dad all last week). Then I started spotting. The next morning I was a gross mess and it just got worse. TMI alert - I have never bled that heavy or had clots like that before. I was so ashamed and upset with myself and my body, I didn’t even go to the doctor. I just stayed home and cried all weekend. And since DH was away visiting his dad I didn’t bother to tell him about it. I ended up lashing out at him Saturday night and yesterday I convinced him to stay with his dad for another week or two. I haven’t told anyone because I'd rather pretend it didn't happen and I need some me-time to think and get back to myself because I feel like such a failure. I’m scared DH will blame me if I tell him… it’s bad enough that I’m blaming myself. I’m just struggling so much with this and have no idea where to go from here. I’m a mess. Why can’t my body and I seem to give the man I love a baby?
Tae- I agree with drum. Dtd every other day would give him more time to produce more swimmers. Fxd that you get a bfp. 6 mths seems like forever, but it's still within the normal range for ttc.

Ttc- I've been thinking about you and hope you're ok hun :hugs:.
Trixie I understand completely how you feel. After having so many chemicals that I've lost count I have had all those same thoughts. Try not to let it drive a wedge between you and DH. He is there to support you. You two are in this together. I doubt he will blame you. A chemical is no one's fault. Don't feel bad for having a pity party either. Grieving is all part of the process. Give yourself time to heal. You are stong girl. You will have that baby you dream of. :hugs:
TTC: Thinking of you all the time hun

Trixi: sorry you had a chemical!

I got my OB apt moved up from next Monday, to this Wednesday. I had to go to the ER today.... Sudden onset of chest pain, like my entire rib cage feels bruised or like a fat man is standing on it or something, hurts really bad to breathe. They did and EKG (normal) and a chest X-ray (I think normal too). Ruled out the most serious things. Sent me home with Nexium, claiming maybe its heartburn. LMAO! I had terrible heartburn with my son, I know what it feel like, and this is definitely not it! But I took the meds anyway, so when/if I end up back at the ER tonight I can say ive tried that. The chest pain is getting worse throughout the day. Feels like someone is standing on my chest, hurst so bad to take a breath. No idea what's going on.... just glad I see my OB sooner than next week
Trixie hun I am so sorry, but Gina is right please don't push him away or feel this is your fault. I hate what you are going through, but being alone is hard. We are here if you need us but letting your SO in might give you more support. Will be thinking of you.

Smille how are you and Hannah doing?

Gina hope you and your Dh are doing well.

Pink I would go back in if it continues hun, hopefully it gets better and your OB can give you some answers soon
Trixie - I'm so sorry! I can't image DH blaming you as it is no ones fault. I hope you can find a way to get through this!!!

Pink - that sounds awful! Could it be a displaced rib? I think I have heard breathing can be painful with that. Hope you find some answers!

Ttc - I hope you are hanging in there and can find a smile here and there! *hugs*

Nothing going on here. CD 8 so still 20-25 days to go till O. Cycles are so irregular so we'll see what this one brings.
Trixie- I am so sorry about your chemical :hugs:. Do not blame yourself, there's nothing you could've done. I agree, pushing your dh away is not a good idea. He is there to support you and I think maybe talking to him about it might be beneficial. Holding all of that in isn't healthy. I am sorry you're going through this.

Pink- I know someone who ended up with a fractured rib during pregnancy from her body expanding. Of course it was later in her pregnancy, like the 2nd tri. It doesn't sound like heartburn.

Drum- we are doing well thank you for asking. I'm in the uncomfortable phase now. I really have to limit how much I do bc my body can't handle what it could months ago. We are so ready to meet her. I'm going to work on my hospital bag this week bc I'm terrified I won't be ready. How are you doing?
Hopefully this doesn't give anyone reading this before bed nightmares. Here I am as mentioned on a rather non exciting in terms of ttc cd8, to find sth that resembles an almond come out of me! Wtf!! This is my first period ever using the Diva Cup or I may have never noticed. Today I was only spotting, so I wore it all day and just checked it before going to bed. First I thought it was just a plain old jelly like clot, but no it is creepy hard, like rubberish. Anyone every had sth like this? I wonder what else is hiding in my uterus?!?
I'm feeling slightly better today... but not much. My chest pain is duller, but now my stomach is sooo tender. I went back to the ER last night and they said maybe its costochondritis, which is inflammation of the cartilage around your sternum. No clue how I could've gotten that, its usually caused by trauma to the chest. But the symptoms matched up with what I'm feeling, so I dunno lol
I'm feeling slightly better today... but not much. My chest pain is duller, but now my stomach is sooo tender. I went back to the ER last night and they said maybe its costochondritis, which is inflammation of the cartilage around your sternum. No clue how I could've gotten that, its usually caused by trauma to the chest. But the symptoms matched up with what I'm feeling, so I dunno lol

So glad you're doing OK. I have chostrocondritis so I totally know how painful that can be... Rest, relaxation, and warm showers help..
Smille I don't know if you're like me but I forgot how uncomfortable the last few weeks can be. Not much longer though and you'll be holding her ( still cannot believe August is almost over.) You're going to do great Momma! Is there anything else you're needing other than the bag? I am doing well, OB is happy that Frey is measuring spot on so we might get the full 39 weeks - I'm excited for another vaginal try so everything is great unless she starts measuring ahead

Mom hopefully all is well hun, but when in doubt you can always make a call. Hope this cycle isn't too off your normal, wishing you lots of dust.

Pink glad you're feeling better hun, hope it continues to improve prove.
Drum- we still need to buy a few things for the baby which we're going to do this weekend. I'm to the point where shopping is very tough on me so I told my dh we need to get it done now. I have everything washed and ready to go and built the stroller today. I just hope we don't get anymore clothes from anyone bc she has WAY too many. I'm also really thankful that my ob supports me not using pain meds. My last ob was very pro drugs. We finished lamaze over the weekend and my dh learned some massaging techniques which is amazing.
Smille have you considered online shopping to finish? That way you don't have to push yourself, especially if you already know what you want. Happy to hear everything is almost done though and you can enjoy these last few weeks. I am not sure if it is national but Target, Walmart and Baby's R US have had a ton of kids and infant clothes and toys on sale the last few weeks - so I am with you on the clothes lol. I am glad that your classes went well and your OB is supporting your choice in the matter. I would love to try pain medication free but with everything still being up in the air I have not committed myself to it. I applaud you and your resolve for it though.
We have to order a few items online bc stores don't carry them, but we have just a couple of things to get in store.

They're probably trying to wipe out their summer items for winter. I love looking at the clothes but we don't need anymore until she's 1 lol.
10dpo today stomach feeling a little queasy and mouth a little dry but thats ok because......I got my :bfp:


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Nyx- congrats! Nice line for 10dpo!!

Afm just hanging in here: temps look good so that's nice. Super busy with school and haven't really found my groove yet. My leg muscles are sore from walking so much. I thought I was active during the summer but it's a different kind than walking quickly from place to place cause you only got 5 minutes to get there and you need to pee and get all your supplies together for the next class... Fun times
Nyx- congrats!!!!

Texas- your chart looks amazing. Fxd!!!

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