46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

I've had 2 bfn's in the last two days. One was a cb digital and the other was a tescos. AF was due yesterday and I'm usually clockwork. I've had some light pink spotting this afternoon that was a couple of wipes worth and has stopped. Im thinking maybe a late implantation? but it would be extremely late if so and that worries me. With dd I had a positive on cbd on day AF was due so because I didn't get that on my test yesterday I'm not feeling positive. What do you ladies think? Is it possible I could be pregnant but it's Gona take a while to get hcg levels - would that be a bad thing? Less chance of baby being viable? Ive never purchased a FRER I'm thinking the only place to get them is online?

If you hadn't implanted yet, af would have shown. The thing that stops af from showing is the hormones after implantation. Unless you ovulated later than normal. It's possible that the baby is going deeper which could cause spotting. I love cb digitals but they do take longer to show than a frer. I am not sure where you are but I can get them at my local drug store or Walmart or I just buy them online. I hate the new curved frers, I have gotten false positives that even my DH could see, so I will only buy the frer and frer gold combo packs because those are the only ones I can find the old style frer in lol. FX for you. Hope that line shows up!

Doesn't look like it ladies =(

I'm with you :hugs:. Mine got pretty dark last night to looking like yours today, but I couldn't do anymore than a 3 hr hold. It was kind of diluted too. I'm hoping for something better this evening but it's looking like a later O for me too if I O at all. After last cycle I'm worried.

This is such a crazy month and there's nothing that could have interrupted the cycle for me.

My cervix has now closed and has dropped back down. So I will put myself in a possible 2 ww. But I will be still testing with opks just to see and bding every other night . I hope I am right to be starting my 2ww now.

I feel very tired which usually happens after ovulation so fingers crossed

Hey all, I haven't been on in a little bit, been pretty busy but have some updates! I started spotting a little yesterday at 9 DPO spotted pink for a little bit then went brown and then nothing for the rest of the night and then today started spotting a bit again and today, some bright red on the TP once and a bit of brown once and then that was it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it was IB as I never spot during my cycle except the day AF comes and I am still a week away from that. I took a HPT tonight and got a faint line! I am not calling it a BFP yet as it was a super squinter so I will test again with FMU and send an update!
Country that sounds very very promising! Can't wait for an update!
Ladies, slight panic. I just posted this in the 2ww forum - panicking a bit.

7dpo. I never ever spot. Never have. Had high BBT reading this morning, highest yet, and went for a pee. FMU. Wiped. Nothing - dry. Then had coffee, and went for my SMU an hour later and wiped. Nothing. But as I had just had a BM and CM is always easy for me to "get" after a BM, I checked more "inside" and wiped again and there was a tiny spot of red blood. It was hardly even an inch across. Just a red spot, size of a 5p/penny. I wiped again, nothing. I then put a panty liner in and have had nothing on it so far. I have peed once more since (I drink a lot in the morning!) and still, nothing, no further spotting.

I am so nervous it's the start of AF as it wasn't pink or brown. AF isn't due until Friday and I am sooooo rarely early. I checked my AF tracking app and the last time I was early was 8 months ago and even then it was only 1 day early. I also don't have any of my usual AF symptoms. Usually I wake up, have a horrible stomach ache, have a BM, AF starts and is heavy pretty much straight away and I feel sick and ill.

Could this be a positive thing? I am praying it's IB and not early AF. So confused :wacko: Sorry to just dump all this in here but of course, being Miss Anxiety, I'm panicking!
Ladies, slight panic. I just posted this in the 2ww forum - panicking a bit.

7dpo. I never ever spot. Never have. Had high BBT reading this morning, highest yet, and went for a pee. FMU. Wiped. Nothing - dry. Then had coffee, and went for my SMU an hour later and wiped. Nothing. But as I had just had a BM and CM is always easy for me to "get" after a BM, I checked more "inside" and wiped again and there was a tiny spot of red blood. It was hardly even an inch across. Just a red spot, size of a 5p/penny. I wiped again, nothing. I then put a panty liner in and have had nothing on it so far. I have peed once more since (I drink a lot in the morning!) and still, nothing, no further spotting.

I am so nervous it's the start of AF as it wasn't pink or brown. AF isn't due until Friday and I am sooooo rarely early. I checked my AF tracking app and the last time I was early was 8 months ago and even then it was only 1 day early. I also don't have any of my usual AF symptoms. Usually I wake up, have a horrible stomach ache, have a BM, AF starts and is heavy pretty much straight away and I feel sick and ill.

Could this be a positive thing? I am praying it's IB and not early AF. So confused :wacko: Sorry to just dump all this in here but of course, being Miss Anxiety, I'm panicking!

That sounds like implantation honey. :thumbup:
Give it a few days and I'm sure you'll see those two beautiful lines. Good luck. Xx
AF here two days late. Must have been yet another chemical. Should I speak to my doctor?
So sorry about AF :hugs:

From what I have heard doctors don't care about chemicals. They don't even consider them anything other than a late AF because it is so common. But if you are concerned always talk to your doctor. That's what they are there for. If nothing else it will help you relax next time you get pregnant.
Do you think I should see my doctor after 2 months of ttc and 2 chemicals?
Do you think I should see my doctor after 2 months of ttc and 2 chemicals?

Honestly I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't remember, did you ever get a positive test? It could just be that your cycles are changing. When I started ttc in may my cycles went all over the place. They have always been 28 days on the dot but the first month I had a 26 day cycle. Then a 27 then a 30. Even though I didn't feel stressed it seemed TTC was putting stress on my body and changing my cycle. I took a month off from trying and had a 28 day cycle that month. Try to relax, I know easier said than done. I know some doctors won't even discuss it until you have been trying a year. It takes healthy couples with no fertility issues and perfectly timed sex usually 6-12 months to conceive. Just focus on destressing and enjoy the process. It will happen!
Wanna-b: Sounds promising! I hope that's implantation and you get a lovely BFP in a few days!

Ciz: Hopefully you just missed your surge and you're now in the TWW. Good luck! Hope you're on your way to a BFP!

Frangi: Sorry to hear that :hugs: Are your cycles always regular?

AFM: 11dpo and BFNs again :( I reckon those lines from yesterday were one-off fakes from tweaking or taking out the case (though I haven't been able to replicate today) or it was another chemical.I know it's still relatively early, but I've always had BFPs by 11dpo, so I know I'm out. My temp came down a little today as well, though I did take my temp an hour earlier than usual as the kids woke me up at 4:30. An adjuster puts the temp closer to where it was yesterday, but still not quite and I'm not sure I believe the adjusters anyway. So it looks like a failure yet again and worryingly, our timing was perfect again this cycle just like last cycle. Seeing how easy it was to conceive both our other children, I'm worrying one of us has become broken since we conceived our daughter. 7 months of trying, 5 failed cycles with one chemical. I know that's nowhere near as much as the poor women who have been LTTC, but it's enough to make me feel disheartened. On to cycle number 6 and month 8 of trying!
wannab - I don't know how I would feel if that actually happened to me, but from I'm outsiders point of view, I'm jelly cause I think it's such a good sign! I know that I've never experienced that either so if I did I feel like it would have to mean something. in fact, every month around this time I purposely check for blood - and def did today after reading your post! so again, I'm thinking it's a very good sign.....:happydance:

teeny - how are you doing girl?? any follow ups with the docs? what is your status with ttc??

rebecca - any word on your betas? thinking about you!

squirrel - I know exactly how you feel. I got pregnant the first month TTC. we did NOTHING in terms of tracking, nothing. just went by EWCM. and since that pregnancy ended, I have been unable to get pregnant again. But I will say that when I visited my doc a few weeks ago, I thought that he would also say it hasn't been that long, relax. But no - he agreed that it was concerning considering how quickly I conceived just months ago. And he ran a bunch of tests. All came back normal though.... but I can relate. That fear that all of a sudden something has drastically changed and we don't work anymore :cry: so I'll send you some big hugs :hugs: and lots of :dust:
Squirrel - I'm sorry you're feeling like a failure, but you're not! For some reason, the stars (and the sperm/egg) are just taking a little bit longer to align this time. It took me 11 months (8 cycles) to get my first ever bfp. It'll happen for you again!

Afm - My temp went up this morning (4dpo) and FF gave me solid crosshairs for Friday!! I felt so down yesterday thinking that my body had mimicked O with all of the really strong symptoms but didn't actually release an egg. My moodiness is a tww sign, so then I got slightly hopeful but still confused. Looks like my temps were just slow to rise and a little whacky with odd sleep patterns. But it jumped .4 degrees so I think I'm good. Phew! DH was very sweet yesterday when I complained to him, saying I can always tell him anything about what's worrying me about my body and ttc and he apologized if he ever made me feel like I couldn't or that he was too tired or being whiny to BD. He says he never means it. So that made me feel good :). Another sign of my moodiness yesterday was that I'm working on my Halloween costume for a party on Friday and I messed up two things yesterday, so then I proceeded to get teary. Yes it's a setback (I'm hand-making my costume and it's really detailed, and I'm not a crafty person!), but I'll figure it out.
Finally time to start doing opks again! Lol why am I so excited to poas!? Haha!
AF here two days late. Must have been yet another chemical. Should I speak to my doctor?

Frangi, I'm so sorry about AF. :hugs: you could always try speaking to a doctor - some can be very understanding, but like the ladies say, most don't see it as anything to be concerned about, which is a good thing in a way, as it helps put the mind at ease and shows you there probably isn't a thing wrong whatsoever. I remember talking to a doctor when my BFP got lighter when I found out I was pregnant with DS. I found out at 3 weeks 5 days and she said she really hated the fact that tests are advanced as they are as they unnecessarily worry people because of chemicals. She said chemicals are natural and happen to so many women, most even, who never even find out and really that's the way it should be. Saying that I still understand you being worried (I am Miss Anxiety and worry about everything!) but I really, personally, don't think you should worry at all. :hugs:

Wanna-b: Sounds promising! I hope that's implantation and you get a lovely BFP in a few days!

Ciz: Hopefully you just missed your surge and you're now in the TWW. Good luck! Hope you're on your way to a BFP!

Frangi: Sorry to hear that :hugs: Are your cycles always regular?

AFM: 11dpo and BFNs again :( I reckon those lines from yesterday were one-off fakes from tweaking or taking out the case (though I haven't been able to replicate today) or it was another chemical.I know it's still relatively early, but I've always had BFPs by 11dpo, so I know I'm out. My temp came down a little today as well, though I did take my temp an hour earlier than usual as the kids woke me up at 4:30. An adjuster puts the temp closer to where it was yesterday, but still not quite and I'm not sure I believe the adjusters anyway. So it looks like a failure yet again and worryingly, our timing was perfect again this cycle just like last cycle. Seeing how easy it was to conceive both our other children, I'm worrying one of us has become broken since we conceived our daughter. 7 months of trying, 5 failed cycles with one chemical. I know that's nowhere near as much as the poor women who have been LTTC, but it's enough to make me feel disheartened. On to cycle number 6 and month 8 of trying!

Squirrel :hugs: you are not failure! Definitely not! But can so understand you feeling like this. I am convinced almost daily one of us is broken. We conceived DS on one BD. Which is great but in a way, not so much. Because when it didn't happen first cycle, I was shocked and upset. It will happen. I've heard it's common to take a little longer with each subsequent child and it certainly seems that way when I speak to people. You are both fine and it will happen! Just wish there was something we could take that softened the blow/disheartened feeling. (Well... Gin actually.) Plus you're still not out. :hugs:

That sounds like implantation honey. :thumbup:
Give it a few days and I'm sure you'll see those two beautiful lines. Good luck. Xx

wannab - I don't know how I would feel if that actually happened to me, but from I'm outsiders point of view, I'm jelly cause I think it's such a good sign! I know that I've never experienced that either so if I did I feel like it would have to mean something. in fact, every month around this time I purposely check for blood - and def did today after reading your post! so again, I'm thinking it's a very good sign.....:happydance:

Ladies, thank you so much. You have all put my mind at ease. This morning I was so upset and ready to just be "out" and early, just to harden the frigging blow and stick the boot in.
Nothing since. Have done lots of pees, wiped like a mofo, nothing on the tissue at all, but after I posted that, I went out shopping with my little boy and the entire time I was walking around I was having strong af cramps. No bloating, just low down cramps. I went into a cafe toilet to put the emergency pad in from my handbag but nothing. I don't know whether to be scared or excited. It was either a sign that af is on its way and for whatever reason my body decided to spot four days in advance, or it's implantation. I never had IB with DS but has period cramps on 7dpo. So that part makes me hopeful but I am way too scared to get excited.
I think "wiped like a mofo" is my all time new fave saying :rofl:

but yes! I remember with my pregnancy I had AF cramps a ton. We were honeymoon so we were galavanting all over europe and I kept going into public restrooms to check for blood so I can def remember feeling this way!

which btw, I did wake up with AF cramps this AM. They were gone by the time I hopped in the shower so :shrug: just not so patiently waiting for Friday :coffee::coffee:
I have no idea what's going on with me. I had 2 28 day cycles a 29 day cycle then an 18 day cycle and today on cd 16 im bleeding bright red blood. I had my mirena removed in June. I'm calling my OB as soon as they open which is in like 20 minutes. Anyone have any experience??? I'm just so upset like how can I get pregnant with cycles that are so short. I thought then18 day one was a one time thing but the one right after was only 15?!?
I have no idea what's going on with me. I had 2 28 day cycles a 29 day cycle then an 18 day cycle and today on cd 16 im bleeding bright red blood. I had my mirena removed in June. I'm calling my OB as soon as they open which is in like 20 minutes. Anyone have any experience??? I'm just so upset like how can I get pregnant with cycles that are so short. I thought then18 day one was a one time thing but the one right after was only 15?!?

Texas- that is absolutely something that should be investigated further. Hormones might be off.
Fx you get your answers.
good luck texas - def get in there asap! I have never had mirena, but I feel like I've heard a lot of crazy stories so I'm sure someone out here might have experience. I'm sorry this is happening but it def needs to be addressed! hugs! :hugs:

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